A Second Past Midnight (The Sentinels) (17 page)

BOOK: A Second Past Midnight (The Sentinels)
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Marcus had just put a piece of steak in his mouth and almost choked when
Arrigo’s booming voice echoed through the kitchen. He nodded and held one hand up as if to stop Arrigo from going into any other rules. Like that would stop him.

Arrigo walked over to the counter and retrieved the other two plates for himself and Sana. He sat them at the edge of the marble counter so they could sit and eat. He watched as Sana slid onto the stool next to
Marcus and that reminded him of the second rule.

Still standing across the counter from Marcus,
Arrigo leaned toward him. “Rule number two. Don’t touch my wife.” Arrigo knew he had practically spat the words at him, but he wanted to make a point. He had let her slip away and by some miracle, fate had brought her back to him. Besides that, Sana was drop dead gorgeous and he knew Marcus all too well. The kid was always horny and had a different girlfriend every five minutes.

Marcus stared at him and Arrigo knew he understood.
This was a passion that Arrigo had never expressed in front of Marcus before. Sure, he had been pissed off, but not possessive. Arrigo was marking his territory.

Marcus stated. He nodded at Arrigo and turned toward Sana. “So, beauty and the beast, eh? Didn’t see that one coming.” Marcus immediately shoved a piece of meat in his mouth.

“Don’t push me or I’ll take you back to Tecktar,” Arrigo smirked. The color in Marcus’ face va
nished and Arrigo knew he had definitely made his point then.

“Not funny,” Marcus grumbled. Arrigo would never do such a thing and Marcus knew it.

Sana laughed as she took a bite of food. Arrigo hadn’t heard her laugh in so long that it practically paralyzed him. He could listen to her laugh all day.

I’ll take you in to Williams tomorrow so you can check in.” Arrigo suspected that Sana would be stir crazy by then and want to get back to work.

Shrugging her shoulders, she continued her meal.
Her nonchalance about work surprised Arrigo and he wondered what she might be thinking. Once they had cleared their plates, Arrigo left the dishes to Marcus and led Sana upstairs.

“I’m going to shower, would you care to join me?” he asked. Sana stepped past him as he closed the bedroom door and locked it.

“I would love to, but I have a few questions first.” Sana leaned back against the dresser with her arms behind her.

Arrigo wondered when she would start the interrogation. She had every right to know
everything had ended up the way it had.

“Go ahead.” He un-tucked his shirt while he waited for the first question.

“Why do you sleep in the other room?” Her beautiful face reflected concern with the question and if Arrigo told her the truth, she would know how screwed up he was. He had to though because he owed it to her and to himself.

Letting out a sigh he began. “The day
happened I was here. I had just bought this place, and came over to make sure it was ready before I picked you up from your appointment. It was a surprise.”

He paused as the emotion of that day haunted him. Sana stood frozen. Her eyes filled with tears and he
had to turn away or he wouldn’t be able to finish his explanation.

“When things turned
south I took the next assignment that Williams had which left me for dead and I thought it might be the best way for you to move on.” The pain of leaving tore through his heart all over again. Staring at the floor, Arrigo took a deep breath before he continued.

After I returned from that last assignment I couldn’t bear to sleep in here. It was supposed to be
room.” Arrigo took a deep breath and turned back toward Sana only to find her swiftly walking toward him with a stream of tears running down her face. He braced himself for whatever wrath she might unleash upon him.

Instead, she placed both her hands on his face and
kissed him. Her tongue invaded his mouth and a growl from deep within him emerged.

“Shower,” she whispered.

Arrigo’s body wouldn’t let him delay his need for her any longer and he led her to the bathroom. Once he turned the water on, he turned to Sana.

“Didn’t you have more questions?” She had mentioned that she had a few questions.

“Nothing that matters,” she said. Sana lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. Arrigo growled as he saw her body again. He never tired of it. Quickly, Arrigo unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the corner of the room while he watched Sana unbutton her jeans. He couldn’t get his pants off fast enough once she stood before him naked.

Sana pulled the large glass door back and stepped inside the
black marble tiled shower. The hot water cascaded over her skin as Arrigo stepped in after her. She had already leaned her head back to wet her hair and when she tilted it further, her breasts lifted.

Arrigo dipped his head down so that he could take her
nipple into his mouth and as he tugged at it, Sana moaned.

Standing up straight, she grasped his hair in her hand and
forced him closer. Arrigo slowly lowered himself to his knees, skimming his lips down her body until he found what he wanted most. Running his tongue over her, he watched as she spread her legs slightly.

Sana moaned again as he teased her, but he had to be inside of her too badly to wait any longer. Releasin
g his grip on her, he stood up and plundered her mouth again.

He felt her breathing become shallow so he leaned back to let her have some air. His
heart nearly stopped at the sight of her wet and breathless in his arms. He hated that they he had missed this for the past two years, but he had her back and he wasn’t going to let her leave if could prevent it.

Wanting to tell her, he slowed his own panting and sucked in a deep breath.

“Sana, I need to tell you something.” His deep voice echoed in the shower even with the water spraying on them.

“Yes, Arrigo?”
Her still breathless voice went right through to his bones.

“I’ve never stopped loving you and I know it’s too soon, but I want a family with you.”
Arrigo held his breath as he waited for her reply. He knew he might have ruined the moment, but he had to be honest with her. Better now than later.

“Oh Arrigo,” she breathed out.
“I love you.” Sana tiptoed up and placed numerous kisses on both cheeks.

felt his heart pound with joy. He had her back and she was completely his. Arrigo lifted her so that he held her up and turned toward the tile wall. Leaning Sana against it, he positioned himself so that he could enter her. Arrigo lowered Sana so that he impaled her with his cock.

Taking in one deep breath after another, he slowly thrust against her. She felt so wet against his shaft that he feared he might not last long, but he controlled his eagerness to be satisfied. Sana leaned forward so that her weight was solely on Arrigo and it only forced him inside her further.

Sana bit into his shoulder as he continued and it sent a pang of desire straight to his cock.

“Oh fuck!” he cried out.
But Arrigo didn’t stop as he thrust Sana’s body on his until she screamed from her orgasm.

followed her with his own orgasm and roared when the wave rippled through his body. He stood there in the shower, weak kneed, and wet, but sated. As he felt himself slide out of her, he carefully set her down.

Sana dried her hair while
Arrigo slid on his pajama pants and went down to the kitchen for a snack. Strangely, he craved something sweet. The only thing that came to mind was tasting Sana, which made him laugh to himself. He needed some food.

Raiding the refrigerator, he found a cheesecake that Marcus must have hidden. Pulling the plastic lid off the container, he pulled one of the precut slices from the tray and took a huge bite. It tasted excellent he thought. Needing a chaser, he poured a glass of milk.

“What are you doing in here?” Marcus managed to come from nowhere.

“I’m hungry,” Arrigo growled at him.

“Hey! That’s my cheesecake!” Marcus whined while rubbing his eyes.

“Not anymore, especially since I paid for it.” Arrigo laughed at him, but did hold the tray up, offering Marcus
a piece.

“Thanks.” Marcus took the entire tray and slid as far away from Arrigo as he could without leaving the counter.

“You don’t eat sweets, so what gives?” Marcus asked.

“It’s Sana’s fault.”
That’s all that Arrigo was going to tell him too. Sana always had something sweet handy and just being around her had subliminally stirred that memory. He’d actually lost fifteen pounds when he left her, but he didn’t like that part of the memory. Arrigo would prefer to be fat and happy as long as Sana was with him, not that he had actually been fat though.ii

“So, I’m confused. You’ve been married for five years?” Marcus asked. Arrigo glanced at him as he took a drink of milk.

“It’s a long story.” Arrigo said briefly. He really didn’t want to go into detail tonight.

“All I have is time Arri. That’s what you pay me for,” Marcus said with a mouthful of cheesecake.

“Look. We were married for two years and change when Sana got pregnant. She was four months along when the baby died.” Arrigo paused. He realized that he had
told this story to anyone.

Marcus looked at him slack jawed.

“Shut your mouth when you chew, that’s disgusting.” Arrigo snapped.

“Anyway, Sana told me to go to hell and so I guess in a way I did, but none of that matters now because she’s here and we’re going to start over.” Arrigo slammed the glass to the counter, but somehow it
didn’t break.

“I had no idea, Arrigo. I’m so sorry.” Marcus quieted and got another bit
e of his cheesecake.

Arrigo.” The angelic voice filled his head. He turned to find Sana standing in the doorway.

“How long have you been there?” Arrigo asked.
He hoped she hadn’t heard the entire conversation because he didn’t want her to be upset.

“Long enough to know that if I don’t fight for a piece of cheesecake now, I’ll never get one.” Sana smiled and walked toward him.

He saw she wore one of his t-shirts and his jaw went slack. He swore that all five foot ten of her was legs at that moment. Damn did she look hot. The shirt clung to the curve of her breasts and he knew that Marcus would be staring. Quickly, he jutted his eyes toward the kid and glared at him.

“Don’t look at me, I’m not the one standing around with my mouth hanging open,” Marcus smiled.

Arrigo closed his mouth only to have Sana tiptoe up to him and kiss him.

Mmmm, good cheesecake,” she said seductively.

“Gross. I
can’t believe you kiss him. He’s an animal.” Marcus shook his head as Arrigo spied him around Sana. He opened his mouth to tell him to go screw himself, but Sana cut him off.

“I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop insulting my husband and if
you don’t I will make damn sure that jaw of yours will hurt so bad you can’t eat right for a week. Know what I mean?” Sana scolded him and Marcus turned white.

“Yes, ma’am.”
Marcus visibly swallowed hard and Arrigo couldn’t help but grin.

Sana turned back to Arrigo.

“And yes, I know he’s an animal. Animals fuck better.” She made no attempt at whispering and her brazenness caught him off guard. He felt his cheeks warm as Sana wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.

The clammer of metal and stone filled the room as
Marcus dropped his fork on the counter.

“Right baby?”
Sana asked.

Arrigo couldn’t think straight anymore. Sana had just purposely embarrassed Marcus for his own benefit, much less she had used the “f” word in a way that he’d never heard from her before. The only time she had said fuck was when she was mad.

Sana slinked back from Arrigo and turned toward Marcus. “Cheesecake, please,” she stated.

Marcus pushed it toward her. Arrigo handed her a fork and refilled his milk glass. He knew she would want some.

“This is good Marcus.” Sana nodded. “I think I’m going upstairs though, so can I have a plate please?”

Arrigo reached into the cabinet behind him and grabbed a plate. He watched as she put the partially eaten piece of cheesecake on it and added a second.

coming?” Sana asked.

Arrigo nodded. “I’ll be right up after I put these things away.”

Sana started up the stairs and then he realized that Marcus was staring at her. When he looked back at Sana, he saw that the t-shirt was creeping up just a bit and if she even slightly bent over, Marcus would get a bird’s eye view of Sana’s ass.

“Boy!” Arrigo hissed. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? If she doesn’t do it, I will.”

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