A Slow-Burning Dance (6 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: A Slow-Burning Dance
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he finished coming, he withdrew, wincing audibly, and then he pulled her into
his arms and held her tightly. Their bodies were damp with sweat and sticky
with fruit, but
didn’t care. She’d never had an
experience that had even come close to this. All she could do was lie there,
matching her breathing to his own until they each slowed theirs. She never
wanted to leave this apartment or Damien’s arms.

she drifted off to sleep, it was with a huge smile on her face. Her life had
truly changed forever.




woke to the smell of coffee and fried eggs. She took another sniff, and bolted
out of bed. If that wasn’t the smell of huevos rancheros, she didn’t know her
own name. Her stomach rumbled as she glanced around for her clothes, finally
spotting them folded on a chair, along with a brightly-colored satin robe and a

picked up the note and read the same flowing script that had been on the card
with the flowers.

You may keep this robe, and wear it
if you wish while we eat breakfast. I hope you like strong coffee and
traditional foods.

had worked for Damien six years now, and Sela had heard of his reputation, even
before moving underground. All the perfect things he’d said to her last night
came rushing back, along with the memories of being covered in strawberry
juice. And of course, the incredible fucking. The insane, over the top, amazing

let out a sigh and sat down on the edge of the bed. Mere days ago, this was
exactly what she’d sworn she would not let happen. How could she have been so
weak? He’d seduced her, plain and simple, but now what?

have a few days, weeks perhaps, before he moved onto the next woman. That’s
what. Santino would call her a fool and then things would be strained between
him and his boss. Why had she allowed this to happen?

was still sticky from last night, so she used a washcloth and a fresh bar of
soap she found in the bathroom to clean up. Then she put on the robe, stepping
in front of the mirror over his dresser to see how it looked on her. She loved
it. It was something she’d have chosen for herself. Where had he found it? How
many other woman had worn it before her? It looked brand new. Did he buy one
for each of them?

she followed the cooking scents to the kitchen, Sela stopped when she heard
Damien singing a song the band had played at the concert last evening. He had a
nice voice. Had anyone ever told him that? He was such a sexy man. He loved the
same music she did, he was a gentleman, he made love like a hero from a romance
novel, he could sing, and if the smell wafting from the kitchen was any
indication, he also could cook.

glanced up and smiled as she walked toward the counter. He wore sweats and a
t-shirt, and she’d never seen any man look so damn sexy. Plus, he was barefoot.
She’d always had a thing for guys in bare feet. This would be a lot easier if
he wasn’t so damn gorgeous and charming.

you are. Good morning.” He walked over and kissed her, and it was all Sela
could do not to cry. Her thoughts were so confused. “Do you like the robe?”

beautiful. Is it new?” She might as well find out now rather than later.

course it’s new. You think I’d give you some other woman’s clothes to wear?”

means he’d bought other women clothes to wear. “No. You wouldn’t do that. Where
did you get it?”

turned around and resumed cooking. “From the surface. One of Addison’s teams
procured it for me, along with other things I asked for.”

placed a tortilla with fried eggs and a generous helping of salsa on each of
two plates, and then he poured her a cup of coffee and slid that over to her.
“I hope you’re hungry.”

took a seat next to him. “You didn’t have to do this.”

wanted to do it. Last night meant the world to me, Sela.”

intense gaze was almost too much right now. Sela could barely process
everything that had happened to her in the past twenty-four hours. Surely last
night had been a one-time thing for him. How often did he really do this? As
often as Santino told her he did? Why had she let herself be taken in by him?

have to work today, but I have my laptop with me and had planned on doing so
from home. I also want to visit the mall and see how things are progressing. I
haven’t been there since running into you on Wednesday.”

tasted the coffee to distract her thoughts from Wednesday. “Wow. That’s


but I like it. I’ll definitely be wide awake soon.”

leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Good, because I might want to repeat a few
things we did last night.”

traitorous body responded, but she couldn’t repeat last night. Not yet. Maybe
not ever. “I thought you said you had to work?”

I can’t work
day, can I?”

especially not on a Saturday.”

almost always work weekends.”

wanted to ask him what else he usually did on weekends, but any comment she
made now would come off as bitchy, so she tasted the eggs. “These are seriously

old family recipe.”

grandmother used to make these and I thought no one could make them taste as
good, but these are just like hers.”

grand compliment indeed. Thank you. What do you have planned today?”

have two lessons this afternoon, but otherwise I don’t have any plans.” That
made her sound pathetic and lonely.

do you teach?”

rent space at the gym.”

it be nice not to have to do that anymore?”

will be wonderful.” Soon, she’d have her very own studio in a prime corner
location. At least she had that to look forward to, but leasing the space also
meant she’d run into Damien a lot more than would make her comfortable. Was it
too late to back out of the lease?

ate in silence for a few minutes. The food really was incredible, and she asked
for seconds, as well as another cup of coffee. There was no sense in wasting
it, and she needed to eat if she was going to teach later.

time are your lessons?”

o’clock and two-thirty.”

I’ll wait until you’re free so we can visit the mall together.”

stared at him for a few seconds. “You don’t mind? I assumed…” What had she assumed?
That he’d kick her out as soon as he’d fed her? Well, yes. That was exactly
what she’d assumed.

paused in the act of bringing his fork to his mouth, placed it down next to his
plate, and turned to face her. She watched confusion and then understanding
fill his face, and was now totally convinced that he was a mind reader.

did you think I wouldn’t want to spend the day with you?”

nodded because her voice seemed to have disappeared.

could be further from the truth. Last night was heaven. All of it. The music,
the food, the sex, but most of all simply being with you. I want to keep seeing
you, and I certainly hope you feel the same way, otherwise I’m the biggest fool
in the world.”

had to say something, no matter the consequences. Her pulse raced. “For how
long?” He gave her a blank look. “How long do you want to keep seeing me?”

as long as you’ll let me.”

was enough. She had to know the real truth before she dug herself in any
deeper. “Damien, come on. Let’s get serious. I know your reputation. I’m very
attracted to you, and I had a fabulous time last night, but I told you that I don’t
want to be just another notch on your bedpost.”

gaze turned hard. “Did you see any on there?”


Did you see any on the bedposts?”

swallowed hard at the coldness in his voice, wishing she’d kept her big mouth
shut. “No.”

expression in his eyes softened. “Sela, I meant what I said to you yesterday. I
used to be that guy. I’m sure Santino has told you many things I wish no one
knew. I was with a different woman every month, sometimes every week. But I’m
not that person anymore. I swear to you.” He took her hands. “Look, I know this
is sudden, but I don’t do anything half-assed. I want you in my life. This
isn’t a fling.”

was stunned. Everything she’d assumed earlier was dead wrong. “How can you know
that? You haven’t seen me for six years and admitted you hardly remember
meeting me.”

know because your eyes pierced my soul when I looked into them on Wednesday. I
know because last night was the most erotic, sensual, meaningful night I’ve
ever had, with any woman. I know because I’m singing this morning, and the
sight of you in nothing but that robe makes my blood boil. I know because if I
didn’t think you’d run out of here, screaming, thinking I’d gone
, I’d ask you to move in here with
me today, and beg you to stay for the rest of your life.”

rest of the eggs and coffee were going to get cold, or at least cool. No doubt
about it, because Sela kissed Damien like she might never do it again. When she
slid off her stool and pushed her body closer to his, he undid the tie on her
robe. It fell to the floor, and then his t-shirt was off and his sweatpants
were around his ankles. He turned her around, and before she could process what
had just happened, she was leaning face-down, over the counter, her face inches
from her plate.

Sela…” Damien’s breath was hot against her neck as he nuzzled it, reaching
underneath to caress her pussy. “You’re so wet for me.”

if I can help it.” Just like that, he’d chased away the doubts and she was
ready for him all over again. He was either magical, or she was the biggest
sucker in the world. Either way, all she could think about now was having him
inside her again.

rubbed her ass cheeks, and Sela couldn’t help fantasize about what he might
smear on them this morning within his reach. It would be shame to ruin those
eggs, but it might be fun to try.

if sensing her thoughts, Damien strolled over to one of the cupboards, stepping
out of his sweatpants as he did until he was butt naked. He opened the door and
perused the collection of bottles and jars, finally pulling a bottle of coconut
oil off the shelf. “This will do.” Then he walked over to the small desk in the
corner, opened one of the bottom drawers, and pulled out a box of condoms.

laughed. “You keep them in the

had the grace to look slightly embarrassed. “No, but I bought these a few
months ago and it just occurred to me that I never got around to taking them

eyed the bottle of oil. “What did you have in mind that would require oil and

raised his brows. “One guess,

about the rest of our breakfast? Are we going to let it get cold?”

sauntered toward her with a molten look of lust in his dark eyes. “Yes, and
it’s your fault for being so damn seductive.”

you put it that way, I guess eating is overrated.”

shook his head and placed the oil and condoms on the counter, next to her
nearly empty plate of eggs. Then he nuzzled her neck again, reaching underneath
to play with her nipples. “Not eating you. That’s not overrated. I will never
grow tired of that.”

sighed and relaxed into his body behind her. His dick rubbed her ass crack, and
all she wanted was to fuck him again. “So, you want to have anal sex?”

brushed his hands over her abdomen, and then across her pussy which was now
soaking wet. “Have you had it before,


moaned softly as Damien brushed his cock against her swollen pussy. “Did you
enjoy it?”

was all right.”

moved so he could see her face. “Did someone hurt you?”

was touched by his concern. “Not intentionally.”

does that mean?”

means he didn’t use any lube.”

shook his head. “I would never do that to you.

swallowed hard. “I believe you.” She’d been so wrong about him. He may have
been a womanizer at one time, but the man standing before her now was a
compassionate gentleman who wasn’t out to hurt her or use her. “And in that case,
I’d love to try again.”

soft sigh sent shivers down her spine. “Thank you.” Damien moved behind her
again and cupped her pussy, rubbing her clit with his thumb. Sela moaned once
more, pushing back against him. He kissed her neck. “First in the pussy, and
then I’ll put on the condom and go slowly inside your luscious ass. I want you
to enjoy this.”

moved his hand to her ass cheeks and caressed them, slipping a finger down her
ass crack every few seconds. Sela writhed against his touch as her moans grew
louder. She couldn’t take much more. She needed him inside her

he finally slid his dick into her pussy, Sela cried out in pleasure as he
fucked her slowly. He rubbed her clit at the same time, but withdrew before she
could come. She panted, wondering how he knew exactly at what point she was
poised on the edge. He was such a damn tease, but she loved it.

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