A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance)
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Chapter 15

he jet ride was long and confusing for Imani. She had no idea why Daman was in such a foul mood. He was avoiding eye contact, but she’d seen the desire in his eyes when she’d first met him this morning. Bad mood or not, she refused to be ignored the entire trip.

She got him to discuss some gala plans for all of twenty minutes before he went mute again. And even after they landed and got into the car sent by the Walshes, he remained silent.

In her peripheral vision, she could see him adjusting himself in his seat, tugging on his jeans and rubbing his temple. That man made every simple act look erotic without even trying. But he was clearly stressed, and it didn’t have anything to do with her.

I wonder what that text was about...

Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been good news. When he finally glanced her way, she started to look away, but his sad eyes held her hostage. He didn’t say anything. Instead, his eyes dropped down to her lips and lingered there for a while.

He licked his lips, causing her eyes to drop down to his mouth, as well, only her eyes didn’t stay there. She openly admired his physical features, daring to be as bold as Daman. They’d observed each other before; however, the more their relationship grew, the bolder their stares became.

Imani watched as Daman’s chest heaved slowly to the rhythmic beat of his heart and instantly realized that her breathing matched his. Millions of questions were floating around in her head.
How could one person affect you so much that your breathing begins to equal theirs?

She could only imagine how in tune they would be if they actually explored a physical relationship, especially if they felt this connected in a car. She wondered if it was possible to take the next step in their professional relationship, cater to their physical needs and still plan the gala as if nothing had happened. She wasn’t sure if Daman still felt the same way, but she knew she’d given up on ignoring the obvious.

She inched a little closer and leaned into him to whisper words she didn’t want the driver to hear. “Consider this my permission to allow you to make the next move. Let’s talk about bringing our relationship to the next level.”

Daman shuddered as she spoke, and Imani giggled because she knew his ears were his weak spot. A quick look into his eyes proved he was still thinking about something.

“After the way I’ve been treating you today, I owe you an explanation.”

Imani smiled. Not exactly the response she was looking for, but she appreciated his honesty. “Okay. What’s been going on?”

Daman inhaled deeply. “I received some really bad news about Barker Architecture, and I didn’t want to take my anger out on you.”

She understood his decision to remain quiet, although she was the type of person that talked situations out, rather than holding in all her feelings. She wanted to ask Daman what the bad news was about, but she didn’t want to put him in a difficult spot. She’d learned he was rather private with personal issues.

“I understand, and I hate to hear that you received bad news. If you need to talk about it, I’m a good listener.”

He seemed to appreciate her offer. “Thanks, I appreciate that.”

It grew silent once again, but Imani no longer saw sadness in Daman’s eyes. It had been replaced with a longing that she realized had to do with her.

The car slowed down and turned onto a winding road, leading to an enormous house adjacent to a beautiful beach. Imani was consumed by the splendor of her surroundings. She didn’t know that Georgia had such amazing beaches. Tearing her eyes away from the beautiful scenery, she met Daman’s gaze. She’d given him the green light to engage in a sexual relationship with her, yet the intensity in his look still unnerved her. It was a look that only Daman could give, a promise that he would collect on her offer.

The car came to a stop and the driver opened the car door to let them out.

“Welcome to Walsh Manor,” said a man dressed in an all-black butler uniform. “I will be taking you on a quick tour of the grounds and show you where you will both be staying. While you’re here, the staff can get you anything you need. Since it’s now 5:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Walsh will meet with you both in the morning so you can rest before brunch tomorrow.”

The butler motioned for them to follow him. As they made their way up the stairs of the mansion, Imani was astounded by how large Walsh Manor actually was.

“Any chance you can relax and treat this as a mini vacation?” Daman whispered. “I promise to make it worth the trip. I’ve been craving to taste you again, and now seems perfect since you just accepted my offer.”

Imani stared at Daman, baffled by how he could make something so erotic sound so nonchalant. “You say that as if anything we do will be as simple as drinking coffee in the morning.”

“My, my. You didn’t learn anything, did you?”

“Well, you haven’t learned anything, either, because you continue to talk to me as if I can’t have you eating out the palm of my hand.”

Daman thought about her comment for a minute. “On second thought, I think I taught you a little too well if you’re talking to me like this, Miss Prim and Proper.”

Imani hit Daman on the shoulder, causing him to yelp. “You’re going to pay for calling me that. My thoughts right now are anything but prim and proper.”

“Oh, I like it when you talk dirty.”

“Shall we begin the tour?” the butler asked from a few feet ahead of them. They nodded in agreement.

Their bags were placed on a rolling cart. “They will be delivered to your rooms.”

They entered a front screen room and the butler led Imani and Daman through a set of swinging white doors leading outside to the gated yard. Her nose was instantly greeted with the combination of sweetness from the flowers and the saltiness of the ocean. Imani and Daman were speechless as they walked through the path of trees leading to an open garden of beautiful flowers and striking plants that overlooked the ocean.

“This is amazing,” Imani said softly, as she admired the beautiful scenery.

When the butler turned to answer a question Daman had asked, she quickly made her way to the edge of the water and pulled a feather out of her pocket. As she held up her hand and released the feather, she watched it catch in the wind and drift away.

Staring out at the never-ending ocean was extremely relaxing, but a quickening of her heart made her turn around. She saw Daman glance away and continue to follow the butler up a winding path through the garden. He’d seen her release a feather several times and hadn’t asked her anything, but she knew his curiosity would eventually get the best of him. She caught up with them as they approached a small beach house at the end of the path.

“For the length of your stay, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh ask that you both make yourselves comfortable in their guest beach house. Everything you need can be found inside. There’s also a list of important phone numbers located next to every phone.”

Usually Imani would have asked for a separate accommodation to have her privacy, but lately, she realized that no matter where she stayed, Daman was always close by.

“Thank you for the warm hospitality.”

“Yes, your hospitality is appreciated,” Daman stated after Imani.

“You’re both welcome. I will have someone bring over your luggage. Here are the keys.” The butler handed them each a pair and walked back to the main house.

Imani opened the door, and Daman followed her inside. The two-level beach house was inviting and cozy. It was decorated with Caribbean-style art pieces and furniture. There was a fully equipped kitchen, dining room and living room. There was also one bedroom on each level, with its own bathroom. Even though they were technically stationed in a backyard, the beach house made her feel extremely secluded.

Imani glanced out the front window and noticed that she couldn’t even see Walsh Manor from the beach house. The only views from the front windows were of the garden and ocean. Daman hugged her from behind as he glanced out that same window. It felt natural for her to rest her head on his shoulder and lean into his hug. She knew if she wasn’t careful, she could fall for this man.

Imani turned around to face Daman and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. For what seemed like the hundredth time since they’d first been introduced, she wondered why her body reacted to his touch, even when he was barely touching her. It was as if her body knew the exact moment he would touch her and was prepared for the electric sparks she felt every time.

Daman smiled, only this was a smile she’d never seen before. It was rugged and sexy in that untamed-man-of-the-jungle sort of way.

“You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

She was too wrapped up in their embrace to fully register his question. “Far from it,” she replied, as she tilted her head and parted her lips as an invitation for him to sample her again.

Daman took the hint, and in one swift move, his lips were on hers, exploring her mouth with the same urgency that she felt. Instantly, her stomach did flip-flops as she felt his tongue slide in and out of her mouth. He kissed her as if they’d kissed thousands of times before, and the thought that she felt so connected to him made her sigh into his mouth.

Daman managed to reach a part of her that she often kept closed to the opposite sex. He was beginning to break down all of her barriers, and instead of being afraid of the fact that they were getting so close so fast, she was excited. Until the gala was over, she would allow herself to enjoy Daman’s company and the emotions he awakened inside her. If only for a short while, she would know what it felt like to give in to her desires.

Neither heard the constant knocking at the door until the person decided to ask if anyone was inside. Daman groaned as he went to answer the door to quickly gather their luggage.

Imani’s stomach growled, and she knew she should eat something, but she didn’t want to mess up the mood by stuffing her face. They’d spent the majority of the day traveling and touring the mansion and garden, without taking time to eat. Unfortunately, the growling didn’t let up, and soon she realized that Daman’s stomach was growling, as well.

“Maybe we should eat something,” Imani suggested reluctantly.

“That sounds like a plan. The cabinets and fridge are stocked with food. I’m sure we can whip something up quickly. Besides, we’ll both need the energy.”

She shivered as she turned to follow Daman into the kitchen. Looking through the cabinets, they decided to make a quick southern dish. They moved easily in the kitchen as if they’d cooked together all their lives. They were able to finish dinner in record time.

“Your family relies on you a lot.”

Imani looked up from her plate. “Yes, I know.”

Daman hesitated for a while as if he wanted to ask more, and she felt his watchful eyes analyzing her. It was crazy how the same eyes that often drove her insane with passion were also ones that sometimes drove her insane with anxiety.

“Do you ever think it’s unfair that your family turns to you for everything, even though other people are capable of doing what you do?”

Imani drew in a soft breath, wondering why Daman would bring up something so random. There were very few people who knew the responsibility she felt when it came to her family. Strangely, she wanted to be honest with Daman, knowing that if she lied, he would probably know, anyway.

“Gamine was more than the matriarch of our family. She was our heart and soul. I’ve always been family oriented and wanted what was best for everyone. It didn’t matter to me that being so involved with family was a large responsibility. I know that we don’t live forever, but it never occurred to me that she wouldn’t be here. I still don’t think I’ve found a balance between being my own person and trying to embody some of Gamine’s character, but I’m working on it.”

Daman tilted his head and leaned toward Imani, who was sitting opposite him at the table. “How long have you been trying to find a happy balance?”

“Ever since Gamine passed away. My grandfather always says that individuals are born into certain roles and must accept their place in the family. When Gamine passed away, I had no choice but to be strong for my family. I’d never seen my mother so lost, and even though my father remained strong, the loss was unbearable for him at times, too. My sister, who is usually my main source of comfort, didn’t even know what to do with herself, and that went for the rest of the family, as well. When everything in your life seems to be going well, you never imagine being in a situation where no one can help because everyone is at such a loss. So I decided not to let that happen. I decided to be the rock for my family...like Gamine would have been.”

“Imani, people need to grieve. You can’t take on the weight of the world or hold back your feelings because in the end, no one loses but you.”

“I know that, and although I tell myself that all the time, it’s hard to break a habit.”

Daman got up from the table and sat beside Imani.

“Maybe you never really allowed yourself to grieve.”

“Maybe I didn’t. I used to think I’d have all the answers when I became an adult. In reality, I never have all the answers.”

Daman was quiet as he gathered his thoughts. “Being adults doesn’t mean we need to have all the answers. When my father passed away, I learned that you can’t control everything, and unexpected tragedies are bound to happen. I haven’t figured it all out, either, and I spend the majority of my life glossing over my accomplishments, always pushing for something greater. My dad was so amazing, and I always knew I had to live up to my potential. He left a legacy, and I want to leave one, too.”

Imani slowly stroked Daman’s hand to offer him the same comfort he was offering her. The entire time he spoke, her heart was beating so fast that she was sure he could feel it. His words touched her, and she didn’t like the fact that he was so hard on himself.

“You have to take the time to enjoy the little accomplishments. Otherwise, you’re always striving to do better and never congratulating yourself. You can’t be anything but yourself.”

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