A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (5 page)

BOOK: A Second Chance (Fated Mate)
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Chapter 5


“I’ll go pick Trevor up. I’ve missed him so much. Do you mind? I’d like to keep busy.” Katie asked Shana.

I don’t mind at all. He’ll be so happy to see you. Just be prepared for the non-stop questions of the five year old mind.” She smirked. “Last time I picked him up he asked, ‘how come Tina don’t have a weenie’ in front of the teacher and parents.”

smiled “It’s kinda early for him to have seen Tina’s non-weenie. Kid is starting early.” She picked up her car keys, a bag of chips, and walked out to her car.

Something smelled funny.
Like garbage, slimy
. Ick.
Katie went to her car and got in before she saw what was on her windshield. She simply sat there for a few minutes to let it process. When she comprehended what she was viewing, she went back into the house and saw Shana at the table. “You’re going to have to get Trevor today, Shana. I’m not feeling real well.”

turned and saw Katie, white as a sheet, walking through the kitchen. She looked unfocused and lost. Without thought she yelled for Conner. He came bounding in from the back porch and saw Katie. He sprinted over to her and took her in his arms.

He held her for a lengthy amount of time just stroking her hair and whispering soothing words in her ear.
He had no idea what was going on.

Shana came from the garage and spoke, “I called Sheriff Paul. He’s on his way. Are you alright Katie?”

She answered on autopilot.
“Yeah, I’m just super tired. I’m going to take a nap.” She started to pull away from Conner, but he simply lifted her into his arms and headed toward her room.

He undressed her to her panties and bra and laid her under the covers.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple and started to walk away when he heard her small voice.

Don’t go. Stay with me for a while.”

He tried not to let his disbelief and alarm show.
He could tell she was a strong, and proud, woman who didn’t ask for comfort often. He removed his clothes down to his boxers and hopped into bed with her. “Will you tell me what happened?”

She shuddered and admitted,
“There was a picture on my car window.” He waited and was surprised when she continued, “It was a picture of me fresh from academy. Last time I saw it, it was on the mantle at my house. Someone put a bloody hole in between my eyes, and the edges of the photo were burned. Who does that?” He could hear the note of alarm in her voice.

He was outraged.
Someone had nerve to do that in front of their pack house. “Did you smell anything unusual?” Chances were that she was so new to scenting she wouldn’t have noticed anything smelled unusual.

Actually, when I was walking to my car I smelled garbage or slime. It was just unusually stinky. Why?” She looked up at him and noticed his eyes were yellow again.

Don’t be upset Conner. It was probably someone playing a prank. How did they know where I was though?” She had an absorbed look to her, as if she was trying to piece together a puzzle.

Me, upset? Honey, I’m fine as long as you’re fine. I plan on finding this person and having a nice chat.” He looked at her, lost in thought again, so he ran his knuckles down her cheek. She leaned into the caress.

She suddenly had the desire to touch him.
Maybe he was too close, or they were too naked, but she suddenly couldn’t stop herself from reaching out to place her palm on his naked chest. It was an innocent enough touch, but it sent sparks of delight up her arm and her sex became tingly. Why did she have such a strong response to this man?

He looked down at her with intense eyes.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s normal for us to be…connected. I feel a bolt of electricity when we touch too. It’s not painful, it’s…arousing. At least it is for me.”

She licked her lips,
“It is for me too.”

He watched the moisture on her lips, and wanted so bad to capture her flavor on his tongue, but he didn
’t want to frighten her. He simply smiled down at her to let her know he would be patient.

Her eyes darkened with mischief,
“What, you don’t want me anymore now that I’m pregnant? I’m not sexy anymore, or do I smell bad?” She tried to push him away but he held her close.

His grin infuriated her.
She was about to start yelling at him when he abruptly crushed his mouth to hers, in a scorching kiss that stole her breath. She felt ravished. He was possessive, and demanded entrance to her mouth.

Conner licked the seam of her closed lips, and then sucked her full lower lip into his mouth.
He was hot and hard. He hoped she didn’t notice his stiff manhood hidden behind his flimsy boxer briefs.

He tried to pull his hips away when her hands found his firm shaft.
She reached into his undies, and stroked him with a gentle grip. When she got to his tip, she placed her finger over his slit, and spread his moisture over the head. When she brought her finger up to taste him, he had never been so aroused in his life. She was innocent, yet brazen. His perfect mate.

He fumbled for entrance into her panties, before he lost his patience and ripped them at the crotch.
“You feel so soft and you’re drenched for me. I’ve missed you so much. There is not a moment I’ve not thought of you.” He nibbled wet kisses down her neck and put his teeth to the spot where he had marked her. And as he licked the spot, he felt her shiver. She had missed him too.

He slid down her body and parted her thighs.
She briefly struggled, just to give him a challenge, but she wanted what he could give her. She had ached for him all month. His broad shoulders held her thighs open, and his hands gripped under her ass and tilted her up to his mouth. When his mouth lowered to her sex, and he licked her, she couldn’t hold back her moan. She was so primed with him being naked next to her; she’d forgotten everything except the feel of his body next to hers.

Conner slid a finger into her tight, wet sheath and she almost exploded.
She wanted this to be good for him too, but she was a novice in the bedroom. She abruptly felt self-conscious. Conner stilled and his head came up. He looked right into her eyes and licked his lips. She was burning for him. No longer doubtful she said in a husky whisper, “I’m ready Conner. Claim me again. I need to feel you inside of me. I’ll never forget the way you moved the night we were together.” She whimpered.

He leveraged his weight above her, and rubbed his thick head from her opening up to her clit.
She was writhing under him trying to find her release. He murmured under his breath, “Stay still babe. I’ll take you there I promise. Be patient.”

She hissed back,
“I swear to God, if you don’t put you cock in me now, I will shoot you.”

He shot forward burying himself in her to the hilt.
She sighed and wiggled her hips. He plunged in her over and over, tilting her hips up so that he hit her G-spot.
So good.

turned her head instinctively and he licked her neck again where he’d marked her, and she was thrown into orgasm. She came hard and milked his shaft, feeling his hot semen spilling into her.

They lay there next to each other listening to themselves struggle for breath.
Katie burst out laughing and said “Yes! I didn’t puke. Woo hoo!”

As soon as their amusement died down, there was a knock on the door.
“Katie, Paul’s here and would like to talk to you. If you’re feeling
to it.” The way Shana emphasized the word up, made it known that they knew what had happened just moments ago. And that quickly, her ardor was gone.

jumped up and dressed quickly, while Conner simply lay back and smiled at her eagerness. “Hurry up and get dressed or they’ll know what we were just doing.”

I’m pretty sure they heard, and if not they’ll be able to smell it on us.”

She sat down on the bed with her head in her hands. He started to get worried.
Even more so when she said, “Can I take my gun to this meeting? I swear, if one more person smells me, or even looks at me funny I’m gonna pop em’.”

Let’s compromise. We’ll take your gun, but I’ll hold onto it for you.” He was afraid with all of her, fleeting, strong emotions she just might shoot someone. They’d heal but it would be unpleasant.

Never mind, no one holds Gunner but me.”

You named your gun?”

Duh, he’s Gunner, my good luck charm.” He could feel the enthusiasm she had for her gun, and he secretly wished she held a passion like that for him.


Chapter 6


She hadn’t realized it was that bad. When Katie spoke with Paul, he stated coolly that all four of her tires were slashed; along with the horrible picture found on the windshield. Paul explained, they took the car into the station, and they would send it to Tinker to fix. Apparently he was the town mechanic.

’d questioned her appropriately. Katie stated the only people who knew where she was going were her boss, and Decker. The sheriff questioned her about several cases, and she gave all the information she could remember. And if it wasn’t enough, she told him to pull the files if he needed additional information.

walked around in a daze. Shana tried to cheer her up, but she had this sinking feeling in her gut. Something big was going to happen, and she was helpless to stop it. She needed to be in a secure location, protected, and she needed to get back to work.

She wasn
’t poor, but the thought of dealing with the insurance company regarding her house burning to the ground, most of her belongings needing replacement, and her being pregnant, made her want to weep again. She was too proud to show weakness in front of these people. Plus, the poor sheriff looked at her as if she would suddenly bite his head off or start to cry.

Thank you for taking the report. If you find anything please keep me updated.” She turned and walked stiffly away, with her head held high.

She went into pack house and called Decker.
She gave him the rundown. He wanted to put her in protective custody, but that was going to be difficult when they didn’t know who they were protecting her from. He’d questioned her much like the sheriff had. Decker was her partner and knew all about their cases, so he simply asked who knew her location.

’d only told Decker, and their boss, because there was no one else who needed to know where she was. The case they were working on was mostly over. They’d gone undercover and busted several people in a drug ring. They were making and running drugs from their beautiful suburban home, a shame really. The trial was going to be grueling, and Katie was not looking forward to testifying.

I really don’t think it has to do with the drug case. Is there anything else that you can think of? Any threats or disturbing incidents you can think of?” Decker’s smooth voice came through the phone. “Maybe you should come and stay with me for a while. I have the extra room.”

was actually thinking about it when she suddenly felt queasy. She was pregnant. She couldn’t in good conscience take her baby away from its father, could she? It’s not like it was even born yet but the thought of leaving Conner made her feel cruel.

I don’t know who is after me, but it’s probably not a good idea to return to a town where my home was destroyed while I was in it. Plus, it could be dangerous to you. I know for a fact your homeowners insurance would skyrocket.” She tried to make light of the situation but she was worried.

I could come stay with you if you need…support, or protection.” Gosh he hated feelings.

felt warmed by his concern, but a little panicked. Conner would not be happy if Decker showed up to ‘protect’ her. “I have an idea. Why don’t you stay in Petaluma, and keep your ears open. You should carry on like nothings amiss, and let me know if you hear anything. Or if anyone is acting funny.” Whew, hopefully crisis averted.

If that’s what you thinks best. The second I hear anything I’ll call. Please take care, and stay inside, and keep the windows locked, and keep your gun near, and for crying out loud stop pissin’ people off.” Decker was like her big brother. He worried over her safety, and knew she was essentially alone. With no family support, he was a great partner.

Now, don’t go getting all mushy on me. I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’ll blow over. You need to stay safe too, because remember we work the same cases, so if I upset someone, you did too.” She suddenly felt very lonely. If she were home she’d have work to keep her busy.

I’m gonna go so I can call in to update Big Eddie.” Katie said while inwardly cringing.

They called their sergeant
Eddie, Big Eddie. He loved the title, and the power. He was a very ambitious forty year old man who was average height, chunky build, with black hair that he slicks back daily. He was a fair boss, but Katie had some reservations about his leadership skills. Once, about a year ago, he cornered her in the ‘huddle room’ and tried to make several passes. He’d come onto her, asking her out, and complementing her on her athletic build and bright future with the force.

She declined his advances; and yet he still felt he had a right to be in her personal space.
She told him there was no way in hell she would date him, because they were co-workers and she wasn’t interested in him like that. He then put his hand near her breast. And she, without thinking, snapped his wrist back almost breaking it. He wore a brace for a month, pansy.

Since then, she
’d been denied several transfers to other departments, and was given the crappy dangerous assignments. She knew she was getting payback, and was so sorry that she’d inadvertently dragged Decker along. She still caught Eddie sneaking peaks at her, and a couple times he brushed against her, but she had never felt threatened. She also never told Decker about what had gone down, she knew he would flip his shit, like a big brother.

She dialed
Eddie’s number at the station, secretly hoping that he was out and it went to voicemail. She was never that lucky.

Lo,” his scratchy smoker’s voice.

Hey there Big Eddie, it’s Ward. I was just calling to let you know I’m going to need more time off. I was planning on coming back this week, but my car was vandalized, and I need to ensure the repairs are done before I drive home.” She relayed the entire story, all along wishing at the end, he would just say okay and disconnect.

Well, Katie I’m so sorry to hear about all of your problems, but it’s so nice to hear from you. We’ve been worried somethin’ fierce about you here at the station. You can go ahead and take an additional week off, no problem. Where you gonna stay when you get back in town?” His voice alone made her shudder with revulsion.

I’ll probably rent a place. I don’t have a lot of stuff to move, so I should be fine.”

You know you’re more than welcome to stay a while with me, just ‘til you get back on your feet.”

She knew all the nasty and vile things he was thinking about, and she felt like heaving.
After all, he did whisper his repulsive sexual needs into her ear last year.
She gagged.

I’m really sorry but I’m not feeling very well. I’m going to have to decline your offer, but thank you so much for your concern. I’ll start looking for a place to rent now, so I should be fine on my own.”
Plus, your small, creepy, and smell like rot.

You know how to get a hold of me if you change your mind, beautiful. Call me if there is anything new to report, Big Eddie is here to help.” She heard the click of the phone disconnecting the call.
Thank God!

She walked out of the room, and immediately went out to the back porch to get some air.
She hated all conversations she had with Big Eddie. He was revolting, and she always felt filthy after interactions with him. She had requested a new sergeant, but was denied, each time.

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