A Slow-Burning Dance (5 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: A Slow-Burning Dance
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“If you’re worried about Santino’s reaction, please don’t.
You’re a grown woman, and I don’t intend on using you for sex and then dumping

Now she knew he was a mind reader. “Thank you for saying so.”

The band was back on stage. Damien gave her hands a squeeze.
“Think about it. We’re not going anywhere for another hour.”

He let go of her hands and turned his attention toward the stage.
She watched his profile for a few seconds while the noise grew to a deafening
roar once again. “What if I say ‘no’?”

Damien cut his gaze toward her and smiled. “Then I’ll take you
home, kiss you good night, and beg you to go out with me again.”

He was on his feet, clapping and cheering with the crowd, so
Sela did the same, smiling so wide her face hurt. This had just turned out to
be the sexiest, most amazing night of her life, and it was far from over.


Chapter Five


Sela held onto Damien’s hand as they walked along the streets of
SouthWest, lit by street lamps that had been designed to resemble those from
the Victorian England period, only powered by electricity instead of gas.

Santino had once remarked that he’d never understood why
BrentCait Enterprises, the company who designed and built the cities beneath
the continental USA, had decided that a city built underneath what used to be
southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Nevada should have street
lamps that looked more like they belonged in a city underneath London.

Damien knew Ace, whose father was the Brent half of BrentCait.
Perhaps he knew the reason why? She asked him.

“You know, I asked Ace that very same question once, and he told
me his father had put the same streetlamps in all the cities. Apparently the
reason was very simple. He liked the look of them.”

“So they’re still in all the cities?”

“Not anymore. Several of the city councils had the foresight to
have them changed out as soon as practical after everyone had moved underground.
In CentralWest, where Blaine Parker and Dominic live, there is so little light
at night that hardly anyone goes out. No one here seems to care one way or the
other, so these silly streetlamps stay.”

“They’re very romantic, but they don’t go well with terra cotta
tiles, cacti, and wrought iron. I would think something heavy and dark would
look better.”

He grinned down at her, sending more wetness to her pussy. “You
mean like in fifteenth century castles? Were you thinking of a Spanish
Inquisition look for the city, perhaps?”

She slapped playfully at his arm. “No! Of course not. I meant
something curved, made of wrought iron, with scrollwork.”

“I know what you meant. I’m teasing you.”

They were almost to her building when he stopped. Two streets to
the left and she’d be home. About six blocks to the right, and they’d be at
Damien’s building. Damien gave her a desperate look, and Sela’s heart did a few

He brushed his hand along her hair in a feathery touch, sending
shivers down her spine. “Have you made a decision?”

She had made it hours ago. Why was it so difficult just to tell
him? What was she afraid would happen? This was silly. She wanted this man, and
he obviously wanted her. Sela gave him a quick kiss because she knew if she
lingered on that mouth, they’d end up having sex right here on the street.
“Yes, I have. I want to make love to you.”

The bliss on his face took her breath away. When he kissed her,
she forgot about the fact that the streets were still filled with people, and
wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. He was considerably taller than she
was, and she wasn’t short, so she was glad she’d worn heels. He was easier to

She parted her lips and moaned softly in the back of her throat
as his tongue slipped inside. Fireworks exploded inside her head as he deepened
the kiss, sending tiny jolts of electricity straight to her throbbing clit.

He released it way too soon, holding her gaze with such an
intense look she almost forgot to breathe. “Do you need anything from your apartment
to spend the night?”

Do I?
Sela had no fucking
clue. “No. I’m fine.” Screw it. Whatever she needed would have to wait for

Six blocks had never felt like such an impossibly long walk.
When they reached his building, she followed him inside and into an elevator
near the back of the lobby. He used a card key to open it so she assumed it was
private. As it sped toward the button he’d pushed, the tenth and top floor, he
gazed down at her again with lust and an expression she swore was awe. How
could any woman resist a man who looked at her like that?

She still hadn’t torn her gaze away from his when the doors
opened and he led her into a foyer that was decorated like a fifteenth century
castle. Sela stopped and gawked. Then she laughed. “Now I understand why you
were teasing me.”

“I love the architecture of this period. It’s so dark and
disturbing, but that’s what draws me to it.”

“It’s stunning. Does the entire apartment look like this?” He
led her through two dark, heavy wooden doors into a great room that nearly took
Sela’s breath away. “I guess it does.”

“Yes, it’s decorated like this throughout. Would you like a

She stared at him, and it was obvious he was hoping she’d say
“no”. “Maybe in the morning.”

Damien grasped her face again and planted a kiss on her mouth
that was so hot, she half expected the room to burst into flames. She dropped
her bag on the floor where it clattered against the stone tiles, and wrapped
her arms around his shoulders again. Then pushed her body against his until she
could feel his rock hard cock through his jeans.

His moans became louder, and she lost all sense of time and
space as he deepened the kiss, sending her arousal to crazy heights. Sela was a
woman on fire, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. She broke the kiss. “I’m
on the pill, and I have no STDs.”

“I have none either, but I use condoms on general principle.”

“Then I hope you have one in your pocket.” Her pulse raced as
she reached behind to unzip her dress. As she eased it off her shoulders, his
jaw went slack when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. The dress had a
built-in one. She held his gaze, goosebumps breaking out along her arms
although the temperature inside the apartment was comfortable. She let the
dress fall to the floor, and then she kicked off her heels and stood before him
wearing nothing but a pair of silk, wet, dark red panties.

Usted es una belleza vale

She moaned softly at the tone of his voice, seductive and full
of conviction. “Thank you for calling me beautiful, but I won’t make you fight
for me.”

Damien touched her face. “I would if I had to, and you are

“I think you’re gorgeous, too.”

His skin on her face burned, and the look in his eyes grew deep
and smoldering. He pulled her into a tight embrace and nuzzled her neck,
forcing loud cries of pleasure from her. The anticipation was killing her. He
planted tiny kisses along her jawline, sending her into a frenzy. She wanted
him inside her

“The condoms are upstairs.”

“I wasn’t kidding about being on the pill.”

More kisses, this time on her shoulders and upper arms. “Then
are you all right if we don’t use one?”

“Damien, if I don’t have you inside me right now, I’m going to
lose my damn mind.”

His soft chuckle sent shivers down her spine. “I like to take my

“Oh…” She was toast. He was going to torture her with foreplay.
His tongue trailed down her neck to the valley between her breasts. When he
took them into his strong hands, Sela moaned softly. He teased her nipples into
taut points with his thumbs and forefingers, and all she wanted to do was melt
into his body and never leave.

Damien bent his head and sucked one nipple then the other, while
Sela dug her fingers into his hair. “Oh

“Please what? What do you want from me, Sela?”

He said her name like he was reciting a prayer. Had his voice
always been this smoky? Why had she never noticed before?
Because you haven’t seen him or heard him speak in six years, that’s
She pushed away those thoughts. He was here now, and he’d asked her a
question that needed to be answered. “I want you to fuck me.”

He dropped to his knees in front of her and grasped the hem of
her panties. “I will.” He pulled them down, so damn slowly that she moaned
again. “I promise.” When they were at her knees, he trailed his tongue up and
down her thighs. “You have such strong legs. They’re so sexy.”

Sela couldn’t speak any longer. She merely watched him pull her
panties down to her ankles, and then lift each foot to remove them. Her body
shivered, and she didn’t think she could take one more second of this.

“Step apart.”

She did as he asked, and then cried out again as his tongue
flicked her pussy lips. “You’re so wet for me, Sela.”

“I have been for hours.”

He glanced up at her and grinned. “I know. I could smell it on
you. You were wet earlier, when you touched yourself, weren’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“There is nothing more seductive than a woman who wants to

She giggled because the emotion bubbling up inside her was
overwhelming. She’d never been teased like this, or made to wait so long. It
was both seductive and maddening, but now she didn’t want him to stop. His
words and gestures made her feel like the most enticing woman on the planet,
and no one had never made her feel that way before.

Damien slipped a long finger into her pussy, and Sela let out a
slow, soft moan. When he flicked her clit with his tongue, she swore under her
breath and planted her feet for better balance. The tiles were cool against the
soles of her feet, for which she was grateful. She was so close to coming it
was ridiculous. She had been for a couple of hours now, and if he kept this up,
the orgasm would easily happen.

“You taste incredible.” He moved his finger in and out while he
licked her clit. “How close are you,

“Oh, God … close. So close.”

Damien increased the pressure of his tongue, and pushed two
fingers inside her. Sela moaned loudly and held onto his head. She closed her
eyes and threw back her head, letting it happen. “Oh … oh,
” The climax crashed over her and went on and on. She was
barely aware of it when he stood and cupped her face.

She opened her eyes and gazed into his, so warm and full of
lust. Damien kissed her, tongue and all, and Sela could hardly stand now. She
tasted her own pussy juices, which she found incredibly sexy, and then he
released her mouth and picked her up as if she weighed nothing.

He carried her across the room, not to his bedroom like she’d
thought he would. When he placed her on her feet she was behind a sofa, facing
it. Damien unzipped his pants. “Now it’s my turn to become impatient. Lean
over, beautiful, and hang on. I’m going to fuck you hard.”

Sela nearly came again at his words. She did as he asked, and
then he slid his thick, swollen cock into her pussy. She clutched the back of
the sofa while he fucked her slowly at first, torturing her by pulling out
completely before diving back in, until she was out of her mind with need.

“Sela …
Dios mío
… you
feel incredible.”

“Damien … please don’t

He kissed her back. “Not until you beg me to,

His thrusting increased, and another orgasm was on its way. Sela
moaned loudly and tried to keep breathing as her arousal grew once more. When
Damien reached around and grasped her breasts from behind, she closed her eyes
and just gave over to the sensations. This strong, sexy man made love unlike
anything she’d ever experienced, and she never wanted it to end.

Sweat pooled at her hairline, between her breasts, and under the
point where her abdomen rested on the back of the sofa. His breath was warm on
her back, and she shivered at his soft, sexy moans. When her climax started,
she cried out and so did Damien. A few quick, jerky thrusts later and she felt
him spasm as her own orgasm crested.

He stayed inside her, moving in and out slowly as he whispered
endearments in Spanish, until her contractions subsided. Then he withdrew
gently and turned her around, pulling her into his arms to hold her and stroke
her damp hair and back.

There were no words. They weren’t necessary. She knew how much
they’d both enjoyed that. It was evident in his touch and in the way he softly
kissed her hair every few seconds. Sela knew without asking why that her life
had just changed forever.


Chapter Six


Damien helped Sela pick up her clothes and shoes, and led her
upstairs to his bedroom suite. While she was in the bathroom, he sprinted back
downstairs and grabbed some water, a bottle of wine, two glasses and snacks.
When he returned to his bedroom, she was lying on his bed with her arms behind
her head. The urge to simply fuck her again was almost stronger than his own essential

He eyed her lazily for a few seconds, debating. “Don’t move.
I’ll be right back.”

“Where would I go?”

He grinned, shaking his head. He hadn’t had sex like this since
he was twenty. Hell, he’d
sex like this. She was unlike any woman he’d ever been with, just as he’d known
she would be.

After he took care of business, he crawled onto the bed next to
her and pulled her into arms. He could hold her all night and it still wouldn’t
be enough. Damien drank in her scent, all funky and warm now, wishing they were
lovers and she lived here with him. He’d never get any work done, but would
that matter? Not to be with a woman like Sela.

The fact that he was thinking this way after one evening should
freak him out, but it didn’t. She wasn’t the kind of woman he’d make love to
for a while and then ease away from before things got serious. He wasn’t that
man anymore, and even if he had been, Sela would have changed him overnight.

Something had happened to him two days ago when he’d spotted her
again, walking through that unfinished unit. She was a beautiful woman and he
certainly had an eye for them, but this was different. Her eyes had pierced his
soul, and he’d known somewhere deep inside that he had to have her. He had to
possess all of Sela Chavez.

Damien released the embrace and leaned across her to lift the
plate of strawberries off the nightstand. “How long has it been since you’ve
had these?”

She sat up, her eyes wide. “Oh my goodness. I have no idea.”

He held one up, and she opened her mouth. Damien placed it on
her tongue, and she took it inside, closing her eyes and moaning softly as she
Madre de Dios.
Even the way
she ate was seductive. “I have missed the taste of berries.”

“I’ve missed a lot of things.” He popped one into his mouth.
“Starting with the taste of fresh fruit, plucked off a tree or a bush, not
procured from the hothouses.”

She pushed pillows against the headboard and settled back
against them, hugging her knees. “What else do you miss?”

He sat next to her and balanced the plate on his thighs so they
could keep eating. “Well, let’s see … the sound of the ocean, real stars at
night, the smell of rain, and watching birds fly, for starters.”

Her gaze turned sad, and he almost wished he hadn’t said
anything. “I miss the oddest things. Like echoes. They aren’t the same here.”

He nodded. “There’s a perfectly logical explanation for that,
but it involves math and physics, and there’s not much blood in my brain right
now, so I’m afraid it will have to wait.”

“Gee, I wonder why there’s no blood in your

They both laughed, and her smile faded again. “I also miss the moon. Why can’t
they put a fake one in the sky? We have fake stars. Or does that explanation
also involve math and physics?”

He smiled slightly and shook his head. “No, that one is actually
pretty lame. It’s the same reason no one bothered to figure out how to alter
the fake sun’s position. We still use the same calendar, but the seasons don’t
change. The position of the sunlight and the fake stars never change, so no one
felt it was necessary to bother with a fake moon.”

“Well I miss it. I also miss blowing dandelion seeds in the
wind, and the sound of the wind itself, echoing through the canyons at night. I
even miss the plaintive howl of coyotes.”

Damien nodded. “I miss all the animals. I mean the pets. I know
we have animals, but only the ones we eat. I miss having pets.”

She shifted her body to face him. “Do you think if you and your
friends succeed one day and shut down The Madeline Project that we’ll find any
dogs or cats still alive up there?”

“I wish I knew. It’s been nearly seven years now,” he said
gently. “Where would they have hidden all this time?”

“I don’t know. Caves, maybe?”

“They’d still have to find food and water.”

She hugged her knees tighter. “Let’s talk about something else.”

Damien reached across to the nightstand again and brought the
bottle of wine close to his chest so he could open it. Sela handed him one
glass at a time, and he poured the dark red liquid into them, then she placed
the bottle back on the nightstand for him. “What a lovely idea, Damien. Thank
you.” She lifted her glass. “What shall we drink to?”

He gazed into her beautiful dark eyes, wishing he’d pursued her
six years ago. What a smug asshole he’d been. “To new beginnings, and endless

The warmth on her face made his dick hard again, but then, he
suspected it wouldn’t take much for the rest of his life for that to happen.
All he’d have to do was think her name.

“I like that.” She clinked her glass against his gently. “To new
beginnings and endless possibilities.”


finished most of the strawberries and a glass of wine each while Damien asked
her questions about the studio. She talked about furniture and what she planned
to put on the one unmirrored wall, and then Damien placed everything on the
nightstand and pulled Sela into his arms again. She forgot all about her
earlier sadness over the state of their planet above ground as his mouth found

fell back onto the comforter wrapped in each other’s arms, their tongues
exploring and their hands all over each other. Sela ached to have Damien fill
her again, but then she remembered the incredible way he’d made her come with
his mouth. She wanted to return the favor.

him onto his back, she climbed on top and straddled his chest, wrapping her
hands around his dick. It pulsed in her hands, thick, red, and ready. She
smiled down into his face. “Fair is fair, Damien.”

eyes widened. “Is that a fact? You mean I don’t even have to beg for a

laughed. “Not even a tiny bit, but what will I get when I’m done?”

gaze turned molten and dark. “What do you want,

shivered. “Oh, what a loaded question.”

reached up and caressed her right breast. “Anything you want is yours. Just
name it.”

have to give that some thought.” Sela slid down Damien’s muscled legs and
spread them apart, but then he grasped her hair. Not hard enough to hurt her,
but she knew he meant business.


is it?”

moved to the edge of the bed and pointed toward the floor. “On your knees.”

didn’t matter either way to her, but there was something quite decadent about
kneeling in front of a man to suck his dick. She slid off the bed and dropped
to her knees. At least the bedroom was carpeted. It would have been painful
kneeling on the stone downstairs the way he had done for her.

groaned softly and held her head with both hands as she licked him from his
balls to the tip of his cock, and back again. She tortured him as he’d done to
her, enjoying the way his soft groans grew louder, and the grip on her head

took several inches at a time into her mouth and sucked, alternating that with
moving her lips up and down his shaft, increasing the length she took inside
each time. He squirmed on the bed for several minutes, and then he pulled his
cock away from her. “I can’t take it. I don’t want to come in your mouth. I’ve
changed my mind.”

you sure? I don’t mind if you do.”

tender look he gave her melted her heart. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I want
to fuck your hot pussy again. Come back up here and get on your hands and

couldn’t have disobeyed that voice if she’d wanted to. Sela crawled onto the
bed and did as he asked, then moaned softly as he caressed her ass cheeks and
her soaking wet pussy. “You have the most gorgeous ass I’ve ever seen.”

glad you like it.”

nipped at each cheek, and she giggled. “I could eat you up, Sela.” The mattress
shifted, and she watched him grab one of the strawberries they hadn’t eaten.
Thinking he was going to put it into his mouth, she gasped when he rubbed it
slowly over her ass cheeks and the backs of her thighs, following each pass of
the berry with his tongue.

stickiness of the strawberry, coupled with his hot tongue, was surprisingly
arousing. She moaned softly as he plucked another berry off the plate and
rolled her onto her back. He straddled her at hip level, and rubbed the fruit
over each breast, sucking and licking the juice off her. When he finally
stopped, he kissed her, and he didn’t seem to mind that she was sticky. After
he released the kiss, he crawled off her and asked her to get on her hands and
knees again.

that was new,” she said.

caressed her pussy from behind. “Did you like it?”

loved it.”

I’ll have to experiment with other things.”

orgasm was so close she could hardly stand it. “Like what?”

I don’t know. Ice, perhaps? Peanut butter? Hot sauce?”

giggled again. “You’re very sexy, Damien. I’ve never known a man like you.”

kissed her lower back. “And I’ve never known anyone as fun and adventurous as
you, Sela. Thank you for this.”

she could answer him, he slid his cock into her pussy. She moaned loudly as he
thrust deep and hard, and just as she thought she was going to come again, he
pulled out and picked up one of the berries again.

moaned softly as he rubbed it over her pussy. Her arousal shot through the
roof. She’d never imagined being covered in strawberry juice would feel this
incredible. She wanted him to keep going, but when he licked her from behind,
she cried out in pleasure. Kink with fruit. Who’d have thought it could be this
much fun?

he continued to use his tongue to send her excitement to new heights, he
reached underneath with his left hand and played with her clit. She pushed back
against him, arching her back and silently begging for release, but he stopped
before she came.

please! This is crazy fun, but I’m dying here!”

chuckled and kissed each ass cheek. “Do you think I’m not ready to explode?”

think you’re having way too fun much torturing me.”

sank his dick into her pussy again, fucking her so slowly she thought she’d go
out of her mind with need. At the same time, Sela enjoyed it far more than she
could process. “Sadist,” she muttered.


comment made her laugh, but that soon turned to loud moans as he fucked her
rougher now. He still didn’t let her come, but Sela was loving this. When he
pulled out and returned to rubbing the strawberry over her ass and pussy, she
sighed, closed her eyes, and simply let go. Sela wanted to experience all the
sensations without analyzing them or worrying about the impending orgasm. This
was way too much fun to ask him to stop.

all sticky,

sure I am.”

you enjoying this?” His soft, smoky voice sent shivers down her spine.

am. Very much.”

caressed the side of her breast. “I want you so hot for me that you can’t stand

already there, Damien.”

moved to her side and kissed her deeply. “You have no idea how thrilled I am to
hear you say that.”

couldn’t even answer him. All she could do was stare into those intense, dark
eyes. Was he real?

kissed her again, and Sela’s heart did more flip-flops. “Thank you for being so
sexy and adventurous.” He kissed her hair. “And for being beautiful and fun.”
This time, he planted a kiss on the side of her breast. “Did I thank you for
being sexy?”

bit her lip. “Yes, you did.”

kissed her lips again. “Oh, good. I didn’t want to forget that one.” Damien
moved behind her again, and this time when he slid his cock inside, he thrust
hard and deep without mercy. When he reached underneath to flick her clit, he
didn’t stop even after she came. Sela’s climax was insane. She cried out loudly
and pushed against him, trying to take even more of him inside her.

grunted as he fucked her rough and hard. Droplets of sweat landed on her back,
but that only spurred her on even more. She had to grasp fistfuls of the
comforter to keep from falling onto the bed, and still he slammed into her. She
shook her head and rode the waves of sheer pleasure and desire racing through
her, until finally he called out her name and shuddered.

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