A Secret to Keep (30 page)

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Authors: Railyn Stone

BOOK: A Secret to Keep
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“You sure about that?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure. So can we drop this?”

Sighing, Liyah shrugged. “Fine, but I don’t think you should give up on something you don’t know for certain. All jokes aside, this could be the opportunity for you to give Brayden the family you’ve always wanted him to have. Wouldn’t it be terrible to get this far and not push it to the next level because you aren’t sure if it would work? You’ve done that before and now look at how things are turning around.” Liyah stood and walked across the room to the door, pausing to look at Sloane.

“Well, I guess we’ll never know, because I’m not trying to make a fool of myself. Right now things are going well with Gates visiting and spending time with Brayden. I don’t want to do anything to mess with it.”




“I still can’t believe he did all of this.” Liyah repeated the same sentence over and over again standing in Sloane’s backyard. The entire area was now the street scene from
Sesame Street
for Brayden’s first birthday. Sloane planned on making sure all of the decorations were a
Sesame Street
theme because of Brayden’s love of
. Of course, once Gates got wind it was his favorite he’d taken it upon himself to go all out for the party. “So what time will he be here?” Liyah asked.

Still in awe of the amount of decorations and the things that had been set up in her backyard, Sloane smiled. There was no end to how much Gates would do for Brayden. It made her feel good knowing the little boy would know the man loved him more than his own life.

“He said around three. He’s been in Seattle all week trying to tie up a deal and he was going to get out of there as soon as he could. He called to make sure everything had been delivered though.” Sloane busied herself with some last minute details as she thought about Gates. She really hoped he would be able to be there for their son’s birthday, but it wasn’t looking good. Maybe she was making a mistake to think things had changed. Gates was still the CEO of a huge company and there were always going to be more important things. Her thinking Brayden was going to come first with him, just because he was his son was probably a mistake.

“This is too much. He’s really getting into this Dad thing isn’t he?”

“He’s really good with Brayden and Brayden adores him.”

“You adore him too, don’t you?”

“Stop it, Liyah. Gates and I are co-parenting Brayden and that’s it.” She didn’t want to even entertain any thoughts of them reuniting. As it stood he was already running late and she couldn’t bear the thought of her having to explain to her son why daddy wasn’t showing up for events. She knew right now Brayden wouldn’t understand. He was too young, but she didn’t want a life of those same disappointments peppering his memories as he grew.

“Whatever you say, Sloane. I think both of you are denying what’s really between you.”

“Liyah, I told you before. Gates isn’t thinking about me like that. He’s focused on Brayden and what’s best for him and giving him a great life. I left Gates. I betrayed his trust and I’m pretty sure he isn’t over that.”

“Oh, come on. Look around you. Do you see all the things this man is doing to make his son happy? It’s not just for Brayden. A lot of it has to do with you. He still loves you and he wants to make sure both of you are happy.”


“Sloane, don’t count out the possibility. Think about what I said.”

“Whatever, let’s get this stuff finished before everyone gets here okay?” Sloane tried to get her mind back on the snacks and goodie bags for the party. She was a little disappointed her aunt wasn’t going to make the party. Unfortunately, she was battling the flu and she didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. It wouldn’t be the same without her there, but Sloane understood. She invited a whole host of people. Co-workers with children and of course, Liyah, Chase and Hannah, but the guest she was truly looking forward to seeing was Gates. She had to admit she was excited about the possibilities of them growing closer as they raised Brayden. As soon as Chase and Hannah arrived, they helped her and Liyah finish goodie bags and kept Brayden occupied. It wasn’t going to be too long before guests would arrive and Sloane was getting a little worried Gates wouldn’t be there. She wanted him to be able to see Brayden’s face when he entered his very own
Sesame Street

“He’ll be here.” Liyah chirped when Sloane glanced at her watch.

“I should’ve known he wouldn’t show. I guess some things don’t change.” She frowned, thinking that she was right. He was going to do to Brayden exactly what he’d done to her.

“He was in Seattle right? That’s a long flight and you never know, he may have been delayed. I’m sure he’ll be here. Right?” Liyah nudged Chase and shrugged her shoulder towards Sloane.

“Yes, of course. I’m sure he’s on his way.”

“Thanks guys, but you don’t have to make any excuses for Gates, okay. He’s busy. I’m used to the routine.” She left them to finish up while she went to greet the arriving guests.

“I guess it isn’t a surprise he isn’t here.” Hannah watched Sloane greeting the guests and their children, who were already a bundle of energy, coming in the house.

“Give the guy a break. I’m sure he’s on his way. This is new to him.”

“Wow, Chase, never thought you’d be on his side.” Hannah looked at her boyfriend sideways.

“It’s not that I’m on his side or anything, but this is still new to him. He just found out he has a child and he’s running a multi-million dollar company. Things can’t just stop because Sloane wants it to. And ultimately, I want to see Sloane happy and I know he’s what makes her happy.”

“I wish Sloane would give it a shot. I know Gates cares about her and I know she still has feelings for him. I can’t figure out how to get them on the same page.” Liyah grimaced as she watched Sloane ushering Brayden through a throng of toddlers and headed for the back door.

Since most of the guests had arrived, Sloane reluctantly gathered them to get ready to go into the backyard for the party, but before she could get them out, the doorbell rang.

“Okay, in a second we’ll get the party started. Liyah, could you get that?” As soon as Liyah crossed the room and opened the front door, her mouth dropped when
Big Bird
entered through the doorway. “Well, hello boys and girls.” Sloane looked over to see
join him. Every kid in the room squealed with delight as the characters greeted them.

“Where’s the birthday boy?”
approached Sloane, who stood holding Brayden. His little eyes sparkled and as Ernie talked to him, he giggled more and more. Liyah took Brayden, who was squirming to get down, from Sloane and she, Chase, and Hannah ushered the characters and the guests into the backyard. Sloane stood speechless, trying to make sense out of the whole scene until she looked at the front door and noticed Gates watching her. She smiled as he walked across the room.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to make it.” She stammered, realizing he’d proved her wrong. Maybe things could be different.

“I told you I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I just had a few ‘friends’ I had to pick up on the way.” Winking at Sloane, he followed her into the backyard. They stood watching their son teetering around and having the time of his life. And Sloane headed through the crowd to join Liyah and Brayden as he got his picture taken with
Big Bird.

“Hey, Gates, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot,” Chase said, coming to stand beside Gates and watch Brayden play. “I just wanted to apologize for my part in all of this. Sloane and Brayden are really special to me, so…”

Gates extended his hand to Chase, who returned the gesture, and the two shook. “Actually Chase, I’m glad Sloane and Brayden have had you. You’ve been a good influence on my son, so thank you.”

“No need. He’s a great kid. But you’ll find that out soon enough. Plus, you’ll be able to be here on a regular basis for Sloane and that will definitely relieve some of the pressure she feels as a single mom. I’m glad things worked out.” Chase added, excusing himself to join Hannah in a picture with

Gates stood taking all of it in and watched how each of Sloane’s friends interacted with Brayden and how responsive he was to them. He felt a tug on his arm and he looked over to see Sloane staring up at him. “You’re amazing, do you know that? You’ve made Brayden’s day.” Reaching up, she caught him off guard as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss before heading back through the throng of squealing toddlers.

“And you just made mine,” he grinned.




The party was a huge success. If she didn’t know any better, she would swear the adults enjoyed themselves more than the kids. Gates surprised Sloane by having the characters show up at the party, but the best surprise came when Brayden got an opportunity to meet
. The character came in time to sing
Happy Birthday
and watch Brayden sink his hands into his cake. Of course, Brayden ended up with icing all over his face, hands and clothes, but it was the cutest thing and Sloane caught it as well as so many other great candid shots of the day.

“I’m not very well versed on birthday parties, but I think it went well, don’t you?” Gates reached down to pick up an empty cup and place it in the garbage. After the other guests left, Liyah, Hannah and Chase helped with some of the clean up before they left Sloane and Gates to finish up. Brayden was so worn out that he fell asleep before Sloane could give him a bath.

“Uh, well is an understatement. That had to be the best birthday party ever. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

“He lit up over
. I didn’t realize he liked him so much.”

“Yes, he does. The excitement wore him out though. He slept the entire time I changed his clothes.” She stood against the railing on the deck and the stars were shining so bright she felt she could reach up and grab them.

“You thought I wasn’t coming, didn’t you?” Coming to stand near her, Gates looked out into the darkness of the backyard.

“Well, I…”

“Come on, tell me the truth.” He turned to face her and she ducked her head.

“I guess I should have more faith in you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I know it’s probably going to take time for you to trust me.”

“It’s not that, Gates. I guess I’m a little gun shy. I’m trying to protect Brayden. He adores you so much and I get afraid he’ll be disappointed and I won’t know how to make it better for him.” Turning Sloane towards him, Gates looked down at her.

“Sloane. I promise you I won’t hurt him. He means more to me than I could’ve ever imagined.” He looked into her eyes and she felt her heart flutter.

“Thank you. After today, I know there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him.” She could smell his cologne and her head felt lighter as he watched her.
Please don’t look at me like that. Please.

She wondered if he felt the same tension building between them she was feeling as they stood staring into one another’s eyes. She quickly got her answer when Gates leaned in to place each of his hands on either side of her on the railing and placed his lips against hers. When their lips touched, she moved in closer to him and he deepened the kiss. Snaking her arms around his waist, Sloane leaned into his chest. She felt his heart beating against her and all of the old feelings she had for him boil over.

Gates pulled her tighter and his body reacted immediately to hers. Coming up for air, Sloane pulled back and looked in his eyes. She was sure she was reading desire in his eyes and was pretty sure he could see the same thing in hers. He hadn’t let her waist go and she enjoyed the feel of his hands roving across her back. Both were overwhelmed and he pulled her to him, slowly winding his hand into her hair.


“Shhhh.” Pushing out of his embrace, she placed a finger on his lips before quietly turning to take hold of his hand and lead him into the house. They headed through the darkened hallway to her bedroom. Once there, she closed the door and turned on the baby monitor. She moved back to stand in front of Gates and he watched her intently as she seductively unbuttoned his shirt, never taking her eyes away from his.

She moved in and began to kiss his smooth chest and he hissed at the touch of her lips on his skin. Sloane continued to kiss a trail down his abdomen, feeling his smooth skin underneath her lips flex and tense from the sensation. Reaching out, Gates cradled her face in his hands and pulled her up to him to kiss her. Moving from her lips to her neck, he continued kissing her smooth skin, eliciting a moan from her while he unbuttoned her shirt exposing her black lace bra.

Quietly they moved to the bed and once Sloane’s legs came in contact with the bed, she lowered herself to lie back across the bed and he stretched out beside her. He smoothed his hand across her stomach kissing her neck and her lips. Continuing their make out session, Sloane could feel him getting more and more aroused as she writhed beside him.

Moaning his name over and over, she closed her eyes as he continued to assault her body with his firm lips and ever so capable hands. His fingertips followed the curve of her waist, exploring each inch of her, setting her skin on fire as he finally reached her lace-covered breast. Sloane sucked in sharply when he kneaded the mound in his heated palm. Dropping his head to the area his hand was in, he kissed her through the material. His tongue traced the edge of the lace where it met her skin while he continued to massage her through the material. Reluctantly pulling his hands away from her chest, he moved them down her sides to the edge of her jeans and started to unbutton them. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth hearing her zipper coming undone and she felt she’d come undone with it.

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