A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror (200 page)

BOOK: A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror
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Regan, Donald

Rehnquist, William

Reid, Richard

See also
Catholics/Catholic Church; Christianity; Church; Evangelism

in education
First Great Awakening of
freedom of
in Gilded Age
in Jacksonian era
Lincoln and
Madison on
music and
in Rhode Island
slavery and
toleration of

Remington, Frederic

Removal Bill

Reno, Janet

Reno, Marcus

Republican party (GOP)

in 1860 election
evolution of
formation of

Republican party (Jeffersonian)

in 1790s
Federalists v.
growth of

Republic of Korea (ROK)

Reuther, Walter

Revels, Hiram

Revenue Act

Revere, Paul


in Panama
Red October
in Russia

Revolutionary War

ending of
France as ally in
opening campaign of
Spain as ally in

R. G. Dun and Co.

Rhett, Robert Barnwell

Rhode Island colony of

religion in

Ribbentrop, Joachim von

Rice, Condoleezza

Rich, Marc

Richards, Ann

Richardson, Elliot

Richmond-Albany axis


Ripley, George
Rising Tide of Color Against White World
Supremacy, The

Ritchie, Thomas

Road construction

Roaring Twenties

Robber barons

Roberts, Oral

Rock and roll.
See also

Rockefeller, John D.

business strategies of
life of

Rockefeller, John D., Jr.

Roe v. Wade

Rolfe, John

Rommel, Erwin

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
See also

World War II

and 1932 election
and 1936 election
and 1940 election
and 1944 election
Churchill working with
Congress and
death of
fireside chats of
Holocaust relating to
Hundred Days of
iron curtain and
media and
military upgraded by
New Deal of
Pearl Harbor and
second hundred days of

Roosevelt, Theodore (Teddy)

and 1904 election
aircraft trials and
career of

Roosevelt, Theodore (Teddy)

Congress and
conservation relating to
corporate regulation of
Cuba relating to
economic policies of
foreign policies of
Hawaii and
navy relating to
Portsmouth Treaty and
progressivism of
race relations and
as Rough Rider
as social Darwinist
Spanish-American War and
Taft and
tariffs relating to
as trustbuster
Washington meeting with

Roosevelt Corollary to the

Monroe Doctrine

Root, Elihu

Rosecrans, William

Rose law firm

Rosenberg, Julius

Ross, John

Rough Riders

Rove, Karl

Royal African Company

Rubin, Jerry

Rubin, Robert

Ruby, Jack

Ruby Ridge, ID

Ruckelshaus, William

Ruffin, Edmund

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russell, Charles Taze

Russell, W.H.

See also
Soviet Union

communist movement in
German invasion of
revolution in

Russo-Japanese War

Ruth, George Herman (Babe)

Rutledge, Edward




Sacco, Nicola


Sadat, Anwar

St. Clair, Arthur

Salem, MA

colony at

witch trials


Sampson, William

Sandy Hook

Sandys, Edwin

Sanger, Margaret

San Jacinto,

San Juan Heights

Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de

Santa Fe Trail
Santa María,


Sartori, Joseph

Sauls, N. Sander


Scalia, Antonin


of Clinton
under Grant
under Harding, Warren G.
Teapot Dome

Scheer, Reinhard

Schlieffer, Alfred von

Schlieffen Plan, of Germany

Schurz, Carl

Schwab, Charles

Schwartzkopf, Norman

Schwarzenegger, Arnold


Scientific Temperance Instruction

Scott, Dred

Scott, George

Scott, Thomas

Scott, Winfield

tactics of

Scott v. Sandford,


Second Amendment

Second American Party


Second Great Awakening

Second hundred days, of Roosevelt, F.D.

Secularist reformers

Securities and Exchange Commission

Sedition, Alien and, Acts

See also
Race relations

Selective Service Act

Seminole War


Senate Armed Forces Committee

Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Seneca Women’s Rights Convention

Separation of power


Seven Days’ Battle

Seventh Amendment

Seventh-Day Adventists

Seven Years’ War.
French and Indian War

Sewage systems

Seward, William H.


church, marriage and

drugs, rock and roll and
lies, Monicagate, and

Seymour, Horatio

Shafter, William

Shaker sect

Shanksville, PA


Antietam Shaw, Nate

Shays, Daniel

Shays’s Rebellion

Sheldon, Charles

Shepard, Alan B., Jr.

Sheridan, Philip

Sherman, John

economic policy of

Sherman, William Tecumseh

life of

Sherman Antitrust Act


Shippen, Peggy

Shirley, William

Short, Walter

Sierra Club

Silent Majority

Silicon Valley


Silver Purchase Act

Simpson, Jerry

Simpson, O.J.

Sims, William S.

Sinclair, Upton

Sitting Bull

Sixteenth Amendment

Sixth Amendment

Slater, Samuel

Slaughter-House cases

Slave revolts

in Carolinas
Cato conspiracy
Charleston plot
Nat Turner rebellion

Slave runaways

See also
Emancipation Proclamation

in 1800
abolition of
apportionment establishment and
Calhoun, John C., on
culture in
development of
economics of
Harrison, William Henry, on
issues regarding, at Constitutional Congress
Lincoln on
in Louisiana Purchase
origins of
populations of people in
prevalence of
profitability of
railroads and
rape in
as referenced in Constitution
religion and
Van Buren and

Slave trade

race and

Slidell, James

Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.

Small bill prohibition

Smith, Adam

Smith, Alfred E.

Smith, Fred

Smith, John

Smith, Joseph

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Social Gospel


Social reform

Social Security

Sons of Liberty

Sons of Neptune

Soto, Hermando de

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Southwest Ordinance of 1789

Soviet espionage, in America

Soviet Union.
See also
Russia; Stalin, Joseph

communism’s collapse and
iron curtain of
Khrushchev of
Reagan and

Space program

Apollo in
Armstrong, Collins, Aldrin in
cold war and
Gagarin in
NASA and


as ally in Revolutionary War

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