A Taste of Paradise (20 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: A Taste of Paradise
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“You look lovely,” Chris complimented.

“Thanks to you,” Sophia replied. “I've never owned so many gowns in my life. As you well know, my family was not affluent.”

Chris looked away. Replying would only dredge up memories he preferred to forget. Her family's lack of finances was what had prevented Sophia from accepting Chris's offer.

“Shall we go? We've been invited to take lunch with the Chesters.”

The stable lad was waiting in the courtyard with two horses, Chris's Atlas and a white mare Sophia was to ride. Chris helped her mount.

“Her name is Queen. She rather looks like one, don't you think?”

“She's beautiful,” Sophia said, patting the mare's neck affectionately. “Rayford sold all our horses, including Calico, the mare Papa bought for me.”

“Queen is yours,” Chris said as he mounted Atlas. “Consider her a wedding present.”

Sophia patted Queen's neck and spoke softly into her ear. “Thank you,” she told Chris. “I love to ride.”

They rode west beneath the shadow of the Blue Mountains. The heat was oppressive; not a breeze rustled the trees that grew tall and lush on either side of the narrow road. Soon they came to open fields where bushes bearing red berries grew in profusion.

“What kind of plants are those?” Sophia asked.

“Coffee. It grows extremely well on the mountain-sides. Chester prefers it to sugarcane. I'm thinking of devoting a few acres to coffee in the near future, and maybe growing some tobacco.”

Orchid Manor was a study of contrasts. Though the land and manor house were carefully tended and maintained, the same couldn't be said for the slave quarters. They were run-down and in need of repair. Conversely, the manor house was grand in the extreme.

“Lord Chester should be more mindful of his slaves,” Sophia said as they approached the house. “I'm surprised he isn't embarrassed by the pitiful condition of their quarters.”

Chris nodded grimly. He appeared as disapproving as she was. “Perhaps I will discuss the matter with Chester while you consult with Lady Agatha about the wedding.”

A lad ran up to take their reins as Chris dismounted and handed Sophia down. A tall, dignified servant opened the door to Chris's knock and bowed them inside. Lord Chester came out of his study to greet them.

“I heard about the fire, Radcliff. How did it start?”

“It was deliberately set, but did little damage.”

“I knew freeing your slaves was a mistake. They can do anything they want now without fear of reprisal.”

“My workers didn't start the fire,” Chris said.

Chester frowned. “Whom do you suspect if not your workers? My guess is that they were ordered to set the fire by ‘Daddy' Sam Sharp. Everyone, including you, is in danger, even though you freed your slaves.”

Agatha descended the stairs at that moment and greeted her visitors warmly. “I'm so pleased you could come,” she said, grasping Sophia's hands. “My husband tells me we have a wedding to plan. You and I shall adjourn to my private sitting room while the men have their rum and cigars in the study. We'll meet them again on the veranda for luncheon.”

Sophia followed Lady Chester up the stairs. She didn't know where to look first in the sumptuous home. The foyer was as grand as any she'd seen in England, all black and white marble. The wide staircase led to the second floor and a multitude of closed doors. Agatha opened a door midway down the hall and invited Sophia inside.

Dainty white furniture and pale green and cream curtains at the windows made the sitting room appear cool and inviting. Agatha invited Sophia to sit on a wicker sofa covered with colorful cushions, and sat down opposite her in a matching chair. She laced her fingers together and asked, “Would you like tea, my dear?”

Sophia shook her head. “No, thank you, I had a late breakfast.”

“Then let us get down to business, shall we? I take it you've set a date.”

“Four weeks from last Saturday. Will that be enough time?”

Agatha clapped her hands. “Oh, yes. I think you should be wed in the Church of St. Thomas in Kingston. Reverend Townsend will officiate, and my husband and I will host the reception at Orchid Manor after the ceremony.”

It sounded as if Lady Chester had planned everything already. “That's not necessary. Sunset Hill—”

“—is too small. Besides, Lord Chester and I want to do this. We've already discussed it. Captain Radcliff is new to the island, and even though Jamaica has been one of his ports of call for many years, he doesn't know the people that we do. Planters from as far as Spanish Town and Ocho Rios will wish to attend. It will be a grand affair, my dear.”

“I don't know what to say.”

“Don't say anything. Just leave everything to me. I'll send out the invitations and inform Reverend Townsend of the time and date for the wedding. Now, what will you wear?”

Things were going so fast Sophia could hardly keep up. “Chris has commissioned a wardrobe for me. Almost everything has been delivered. There is a peach lace gown that would be perfect.”

Agatha clapped her hands again, something she seemed to do a lot. “Wonderful! You can have your choice of flowers, but I suggest roses and orchids. Both can be found in abundance here. Leave everything to me. I do believe I was born to plan weddings.” She sighed. “This is so romantic.”

Agatha and Sophia continued to discuss the wedding, or rather Agatha did and Sophia listened. Sophia felt as if her world were spinning out of control. From the moment she'd stepped onto Chris's ship, she had been at Chris's mercy. For years Rayford and her father had dictated her life, and now it was Chris.

“My husband will walk you down the aisle,” Agatha continued, “and I shall act as your attendant.”

“I thought about having Kateena as my attendant,” Sophia remarked.

“My dear,” Agatha said, clucking her tongue in disapproval, “that simply won't do. Your Kateena is a servant, a former slave, a woman of color. The scandal of it would sweep the island like wildfire; it just isn't done. I'm sure Captain Radcliff would agree with me on this.” She sighed heavily. “You have much to learn about the way things are done on the island.”

Though Sophia wasn't happy about it, she accepted Lady Chester's edict.

Meanwhile, Chris was receiving similar advice from Lord Chester. “Agatha has decided that your wedding will be held at the Church of St. Thomas in Kingston. Since your bride has no male relatives, I will walk her down the aisle. Lady Chester and I will hold the reception at Orchid Manor.”

When Chris started to protest, Chester held up his hand. “No, no, it's all settled. Agatha won't accept refusal. It will be our pleasure to host your wedding.”

“That's very generous of you, my lord, but entirely unnecessary, especially since we disagree on the subject of slavery.”

Chester waved aside Chris's objection. “Your wedding has nothing to do with your views on slavery. You must live with the consequences of your decision, as I must live with mine.”

“Not everyone would agree with you,” Chris said darkly. “One man in particular was very vocal about his disapproval.”

“You're referring to Sir Rigby, I presume.”

“You presume correctly. Matters of a personal nature have made me and Rigby enemies. I suspect him of firing my cane fields. Though I don't know him well, I believe him to be a vindictive man.”

“Yes, well, you're right about Rigby. Few people like him. He treats his slaves like dirt and administers excessively cruel punishment for minor infractions. Though I know nothing about the animosity between you and Rigby, I suggest you watch your back.”

“I have every intention of doing so.” Chris paused. “While we're on the subject of slavery, I noticed your own slave quarters are in deplorable condition.”

Chester cocked his head. “Actually, that fact was just brought to my attention. I intend to correct the problem immediately. I'm not a cruel man, Radcliff, just a busy one who tends to put off matters that don't seem important.”

“The success of your plantation depends upon your people; I suggest you pay more attention to them and their needs. I don't mean to preach, Chester, but human beings are human beings, no matter the color of their skin.”

Chester chuckled. “I'd best take care lest you make a believer of me.” He slapped Chris's back. “If I'm not mistaken, that's the bell summoning us to luncheon.”

The men joined the ladies on the veranda overlooking the garden, where a table had been set up for luncheon. The garden was ablaze with color—pale orchids, vibrant roses, hibiscus and bougainvillea. The lush plants were a testimony to the care of countless servants and Jamaica's tropical climate.

Sophia thoroughly enjoyed the meal, which consisted of fresh fruit, cold meats, an assortment of cheeses, delicate fish simmered in cream sauce, and fancy frosted cakes as light and delicate as a feather.

“The heat is brutal,” Agatha said, fanning herself. “I should be accustomed to it by now, but summers have always been a trial to me. Shall we go inside where it's cooler?”

“I don't want to overstay our welcome,” Chris said, “so Sophia and I will take our leave. Perhaps another time.”

“Indeed,” Agatha said. “I'll need to confer with your bride-to-be a time or two before the wedding. I'll send word to Reverend Townsend today, concerning the date and time of the ceremony.”

“No need for that, my lady,” Chris replied. “I will take care of it myself.”

“Oh, pooh,” Agatha said, pouting. “You're much too busy for that. As I told Sophia, I will handle everything. All you need do is turn up at the church on time.” She tapped her chin. “I've been thinking—perhaps Sophia should move in with us until you are wed. We don't want any nasty talk about . . . well, you know.”

Chris's expression hardened. “No, I don't know. I see no reason for Sophia to leave Sunset Hill. In fact, I won't hear of it.”

“But . . . but . . .” Agatha sputtered.

“Leave off, Agatha,” Lord Chester said kindly. “I'm sure Captain Radcliff knows what he's doing.”

Sophia nearly collapsed in relief. She didn't want to leave Sunset Hill. She'd begun to think of it as home. She loved the view from her veranda, the magnificent sunsets, and everything else about the plantation. Besides, she would miss Chris. She couldn't make him love her if she had to live apart from him. Even four weeks was too long.

“Very well, then,” Agatha said grudgingly, “if that's how it must be. We'll be in touch soon.”

Chris and Sophia took their leave.

“Is it all right with you that Lady Chester is planning our wedding?” Chris asked as they reined their horses away from the mansion.

“It's probably for the best,” Sophia replied. “We are both new to the island. Lady Chester wants to make our wedding a grand affair, and although I would prefer a small gathering, her way will allow us to become acquainted with other planters.”

Chris nodded. “I've had business dealings with a few of the men, but I don't know them or their families well. Freeing my slaves hasn't gained me any friends, but I'm certain they will attend a wedding hosted by the Chesters. People will come out of curiosity if for no other reason.”

Lady Chester visited Sunset Hill frequently to confer with Sophia during the following weeks. A week before the wedding, Chris told Sophia at breakfast that he was taking her to Kingston to meet Reverend Townsend. The arrangements had been completed and everything was in place for the festive affair Lady Chester had planned. The only thing left to do was meet the reverend. Sophia was nervous. She couldn't believe she was going to marry Chris. She hadn't had a long conversation with him of late, or the opportunity to ask how he felt about their impending nuptials. He still made love to her nearly every night, but he usually left her bed before she could initiate a discussion, and he usually left the house early and returned late. Would it be this way after they were wed?

is due to arrive any day now,” Chris remarked between mouthfuls of food.

“Where has she been?” Sophia asked curiously. Any day Chris wished to converse with her was a good day.

“She carried rum to Charleston and then returned to England to pick up the carriage I ordered before I left London. I'm hoping the
will arrive in time for our wedding. I'd like Mr. Blaine and the crew to attend the celebration.”

“I'd like that too,” Sophia said. “What time should I be ready to go to Kingston?”

“Is an hour too soon? We'll take the wagon; Chandra gave me a list of staples to purchase in town.”

“I'll be ready,” Sophia said.

After Chris left for the distillery, Sophia summoned Kateena to help her dress for her trip to town.

“Are you excited about your wedding, mistress?” Kateena asked. She sighed dreamily. “The captain is so handsome, and he truly loves you. You're a lucky woman.”

Sophia went still. “Why do you think he loves me?”

“I have seen the way he looks at you.”

“He and I are rarely together, so how can you possibly know how he looks at me?”

“You do not believe me? Ask any of the servants and they will confirm what I have observed.”

“I'm sure you're mistaken,” Sophia contended. “Our history is long and complicated.”

Kateena shrugged. “If you say so, mistress.”

Sophia was ready and waiting when Chris brought around the wagon. Chuba helped her onto the bench beside Chris, and soon they were on their way. The day was hot and sultry; the threat of rain hung heavy in the air. Summer was the season of thunderstorms and something far worse. Kateena had explained about hurricanes, those violent storms spawning fierce winds that blew houses apart and uprooted trees.

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