A Special Surprise (7 page)

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Authors: Chloe Ryder

BOOK: A Special Surprise
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‘Definitely! I never say no to a party,’ said Snowdrop.

‘A royal party,’ beamed Petunia. ‘My kind of party.’

Stardust’s smile was brighter than a candle. ‘Come on up to my room, everyone, and I’ll lend you some things to wear. Snowdrop, you’d look great in my second-best tiara and Hawthorn, you’ll love splashing in my bath with my gorgeous Mane Street Salon strawberry-scented bubble bath. Pippa, all your clothes are here from our last adventure.’

A short while later, Pippa, wearing a daisy print dress and sparkly sandals, and Stardust, in her best pink diamond tiara, led the riding school ponies into the courtyard. The girl ponies were neatly groomed and wore tiaras on their heads and the boys had brightly coloured sashes around their necks. Everyone’s hooves glimmered with gold paint and Petunia’s hooves were painted with pink and silver striped hoof polish.

‘Look at the courtyard,’ breathed Stardust. ‘I love the glitter balls.’

‘The ribbons are pretty too, and the flowers,’ said Pippa.

A pony quartet sang to everyone from the stage. Pippa loved dancing and to her amazement so did Snowdrop.

‘You’ve got great rhythm,’ she shouted over the music.

‘Mrs Woods taught us to do dressage to music,’ Snowdrop said, modestly.

After the dancing there was a banquet. Pippa ate her favourite food of fish and chips, washed down with lemonade. The Stableside cook served it personally to her on a plate with a knife and fork and a glass. There was a pudding of strawberries and cream to follow. The ponies ate honeyed oats, sugar-dusted carrots and barley-dipped apples. There was a huge birthday cake in the shape of a golden horseshoe and topped with candles.

Happy birthday, dear Stardust, happy birthday to you
. . .’ Pippa sang heartily and she clapped the loudest as Stardust blew out all her candles in one breath. ‘Wish,’ called Pippa. ‘Don’t forget to make a wish.’



Stardust gave Pippa a secretive smile. ‘It already came true,’ she said.

Pippa felt a warm glow inside her. If she had a wish it would be to return to Chevalia to have more adventures with her Princess Pony friend. But Pippa knew it was almost time to go back to her world.

Cloud had been enjoying the party celebrations from the air but now she swooped lower. ‘It’s time to go home, Pippa.’

Pippa said her goodbyes then climbed on to Stardust’s back. Cloud and Stardust rubbed noses. There was a crack and a flash of light. Snowdrop jumped back in alarm. ‘You’ve got wings!’

‘Me too,’ whinnied Bramble, who’d just rubbed noses with Cloud. He flapped his feathery brown wings in delight. ‘Human world, here I come!’

A strong draught lifted Pippa’s hair as Stardust rose higher into the air. The riding school ponies wobbled as they flew after them but soon they were swooping along like giant swallows. Pippa sat back, her hand resting on Stardust’s neck, as the pony flew her home. Cloud led them back to Horseshoe Cove. It was exactly as Pippa had left it with the tide still in and the morning sun bright in the sky.



‘Are you staying for the gymkhana?’ she asked Stardust.

Stardust shook her head. ‘I’d like to but I have to get back to my family. I was behaving like a silly foal, thinking that they didn’t care about me. Next time something upsets me I’ll know to talk to them about it, instead of galloping away.’

‘Talking, when something upsets you, is always a good idea,’ said Pippa. ‘Goodbye, Stardust,’ she said and threw her arms round Stardust’s neck and buried her face in her mane. It was soft and silky and Pippa never wanted to let go. Swallowing back her tears she said bravely, ‘See you soon, Stardust.’

‘It’s a promise,’ Stardust replied.

Pippa slid to the ground. The riding school ponies joined her, their wings disappearing as they landed. When the last pony touched down Stardust and Cloud flew away. Pippa waved until the sky was empty. She turned to Snowdrop.

‘Shall I ride you back to the stables?’

Snowdrop stared silently back. Pippa touched her tiara. It was cold. Now she was safe and didn’t need to get to Chevalia, the magic was sleeping. She looked into Snowdrop’s eyes. They seemed to be saying,
yes please

Pippa placed her hands on Snowdrop’s neck and vaulted on to her back. ‘Come on, ponies. It’s time to go home.’

As Pippa rode into Barley Field Stables
Mrs Woods ran out of her office.

‘Pippa? Oh my goodness, look at you.’ Her mouth opened in surprise as she helped Pippa dismount. ‘What . . . where . . . I don’t understand . . .’ Mrs Woods moved along the line of horses, touching each one on the neck as if to check it was real. ‘Brave Snowdrop, prickly Rose, princess Petunia, sunny Sunflower, bumbling Bramble and Hawthorn – you’ve got seaweed in your tail. Where have you all been?’

Pippa took a big breath. She knew she should never fib to adults. ‘They were magically shrunken by a mean pony and taken to a special island called Chevalia.’

But of course Mrs Woods didn’t believe her. ‘Oh, Pippa, you have such an active imagination! The important thing is that they’re back!’

Mrs Woods pulled her mobile out of her pocket. ‘I’ll have to phone the parents and tell them the gymkhana is on again. I’d better phone the police and let them know the ponies are safe too. This is marvellous news. Thank you, Pippa.’

‘It was nothing.’ Pippa smiled as she went to the tack room to get Snowdrop’s grooming kit.

Pippa brushed Snowdrop until her arms ached. She plaited her mane and tail and then she oiled her hooves. ‘You look perfect,’ she said, standing back to admire her handiwork. Snowdrop stared back and Pippa knew from the jaunty way that she held her head that the pony thought so too!

The gymkhana was a huge success. Bramble and his boy, Harry, won the sack race and Sunflower and Billy won the egg and spoon. Rose and her rider, Jess, won the ‘Chase Me Charlie’, a jumping competition where the jump keeps getting higher. Petunia and a little girl called Florence won ‘Best Turned Out

. Pippa had to bite her lip to stop herself from giggling as Petunia trotted past, carrying herself like a proper Princess Pony.

To Pippa’s delight she and Snowdrop won the jumping competition. The watching parents gasped then clapped loudly as the pair sailed over the wall together. Afterwards, Pippa and Snowdrop cantered around the ring in a lap of honour, showing off their big red rosette. When they’d finished Mum, Miranda and Jack came over.

‘You were marvellous,’ said Mum. ‘What a lovely end to the holiday. You can pin the rosette on your bedroom wall when we’re back in Burlington Terrace.’



Pippa dismounted and gave Snowdrop a big hug.

‘Thank you for being brilliant and brave,’ she whispered.

‘Isn’t Snowdrop adorable?’ said Mum. ‘Wouldn’t it be brilliant if we could just shrink her, so you could pop her in your pocket and take her home?’

Pippa smiled at Snowdrop. ‘I think Snowdrop’s very happy, right here.’


I caught up with Princess Stardust at her dazzling birthday ball, following her amazing adventure to the human world.


TI (Tulip Inkhoof):
I’ve always dreamed of going to the human world. Is it true that all of the humans can talk there?

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