A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror (193 page)

BOOK: A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror
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Braddock, Edward

Bradford, David

Bradford, William

Bradley, Joseph P.

Bradley, Omar

Bradstreet, Anne

Brady, Jim and Sarah

Brady Bill/Act

Branch Davidians

Breckinridge, John

in 1860 election

Brezhnev, Leonid

See also
Great Britain

Broaddrick, Juanita

Brooks, Preston

Brown, Albert

Brown, H. Rap

Brown, Jacob

Brown, Joe

Brown, John

Brown, Ron

Brown v. Board of Education

Brownlow, Parson

Bruce, Blanche Kelso

Bryan, William Jennings

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Buchanan, Franklin

Buchanan, James

Buchanan v. Worley,

Buell, Don Carlos


Bull Run

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe 81

Burbank, Luther

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF)

Bureau of Corporations

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Burger, Warren

Burgoyne, John

forces of

Burke, Edmund

Burnside, Ambrose

Burr, Aaron

in 1800 election
career of
Hamilton, Alexander, and

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

Bush, George H.W.

communism and
economic policies of
Iraq and
as president
as vice president

Bush, George W.

and 2000 election
“axis of evil” and
Bush Doctrine of
career of
Department of Homeland Security and
economic policies of
Hussein and
9/11 relating to
Operation Enduring Freedom and
Operation Iraqi Freedom and
war on terrorism and

Bush Doctrine

Butler, Andrew

Butler, Benjamin

Butterfield, John

Byrd II, William




Cabot, John


Calhoun, John C.

in 1828 election
doctrine of nullification
on slavery


settlement of

California Stage Company

Calley, William

Calvert, Cecilius

Calvert, George

Calvert, James I.


Campbell, Ben Nighthorse

Campbell, Joseph

Camp David

accords of

Campus violence

Canada, trade with

Canning, George

Cannon, Joe


during New Deal

Capone, Al

Card, Andrew

Caribbean, piracy in

Carleton, Guy

Carmichael, Stokely

Carnegie, Andrew

business strategies of
life of

Carnegie Steel



Carranza, Venustiano

Carter, Jimmy

and 1976 election
Afghanistan and
economic policies of
foreign policies of
as president

Cartier, Jacques

Carville, James

Cass, Lewis

Castro, Fidel

Catholics/Catholic Church

in Maryland

Cato Conspiracy


Cayce, Edgar

Celtic Thesis

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


Cervera, Pascual

Chamberlain, Daniel

Chamberlain, Joshua

Chamberlain, Neville

Champlain, Samuel de


Channing, William Ellery


Charles I

execution of

Charles II

Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

Charleston Plot

Charles Town

Charter of Liberties

Chase, Salmon P.

background of
political strategies of

Chase, Samuel

Cheney, Richard

Chernenko, Konstantin


Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

Cheves, Langdon

Chiang Kai-shek

Chicago Metropolitan Vice


Child care


empire of Japan and
Korea and

Chinese Exclusion Act

Chisholm, Jesse




evangelism’s impact on
sex relating to

Christian Science

Christian Science Monitor


autonomy of
separation of, from state
sex, marriage and

Church, James Robb

Churchill, Winston

iron curtain relating to
Roosevelt, F.D. and

Circular Order No. 13

Cisneros, Henry

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Civil libertarianism

Civil rights

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Civil Rights Act of 1875

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil rights movement

Civil service, reform of

Civil Service Commission

Civil War

advantages in
African Americans in
battles of, described
casualties in
Cold Harbor
emancipation and
end of
food supplies in
forces in
foreign powers and
historiographic debate over
Indians in
liberty during
militia units in
motives in
naval battles in
naval strategy in
poverty during
railroads in
secession in
start of
strategies in
taxation during
Union destabilization in

Civil Works Administration

Clark, William

Class struggle, Constitution and

Clay, Henry

in 1824 election
in 1832 election
in 1844 election
in 1848 election
political goals of

Clayton Antitrust Act

Cleaver, Eldridge

Clemenceau, Georges

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne.
Twain, Mark

Cleveland, Grover

in 1884 election
in 1888 election
in 1892 election
economic policy under
political beliefs of
as president

Clinton, Bill

and 1992 election
bin Laden and
corruption of
economic policies of
foreign policy of
Hussein and
impeachment hearings on
as president
scandals of

Clinton, De Witt

Clinton, George

in 1808 election
in 1812 election

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Cobb, Howell

Cobb, T.R.

Coca-Cola, and cocaine

Cohen, Lionel

Cohens v. Virginia

Cold war

Berlin during
containment policy during
end of
ICBMs during
jazz musicians during
space program during
sputnik during

Cole, Thomas


Collins, Neil

Colonial America

Great Britain and
health in
life in
science, education, and music in

Colson, Chuck

Columbus, Christopher

first voyage of
Indians and
second voyage of


Command of the Army Act

Commerce and Labor, department of

Committee on Public Information

Common Sense

Declaration of and

Commonwealth v. Hunt


See also

American Communist Party and
Bush, G.H.W. and
collapse of
containment policy and
iron curtain relating to
McCarthy and
Marshall Plan and
movement of
Truman Doctrine and

Communist Manifesto

Communist party

Compromise of 1850

Compromise of 1877

Computer industry

Comstock Laws

Comstock Lode

Concord, MA, and Revolution

Condit, Gary

Confederate Army

Confederation Congress

powers of
views of, on Great Migration


Roosevelt, F.D. and

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