A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) (24 page)

BOOK: A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series)
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When she
was fully impaled on him she rested her body against his, needing to catch her
breath. Though not as well-endowed as Jason, Manuel’s size was still
overwhelming for someone who had only recently lost her virginity, and she
whimpered softly as her body stretched to accommodate him.

“Ride him,
sweet girl,” Jason demanded; seeing Carla impaled on his friend made his
possessive nature flare but he forced it aside, focusing instead on the reason
he had brought her there.

He was a
little disappointed to see passion on her face, mixed with disbelief that she
was enjoying the experience, as she slowly lifted herself up and down, sliding
herself along Manuel’s length.

off the bed Jason stripped quickly. From a pocket of his pants he pulled out a
small tube of lube and applied it liberally to his cock. With that done he
returned to the bed, where he laid his hand on Carla’s back and gently pushed
her down until she was prone on top of Manuel. He then covered his fingers with
more of the lube and pressed his index finger against her tight rosebud; almost
reluctantly her tight orifice gave way, allowing him to slide in.

gasped at the feeling as his finger penetrated her. Having him inside her at
the same time as Manuel wasn’t horrible, but it did feel very strange. The
strangeness changed to discomfort when Jason rotated his finger and eased a
second in alongside the first, stretching her. “Sir!” she cried out softly,
torn by the conflicting experiences, pleasure from Manuel and pain from Jason.

“Relax for
me, my sweet girl; enjoy the feeling of him deep inside your pussy.” He knew
what he was about to do would be painful for her at first, but the more she
relaxed the less painful it would be.

the things they had done since meeting he had never used that word before, it
made her feel naughty, but also a little turned on. Forcing herself not to
resist his invading fingers, or to try and evade them, she focused on the
pleasure Manuel was giving her and did her best not to think about what Jason
was doing.

She was so
damn tight, he thought, that he feared she wouldn’t be able to take him. He
chided himself for not having prepared her properly as his fingers moved slowly
in an out of her. “Baby, you need to relax as much as possible,” he told her.
Removing his fingers he told hold of his cock and pressed it against her tight
bud. Immediately she tensed and he knew he would never be able to get inside
her as she was. “Carla, you have to relax! If you don’t relax this will be
painful, and I don’t want to hurt you anymore than can be avoided.”

moved his fingers down between their bodies and he tugged lightly on her
piercing. “Focus on how good that feels, pet,” he spoke softly, attempting to
divert her thoughts away from her Master. She felt so damn good he wanted to
fuck her hard, but he knew that was not going to happen until Jason was inside

The slight
pull on her piercing sent a wave of pleasure soaring through Carla and she
gasp. She needed more of that wonderful sensation and rotated her hips to
encourage Manuel to continue. She couldn’t believe it was possible to feel so
good while doing something she knew was so wrong.

the distraction Carla found it almost impossible to relax while being held on
the edge of release, but she did her best.

pushed forward as her muscles unclenched and he was able to ease the head of
his cock inside her tight chamber. Her soft cry of pain forced him to hold
still, which was the opposite of what he wished to do; he wanted to thrust
himself deep inside her but he held back, allowing her to become accustomed to

“Stop,” Carla
cried out. She was definitely not on board with what Jason was doing; the pain
in her ass was unbearable. It felt as though she was being torn apart and she
wished he would remove himself from her. She tried to pull away from him, to
end the pain, but the movement only succeeded in allowing him to inch further
into her, making her cry out again.

move, baby, I’m trying really hard not to hurt you.” Sweat formed on Jason’s
brow as he resisted the urge to do as he desired.

“Well you
suck at it and it hurts, now stop!” She was definitely ready for it to be over.
She didn’t care if he was mad with her, she was no longer feeling even the
slightest bit of pleasure, the pain was overriding what Manuel was doing to

chuckled and shook his head, then groaned at how good she felt, even only just
inside her. “It gets better, if it didn’t no one would ever do it.”

He’d used
that line with her before, and then he had been telling the truth. That time
though he was full of shit, she was sure, but knew there was nothing she could
do then to stop him. “Then hurry up and make it feel better, this hurts.” She
was whining, but didn’t care, as far as she was concerned she had a perfectly
good reason for whining. She couldn’t imagine why anyone would want a dick in
their ass, it was unnatural and painful; pleasure was not supposed to be

“I’d tell
you to put her over your knee for her insolence,” Manuel said with a chuckle,
“but right now I’m about to get blue balls.” His cock throbbed with his need for

Carla was
both amazed and disturbed that the two men found the situation humorous. “I’m
glad you guys are having a good time here,” Carla snapped, surprising herself
with her reaction to what was going on, “but this bloody hurts, Sir!” She added
the honorific almost as an afterthought.

“I think
the lady is telling us to get on with it, Manuel.” Jason was proud of his girl,
even if he was going to have to punish her later for her behavior. Then again,
he thought as he inched himself deeper into her and heard her whimper, perhaps
this was more punishment than she deserved.

It wasn’t
the first time he’d taken a girl’s anal cherry, but he had never done so before
while she had another man’s cock buried in her pussy. He supposed it wasn’t one
of his most brilliant ideas, but it was too late to back away from it.

He could
feel that she was doing her best not to clench herself against him as he
finally managed to fill her completely, and knew she wasn’t enjoying it. He was
sure that having both of them inside of her at the same time was stretching to
a point that was more than a little uncomfortable.

she is way too tight,” Jason said; the expression on Carla’s face as she looked
over her shoulder at him suggested if he tried to move right then she would
safe word her way out of the situation, and that would be the end of
everything. He had no desire to push things that far. “I think we’re going to
have to reverse positions.”

Slowly and
carefully the two men turned over, keeping themselves within her. When they had
settled themselves Manuel began to thrust into her, his movements slow and

Carla felt
like a stuffed sausage as Manuel pumped into her from the front and Jason held
still inside her ass, once more she wished for it all to end.

their little pet to enjoy things, and to find her own release, even as his own
building within him, Manuel slid himself out of her and rubbed the head of his
cock against her piercing before sliding back in with agonizing slowness. The
change in her facial expression was immediate. Having found a rhythm that
pleased her he continued the gentle lovemaking, holding back his own needs as
he attempted to give her a night she would not soon forget.

Her core
clenched him tightly at the delicious friction. The strange fullness in her ass
was starting to enhance the feelings and she found herself moving back and
forth as both of them impaled her. Soft sounds, foreign to her ears, escaped
her lips as she felt her body tensing, rising to a pinnacle of pleasure that
seemed to remain tantalizingly just out of reach. “Please, Sirs!” she cried
out, needing more desperately than ever to come undone.

“That’s my
sweet girl,” Jason soothed as Manuel increased his thrusts and he felt his own
release build. Moving his fingers between their bodies he tugged on her
piercing. That single act was enough to push her over the edge and her cry of
pleasure echoed off the walls as she came violently.

Her cry
was enough to send both men over the edge and they found their release simultaneously.

wanting to crush the girl Manuel withdrew from her and rolled off, settling
onto the bed next to her. Looking at her as she lay there, a sheen of sweat
covering her beautiful body, he knew if he was offered the opportunity to enjoy
a second evening of pleasure with her he would take it. Now that he had
experienced her he could understand his friend’s confused feelings, he was sure
he would feel something similar if he were to spend too much time with her.

hate me, sweet girl?” Jason asked of Carla when she had regained her breath and
awkwardly pulled herself off him.

Her ass
throbbed as his now limp member slipped from her ass. “I’m still thinking about
it, Sir,” she said, rolling off him onto the other side of the bed she grabbed
the sheet and covered herself. She wasn’t sure how she felt, but hate seemed
too strong a word; she needed time to digest everything that had happened, and
she had allowed to happen.

“If you’re
recovered enough, I think we should go back to our hotel and talk about it.” He
wasn’t sure if she was serious or not and so kept his voice sincere. He had
definitely pushed her limits, he knew, and he felt more than a little guilty
for the decision he had made.

“Thank you
for a wonderful evening, babe.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek softly. The
blush on her cheeks told him how uncomfortable she was and he resolved to
discuss things with her fully just as soon as they were alone. Manuel pointed
them to one bathroom while he made for the other.

showered without speaking; Jason could sense her uncertainty and wanted to get
her back to their hotel so they could talk. He needed to reassure himself that
he hadn’t made a horrible mistake with her.







Carla was
quiet during the boat ride back to their island and Jason noted she had a
distant look in her eyes. A look filled with uncertainty and pain. For the most
part he wasn’t an emotional man; in his experience emotions only got in the
way, and he preferred to keep his life as well ordered as possible.

and pleasure, he planned it all carefully so as to avoid problems and
complications. For the first time in his life he found things moving in a
fashion he hadn’t ordered, and it left him feeling out of sorts.

The scene
with Manuel was one he had played out more than a dozen times with other
submissives. His ten night plan, as he liked to label it, brought women into
his life that were compatible with what he demanded; if a woman didn’t enjoy
his ideas then they didn’t belong in his life. At least that was what he’d
always believed in the past; tonight had been different, but he wasn’t sure

Carla had
submitted to his will, just as he had wanted, but he found little joy in having
conquered her. The women in his past were experienced in his way of life and
having them submit to his will was satisfying, conquering his Carla, despite
her bravado, felt wrong.

To his
surprise he felt ashamed. He knew she could have used her safe word to end
things, but doing so would have ended things between them permanently, he had
made that clear. What choice had he given her? None he realized. He had
manipulated and pushed her into doing what he wanted, with little thought for
her feelings.

Taking a
deep breath he allowed that realization to settle into his mind as they got out
of the boat and made their way up to the hotel.

with the guilt and shame that filled her Carla trailed along behind Jason, not
really aware that he was actually in front of her. All she could do was think
about what she had done.

Much as
she wanted to, she realized she couldn’t blame Jason; he hadn’t truly forced
her to go through with the encounter with Manuel. She could have stopped things
any time she wanted, he had given her the ability to stop anything that he
wanted her to do right from the very first night. She had become exactly what
he had called her earlier; she thought miserably, she had become a slut.

into the elevator Carla noticed Jason’s presence beside her, but still refused
to look at him. He body was sore from being invaded in ways that were unknown
to her, and the aches drove home how far she had allowed things to go, which
didn’t help her frame of mind.

When they
finally reached their floor she waited patiently for him to open the door to
their room, and then hurried off to the bathroom. Locking the door she sank to
the floor, her back resting against it, and dropped her head to her knees,


He should
go to her, Jason thought as he paced the main room of their suite, he should go
to her and talk to her, comfort her, do something to try and make things right
after what he had put her through.

In the end
he walked over to the bar, poured himself a double scotch and downed it in one
gulp. He wasn’t a big drinker, in his opinion it didn’t pay to mix alcohol and
the things he enjoyed doing, but tonight was definitely cause to make an

couldn’t deny that he’d enjoyed taking Carla’s sweet ass, it had been fucking
great in fact, but having some other man intimately involved with her had pissed
him off. It had been at his instigation and with his encouragement, but he
still didn’t like it. If he hadn’t been friends with Manuel for so long he
doubted he would ever be comfortable in the same room with him again.

thoughts made reality hit home hard; he wanted Carla, but he wanted her for
himself, no other man would ever put his hands on her again. If any man tried
he would crush their skull. The violence of his thoughts shocked him; he’d
always been possessive of the women he’d owned, it was his nature, but never to
the extent he felt towards Carla.

before he had gotten off on sharing them, on making them do things they would
never have dreamed of before meeting him, but he knew he would never again be
able to share Carla, she was his, and his alone.

himself another he gulped it down.


It took
her a few minutes but Carla finally pulled herself together and got to her
feet. Stripping off her dress and underwear she tossed them aside and stepped
into the shower. Though she had taken a shower with Jason before leaving
Manuel’s she still felt dirty.

under the cascading water she kept turning the lever until the water was so hot
it almost scalded her, and it lashed down with such intensity she wouldn’t have
been surprised if it had left bruises. She scrubbed herself furiously while the
water beat into her skin, her mind a confused blur of conflicting emotions.

She wanted
to go home, to get as far away from Jason and what had happened as possible,
but at the same time she didn’t want to leave him. She wanted to scream at him
for being an unfeeling bastard, and wanted to beg him not to leave her. She
felt no better when she finally turned the water off and stepped out, she was
still confused and tormented. At that moment she hated that she loved him, and
wished she could kick him in the balls, just so he would feel some of the pain
she was.

angry and hurt she made her way out to the main room. “That won’t ever happen
again, Sir,” she told Jason, her voice almost whisper soft because she couldn’t
summon the energy to speak louder

Jason put
down his glass and looked over at Carla, seeing the pain in her beautiful eyes
he nodded. He was not about to argue with her, not when he wasn’t willing to
allow another man to touch her ever again.

“I’m not
sure I’ll ever be able to put tonight behind me. I’m not blaming you, Sir, but
I can’t be that person.” She couldn’t blame him, she thought to herself, she
could have used her safe word and stopped the whole thing before it went too
far, but she could be angry at him for putting her in that situation to begin

“It’s a
hard limit for you.” It wasn’t a question; it was obvious the situation was a
hard limit for both of them.

“If that
means I will never do it again and expect you to never ask it of me, then yes,
Sir, it’s a hard limit.” She spoke without emotion, too drained for that. All
she wanted to do was crawl into bed and try and forget what had happened for a
few hours.

He didn’t
like the way she was just then; the lack of emotion was what he wanted from his
women, but it was the opposite of what he had come to expect from his Carla and
he found it disturbing. It was ironic, he thought, the one thing he wanted she
was now giving him, emotional distance, and he hated it. “Understood,” he said
with a nod, not sure how to deal with what he had brought out in her; it
worried him to see her like that but he didn’t have a clue how to deal with it.

As he
studied her blank face he wondered if he should call Scarlett and get her to
see if she could help. He balked at the idea though; he wasn’t sure that Scarlett
would be able to help her friend, and he knew if she found out what had
happened she would condemn him, and rightly so. He had no desire to deal with
that so he pushed aside the thought of disturbing Scarlett.

really like to sleep now, Sir.” She just couldn’t deal with anything else then,
her emotions were too overwhelming and her mind was struggling to come to grips
with what she’d done. She felt the need to escape for a while, and could only
hope that when she woke things would be clearer.

“Go to sleep,
Carla, I’ll join you soon.” He needed some time to get his own mind in order,
to sort through the unfamiliar feelings that were throwing him off-balance.

For a
moment she looked as though she was going to refuse to have him join her in the
bed, and a part of him knew he wouldn’t blame her if she did. After a momentary
hesitation though she turned and made her way into the bedroom, her head
lowered in defeat. He watched her walk away, saddened to see her like that, the
more so because he knew it was his fault. When the door closed he slammed his
hand down on the bar, cursing his stupidity for allowing that night to go


The moment
she closed her eyes Carla saw the scene from earlier, it ran through her mind
like a film strip. A horror film she couldn’t turn off. Tears slipped from her
eyes as she rolled over to face the wall and silently she wept.

later, or it could have been hours, her mind was lost in its own turmoil and
she had no idea of the time, she felt Jason join her in the bed. She stiffened
as he pulled her against him and wanted to shove him away, but knew she
wouldn’t be able to; he was so much stronger than her. As upset as she was, she
finally relaxed and allowed sleep to claim her.

Tomorrow, Jason
though as he held her slender form, they could fix the mess he’d made of things
by moving faster than she was ready for. And never again would he allow another
man to touch her. Those were the last thoughts to run through his mind as sleep
found him.

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