A Rebel In The Roses (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 8) (14 page)

BOOK: A Rebel In The Roses (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 8)
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” he grits through his teeth dropping my hand. “I’ve had a fucked up night and I don’t need you to pretend for my sake. You made it clear you want nothing to do with me.”

He stomps into the bathroom slamming the door in my face and my heart cracks.

Mission accomplished Kimmie
,” I whisper to myself. It’s what I wanted but
the way he just looked at me like the scum on the bottom of his shoe kills me.

Knocking on the door lightly I ask, “Can I come in?”

The water shuts off.

“Do whatever you want.” His voice is so gravely, dark, cold.

I should leave him alone. I should give him space, but I can't stay away. Not when he is so close and in need of my help, whether he wants it or not.

I crack the door. “I just want to clean you up,” I tell him. It’s a lie, I want to hold him. I want to kiss away the pain I caused.
Fuck away
the pain of whatever it is he’s been through.

I know I’m not his favorite person after how I treated him, but I have a feeling he’s here with me for a reason, like we’re meant to be.

Someway somehow, I just know the universe is trying to bring us together.

I can’t explain it, but seeing him sitting on the ledge of the sink scrubbing his bloody hands, the look on his face almost feels like Deja vu.

I feel like we’ve been here before.

I cross the short distance between us after closing the door, taking the washcloth from his hands. “Let me. You’re just making it worse.”

He glares at me but doesn’t argue. When he hands the bloody cloth over his eyes meet mine, and for a split second he looks at me with hunger, like he did last night. Like he did years ago.

It gives me a tiny glimmer of hope. There's still a spark, I just have to find a way to ignite it. I
bring him back to me, one way or another.

I toss the rag he was using in the bottom of the sink, and reach around his back to get the antiseptic from the medicine cabinet along with some cotton balls.

Standing between his knees with his strong thighs surrounding me, I want nothing more than to hug him, but he doesn’t want anything from me right now. I pour some of the solution on a cotton ball, he hisses when I rub it over his broken skin.

Holding his hand up to my lips I blow gently, staring up at him through my lashes. I do the same with the other hand.

“Better?” I ask, and he nods giving me a glimpse of that spark.

I know I need to explain about my behavior, but I don’t think he’s in the mood to hear it at the moment.

I tug on the bottom of his shirt and he blocks me when I try to pull it up, folding his arms over his chest. I just want to jerk his arms out of the way and rub my hands over him. I want to show him, he means more to me than the sex we had last night.

He’ll never be a
fuck to me.

He’ll never be what men like
are to me.

“You need a shower.” I move for his shirt again.

“I don’t need
for that,” he snaps.

“You will if the cops come. Trust me,” I argue, trying to make my point.

” He nudges me in the tit with his elbow and I step back, giving him room to move from the counter and undress.

I have to bite my tongue when his pants come down, revealing a different pair of Hulk boxer briefs. He must have a collection. Thinking of getting to see him wear them all makes me giggle, and I have to cover my mouth to keep from snorting.

“Something funny?” His words come out snappy and his eyes are smoldering, so damn broody. Its

I turn around and start the water, trying to fight my laughter at those boxers. While the water heats I begin removing my clothes. I take my time, putting on a show for him.

“What are you doing?”

“Making this believable,
.” I wink over my shoulder and he rolls his eyes.

“Can you unhook my bra?” I smirk knowing he can’t see my face with my back to him.

He doesn't speak, and when his fingers brush my hair out of the way I get goosebumps from his tender touch.

I wish he’d bring his arms around me, cupping my breasts as I slide my bra straps down my arms.

He doesn't though. Instead he asks if the water is ready.

I test the water with my fingers. “It’s warm enough,” I tell him noticing his eyes lingering on my body a moment longer than necessary as I slip my panties down my legs.

He steps in the shower and I follow behind him. I don’t think the cops will show up until later, but he doesn’t know that.

I soap him up and he doesn’t complain as I wash his back. He moans a little as I rub the tension from his stiff shoulders.

“Turn around,” I order. 

He shifts and avoids looking at my body, training his eyes on the popcorn ceiling.

My eyes dart to his dick hoping he’s hard.

I’m slighted a tad that he isn’t even remotely hard for me, but I know I hurt him, and he’s been through hell. Maybe I’m selfish in wishing he’d take me right now.

I wish he’d push me against the shower wall, shove his tongue down my throat, and thrust his fingers inside me.

Giving up on my fantasy I wash his chest and stomach. Next, I drop down to my knees, brushing my nipples against his thighs as I wash his legs, hoping to ignite his flame for me. I work my way back up and am so tempted to lick his dick and stroke him, until he hardens enough for me to attempt to suck him off.

He doesn’t even flinch when I cup his balls and wash his dick.

We trade places after he washes his hair. I think he’s going to get out, but he takes over and washes my back for me. Maybe all isn’t lost after all. That or he just needs the distraction.

He steers clear of my intimate areas, as if he’s afraid touching me there will burn him somehow.

When I start washing my hair, he exits the shower leaving me alone.

I try not to let it get to me and go about my business as I would any other time. I even shave my legs in hope of him rubbing against them later. I’m sure when I get out he’ll be off somewhere sleeping far away from me.

When I draw back the curtain, he’s holding up a towel waiting for me. I smile on the inside hoping to strike a match straight to his heart or his cock. I’ll take whatever he will give me.


Miami, Florida


After getting dicked around by the rental company I’m on my way to Miami as soon as I touch base back home and check in with Chelle.

Best Husband Ever: Missing you.

Chelle Belle: Are you missing these?

She sends me a picture of her cleavage, my dick hardens instantly.

Best Husband Ever: You trying to make me wreck?

Chelle: You better not be texting and driving! >.<

I laugh.

Best Husband Ever: Just getting on the road babe. I love you.

Shoving my phone down the front of my jeans, I send her a picture of my dick, all hard and ready for her.

Chelle: Not fair! And OMG Axel almost saw! You nut!

I chuckle when my phone buzzes.

“Yeah, babe?”

“I'm not your fucking
,” Grim roars in my ear.


“What's up?” I ask playing dumb.

“What the fuck ye think you’re doing running off to Florida chasing after ghosts?”

“Funny you mention
old man. Seems ye forgot to tell me something about your trip to Florida.”

“Leave it alone Rebel,” he threatens.

“I can’t do that.”

He curses,
“Goddamn it,
son, don’t do this.”

“I’m not your son,
.” My tongue clips on the word

“Don’t go digging up shit ye can’t shovel, Rebel.”

Fuck you buddy,
how about that. Ye
. Ye motherfuckin’ knew my brother was alive and didn’t tell me. That’s royally fucked in the ass if you ask me.”

“I’m not
ye, I’m
ye. You go chasing demons, you won’t like what’s waiting for ye.”

“You threatening me Grim?”

, I’m looking out for ye.”

“You mean covering your own ass and looking after your precious
,” I seethe, ready to throw my phone out the window.

Goddamn it
Rebel, everything isn’t about you. Don’t you care about your nephew and your niece having a safe life?”

“So you admit it.
You dirty cocksucker
. I knew it. I
knew you were hiding something.”

! Have it your way, but if anything, I mean
happens as a result of your selfishness,
I’ll end ye
,” he growls 

“I’d love for ye to try me. I owe you for my father, don’t ye
forget that. I owe you a bullet to the temple.”

“This don’t have shit to do with your traitor of a father. He was a piece of shit and if ye want to take me on for giving that bastard his due then bring it on little boy.” He laughs darkly on the other end.


“I’ll meet you in hell one day old man.”

“Yeah and we’ll smoke a joint with your old man. Be careful ye little prick.”

“I hear ye.”

He ends the call,

I plug the address to the custom garage in on GPS. I might as well start there. It’s the only real lead I have.

I drive straight through, not making any stops.

When I get to the garage I can see my brother's touch all over the bikes in the showcase room. He’s here all right, or he’s been here. The paint job on every one of them has his signature on them; A skull with a snake coming out of its eyes. 

Some monkey in a suit approaches me. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah man, ye can.” I smile. “I was wondering if I could talk to the guy who painted this.” I slap my palm over the seat of the bike closest to me.

“Sorry man, he no longer works here. He quit, yesterday.”

“You know where I can find him? I’m wanting him to do a job for me.”

“I’m not supposed to give out that information. Company policy.”

“Look man, I get it, but don’t you think you can help me out. Give me a phone number or something?” Pulling a wad of cash out of my wallet, I tuck five hundred dollars into his palms as I say, “Thanks for all your help.”

The suit looks down at his palm. “Why don’t we step into my office, and I will get that quote for you.”

Too damn easy
. Little brother should be more careful of who he associates with.

I leave the garage with an address.

It’s only a few blocks away from the garage.

I pull up to a decent house. There's a moving van parked in front of the garage.

Seems I got here just in time.

Seems little brother is on the move.

Wonder if my mother or Grim tipped him off.

I park my rental car and nothing could prepare me for this moment. Seeing him again...making things right...I need this,

Before I can knock, the front door opens.

I take a deep breath. I feel like a deflated balloon when I see it's just a mover.

“Hey man, the owner here?” I ask hopeful.

He shakes his head. “No, my orders are to donate everything to charity.”

“Thanks man.”

I light up a cigarette, leaning against my rental debating my next move.

It wouldn’t do any good to offer this dude money, he doesn’t know anything.

I know Baby and my brother, they won’t leave a trail.

I shoot a text to Truth with the address and order him to dig up whatever he can on the owners. I’m a day late and a dollar short. I’m going home to my wife soon, but I’m not giving up. I
give up. I’ll keep searching. I
find them if it's the last thing I do.




Laying in this hospital bed, being questioned by social services and the police, I know I’ve really gone and done it now.

“Can you tell us where you got the drugs?”

I’m not stupid.

I was raised you don’t rat.

Snitches and bitches get stitches.

“I can’t remember,” I croak and cough. “I’m really sleepy and everything's so blurry.” I roll to my side and flutter my eyelids as though I can hardly stay awake.

My nurse ushers them out saying I need my rest.

Sunshine hasn't been allowed back and I am grateful. 

Patrick hasn’t left my side. I enjoy the quiet of his company and the way his hand feels on mine as he rubs soothing circles over my wrist. I think my nurse figured out he isn’t my brother, but she hasn’t kicked him out yet.

Patrick showed me a text from Sunshine that said my dad is on his way here. I’m supposed to be released into his care.

I don’t want to stay here in this bed, but I don’t want to go home either.

I know I need to thank JT, he saved my life. I owe him a

I was terrible to him. I wouldn’t blame him if he told me to
fuck off

“Patrick, can I see your phone?”

He pulls it out of his pocket and reaches it to me.

“Hey, thanks for sticking with me.” I lean up and kiss his scarred cheek.

“Wunt tu,” he says.

I love that he’s making an effort to talk to me.  I know I can be a mean judgmental bitch at times, but hearing his lisp doesn’t bother me. Most people would probably get frustrated at not being able to fully understand him, but I want to help him. I want him to be comfortable in his own skin and hearing his own voice.

I told him, he has a sexy voice.

He thought that was funny.

Scooting over in my bed, I pat the space next to me.

“Sit with me.”

He scooches in next to me on his side and I back my butt into him, draping his arm over me.

With Patrick spooning me, I feel more confident, I feel more able to say sorry to JT, and I feel ready to confront my dad.

I need to handle JT before my dad arrives. I know I won’t have access to phones for a while once he gets ahold of me.

Knowing JT’s number by heart I call him. It rings four times before he finally picks up.

“Hello,” a soft voice answers.

I should be upset, jealous even that another girl is answering his phone, but I’m not. I’m laying here with Patrick. I want JT to be happy, he deserves to be with someone who can appreciate him. A girl that wants what he does.

I’m too fucked up to be with him. Patrick however, we’re kindred spirits. He’s fucked up like I am. We can be fucked up together, and just maybe we can heal one another’s scars.

“Hi, can I speak to JT?”

“Who’s asking?”  I want to laugh he really has a thing for girls with attitude.

“Tell him it's Dawn.”

She sighs.

she’s jealous.

I smile.

I really want him to be happy.

Life’s too short.

I hear some muffled whispering and a giggle. I think I hear sheets rustling. He didn’t waste any time did he?
. Not like I have room to talk though. I squeeze Patrick’s hand. We aren’t together, but I hope we can build on getting into a relationship. He kisses my ear and I melt.

“Lo,” he answers sounding hoarse, tired.

“JT,” I breathe out his name.

“Hey,” he says, following up with, “Are you okay?”

“I will be, thanks to you.” I feel Patrick tense behind me, he’s jealous. Jeez, he doesn’t need to be. “And thanks to Patrick noticing I was gone,” I tack on and feel him relax.

“I’m so sorry Dawn, I should have done so many things differently,” he apologizes when there is no need. I am the one who needs to say sorry. I put JT through hell.

“You don’t have any reason to be sorry. I’m the one in the wrong. I should have never put that kind of pressure on you. You were a good friend to me and I will always love you for that. I’m sorry things didn’t go better for us. I’m sorry for a lot of things. You’re one of the good guys JT. Don’t let me ruin that. I’m a shitty person, but I’m going to work on doing better. I have a lot to work on, but I just wanted to say thanks…and I’m sorry.”

“I’m glad you’re okay. You scared me so damn bad, but don’t worry, I took care of Will.”

A tear slides down my face, he didn’t have to do anything. I fucked up. Tonight isn't Will’s fault either, I went after him.

“JT, don’t be stupid and get into trouble because I was an idiot.
fuck up your life over a dumb girl like me.”

“I’d do it again.
had it coming.”

I hear heavy boots thumping down the hall.

“I gotta go JT, take care of yourself.”

“Bye Dawn,” he says ending the call just as my dad enters the room looking ready to kill. 

Patrick scrambles from the bed as my old man backs him into a corner. “What the
do you think you’re doing in my daughter's bed?”

Patrick, my sweet damaged man, holds my father’s gaze not backing down, and I love him for it, but I need to put a stop to this before it gets nasty.

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