A Radiant Sky (6 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Davies

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Fantasy & Magic, #Paranormal

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So that’s what happens when you give someone the ability to feel.

I glanced down, grasped the handle of my book bag so tight that my knuckles turned white.

Since my seventeenth birthday, Devin and I had been through more than I had with anyone else in my life. I’d gone from bristling at his unrelenting pressure for me to manifest my powers to near-death when those very powers inspired the command for him to kill me. He had to follow it, was programmed that way. He didn’t mean it and never could. He had taught me how to embrace who I was, to feel proud of what I could do. He showed me how to use my powers of the light, and he was the one who figured out what my visions meant—that my mother was a Gifted One. But ever since his betrayal, he held me at
arm’s length. Who knew what he was capable of under the Order’s ruthless thumb?

The last time I had seen him, he had told me how much he loved me. But his words, so perfect, seemed so empty. Telling someone you loved them didn’t make it true. Showing me—proving it—that’s what would make me believe. Even when Devin jumped from the Order and became a Rebel, Asher had been holding a sword to his throat, threatening to kill him if he didn’t.

But whether or not he did it for me, Devin
jumped. Things would be different now. He was a Rebel, and anything was possible. Especially if we were enemies. Again.

The bell rang to signal the beginning of class, snapping me out of my reverie.

“I’m late.”

“Skye,” he touched my arm, and it sent goose bumps shooting across my skin. I pulled away. The look in his eyes the last time I saw him was too imploring, too hopeful that there was some kind of future for us. “Can we talk? Not here, but later. At our spot, on the trail?”

The hall had emptied out, and we were the only two people left. He looked harmless enough, but as Asher had pointed out, I knew better than anyone that looks could be deceiving.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Please. I want—” He paused, and swallowed. “There are some things I need to get off my chest.”

Did I want to hear them? Something told me it would only make things harder.

“I have to go,” I said. When I got to the classroom door, I turned around. He was still standing there, watching me. He lifted his hand in a wave. I took a breath and went inside, leaving him behind. But I could still feel the weight of his gaze, even when I closed my eyes.

There’s some law of nature that says when you don’t want to see someone, you suddenly see them everywhere. After that moment in the hall, everywhere I went I saw Devin. Sometimes he was alone. Sometimes he was flanked by Ardith and Gideon. The three of them must have been assigned to stake out the school. They formed an imposing unit, one I didn’t want to cross. And I didn’t know if it was just in my head or if the barometric pressure was changing, but when I passed them and they turned to look at me, the air around me grew darker, heavier.

At lunch they sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria, and it was impossible to forget that Asher used to sit with them. I could still feel his absence acutely, like a splinter in my heart that I couldn’t get out.

“Skye,” Cassie leaned over the table to get my attention.
“Don’t be mad, but I kinda sorta joined the prom committee.” She winced and ducked.

“I don’t even have anything to throw at you,” I said. “This apple?” She straightened.

“I know we have kind of bigger fish to fry right now. Angel Fish, and everything—”

“Really? Angel Fish?”

“At least they’re not Clown Fish,” Dan said, sliding in next to Cassie and planting a kiss on her cheek. “I hate clowns.”

“But I’ve
wanted to be on the prom committee! Besides, it seems like we could all use a little levity now more than ever, and I am happy to fill that role.”

I grinned at her. “You are the queen of levity.”

“If the gray suede bootie fits.” She winked, then her face clouded over as she caught me glancing at the table in the corner. “Don’t let them intimidate you, Skye,” she said. “You’ve got a posse, too. We’ve got your back.”

I looked back at them. “I know,” I sighed. But knowing the angels were there, watching, waiting to attack, just made me want to find the remaining two Rogues even faster.

“I’m not hungry,” I said, standing up. Cassie looked worried, but she didn’t argue. A few months ago, she wouldn’t
have let me leave this table until she’d exhausted all possible angles of interrogation about why. The fact that she let me go meant she was really growing.

“Call me later?”


A vague, uneasy feeling had been following me since my vision that morning. There were Guardians stalking Aaron Ward. That meant they knew something—but what? That he had been working with my parents before they died to thwart the Order, and that made him a target? Or was it possible they knew we were trying to find him again? To reunite the powerful three?

If the latter was true, that meant
of the former team were being watched. Not just Aaron, but Ian’s father, too. And Aunt Jo.

Instinctively, I ducked into an empty classroom, whipped out my cell phone, and called the number for Into the Woods Outdoor Co.

“Skye,” Aunt Jo said breathlessly, as if she’d run to pick up the phone. “Are you okay? Why are you calling me in the middle of the day? Did something happen?”

“No,” I said quickly. “No, no everything’s fine. I just . . . how are you?”

“I’m fine, Skye. I’m just holding down the fort at the
store.” She paused. “You’re sure everything’s okay?”

I took a deep breath. “I had a vision,” I said. “On purpose. I think—I mean, I know where Aaron Ward is. In Rocky Pines.”

Aunt Jo was silent on the other end of the line.

“You saw him?” she said softly.

I nodded, then remembered that she couldn’t see me. “Yeah.”

“What did he—I mean, how did he . . . ?”

“He looked good, Aunt Jo.”
Should I tell her about the little girl?
I wondered. How could I begin to start that conversation?

“Is he okay?”

“He’s being watched,” I said. “You might be, too. By the Order. I need to go to him soon, before anything . . . happens.”

She sucked in her breath. “They know.”

It made me think of what Aunt Jo had written in her journal when she worked with my parents at the cabin.

Guardians stalk these woods. They know.

I shivered. “So you agree,” I said. “We need to find him, no matter what? He’s safer with us than out there in Rocky Pines, right? At the very least we need to let him know what’s happening. I have to warn him.”

I could almost see the worry crease between her brows.

“Of course,” she said. “Do whatever you can. Bring him here, if you need to.” Was it me or did she almost sound excited? “Hey, Skye? Be careful, okay? You’re all I have left.”

“I will, Aunt Jo,” I said. “I promise.”

I hung up the phone. I would go after school today, whether Ian could go with me or not. I would find him before they did. I only hoped I was doing the right thing, bringing him back to Aunt Jo again. Was heartbreak worth the price of saving his life—of saving the world from a clash of powers that would certainly destroy it?

A door slammed, and suddenly Ardith was standing in front of me.

“I just want you to know,” she said, “that this works both ways. You really betrayed us, Skye. And so here we are, enemies now.”

“It’s not personal,” I said. Before I could think twice, I willed the silver power to my hands in case I needed to defend myself—or attack. “We were friends. Maybe we still could be.”

“We weren’t friends. Please, everything is personal. Making friends, falling in love, breaking hearts, becoming enemies—we take risks and we make mistakes and we
mess up and it is
all personal.
You betrayed us.”

“I swear I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not against you. I just have to do whatever I can to keep the balance of power.”

“If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

“I’m not. Listen—”

“No, you listen. Once Gideon risked everything in the world to save my life. And it scarred him. He will never be free of that darkness the Order put in him, how they tortured him. It will follow him wherever he goes. And I have to do whatever it takes to destroy the Order and anyone who stands in my way. That, Skye, is personal. And that is why we’re enemies now, you and I.”

Her words stung, like a slap across the face. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

“No,” she said. “No one ever does.”

She turned on her heel, her patterned maxi skirt billowing around her ankles, bangles jingling on her tanned arm. I got up and followed her out the door, but she was already halfway down the hall as the bell rang and students began to filter in around us.

She caught up to Gideon and said something in his ear.

Gideon turned slightly and looked at me.

If you didn’t know his past, had no idea he was a Rebel
angel who had been brutally tortured by the Order, that his mind had been manipulated and infiltrated, and that he had learned, with every bit of strength he had, how to protect himself from it—had held out, kept his secrets, saved Ardith’s life—if you knew none of these things, you would think Gideon was just a normal seventeen-year-old guy. He had a mop of curly hair, and even today, was wearing his signature band T-shirt under a blazer, wire-rimmed glasses. He could have been in Cassie’s band.

But I knew who he was. I knew about his past. His eyes usually looked tormented and haunted. But from across the hall, at that moment, they smoldered and glowed. They
I had never seen anything like it.

He looked away quickly, and before I could do anything, he and Ardith had turned the corner and were out of sight.


ideon’s eyes haunted me all day. I knew that Ardith meant business. This was going to be war.

It also meant that I didn’t have any time to waste when it came to finding Aaron. As soon as the last bell of the day rang, I booked it out the door and to my car. The sky was so dark it was almost black—a heavy storm was brewing.

“Hey!” A girl’s voice called as I neared the car. “Where are you going?” I whipped around to find Raven rushing after me, a sheet of silky blond hair flying behind her in the wind.

I hesitated. I knew Raven was on my side now, but some small part of me still wasn’t used to trusting her. “I have
to go find Aaron Ward,” I said.

“Alone? In this weather? Are you crazy?” She looked scornfully up at the sky. “Those Rebels are so obvious. No subtlety whatsoever.”

“If you’re so worried, here.” I tossed her my keys. “I’ll handle the storm.”

Raven met my gaze coolly. A two-hour drive alone in my car would be the most one-on-one time we’d spent, like, ever. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but I needed to go to Rocky Pines, tonight.

“I have a better idea,” she said. “Come with me.” She took off, back through the parking lot, winding her way between the cars toward the school.

“Hey!” I cried, following her. “Where are you going?”

Everyone was leaving school, flooding past us in the opposite direction. But for whatever reason, Raven led me back inside, through the halls and up the stairs.

At last I stumbled past her through the fire door and onto the wide, white cement of the roof.

“Okay,” I said. “What’s going on?”

“There’s a faster way to get to Rocky Pines.” She raised a challenging eyebrow. “I know you haven’t had them that long, but have you already forgotten?”

“Had wha—” But before I could finish my question, a
tumble of glossy silver feathers spilled from her back.

“Your wings,” she said triumphantly, as hers rose above her, massive, bright against the gathering storm clouds. “We can fly there.”

The wings were a part of my body that had been added on, foreign and strange, and using them still took some getting used to. I guess that’s what Raven was trying to do—help me.

“I can trust you, Raven,” I said. “Right?”

“You don’t have to question my loyalty,” she said, her smile small and slightly shy. “It’s not like I have anywhere else to go. We belong together, Skye. For better or for worse.”

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