A Special Surprise (2 page)

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Authors: Chloe Ryder

BOOK: A Special Surprise
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‘Pippa, are you there?’

Pippa’s heart jumped with disbelief. She recognised that voice.

‘Stardust?’ she called back.

‘Yes, it’s me.’ A pretty, white pony, wearing a tiara studded with sparkly pink diamonds, stepped from behind the bushes and appeared on the lawn. ‘Surprise!’

‘Wait there! I’m coming down.’ Pippa shook with delight as she raced downstairs to the garden. What was Princess Stardust doing here, in the human world?

As Pippa tiptoed past the lounge she heard Mum, Miranda and Jack laughing at something on the television. She let herself out of the kitchen door and hurried round to the back of the house.

‘Stardust,’ Pippa said as she wrapped her arms around her best pony friend’s neck and hugged her. ‘Happy birthday. What are you doing here? Aren’t you having a party in Chevalia?’



Stardust blew softly in Pippa’s curly brown hair.

‘I’ve missed you,’ she said. ‘You’re my best ever friend. I knew you wouldn’t forget my birthday.’

‘Who forgot?’ asked Pippa.

‘Everyone!’ Stardust turned pink. ‘It was just like any other normal day. Last year my entire family surprised me at breakfast by singing “Happy Birthday” but this year, nothing. No cards, no presents, no cake or candles.’

‘Oh!’ Pippa was speechless. Even though she’d been taught not to expect cards and presents, her family and friends always gave her things on her birthday. She knew she’d be as disappointed as Stardust if they didn’t. ‘Maybe everyone was in a rush. Perhaps they’ll make a fuss of you at dinner time?’

Stardust shook her head.

‘Mum and Dad went out for the day. They won’t be back until late. I was so upset that after school finished I went down to the beach. Cloud was flying past. When she saw me, I jumped up on my hind hooves and rubbed noses with her, giving me wings so that I could fly wherever I wanted to. I flew straight here to see you.’

Cloud was one of Stardust’s sisters. She had special magical powers that enabled her to fly. She used them to rescue ponies in distress and then take them to Chevalia. Any horse that rubbed noses with Cloud grew wings too but the moment their hooves touched the ground the wings disappeared.

‘Cloud gave you a present then,’ said Pippa.

‘I suppose so.’ Stardust looked shocked suddenly. ‘But I’ve wasted the present by touching the ground. Now we can’t go flying together.’

‘That would have been fun but it’s almost my bedtime,’ said Pippa.

‘Bedtime? It was the afternoon when I left Chevalia.’

‘Well, it’s bedtime here,’ said Pippa. ‘Remember that Chevalia is in a magic time bubble. When I came to the island, no time passed in my world while I was there so that I wasn’t missed by my family. Perhaps it’s the same for you?’

‘Perhaps. Not that my friends and family would miss me anyway. I’m just the foal. They’ve got far more important things to do than worry about me, or celebrate my birthday.’ Stardust’s brown eyes were bright with unshed tears.

‘That’s not true,’ said Pippa, stroking her neck. ‘I’ll celebrate your birthday with you if you like.’

Stardust brightened.

‘Really? Let’s have a birthday sleepover then. We could decorate your bedroom and have a midnight feast of honey-covered oats and sugar-dipped carrots.’

Pippa felt her face flush.

‘That would be fun,’ she said carefully. ‘But we can’t. The holiday cottage is too tiny. There isn’t room for you, me and Miranda in our shared bedroom. You can stay the night, though.’ She scrunched her eyes shut while she thought about where Stardust could sleep. ‘I’ll take you to the riding school. They’ve got an empty stable.’

riding school
! How exciting! I’d love that. Thanks, Pippa. You really are my best girl friend.’

Pippa looked at her watch. ‘It’s not far. I’ll need to ask Mum if I can go for a walk first.’ She whizzed inside and was back a minute later. ‘I have to be back in half an hour.’

‘Would you like to ride me?’ asked Stardust. ‘It’ll be much quicker.’

‘Yes please.’ Pippa wrapped her hands in Stardust’s soft, white mane then vaulted on to her back. ‘I’ve missed you,’ she said, stroking Stardust’s neck.

‘I’ve missed you too,’ Stardust whinnied happily as she trotted along the garden path.

Chapter 2


Pippa guided Stardust round the edge of a field of ripening barley, speckled with poppies.

‘This reminds me of the Grasslands back in Chevalia,’ said Stardust.

The golden barley rustled as they trotted by. Butterflies and bees fluttered around the red poppies. Hidden crickets chirruped loudly, falling silent as Pippa and Stardust drew near.

‘Are you sure this is the right way?’ asked Stardust. ‘All I can see is more fields.’

‘It’s not far now,’ said Pippa. ‘One more field and we’re there. I can walk if you like?’

‘No,’ said Stardust quickly. ‘I love being ridden. My best pony friend, Blossom, is too busy to play with me. She’s training for the Annual Autumn Marathon. Honey’s no fun either. She’s been in a strop since Canter’s banned us from wearing hoof polish at school. I don’t know why they’re being so strict about it. All the teachers wear it. It’s just not fair. Oh, and did I tell you that Comet’s writing a book? It’s about the missing horseshoes. He’s driving me mad asking me questions about how we found them. And you’ll never guess what I saw the other day.’ Stardust didn’t wait for Pippa to reply. ‘Crystal and Trojan were rubbing noses behind the Haunted House at the fairground.
! Luckily I’ve got Cinders to keep me company. She boards at Canter’s now. She’s much nicer since Baroness Divine ran away.’

‘Do you think Divine will come back?’ asked Pippa.

‘I hope not.’ Stardust shivered. ‘But at least everyone knows how wicked she is. Poor Cinders – it must have been such a shock to learn that her own mother had stolen the horseshoes.’

They walked in silence until they reached the end of the field. Pippa guided Stardust on to a narrow lane with high banks. ‘That’s the stables.’ Pippa pointed to a driveway at the end of the lane where a wooden sign read,
Barley Field Stables

‘We can’t get in,’ said Stardust, stopping at a five-bar gate that was chained and padlocked.

‘I know the code.’ Pippa leaned down to the padlock and spun the numbers on the combination lock. It clicked open and she pushed the gate wide.

Stardust whinnied in surprise.

‘How did you do that? Did you use magic?’

‘No,’ chuckled Pippa. ‘It’s something called technology.’

The wooden stable block consisted of eight stables arranged in an L-shape behind the indoor school. Stardust stopped dead.

‘Is that it?’

‘Yes,’ said Pippa, sliding from her back. ‘Only six ponies are in tonight.
The others are out in the fields, so
you’ve got two whole stables to choose

‘I can’t sleep here,’ said Stardust at once. Her nose wrinkled as she peered into one of the empty stables. ‘Where’s the bed? Why is the straw on the floor and not in a duvet? There aren’t any pictures on the walls and anyone can look at me over the door. This is no place for a princess!’



,’ said Pippa. She glanced around but it was too late. Stardust had woken the other ponies.

‘What’s all that noise?’ grumbled a chestnut pony called Rose.

‘Is it a new pony? I’m Sunflower. Pleased to meet you,’ called a pretty palomino.

‘Hello, Pippa,’ called Snowdrop. ‘Who’s your friend?’

Pippa felt as if her head were spinning. ‘You can talk? Why haven’t you spoken to me before?’

‘We talk to you all the time,’ said Snowdrop. ‘We didn’t think you could understand us.’

‘This is the first time I’ve heard you.’ Pippa looked thoughtful. ‘Maybe I can hear you now because of Stardust.’ The pony’s tiara was sparkling more brightly than usual. ‘It must be Princess Pony magic at work.’

Stardust stepped forward and curtsied to Snowdrop. ‘I’m Princess Stardust of Chevalia – and you are?’

Snowdrop started to answer but a tall grey pony stuck her nose out of a nearby stable.

‘Welcome, Princess Stardust. I’m Petunia of Barley Field Stables. I’m in charge here.’

‘No, you’re not,’ the other ponies neighed.

Petunia ignored them. ‘The stable next to mine is free. Why don’t you sleep there?’



A hopeful look crossed Stardust’s face. She trotted to the other empty stable and stared over the door.

‘It’s worse than the other one. I’ll get my hooves dirty if I sleep in there.’

‘Ooh, isn’t she
!’ said Hawthorn. A strand of hay hung from between his lips and there were knots in his mane and tail.

‘Of course she can’t sleep in there,’ agreed Rose, in a voice that meant exactly the opposite. ‘After all, she is a

‘Too right.’ Bramble stamped his hoof. ‘Someone find the princess a bed.’

‘Thank you,’ said Stardust, not realising that the ponies were making fun of her.

‘Wait,’ called Rose. ‘She can only sleep in the stable if she’s taking part in the gymkhana tomorrow. That’s why Mrs Woods brought us in for the night. The ponies not being ridden have to sleep in the field.’

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