A Safe Space (Someone Else's Fairytale Book 4) (39 page)

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Authors: E.M. Tippetts

Tags: #romance

BOOK: A Safe Space (Someone Else's Fairytale Book 4)
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and if you want to see what else I do when not chasing my small children, I also have an
Etsy Store
and own the company that formatted this book,
E.M. Tippetts Book Designs
. Though I should add that I did the actual formatting, so any mistakes you see are mine. If you hire us for your book, you’ll be paired with a much more competent formatter who will do a beautiful job.


This book was beta-read by:


Caisey Quinn

Stephanie Burgis

Neile Graham


two fantastic authors I highly recommend.


And finally, the link you really want to click:
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First thanks always goes to Char Peery, my former roommate who wanted to become friends with an author so that she could read books before they came out. I did warn her not to choose me, but she didn’t listen and I’m eternally grateful. She makes every book I write better.

My mother, Mary Mah, is the other non-author beta-reader who helped me get this book ready for publication. She also sometimes watches my kids when I’m on a deadline crunch. (I think beta-reading for me requires more patience and charity.)

I also need to thank the Book Design Crew, the three formatters who work with me at E.M. Tippetts Book Designs: Stacey Tippetts, Tara Jones, and Tianne Samson. Our business isn’t even a year old yet, and they’ve already formatted an incredible portfolio of bestselling books. Stacey in particular helped proof this ebook and sent me a long list of mistakes I’d made, and I’m
grateful for that.

Author Caisey Quinn has a super-busy schedule as her writing career continues to hit new heights. Still, she took the time to read this book and helped me restructure the third act. I’m very much indebted to her for that, and am more than happy to pay it back by beta-reading for her. (I know, not particularly selfless when the author is Caisey Quinn.)

And Stephanie Burgis is an author I’ve been a fan of for a long time. I met her at the Clarion West Writer’s Workshop for Science Fiction and Fantasy, and I have to say, it was just disgusting to watch her churn out beautifully crafted short stories on a short deadline with no sleep for six weeks. Yet for some reason she likes me enough to read my books. For this one she gave me a spectacular, detailed critique right before I did my final draft.

The information on television show production all came from Melinda Snodgrass, who has written for many hit shows and was patient enough to answer my very ignorant, and no doubt ridiculous questions. I’m sure I still got a ton of things wrong, but everything I got right is thanks to her.

Editor Mickey Reed dealt with a shifting schedule on this book, so she deserves extra kudos. Every edit she makes, I make myself enter by hand in the hopes that I don’t make the mistake again. Honestly, though, I’ve probably made at least five in just this paragraph dedicated to her.

Additional typos were caught by Neile Graham, another fantastic writer not enough people are reading.

Publicity for the launch of this book was handled by WordSmith Publicity, who have been a joy to work with. It’s made this process so much easier.

Last but never least, I have to thank my husband Trevor for putting up with a spouse who stares at a computer screen all day and most of the night. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to raise our kids and keep a home. I should thank my two kiddos, too. They fill our home with light and laughter and silliness, and provide a very good excuse to watch
How to Train Your Dragon
four times a week. Though I think they’re getting sick of it by now…

And if you’ve read this far and aren’t listed here (and didn’t expect to be), then I’m very grateful for you. Thanks for reading my work!

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Artisan ebooks for discerning authors and publishers.

A Safe Space


Copyright © Emily Mah Tippetts 2014


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.





Edited by Micky Reed



Cover Design by Sarah Hansen



Author/Publisher site:


—Table of Contents

Title Page

Other Books by E.M. Tippetts


One - Clues

Two - The Devil Is in the Details

Three - Connections

Four - Face the Music

Five - From Zero to Seductress

Six - Faking It

Seven - Interlopers to the Rescue

Eight - First Kisses

Nine - Aftermath

Ten - Truth

Eleven - History

Twelve - "Friends"

Thirteen - Unraveling

Fourteen - Heart-to-Heart

Fifteen - Rachel

Sixteen - Missing

Seventeen - Family

Eighteen - On the Line

Nineteen - The Search

Twenty - Reunions

Twenty-One - True Colors

Twenty-Two - Career Over... Now What?

Twenty-Three - The Long Game

Twenty-Four - Patience

Twenty-Five - Trust

Twenty-Six - A Safe Space




About the Book Designer

Copyright Notice

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