A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (59 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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Finally the air hostess
announced that we had almost arrived and asked us to put the seat
belts on as we were going to land. When finally the airplane touched
the ground a mixture of feelings filled my stomach. I was anxious,
happy and at the same time nervous. A few minutes later I was at the
arrival section at the airport. It was years since I last saw this
airport. I was at home; I had missed this place so much. I sighed as
it crossed my mind that I hadn't even asked for David's address. I
didn't know where he was staying. I had left such in a hurry that
this had slipped my mind. He had sold his old apartment when he came
to live near us. I grabbed my mobile phone and dialed mum's number.
She would know his address.

Mum.. it's me.”

Cassidy, are you OK sweetheart? I have spoken with Tyler after I left
you, and he wanted to know where David went..he said that...”

we left each other.” I said to cut it short.

so you did,” she didn't seem surprised.

and I'm at the airport right now in our old town.”

You left?” Now she did sound surprised.

mum, Tyler gave me the ticket..”

so that's why he wanted to know where David went. I can't believe he
really did it. I thought he would never have found the courage to let
you go.”

"Well, he did. And I'm
glad, I would have never found the courage to leave him, I would have
continued to suffer in silence."

"I know that. But now
you're there."

I am. Mum can you tell me where David is staying? I have to go to
him. I can't bear to be away from him any longer. I love him mum.”

know that, I have always known. Honey,the wedding dress I had bought
you is still in my wardrobe. I always hoped that you would have
needed it someday.” She said softly.

I felt tears filling my
eyes. My mum was crying too.

mum, it will be another one, that wedding dress didn't bring me luck.
This time I want to make sure that nothing and no one will make us

so happy for you. I love you so much. Be happy Cassidy. Listen, David
is staying on the coast. He rented a beach house near Sunny beach.”

I know where it is.”

number is 43, but anyway there aren't many houses there so you won't
have any problems finding him. Now go to him and tell him that I'm
very happy for both of you.”

mum I will. I love you.”

I hung up and ran outside
the airport and stopped the first taxi I saw and jumped in. I
couldn't wait to arrive.

Sunny beach coast, please.” I instructed the taxi driver.

My last journey began. I
looked around and saw streets that were familiar. Memories from the
past flashed through my mind. I remembered my childhood and my
teenage years. I thought about Lucy. She was going to be very
surprised when she'll get to know that I had returned. I tried to
imagine her expression when she'll get to know about me and Tyler.
She will surely disapprove initially but afterwards she will be happy
for me. We passed near my old high school, where everything had
begun. I looked at the gates; nothing had changed much. I could see
myself running out from there followed by Lucy, thrilled and excited
while I told her the last news about me and Tyler. I felt nostalgic,
those were nice days, risky days, but I was happy. Days that brought
a lot of sadness afterwards. I could see myself hiding in the gym
while all the students made fun of me. While everyone hated me and
insulted me, and I was alone crying. Then I could see him, who was
always there for me. Who had loved me in silence waiting for his
chance. Who had brought sunshine back in my life. I was too young to
appreciate all the things he had done for me, too foolish to
understand that love went beyond physical. I was inexperienced and I
never realised that I had always loved him more than anyone in the
world. But now everything was clear. It took me years; I had to
almost die to understand it.

At last we had reached the
coast. I could see the water glittering under the sunset. The day was
soon to end; the night was soon to come and I wanted to pass that
night in his arms, now and forever. When the taxi stopped, I felt my
knees buckling with excitement. I paid the driver and looked around.
There were only two houses. One of them was David's. I walked slowly
on my trembling feet, my heart jolted with every step I took. My
stomach contracted. Oh my God, I felt so excited. I looked at the
first house; it had number 43. Here I was, I had arrived at
destination. I put my luggage down and went up the few steps that led
to the house. I stopped in front of the door and knocked. My heart
was going to come, it had never raced so much before. I waited, and
waited, but no one came to open. My heart suddenly stopped and my
stomach tied into a knot. He wasn't there? I knocked again and again
and waited... Nothing... I felt tears coming into my eyes. Where was

I shouted. “David. It's me please open.”

I shouted in vain; he wasn't
there. I just wanted to cry. I needed so badly to see him and hug
him. Just then a cold breeze stirred my hair as the night began to
approach. A tear rolled down my face. I turned around and looked at
the sea. It was so calm, so beautiful... so... At that moment my eyes
widened, my heart missed a beat when I saw a silhouette of a man
walking. I looked better at him; he looked familiar. It was him. I
took my shoes off hurriedly, got rid off my jacket and ran with all
the strength I had in my body to reach him....

shouted. Tears were streaming down from eyes. “David!!”

The silhouette stopped. As I
approached, I could see him better. He was wearing a pair of jeans
and a white t-shirt. He looked so handsome. He looked at me stunned,
in disbelief, probably trying to figure out if he was dreaming or if
I were an apparition. I opened my mouth to call his name again, but
nothing came out just a cry of happiness. I ran into his arms burying
my face in his chest and hugged him tight to me. He froze for a
second and then he hugged me back, lifting me up from the ground.

What... How? I...,” he couldn't speak, he was crying. I smiled
at him and cried at the same time.

love you.” I managed to say while I squeezed myself into him.

my..God... I can't believe you're here. Cassidy..”

I want to stay with you forever. I thought I was going to die when
you left. Why did you do that? Oh David.” I cried as I kissed
his face and neck.

thought you wanted to stay with Tyler.. I...”

divorcing.” I murmured.

He looked stunned. Disbelief
washing over him.


David we can get married and be a family finally. I'm here to stay,
forever with you.”

Honey.. Oh baby I love you so much.”

He pulled me into in his
arms, and we kissed desperately. We both cried and while the sun hid,
and the day hugged the night we became one. We made love there on the
warm sand. The memory of that night will remain in my mind forever.
That night was the beginning of our life together and the beginning
of a new life, fruit of our love.

Six years later.

can you please tell Keith to stop it; he keeps throwing food at me.”
Yelled Kylie while she tried to escape from her 5-year old brother.

Stop it, please.” I shouted.

Lucy smiled at me while she
drank her juice seated comfortably on the deck chairs we had just
bought for our pool area.

is becoming really naughty, “ Lucy said.

He's impossible sometimes.” I admitted exasperated.

like his mum.”

I shot Lucy a sharp look.
She laughed.

come on Luc, I'm not impossible.”

I don't know, he didn't take from David that's for sure.”

My sultry expression
disappeared as I looked at my husband who was trying to get the ball
from a tree into which Keith threw it earlier. Logan was holding the
ladder for him while he tried to reach high.

be careful.” I shouted to him worrying he could fall.

He turned around and
grinned. He looked so handsome. I loved his smile.

know Cas I would have never imagined that in the end you would have
 married him.” Lucy said while I kept looking at him
praying he'll grab that damned ball as soon as possible and get down.

I never imagined that either.” I confessed.

when we used to go to his history lessons, we used to find him boring

it's about my husband that you're talking.” I said turning my
gaze on her.

Lucy giggled.

come on Cas.”

Just then I turned around to
see Keith grabbing the cup of juice and dropping it on Mark's new
pair of trousers.

no Keith, what have you done?” I yelled trying to get up which
wasn't an easy task with the big bump I had. I was eight months
pregnant, soon to have our third child.

mum will kill me,” I said to Lucy. “She just bought that
for Mark.”

relax; they're just children. And well she knows that when uncle and
nephew meet it's the end of the world.”

I laughed hearing her saying
that. Mark was Keith's uncle even if he was 5 months younger than
him. My mum and Tyler's father had got married and after two months
my mum got pregnant. I was shocked when she told me. I was going to
have a brother who was younger than me 26 years.

you're right. Well, I guess I have to buy another pair of trousers
for Mark. I hope Kieran won't so naughty; I would tear my hair out. I
still can't believe how David managed to convince me to have another

Lucy grinned.

I guess he can be very persuading, he looks shy and all but I bet
that in bed he's wild as a tiger.”

I asked blushing a little. Even if we were older now Lucy didn't
change, not a bit. She still said the first thing that passed through
her mind.

come on Cas, we used to tell each other everything a long time ago,
you can't really be shy with me.”

I suppose I can't. But I'm not going to talk about my husband's
abilities in bed with you.” I snapped.

She giggled and laughed

never change," she said, then she got all serious again. "Cas,
 you didn't tell me what happened at Mark's birthday party .”

I looked up at her for a
second and sighed. Then I went back with my mind to seven days
before. It had been a difficult day. I had been anxious and preferred
not to attend, but  David had insisted saying  that my mum
would get offended if we didn't go and that sooner or later we had to
meet him since Mark was his brother as well. I knew it wasn't easy
for him either.

yes.” I said taking a sip of my juice. “Well, nothing
happened. I mean I was a little worried actually at first, the last
time I saw Tyler was at Mark's baptism five years ago. But everything
went fine.  We are both over that period, and he's happy now,
he's married to Lexie. Remember my friend at college, the one I had
told you about?”

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