A Perfect Bride For Christmas (38 page)

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A Perfect Bride for Christmas

didn’t see the woman on the inside. Now, I wouldn’t care if you were—”

“Let’s not go there,” Zoe interrupted. “But I

thank you for the thought.”

“I’m screwing this up.” Alex shook his head in


“Yes, you are.” Amelia piped up from her seat

across the room. “No woman likes to be told you’ll love them even if they get overweight.” She stared at Alex with a mixture of disgust and humor. “I

thought you were the man who knew how to woo a

woman, not make her want to slap you silly.”

“Mom, put a sock in it.” Alex appeared as

shocked as Amelia. “Give a guy a break, will you?”

He smiled over at his mother. “I’m nervous enough.”

Alex opened the box to reveal a diamond band

set with the most unusual stone Zoe had ever seen set in the middle. The emerald cut let the light shine through the gem to shoot out sparks of greens, blues, browns, gray and even a touch of pink. It was


“Will you marry me, be the love of my life?

Always be my best friend. Will you allow me the honor of raising our children together, to grow old with me?”

Zoe’s eyes filled with tears of joy and love.


Alex’s hands shook as he held the ring out to

Zoe. What would her answer be? His whole life hung on one little word.

“Yes,” she breathed. Her hands came to rest over her heart. “Yes.”

“Yes?” He wanted to be sure he heard right. This time he didn’t want to take of chance of

misunderstanding what Zoe said. “You mean you’ll marry me?”

Zoe nodded, giggling and crying at the same

time. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”


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He pried the ring out of the slot. It shot out of his sweaty fingers, bounced and rolled under the yellow and blue chair.

“Oh, no.” Zoe got on her hands and knees beside him, and together they felt under the chair.

Alex frowned as his fingers grazed over nothing but the carpet. “It should be under here somewhere.

I mean, how far could it have gone?”

“Wouldn’t it be easier just to move the chair?”

Amelia got
her crutches and hobbled over to where they sat on the floor.

“It’s so heavy that it takes both Cherri and I to move it when I vacuum.” Zoe turned to smile at him, every color in the rainbow shining within her bright eyes. “This will be your chore as man of the house—

furniture moving.”

Alex jumped to his feet and offered her a hand

up. “Well, let’s see where that bad boy went.” He got behind the chair, reached down, and picked it up by the arms with a groan. “Do you see it?”

Zoe got back on her knees, her pretty ass

sending his heart into a tailspin of need.

“I think so.” She reached under the chair and

stretched out her arm.

“Hurry,” he grunted and gasped for air. His

muscles shook with effort. Alex decided it was time to hit the gym again. Hard. Starting first thing in the morning. He’d slacked off with all the craziness leading up to his wedding day. Not any more.

His wedding day. An idea formed in his oxygen-

starved brain. He could still marry his perfect bride on Christmas Eve.

“Found it,” Zoe shouted in triumph. She pulled it out and sat back on her haunches. She tilted the band back and forth, watching the gem glitter, a smile on her pert face. “No worse for the wear. See?”

Alex let the chair down with a thump. “What’s

in this thing—rocks ?”


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

Zoe jumped to her feet with a laugh and handed

the ring back to him. “Here you go.”

“For cryin’ out loud, put the damn thing on her finger,” his mother commanded. “I’m standing here getting older by the minute.”

“Should we humor her?” Alex asked Zoe as he

motioned with his head towards his mother. “The suspense is killing her.”

“By all means.”

Zoe held out her hand and Alex slipped the

tourmaline on the ring finger of her left hand. He brought her hand to his lips, giving it a kiss, and then leaned down to brush his mouth against Zoe’s.

Their breaths mingled. The taste of her filled him until he drew her into his arms, feasting on her, knowing he’d never get enough.

“Why are you kissing Mommy?” Macy asked.

Alex and Zoe jumped back, surprised by the

children. They’d been so lost in each other they hadn’t heard them come back from the kitchen.

Keeley arched an eyebrow and threw his mother

a questioning look.”

The other two stared up at them with wide eyes.

“Because Mommy has agreed to marry me, and

we’re going to be a family.”

Mia clapped her hands over her mouth.

Michaela shot Macy a look of surprise.

“Really?” Michaela walked over to them and

reached up for his hand. “Really, really?” Michael’s tears came down like rain.

“Yes.” Alex frowned. “Is something wrong?”

Mia and Macy joined their sister.

“No.” Mia laid her cheek against the back of his hand. “We asked Baby Jesus for you to be our real daddy.” She glanced over at her sisters. “We didn’t need Santa.”

“Girls, Daddy and I need to talk about a lot of things. Why don’t you let Aunt Keeley take you


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upstairs now and have that bath? We’ll both be up to tuck you in.”

Zoe reached down to wipe Michaela’s happy

tears. “You got your wish, baby.”

“Okay, you heard your mother, up the stairs.”

Keeley shooed the excited girls towards the stairs, stopping just long enough to give Zoe and him a kiss on the cheeks. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” He watched Keeley hustle his

children up the stairs and turned to Zoe. “I want to get married on Christmas Eve.”

“That’s the day after tomorrow.”

“I know. The tuxes are already rented, Mom has

the house fixed up for the reception. She told me there would be a wedding this Christmas Eve. What do you say, Zoe?” He felt like he would float the ceiling. Alex turned to his mother. “Mom, can we do this?”

His mother gave him an excited smile. “You

don’t have a license or anything. You jump that hurdle, and I don’t see why not.”

Zoe stepped back, a frown marring her pretty

face. “How are we going to get a license so quick?”

Alex laughed. “I know people who know people.”

He picked Zoe up and swung her around in whirl of joy. “Like I told someone else, we lawyers are a slippery lot.” He brought her back down to earth with a kiss. “I’ll have my perfect bride for


The doorbell rang.

“That’ll be Bill. He said it wouldn’t take too long to get here.” His mother got to her feet and picked her coat off the back of the couch. “Keeley, our ride’s here,” she called up the stairs.

Alex helped his mother with her coat. “Mom

don’t tell the boys, let me. Have them come to dinner tomorrow.”


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Alex watched the entire family, except for Clint gathered in his mother’s family room. The triplets were excited, running around the house like

maniacs. He didn’t know four-year-old girls’ squeals could break eardrums, but no one cared. The minute Heath walked in, the girls attacked him with

enthusiastic kisses; they chattered non-stop.

Mom gave Heath a big hug. “I’ve missed you,”

she said when she released him.

“I’ve missed you, too. Where’s Clint?” Heath

asked. Alex noticed he didn’t acknowledge Keeley.

“He won’t be joining us tonight. He’s having a

rough time.”

“Is he okay?”

“He will be. He just needs some alone time right now.” She peered at Heath’s head. “You got your hair cut. I like it.”


“Now come over here and meet Keeley.”

Alex watched, curious about Heath’s reaction to this new sister.

Heath had all the paperwork to prove the claim

but once he got a good look at her, it would be impossible to deny Keeley’s parentage.

Keeley reached out a manicured hand, and

Heath reluctantly accepted her offered shake. “I heard you would be the hardest sell of all the King brothers.”

Heath scowled. “I don’t know you, don’t trust

you. If you are indeed my father’s child, then you’re 309

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proof that he was unfaithful to my mother. I don’t need those kinds of reminders.”

“Heath!” His mother cried out, horrified.

“It’s okay,” Keeley offered a smile. “I

understand. But you have to understand something, too. I didn’t choose this any more than you did. I’ve gotten to know the rest of your family and I’ve already come to love them. I don’t expect you to warm up to me right away, but I hope someday, we can at least be friends.” She paused on a deep inhale.

When she spoke again, emotion clung to her voice. “I know you’re hurt, but I am, too. At least you were able to grow up with your father. That’s more than I can say.”

Alex watched shame flit through Heath’s eyes

before his brother gave a short nod. Keeley smiled. It still spooked Alex to see her smile. It felt like Dad was in the room.

“I tell you what,” Heath replied after a moment.

“I’m willing to try if you are.”

“Deal,” she murmured.

Heath looked at Alex. “So, what’s your news?”

His eyes went to Zoe and back to Alex.

Alex draped his arm around Zoe’s shoulder and

pulled her into his side. “Zoe and I are getting married.”

Heath raised dark eyebrows. A teasing smirk

tugged at one corner of his mouth. “Does Sydney know?”

At the sound of Zoe’s laughter, Heath welcomed

her with open arms. She slid into his hug, then leaned back to give him a warm smile. “I’d like to ask a favor.”

“If it’s marrying Sydney in Alex’s place, forget it.” She chuckled. “Nothing that horrible. I

wondered if you’d walk me down the aisle.”

Heath’s face turned red with pleasure, and he


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

cleared his throat. “Sure. I’d like that very much.”

“Thank you.”

Zoe slipped out of his embrace and stepped back to allow Heath to shake Alex’s hand.

“Congratulations, man. I think you’re doing it right this time.”

“Hey, practice makes perfect, right?”

“You ought to know.”

Alex gave his brother’s chest a light thump with a nonthreatening fist. “Shut the hell up and let’s eat.” “Daddy, you’re not supposed to say bad words, and hell’s a bad word,” Macy scolded.

As Alex’s face flooded with heat, laughter burst through the room.


“Come on, girls, time to go.” Zoe called out.

“Alex,” she turned to her husband to be, “Would you help me corral this mob? We’ve to go shopping for dresses for the ceremony tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Alex ran into the living room after a

squealing Macy. “Come here you little monkey, and your monkey sisters, too. We’re going shopping.” A great amount of galloping and noises followed.

“Don’t go yet.” Amelia waved her over. “Keeley, would you get that garment bag out of the hall


Keeley opened the closet and returned with a

long, black plastic, zippered bag. “Here you are.”

“No, give it to Zoe.”

Zoe took the bag from Keeley. She didn’t know

what her future mother-in-law wanted. “What’s


“Open it up.” Amelia held her breath while Zoe

pulled the zipper down. Whatever it was, it seemed important to Amelia.

A flurry of lace spilled out. Zoe shook the ugly plastic bag away from a gown that might have come 311

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straight from a fairy tale. “Oh, this is beautiful.” The dress fell in soft folds of lace, the long trumpet sleeves and bodice glittered with dainty crystals.

“It’s over forty years old, but the style still holds up, or at least I think it does. I had Bill run Keeley into town to get it cleaned. She had to check out of the hotel anyway.” Amelia’s face lit up. “Isn’t it wonderful? I can’t believe she’s going to stay with me for a while.”

“I want to investigate some architectural firms around here. If that doesn’t work out, I might start fresh.” She flushed with excitement and smiled down at Amelia. “Amelia said I could work out of

Hollyfield. It would be a shame to sell this gorgeous house. It needs to stay in the family.”

“Does Alex know?”

Amelia shook her head. “No, I’ll spring it on him and the boys later. They’ve all got other things on their minds.” She motioned towards the dress. “But let’s get back to the dress.” Amelia gave Zoe a saucy smile. “I used to be a little fuller in the chest when I first met Frank, so it might not have to be let out so much. There’s enough in the hem to give you

another inch or two in length. Amy Taylor, Bill’s wife, said she come over to do any alterations. She can be here in later this afternoon, after you’ve done your shopping.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes.” Amelia’s eyes pleaded with her. “It

would mean so much.”

Zoe nodded. “Then yes, I’ll be honored to wear

your wedding dress.”

“Good, good.” Amelia glowed with pleasure.

“There’s a veil and some jeweled pins to secure it in the bottom of the bag. They should be there in a little box.”

“This will be my something borrowed.” She put

the dress back in the bag and zipped it before


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

leaning down to kiss Amelia’s cheek. “Thank you so much.”

“Why don’t you go on and get the girls their

dresses. Keeley and I will take care of the rest.

You’ve already made the food.” Amelia laughed. “I’m glad you didn’t do burgers and fries.”

Zoe flushed at the memory of Alex’s preference

only a couple of days ago. “The girls will be

heartbroken, but they’ll live—as long as they have cake. Oh my gosh, I didn’t think about the cake.”

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