A Perfect Bride For Christmas (40 page)

BOOK: A Perfect Bride For Christmas
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grandmother down the steps. We’ll find Mia and

Jesse on the way downstairs.”

Zoe watched them go with pride.

Heath smiled down, catching her holding her

hand over her stomach to quell the butterflies. “Alex is sweating bullets. We better get down there before he hyperventilates. I’d hate to have the wedding pictures show him face-first in the carpet.” He held out his arm to her. “Are you ready to do this?”

“By all means.” Zoe placed her hand on the fine material of his tux. “Let’s get this show on the road.”


Alex stood in front of the fireplace, impatient

with the need to see Zoe. His mother had turned the large family room into a small wedding chapel of white, pink, red, green and gold. It should clash with the glitter of Christmas décor, but his mother had a way with decorating. He was sure she bullied the colors into either working together or suffering the wrath of Amelia King.

He smiled at the silly thought and tried not to wipe his damp palms against his tux pants.

The guests sat on white chairs with a small aisle down the center. In a few minutes, Zoe would make an appearance. Pachelbel’s
Canon In D
started up.

Jesse came down the aisle on Heath’s arm, a vision in a beaded blue dress.

Clint should be at his side, but Alex understood the reason he had to leave. Maybe he’d come to the reception later. He smiled as Heath made a quick exit to bring Alex his bride.


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

His daughters followed in Jesse’s wake with

small pink, red and white bouquets and wands. The temptation to wave the wands won out over any

attempt at solemnity. They laughed and giggled

their way down the aisle until Jesse gave everyone an apologetic smile and corralled his bunch next to her. Macy rocked on her ankles while Michaela

pulled at the tulle under her skirt. Mia peeked up at him with a smile, giving her wand a small wave.
he thought,
there is a streak of defiance in his little

Next, the familiar strain of music that signaled the approach of the bride struck up. The guests rose to their feet. Alex saw a dainty pair of white satin shoes first, along with Heath’s big black clodhoppers coming down the stairs. Next came a delicate flow of lace, and then he saw her face.

Zoe beamed with radiance. Heath smiled and

gave Alex a wink.

The judge asked them to take their places.

“It’s my great honor to join my friend, Alex

Franklin King, in marriage to Zoe Ann Hillman King Bennett.” He smiled and opened a Bible. “I’m not a minister or priest, but I want to read something that stuck with me the day my wife walked down the

aisle. It’s kept us together for over thirty years. This is from First Corinthains.”

His finger traced the words as he recited, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing

Pausing to breathe, he gave Alex and Zoe a

meaningful glance then continued, “Love is patient, 323

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love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

“Love never fails. But where there are

prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect

disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Judge Parker closed the bible. “I believe you’ve written your vows?”

They both nodded.

“Alex, the ball’s in your court.”

Alex’s throat strained with emotion. “I, Alex,

promise you Zoe, to be your husband, your constant friend, your faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”

His hands shook as he took the ring from Heath.

Heath’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Alex raised an eyebrow in question but went on with his vows. He’d come too far to be upstaged by a cell 324

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“With this ring, I take you as my wife, for as

long as we both shall live.”

Zoe smiled up at him, her eyes bright with

unshed tears. The ring slid on her finger as if it had been there forever.

Zoe took the ring from Jesse, repeated the vows in a clear voice, and pushed the gold band on his finger.

A dull buzz came from Heath’s direction again.

Heath looked troubled but gave Alex and Zoe a jerky smile. His mind definitely wasn’t on the wedding.

The wedding vows were exchanged, but Alex

had one last thing to do.

“Michaela, come here, please.” Alex bent down

on one knee and motioned to the triplet who tugged at her dress as if she couldn’t stand another moment in the lace and frills.

She did as asked but leaned forward, “Can we be done yet?”

Everyone laughed at her not too subtle whisper.

Alex lifted her dark curls, then produced a tiny gold locket from inside his jacket. He draped it around Michaela’s neck, and quietly said, “Just about, sweetie.”

He motioned to the other two. Zoe urged them

forward. Alex gave his other daughters the same locket and reached for Zoe’s hand.

“Girls,” Alex said in a stronger voice. “We’re

family now. All of us.” He swallowed hard and

dragged in a breath. “I love you all so much.” They embraced as family, amidst a few stray sniffles from the guests.

Heath’s phone buzzed again. He looked at the

caller ID before stuffing it back into the inside pocket of his tux. From the expression on Heath’s face, it had to be serious. He gave Alex an apologetic look and made a discreet escape. Jesse watched him 325

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leave and sent Alex a silent question with the lift of one eyebrow. He shrugged and shook his head.

“Zoe and Alex, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, and have made your commitment known to your children, I

now declare you to be Husband and Wife.”

Judge Parker smiled at Alex, then said,

“Congratulations, you may kiss your bride.”

Clapping filled the room as Alex pulled Zoe in

close and did just that.

His mother got out of her chair and came

forward to kiss both Alex and Zoe. He leaned down to hug her, feeling her small bones as he pulled her close and smelled her familiar ‘Mom’ perfume. Alex felt a tug at his heart. His father should be here to clap him on the back and wish him well. Jesse

congratulated them with them a quick hug and

scooted out of the room.

“Everyone, we have enough food to feed half of

Kansas City in the dining room,” his mother

announced to the guests. “Help yourselves.”

The next half hour passed in a flurry of pictures and trying to keep Michaela from shucking out of her fancy dress. They cut the cake, consumed several glasses of champagne, and Judge Parker made the toast en lieu of Alex’s brothers. Anxious to leave all this behind, to get his bride to himself, Alex turned to Zoe. “What do you say about getting out of here?”


Zoe nodded her thanks for congratulations from

a guest and glanced up at Alex. “I think you’re reading my mind.” She leaned closer to whisper in his ear, “Let me get the girls settled, and we can leave.”

Alex pressed a kiss on her temple, and her body jerked to attention. Oh yes, she was ready to go home and have her wicked way with him.


A Perfect Bride for Christmas

“Mommy can I have some more cake?” Macy’s

face had white and pink icing smeared from cheek to cheek.

Zoe reached over for a napkin and wiped her

child’s face with gentle swipes. “I think you’ve had enough. I don’t want you to have a stomachache on the first night you spend with Gramma. Okay?”

Macy nodded and bounced out of the room to

find her sisters. Guests mingled, eating and drinking to celebrate the marriage. Amelia hobbled from

person to person with Keeley in her wake.

Thank God for that
, Zoe thought as she wound her way through the crowd
. Amelia was in her

“Amelia, Alex and I are about ready to leave. I want to say good-bye to the children and get

changed. I’ll take them up and get them into

something a little more casual.”

“I’m sure they’re ready to get out of these

clothes.” Amelia glanced over at Michaela who

scratched at the tulle chafing her backside.

Zoe caught Alex’s blue eyes from across the

room. The love shining through filled her with so much emotion she was afraid she’d break into tears of joy. She picked up the hem of her dress and

worked her way through the guests to stand next to her new husband.

Alex flashed her his killer smile. She melted. If they didn’t get out of here soon, she’d clear off the table and have her way with him, in spite of the guests.

“Everything’s set. I’m going to herd the children upstairs and change.”

His hand reached up to push back a curl, the

touch so soft, and yet, full of promise. “Let me go up with you. I need to get out of this monkey suit.”

Together they ran up the stairs, eager to get the honeymoon stared.


Dyann Love Barr

Keeley stood at the bottom of the stairs. “Zoe, do you need help with the dress? I couldn’t find Jesse, but Amelia has her on clean up, so she could be anywhere. I thought you might need someone to

unbutton it for you—unless Alex is filling in for her?”

“Get her out of that dress ASAP, and you’ll be

my favorite sister.”

Macy put her hands on her hips. “Daddy, do you

have other sisters?”

“Can’t put anything past this one,” Alex

laughed. “I think she has the makings of a very good attorney.”

Keeley climbed the rest of the way up the stairs.

“I can help with the girls as well.”

Alex drew Zoe close and kissed her soundly,

then he placed a kiss on top of each girl’s head.

“Ladies, I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”

Soon, Zoe stood dressed in a pair of brown wool slacks that draped like the pants she’d seen

Katherine Hepburn wear in the Forties. A brown

and tan fitted tweed jacket covered a golden

cashmere sweater. Alex’s voice followed a quick knock on the bedroom door. “Everyone decent?”

“Keeley’s still helping the girls,” Zoe answered as she opened the door. Her breath rushed from her lungs at the sight of him dressed in dark jeans and white sweater, slinging a brown leather jacket over his shoulder.

He let out a long wolf whistle. “Doesn’t Mommy

look yummy?”

Heat suffused Zoe’s face at his blatant

appreciation. She knew exactly what he meant as his eyes traveled up and down her body. “I think Daddy is being silly.”

Keeley’s mouth quirked up on one side but she

kept her eyes focused on dressing Macy.

Alex winked at the girls. “So yummy I could eat 328

A Perfect Bride for Christmas

her up.”

“Like the big bad wolf?” Macy asked as Keeley

slipped a red sweatshirt over her head.

“Yeah,” Alex let the word draw out. “Just like

the big bad wolf.”

Michaela crooked her finger for Alex to bend

down and gave his face a thorough inspection. “He doesn’t got sharp teeth.”

Alex grabbed her up in his arms and gave a

mock growl while he pretended to chew on her neck and face.

Michaela let out a squeal of laughter and

wriggled in his arms. “I like make-believe.”

Alex swung her around to land safely on the


“Girls, remember what I told you.” Zoe picked up her long camel coat from the bed. “Mommy and

Daddy are going away for the night, but we’ll be here first thing in the morning so we can have a family breakfast and open our presents together. Mind your grandmother.”

All three stared up at her with wide blue eyes.

“Are you sure Santa will find us? He wasn’t at

the store when he was ‘posed to be.” Macy fretted.

Alex laughed. “He’ll be here. I made sure of


“Did you holler at him?” Mia gaped up at father with awe. “Just like you did the bald guy at the store?”

Alex had given Zoe a blow-by-blow description of his harrowing night searching for the girls and his coming down hard on Mr. Jenkins.

“No, are you nuts?” he asked with a laugh. “I

politely told him where you would be, and he said he’d make a special note of it. He’ll be here.”

“Okay, Daddy.” Macy nodded her approval.

“Come on, Mrs. King.” Alex put his hand at the

small of Zoe’s back. “It’s time to get the honeymoon 329

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