A Seductive Melody (The Kelly Brothers Book 5) (15 page)

Read A Seductive Melody (The Kelly Brothers Book 5) Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #Contemporary Romance, #New Adult Romance

BOOK: A Seductive Melody (The Kelly Brothers Book 5)
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He flashed her a sheepish grin. “I suppose I ought to apologize for not calling you back, but I….”

So that’s why he didn’t call
. “It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.” He got up and paced in front of her, his hands jammed into his pockets again. “I should’ve called.” He paused and added, “I wanted to call.”

“Don’t worry, Ethan. I understand. After weeks of writer’s block, I know you didn’t want to disrupt the flow.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to hurt you, either.” He sat back down on the sofa and took her hand in his. “What I mean to say is, I really enjoyed the other night, and I’m hoping I didn’t fuck things up by leaving like I did or not calling.”

“I can understand why you left. Ari can be a little…intense.”

“I was terrified she’d post a photo of me on Facebook or something like that. You of all people know how hard it is to hide once the paparazzi finds out where you are.”

She nodded. Those days seemed like a distant memory, but she remembered what it was like to walk out of the gym to the flash of cameras trying to capture her at her most sweaty. “So what are you saying, Ethan?”

“This.” He leaned forward and kissed her until she forgot about everything but the pressure of his lips against hers. He moved slowly, seeking her permission to continue, and when she granted it, he swept in and deepened the kiss. His arms wrapped around her, and the passion of his embrace aroused her hunger more than a four-course meal at a five-star restaurant.

She kissed him back, her hands reaching for him, exploring everything she could about him. The taste of his tongue as it entwined with hers. The subtle cedar in his cologne mixing with the scent of fabric softener on his shirt. The carved ripples of his abs and biceps. Before she could stop herself, she was falling back on the sofa and pulling him with her.

Thankfully, he was thinking clearly enough to pull back before they both got naked. He leaned over her, his arms like iron bars on either side of her chest, and struggled to catch his breath. “Becca, I want you so badly.”

“Then what’s the holdup?” She reached to pull him back to down into another kiss, but he shook her off.

“No, I mean, I want more than just sex. I like you. You get me.”

“So what are you suggesting?”

“You know—the normal dating stuff. Dinner.” He placed a simple peck on the corner of her mouth. “A movie.” Another one on the tip of her nose. “Then maybe dessert.”

He gazed down at her, the hunger in his eyes matched only by the tense, yet hopeful smile.

For a supposedly jaded rocker, his request was refreshingly innocent and sincere. She licked her lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know how much I like dessert.”

“Damn, Bec, when you say it that way….” This time, he didn’t shake her off when she pulled him back into another kiss. Without breaking contact with her mouth, he scooped her up in his arms again and carried her up the metal staircase to the bed.

He laid her down and grinned. “Speaking of dessert, ever since Thursday night, I’ve had a craving for honey.” He leaned in closer and added in a low rumble, “But only if I get to lick it off of you.”

Another shiver of delight coursed down her spine at the thought of his tongue exploring her body. “Do you happen to have any?

“I’ll add it to my shopping list. Right now, you’re sweet enough.”

As they stripped off their clothes, she indulged in the fantasy of how easy it would be to fall in love with Ethan Kelly.

Chapter Eleven


The doorbell interrupted Becca while she was applying her final coat of mascara. She glanced down at the time on her phone.

Shit! He’s early

She made quick work of her lashes and applied a coat of sheer lip color before checking her reflection in the mirror. Not as perfect as she would’ve liked, but acceptable. The vintage knee-length, fifties-styled ice blue dress made her eyes pop, and the glittering beadwork added just the right sparkle for the occasion.

Ari was opening the front door when Becca exited her bedroom. Her roommate was dressed in a simple red sheath that clung to her petite curves and boasted a revealing slit from ankle to hip. Unlike her, Ari didn’t “rent the runway” or explore secondhand stores for clothes. She owned the designer dress. “Hey, Ethan.”

Becca released the pent-up breath. In the nearly two months she and Ethan had been dating, Ari had overcome her adolescent adoration and saw him simply as Becca’s boyfriend, and Ethan was much more relaxed when he hung out at her apartment.

“Hey, Ari. You look nice.”

He stepped into the apartment, and Becca’s pulse quickened. He’d always been sexy with his rough around the edges, bad-boy air. But dressed in a tux, he’d become downright irresistible. The satin lapels matched his short, slicked-back black hair, and the lines accentuated his broad shoulders and lean waist.

I want to drag him back to the bedroom and muss him up right away

He turned to her and froze, his mouth slightly ajar. “Wow, Bec. You look great.”

Her cheeks grew warm, and she lowered her eyes with a shy smile. “You clean up pretty nicely yourself.”

“Not all cleaned up.” He lifted his trousers enough to show the polished metal-studded motorcycle boots. “I had to retain some bit of myself.”

“You rebel.” She slipped her arms through his. “So are you telling me that we’re taking your bike to the Museum Gala?”

He laughed, never taking his eyes off of her. “No, I can spring for a taxi.” Then he waved to Ari. “We’ll see you there.”

Ari waved and rushed back to her bathroom to finish getting ready. Her roommate didn’t have a date for the event, and for a moment, Becca thought about inviting her to share a cab with them. That thought flew out of her mind, though, the second Ethan pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“You look like a sexy snow queen.”

“Are you suggesting I launch into that Idina Menzel song?”

He pulled back, his face scrunched up in horror, and laughed again. “No, don’t. Ty’s sister and her little girl joined us on tour around the time the movie came out, and all I heard for days was that song.”

The mirth faded, and his gaze grew distant, the same way it always did when he spoke of Ty. He rubbed his left forearm over the place where his best friend’s name was tattooed, the way he always did when a craving hit him.

Becca cupped his cheek in one hand and placed a kiss on the other to pull him from his somber mood. “Let’s go before they run out of virgin cocktails.”

The American Museum of Natural History’s annual gala was one of New York City’s hottest social events, and she didn’t want to miss a thing, especially since Elaine was still hounding her for more celebrity gossip. She managed to unearth a few gems during the New Yorker Festival and NYC Food and Wine Week last month, but this would be the first time she’d be surrounded by enough big names to land a good story.

Of course, the breakout story was escorting her to the event. Ethan’s turnaround and comeback never ceased to amaze her. He’d written fourteen songs since Rosh Hashanah and was working with some set musicians to record them for a solo album. All this was being done in secret, but when the news would eventually get out, it would set the music world buzzing.

But no matter how many times she was tempted to be the one to write that story, she refused to betray his trust in her.

The taxi drove across Central Park and dropped them off at the Museum of Natural History. Growing up, she’d heard stories from her parents about the extravagant event that took place under the shadows of the blue whale and the T-rex, but this was her first time attending. And it was all due to Ethan. She’d mentioned wanting to go a few weeks ago when they were touring the exhibits, and he surprised her a few hours later with tickets.

Once inside the rotunda, they found their way to the bar. Ethan ordered her usual club soda with lime and got a Coke for himself. A scan of the room identified dozens of her parents’ friends and the elite of New York society. Celebrities from stage and screen mingled among them, adding extra energy to the excitement in the room.

Becca made her way through the crowd, stopping to chat with people she knew. She introduced Ethan as her boyfriend, using his first name only. Every time she said it, though, a little rush of glee struck her. She still couldn’t believe this charismatic, sexy man was dating her. He could’ve had his pick of any of the actresses or models in the room, but his fingers remained firmly entwined with hers, and his attention never wavered from her.

How did I get so lucky?

She was floating on cloud nine until she heard someone say her name and turned around.


Despite his aversion to crowds and large parties, Ethan was glad he’d gotten the tickets for the Gala. Becca lit up the room. It was more than the icicle blue dress that hugged her full breasts and accentuated her curvy hips. It was the way she worked the crowd—smiling, laughing, engaging with complete strangers and making them feel at ease. The Gala awakened the partying side of her that had been dormant for years, but her maturity tempered it with a sophistication he wished he could replicate.

Initially, he’d held her hand to soothe his anxiety about being recognized at such an important event. The craving to get high and forget about his jitters ambushed him several times during the first half hour, but each time, he looked inside himself and found a way to push it aside. As his nerves eased, he held on to her hand as a symbol of pride. He’d caught the admiring glances some of the other men had thrown her way as she weaved through the crowd, and a flame of jealousy roared to life within him. She was his girlfriend, and he wanted to make that very clear to anyone who met them.

All was going well until Becca turned around and came face to face with a tall, elegant older woman.

The color drained from Becca’s face, and it was her turn to squeeze his fingers for support. “Claire.”

His gut knotted with worry, but he resisted the urge to swoop in and rescue her, especially with so many people there to witness them making a scene.

Claire started to reach for her like she wanted to hug her, but then lowered her arms and drew back. “It’s so wonderful running into you here, Becca,” she said, her shaking words mirroring the nervous smile on her face. “And who’s this?”

“My boyfriend, Ethan,” she replied, just as she’d had all evening.

The tension between the two women smothered the joy from earlier. Claire kept looking as though she was waiting for Becca’s permission to continue, but Becca looked like she was a breath away from bolting. She trembled beside him, her grip threatening to cut off the circulation in his hand.

The uneasy silence that stretched between them gave him a chance to study Claire closer. She was tall and lithe, the few lines around her eyes hinting at her age, but the glowing beauty of her skin made it difficult to guess. Her honey-colored hair cascaded over her shoulder in glossy waves, and her strapless evening gown created cleavage that most men probably wouldn’t be able to turn away from. But there was something about her that seemed vaguely familiar.

“Is there any chance you’ve changed your mind about Thanksgiving?” Claire asked. “Jacob told me you had plans, but your father and I would love to have you at the table.”

“Claire, you know I can’t.” Becca’s attention shifted to someone behind Claire, and she stumbled back, her hand slipping from his. “Excuse me. I have to go to the ladies’ room.”

Claire’s face tightened with anguish as Becca fled in the direction of the Asian Mammals Exhibit, but it wasn’t until she spoke that Ethan believed it was genuine. “I’m terribly sorry you had to witness that. Even though she’s as stubborn as her father, I still have hope they can make amends.”

That one sentence made him realize there was a whole side to Becca he didn’t know. They’d been together for almost two months, but during that time, she’d hardly ever mentioned her family. And now that he’d gained a hint as to why, he became determined to unravel the whole story.

“I’ll see what I can do,” he said to Claire a moment before an older man with the same blue-green eyes as Becca came up and put his arm around her waist. Ethan nodded in acknowledgment to the man he assumed was Becca’s father, and turned around to find his date.

The music signaling the Gala attendees to make their way downstairs to the dinner tables sounded, and Ethan found himself fighting against the tide of humanity heading in that direction. Once he broke free, he searched for the nearest ladies’ room.

He found Becca leaning against the stone walls outside the restroom, her head tilted up toward the ceiling and her eyes closed. The calm, collected woman he’d always known seemed on the verge of having a panic attack. Her ragged breaths flowed in and out with enough force to shake her body. Her hands clenched and unclenched, and a sheen of perspiration covered her pale face.

He approached her with caution, afraid any sudden movement might send her over the edge. “Talk to me, Bec,” he said when he got close enough to talk in a hushed voice.

Her eyes snapped open, wide with fear. “Ethan, I….” She exhaled with a sigh and closed them again. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

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