A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (4 page)

BOOK: A Second Chance (Fated Mate)
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Chapter 3


As the sun came through the window in her room, Katie groaned, and rolled to cover her head with her pillow. That’s when she noticed two things: She was not alone, and she was naked. She pulled the sheets up to her neck and said, “Who’s there?”

A small chuckle came from her right side as the bed dipped, and the angelic face of
Trevor came into her view. “Hey there little buddy. How you been?” She reached out to ruffle his hair.

I’m not little Auntie Katie, I’m a big boy. I goes to kindergarten now. My teacher is Mrs. Miner and she lets me use scissors, and glue sometimes. Lookit what I made.” He held up a picture of what appeared to be two women petting dogs.
Weird kid.

She yawned,
“Cool Trevor. Is your mommy awake?” She was reluctant to see Shana because she knew she’d hurt her friend.

She’s making coffee, and then she’s gonna come bring you some clothes. She told me to tell you, but I forgot.” He had the cutest little sheepish look on his face.

Are you ready for school?” At his hesitant nod she asked, “You brushed your teeth?” He sighed.

I’m going. You’re gonna be a good mama, ‘cause you already got the mommy voice. You gotsta practice on me.” He smiled and hopped down, not knowing he had her tied in knots. How could she be a mother when her house was getting blown up, and she was getting death threats? She wished she’d chosen a different path in life. Oh well, saving others was a greater good, she would not feel shame.

She brushed a silent tear away before a tentative knock sounded at her door,
“Permission to enter?” Shana’s voice was hesitant.

She suppressed her emotions and called back,
“Well, come on. It’s your house after all.”

The door opened and
Shana came in carrying a tray with food, flowers, coffee and clothes. Katie couldn’t hide her small smile. “What, no ice cream?”

You know damn well you ate it all last night. I had to make Jake go get more for me. Plus, what kind of example would I be setting for Trevor if I gave you ice cream for breakfast.” Her smile was cautious.

got out of bed and went to Shana to retrieve the clothes. She kissed her friends cheek. “I’ll be right back.” She headed to the bathroom to change.

Katie came back, Shana had set the tray of food down on the bed and had started eating without her, “Sorry, pregnant. I’m always hungry, even though I just ate.” She seemed shy.

I’m really sorry about making you walk yesterday, Shana. Especially in your condition. I was just confused and hurt. I’ve lost my house, Shana. I don’t have much else, except our friendship, and a job I’m not too pleased with anymore. I don’t want to lose your friendship.”

began to weep openly. “You will never lose my friendship so don’t even think it. You’re my best friend; we will support and love each other forever.”

Stop blabbering. Damn Shana. I’ve never seen you cry so much. Are you sure you’re happy here?” She was starting to question her friend when she began to snivel as well.
What the hell? Is Shana’s crazy starting to rub off on me?

Of course I’m happy!” She shrieked. “I love my husband and Trevor. It’s these damn babies that are messing with my hormones. Why are you crying?”

I dunno, I’ve been through a trauma. I’m allowed to cry if I want to.”

They were both laughing and crying when
Jake poked his head in the door and said, “I’m taking Trevor to school. I’ll see you both in the kitchen when I get home. We have things to discuss.” They saw him walk out the door and heard a whispered, “Women???” as he went down the hall.


* * * * *


They all sat at the table waiting for Jake to get home. Conner was at the other end of the table from Shana and Katie. He was trying to make Katie feel comfortable, but she just kept looking at him with sadness in her eyes.
Had she been crying?
He wished more than anything he could get close to her. Take her fresh apricot scent into his nose and savor it.

’s tummy growled, and Shana turned offering her the fruit bowl that was sitting on the table. Katie smiled her thanks and took an apple.
Fuji, yum.
Shana was munching on her own apple while smiling at Conner. With a look that screamed, ‘Ha, I fed your mate.’


* * * * *


The door slammed open and closed; standing in the kitchen doorway was clearly the Alpha male. Everyone in the room dipped their heads unconsciously. However, Shana looked at Jake from under her eyelashes, and blushed
. Yuck.

moved around the table and clasped Conner’s hand, and proceeded to Katie, kissing her cheek. As he bent his head to her he sniffed her neck, and stilled. He took another whiff, and Katie heard Shana growl.
Holy shit this is weird.
Jake straightened and looked over at Conner with fury.

moved over to Shana next as she rose to meet him. They kissed long and hard. It was a bit uncomfortable for Katie, but whatever prevents Shana from growling at her was okay with her.

turned to the table with a blank look and said, “Shana your friend smells…different.”

Conner stood and had an enraged look in his eyes.
The entire room held their breath. “What do you mean Jake? Why the hell are you sniffing my mate?”

however didn’t get upset. He merely chuckled and looked to Shana, who leaned over to sniff her friend. “I noticed she smelled different when I got to her house, but I don’t know what it means.” She was new to scenting. Love was gingerbread; anger smelled like tar, ill was like rotting garbage.

Okay guys this is getting really weird. Maybe someone can tell me what’s going on. Minus all the smelling.” Katie was getting annoyed.

Think about what the change is honey. Who does she smell like?” Jake was so sweet to instruct his wife so patiently, but Katie was about to explode. She resented these people for their closeness, and smelling skills.

the dutiful student said, “she smells mated, and there’s an undertone of…Oh God. No, it can’t be.” Shana jumped from her chair and scowled at Conner.

Fabulous, now what did I do?” Conner was also becoming outraged. Couldn’t they see that Katie was uncomfortable? He had no idea of their intentions, but they better spit it out.

’s livid voice yelled across the kitchen. Punctuating every word, while tossing a fruit from the bowl at Conner’s head, “She-smells-like-apricots-

’s eyes squinted in disbelief, while Shana was panting at her exertion and anger. Katie was flummoxed.

Don’t you think we would have smelled it yesterday? It’s not possible,” Conner said in disbelief.

Yesterday we all smelled of ash. It must have overpowered everything else. You better believe it lover boy. Come on Jake; let’s go so Conner can make with the explanations.” Shana looked to her friend, “We’ll be in the living room if you need us. Listen to Conner. I know I’m upset with him right now, but he is a good guy-mostly.”

What the heck was going on?
They watched Shana pull a hesitant Jake out of the room before they heard Jake’s whispered, “You’re sure she doesn’t have her gun on her?”

They sat there staring at each other across the table, before Conner got up and approached
Katie. He seemed cautious when he bent to her neck and inhaled. His frown was instantly changed into a tentative grin. He just stood over her, in wonder, before he picked her up and swung her around in his arms.

He was crushing her.
“Care to articulate what the hell is going on? I’m starting to lose my cool.”

He gently put her down, and looked into her eyes.
He loved this woman. He would do anything for her, but he knew she was going to be miffed. “Uh, it would, ummmm, it seems like…maybe…”

If you don’t tell me why everyone is on edge, I will cut off your balls and feed them to your pack.” She looked indignant.

Why do you always go for the cutting of the balls?” At her look of distress he blurted, “You’re kinda pregnant.”

Her jaw dropped.
No way, she couldn’t be. She was trying to think how late she was, only a week, or two. But she was always irregular. She screamed, loud and long, and then launched herself at Conner.

Conner had her arms pinned when
Jake and Shana came in the room. Shana was smiling and Jake looked worried for his friend.

You better wipe that grin off, Shana; I’m not in the mood.” Katie said with rage.
Uh, oh.
“Someone get me a pregnancy test
She howled, and sat down heavily at the table.

made Jake give her the test because she’d never seen her friend so bothered.

snatched the test from Jake and said, “You’re coming with me friend. I’m not doing this by myself.” As Shana started for the door Katie turned worried eyes to her and said, “Not you, him!” Pointing to Conner. She crooked her finger, “Hurry up.”

Conner leapt to his feet, and ran for
Katie’s retreating form.


Chapter 4


“Two lines. What does that mean Conner?” She was secretly hoping to be pregnant, but she knew that was selfish. A baby couldn’t survive in her rough world. She was a cop. How do you chase a suspect when you’re the size of a cow?

Katie, I told you the test wasn’t needed. I can smell the pregnancy hormones. You smell of fresh rain, new life. It is a wonderful blessing. You are one hundred percent pregnant, but if you need your little test. Two lines means…pregnant. Surprise!”

A blessing? You are not helping wolf. I can’t be pregnant. It doesn’t fit into my life.” Great, first her house burns down around her, then she finds out werewolves are real, and to top it all off she’s pregnant, by said werewolf.
What a week.

Are you saying you’re going to get rid of it? No Katie. That’s the product of our love. There is nothing more that I want other than for you to have our children and marry me, but that can wait, a couple weeks.”

Love, we just met you bafoon. Are you on medication, because if not I highly recommend it.” Who the hell did this guy think he was, to upend her life without thought?

We’ll work it out together, and there is no need for name calling.”

Katie was yelling again. Hell yeah she was yelling this man was crazy, and a wolf. “Shana, come in here now!!! Conner, please leave.”

You can’t run away from me. I know you’ve been thinking about me. You feel the same connection, I know it. Just let me talk to you. Let’s just…talk.” He needed her and she was pulling away. What was he supposed to do? “I’m real sorry that you’re unhappy, but I’ve never been happier.” He smiled.

Yeah, because it’s all about you, right?” She pulled in a lung full of air,
She bellowed again, just as her friend was entering the bathroom. “Get him out. Now!”

simply looked in his direction, and Conner bowed his head. He left looking alarmed.

I’ll be across the hall if you need me.”

I won’t.” Katie saw him wince as he walked out.

winced, “Damn girl, that was harsh. Maybe you’re overreacting.”

just held up her hand, “Are you kidding me? You yourself said that Jake could smell your, ovulation, or whatever. That means Conner knew I could have gotten pregnant. He fucked me, bit me and got me pregnant.”

I see what you’re saying. When you put it that way it sounds really bad. I honestly don’t think he’s a bad guy Katie. He was just probably very…overwhelmed. Do you know that Conner scented you about a week before Jake and I met? He was in frenzy. He got all the way to the police station and couldn’t smell you over all the, scum. He’s been waiting a long time for you. You said before that you want what Jake and I have. You can have it. Conner would be dedicated, and love you forever. Just think about it.” Shana could see that Katie’s anger was dimming. At least her gun was outta reach.
Yowsa, that could have been bad.

I know Shana it’s just, now I’ll never know if he wants me or the baby.”

Uh, hate to break it to you, but he loves you. Conner rode to Petaluma in my trunk to be reunited with you. Plus, he risked his life going into a burning building for you, and stayed to collect your stuff. He’s also been borderline challenging me all month. Me, the Alpha bitch.” Should she tell her that it was more than one baby?
Nah, not yet.
In fact she thought she smelled three different aromas. Shifters usually had multiple births with their true mates-no problem.

I should probably say sorry to Conner for acting all…crazy. Will you send him in? With ice cream, please.” Katie could do this if she was noshing on her favorite treat.

Yeah, but don’t let him off easy. This is mostly his fault and you should blame it on pregnancy hormones. Works like a charm.” Katie snickered at Shana’s teasing. “I’m here if you need me. After all you helped me through many an agonizing night. I still have your favorite nail polish too, OPI’s ‘I Think Pink’. We can paint out toenails and stay up watching chick flicks.”

laughed openly, “Nah, just Conner and the ice cream for now. I do envy what you have.” Said sorrowfully.


* * * * *


Conner’s blond handsome face peeked around the corner of the bathroom. He was the most striking man she’d ever met. Every time he was in the room she wanted to strip him naked, and lick him everywhere. It was worse when he tilted his lips in a half smile and held out her ice cream with an extra-large spoon. She couldn’t help the snort of laughter she released.

I hate to have to do this again. I’m sorry for, once again, freaking out on you. You must think I’m insane.” He was looking at her with a combination of sympathy and sadness. Try again, “It must be the hormones, ya know, from the pregnancy.” She groaned feeling pathetic. “Okay, maybe I’m just irrational. No excuses.”

You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one at fault. I haven’t exactly gone about this in the best way. Although, I’m willing to give it a shot if you are.”

He looked amazing, and she couldn
’t focus on what he was saying because she was so aroused.
She was still mad but with him being so close, smelling like heaven, pine and soap-yum. Her anger was diminishing rapidly.

Uh, I think we should have this conversation after the ice cream, and out of the bathroom.” She gave him a half smile and licked her lips. His eyes traced the movement, and he groaned.

Holding out his hand he said,
“Come on, before I jump you in the bathroom.”

She sat on the bed and dug into her ice cream.
Ohhhh, ecstasy.
She loved coffee ice cream. It was one of her favorites. “So, since we’re having a kid and all. What’s your favorite color, your favorite ice cream, your age, and your last name?” That was probably poor form. “My name is Katie Ward in case you didn’t know.”

He simply chuckled,
“Hello, I’m Conner
. We met officially at the wedding, you were probably too stunned by my good looks to remember. I love the color black; it’s the color of my wolf. I’m partial to cookies and cream ice cream, and I’m thirty years old. Does that answer all of your immediate questions?”

His voice was rough with emotions she couldn
’t identify. “I think Shana said we’re mates. I think I should know more about your werewolf culture.” She noticed his grimace.
Oops, was it something I said?
“What is to be expected of me? Am I going to turn into an animal? Aw, crap. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do or say.” She suddenly felt panicked.

It’s alright. We prefer the classification Shifters. We are not ruled by the full moon and we are unable to make humans turn into wolves. We can breed them.” She scowled. “We’re a part of a pack that’s like a big family. Do you have family?”

Shana and Trevor are all I have. I lost my parents long ago when they were killed during a drug bust; they were cops not drug lords. I was raised by my grandmother who died shortly after I graduated college.”

I’m very sorry to hear that. I have a big family, not including the pack. They all live in Australia though, so I rarely see them. I do however spend a great deal of time with the pack. I’m second only to Jake’s Alpha status. We’ve been friends a long time. I’ve taken to Shana and Trevor as well.”

beamed up at him.

You aren’t expected to do or say anything. We are mates, which means, in shifter culture that you are my other half, I know you by your scent. When we’re together, we’ll find contentment and bliss.” His eyebrows waggled. “There will be no other female for myself, and if you choose to accept me I will be your only male, forever. You will take on some of my magic by scenting emotions and feelings, and your life will be extended because of our bond. I love you already, and am willing to wait if you need time to process this mess I’ve made. Did I say I was sorry already?”

What mess are you referring to? Why were you and Shana fighting?”

And here was the sticky part.
“When a mate is found, the shifter should consent the human before mating. Unfortunately, I was caught up in the moment and completed the bond without…informing you. I am truly sorry and if I had to do it all over again…I would still take you, but I wouldn’t have bonded with you.”

What’s the difference between a mate and a bond? I still don’t understand. If I’m your mate and we bond isn’t that what’s supposed to happen?” She was more puzzled with all this shifter talk than when they started. And, why did he suddenly look petrified?

You are my mate. I will know you by scent, and be able to follow you anywhere tracing your scent-within a reasonable distance. The bond is when a mated pair…Mate.”

That’s it? Come on, what are you hiding?”

She was gonna be pissed.
“We bonded when I came inside of you, and mauled you. Sorry again.” At her further look of bewilderment he said. “I bit you.”


“A bonded mate cannot, uh, orgasm without the scent or voice of the other near. They cannot find their own release, without their mate’s scent in the room. And they are unable to have intimate contact with a non-mate, without becoming physically ill.” He closed his eyes and waited for her palm to connect with his cheek.

Unexpectedly, she doubled over in a fit of laughter.
It was music to his ears. It was a little crazed and a bit illogical until she said, “That’s why I puked.” She was laughing so hard she was crying.

I hate to interrupt, because you seem so cheerful, but I don’t understand. Puked?” Now he was the bewildered one. Until…

You see, I went on a date with another officer. And at the end, when he kissed me goodnight, I spewed all over his shoes.” She couldn’t stop laughing.

Well, he didn
’t think it was so funny. “Why were you kissing another man? I thought we, well, I thought we would be together.”

Honey, I bolted after the wedding/sex and tried to get you out of my mind. Unfortunately, I had a pretty rough time so I kept busy.”

Retching on other men? I have to admit I’m extremely jealous-of the kiss, not the vomitus. It is a wonderful story, but it is making me irate so let’s not speak of it again-ever.” While he was pining after her she was out smooching other men. His jaw clenched.

Uh, oh his eyes had turned from beautiful intense blue to a vivid yellow.
“Um, are your eyes supposed to be turning color? It’s quite disturbing. Can you make them happy blue again? If not I might just start crying. I am pregnant you remember. And out of ice cream.” She held up the empty carton.

He closed his eyes, took a few calming breaths, and when he opened them again his eyes were the color of indigo and they reflected his glee.
“That’s the past. I will try not to think of you necking with other men.” He heaved. “My eyes turn yellow when my beast is close to the surface. I’m sorry to have startled you. You’re not upset that you cannot…copulate with others?”

She blushed,
“No, I haven’t exactly been the most experienced. I never had the time, or inclination, to start a sexual relationship with anyone. I would say you caught me at a weak moment, but if you insist we were meant for each other, I’m not going to dispute it.”

You’re pretty agreeable.” He beamed at her.

Whatever you say. Just try and remember that.”

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