A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Proposal (Kimani Romance)
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Chapter 10

n the drive back to his hotel, Daman wondered if he should go to Imani’s condo and check on her. She’d left the show abruptly, so he didn’t get a chance to say anything after they noticed their private conversation wasn’t so private after all. Looking back, he wasn’t sure that it had been a good idea to refrain from telling her he would be on the show. After it ended, she’d barely made eye contact with him. Daman had gotten a chance to talk to Tommy briefly before he left Z105. He could still hear Tommy’s insightful words—“Word of advice, if you want her, you better move fast. Trust me.”

At the time, Daman was too focused on Imani rushing out of the building to give his words a second thought. But Tommy had a point. He knew a lot of good men were looking for a good woman. Hell, she’d instantly impressed him the first time they met.

Somehow, he ended up in front of her condo. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would tell the doorman to let him up, just to slam the door in his face. At least if she let him up, he would be able to steal a glance at the face that grew sexier every time she turned her anger toward him. He told the doorman he was there to see Imani and shockingly, she told him to let Daman up.


He noticed her hesitation before she fully opened the door. “Hi. Come on in.”

After she closed the door, Daman walked into the room and examined Imani’s face. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

“I’d like to apologize for not telling you I would be on the show beforehand. The last thing I wanted to do was imply that we were in a relationship.”

Imani tilted her head to the side and sighed before responding. “I know, and I really don’t feel like arguing with you after the evening I just had.”

He watched her face soften.

“Did you tell Taheim and Jaleen you would be on the show?”


“And they didn’t say anything?”

Daman shook his head, finally seeing a couple more pieces of the puzzle fit together. “Nope. Now that I think about it, Taheim spilled his coffee when I mentioned your name a couple of weeks ago and was completely normal every time I mentioned your name after that. They told me they’d heard of you and your partners, but they didn’t say they knew y’all personally.”

“I’m not surprised. My friends are sneaky, and Taheim and Jaleen love getting one past me. There’s no doubt in my mind that they knew we shared that connection.”

He knew how she meant the comment, but that didn’t stop his body from reacting to the way she said
. He’d like to connect with her in a couple different ways, none of which included their friends. “I see.”

For the first time that night, Daman noticed what she was wearing. She’d traded her business attire for a blue negligee that only hit midthigh and was clinging softly to her body. She hadn’t bothered to put on a robe. He wondered what she had on underneath and fought the urge to pull her into a smoldering kiss.

As his eyes raked further over her face and body, he was mesmerized by the way her tongue dipped in and out of her mouth when she spoke. When he glanced back into her eyes, he felt the heat. That was all the encouragement he needed.

He pulled her closer and gently circled her lips with his tongue. At first, she wasn’t responding. Then suddenly, she began to suckle his lips, starting at the corners and unrelentingly journeying around his entire mouth. When she softly kissed the last untouched portion of his mouth, the need became too strong for him. He probed her mouth open with his tongue.

“Mmmm, you taste like sweet honey. I missed this taste.” His tongue left her mouth and made its way to her neck. “Smells like vanilla jasmine...intoxicatingly erotic.”

Daman quickly decided one taste wouldn’t be enough. He craved to be buried inside of her, but the game had changed now. He knew she was different the minute he laid eyes on her. Knowing that she knew his friends made it even worse. In the past, he never cared if he shamelessly slept with women and then acted indifferent to them after the moment of passion had passed. But Taheim and Jaleen were protective of the people they were close to and would definitely chew him out if he treated Imani like he did other women. He had to be straight with her.

“Imani, I have to be honest with you. I’m happy being a bachelor, and I don’t have time in my life for a serious relationship. I get portrayed as a great catch, but I will never be the type you’d want to marry. I just can’t imagine living my life any other way than I do now.”

The blank look on her face was hard to read. She began to push him away, and instantly, he regretted ruining the moment.

Imani was a little taken aback by his bluntness but appreciated his honesty. There was a time when she wanted to get married and raise a family just like hers. She knew she was the marrying type, but she couldn’t remember the last time she’d thought about those things. Being there for her family was her first priority and her career was her second. There was no room for anything else. Her life was hectic enough without the trouble that came with relationships, and right now, all she needed was to feed her hunger.

“Well, I guess that’s great to hear because I’m not looking for a relationship, either. I think our attraction is pretty clear, and I can find many uses for a man like you.”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Uses like what?”

Imani fiddled with the buttons on his shirt as she tilted her head to the side and stared into his eyes. She was battling with her conscience, unsure of what to do next. She knew she wanted him sexually. She just didn’t know how long she should hold out. Men like Daman only wanted one thing, and after they got it, they moved on to the next conquest. She could handle a “friends with benefits” relationship,
could she handle being in the spotlight for the next few months with the press in their personal business?

Giving him one last head-to-toe look, she made up her mind.

“Sexual uses, Daman. I could use a man like you to fulfill my sexual needs. That is, if you think you can handle me.”

Daman smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth. “I can handle you any way you like. Soft...rough...nasty...I’ve been known to show women a good time. The real question is do you think you can handle what I have to give?”

Imani sighed. She hadn’t had a lot of sexual partners in her life, but she’d had enough to know that it was all the same. She heard stories from women who boasted about sex like it was the greatest thing in the world, but she failed to see what all the fuss was about. She liked sex just as much as the next woman, but to her it was just another stress reliever. Looking at Daman, she knew he would be different, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

“Everything is a competition with you. Sex is sex. What could you possibly give me that I haven’t already had?”

The determined look in Daman’s eyes caused her breath to catch. Without words, he was telling her to prepare herself for a sexual eruption unlike any she’d ever experienced. The next few seconds were all a blur. One minute she was standing, and the next minute she was sprawled on the floor with Daman positioned over her.

“I hope you don’t get upset with me when I say this, Imani, but as tense as you’ve been since I met you, I highly doubt that a man has thoroughly had sex with you recently, if ever. Otherwise, you’d know that even though sex is sex, the fun comes in all the ways you bring about that pleasure. All you need is the right partner.”

While he was talking, he was kissing her neck and shoulders.

“It’s about the chemistry being so strong that you don’t even have to touch the person to feel that intense sexual pull.”

He untied her negligee and gasped. Imani didn’t know whether it was a good or bad gasp until he grinned, and his hands started roaming underneath the silky material.

“It’s about admiring the beauty of one another’s bodies and linking in an unexplainable yet pleasurable way.”

She felt his head dip down and alternate licking her breasts. He gently sucked each nipple, and just when Imani thought he was finished, he started the process all over again. She was only vaguely aware of how exposed she was, but she did notice that he was still wearing all his clothes.

His tongue continued its downward exploration of her body, licking each crevice and dipping in and out her belly button. When he reached her thighs, she held her breath in anticipation. In previous relationships, the men she’d dated only teased one spot. She wondered if Daman would be the same way. He abruptly stopped and looked into her eyes.

“It’s about feeding your desire and sexing that person to the point that they can’t see straight. I’ve wanted to devour you since the first day we met, and now I get my chance.”

The minute his mouth covered her center, she knew Daman was not like other men. He kissed her lightly at first, as if preparing her body for his mouth’s attack. As his licks grew more aggressive, Imani couldn’t do anything but grab the rug she was lying on.

His tongue found her pink nub, and he gently sucked the sensitive area. When she felt like she would explode with satisfaction, he would stop and dip his tongue inside her center. She began clinching her vaginal muscles as his tongue quickened its in-and-out rotation between her core and her clitoris.

Imani’s lower body came off the floor as he lifted her hips so his tongue could go deeper.

“Oh...goodness. I can’t take it...it’s too much.”

Apparently, Daman didn’t care because he increased the pace of his tongue and squeezed her butt tighter so she couldn’t go anywhere. Between her moans, she heard him speaking.

“Do you really want me to stop?”

She didn’t know how she found the words, but she managed to give him a truthful answer. “No, don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

“Good, because you taste too good for me to stop.”


“Yeah, really. You taste just like candy.”

“Ahhh...” Her moans grew more and more frantic.

“That’s it. Let it out, baby.”

Between his naughty words and the onslaught of his tongue, Imani was losing her mind. She didn’t know how he managed to talk and please her at the same time. There she was, stuck in midair between Daman’s mouth and his hands, and all she could do was hold on for dear life. She’d never experienced something so erotic. As her body broke into several convulsions, her moaning and screaming grew louder. She was so overcome with passion that she barely recognized Daman placing her back on the floor.

Instantly, her mind began racing with what would happen next. Everything had happened so fast. One minute they had been talking and the next she was moaning with gratification. She could barely think straight. No doubt he would want to have sex after that.

As if reading her thoughts, Daman answered her question. “Don’t worry, we aren’t having sex tonight.” He stood and helped her off the floor. She thought he was leaning in to kiss her, but instead, he retied her negligee. Imani was unsteady and couldn’t believe how weak her body felt. She couldn’t recall ever having an orgasm that strong. She leaned into Daman for support, wondering if she should be embarrassed of the state she was in.

Daman gently kissed her lips. “Please don’t be self-conscious. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Plus, I think I know how good I made you feel if your screams were any indication of that.”

Imani nudged Daman in his side, causing him to let out a fake cry. There was hunger in his eyes, and she could feel the heat radiating between them. She looked down at his pants and saw his engorged sex.

“Why did you tell me not to worry about sex tonight?”

Daman smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. Slowly, he turned and began walking toward the door. When he reached for the knob, he looked back at her and shook his head. “You’re one tempting woman, and trust me when I say I would love to take you right here. But now doesn’t seem like the right time, and we both know that brain of yours hasn’t finished processing what’s going on between us yet.” He gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Have a good night.”

She was still standing in the same position minutes after the door had closed.

That man is dangerous
. But she wanted him. That much was obvious. The businesswoman in her was on high alert, and she had to remember the reason they were thrown together in the first place. Unfortunately, none of those thoughts were running through her mind at the moment. The only thought on her mind right now was how he’d managed to get her naked while he remained fully clothed.

Chapter 11

he rest of the week went by much smoother than Daman would have suspected. When he left Imani’s condo on Monday, he’d stayed up half the night because he couldn’t sleep. He knew he’d made the right decision by leaving, but it didn’t stop him from visualizing what could have happened. He surprised himself by maintaining his self-control.

Sitting on his stationary jet at the Aurora Municipal Airport, he tried convincing himself that he was more excited that it was Friday and almost the weekend than he was about seeing Imani. After talking with Vicky, Daman and Imani had decided to visit Atlanta again on the weekend. Wth the gala so close, planning was crucial, and it was easier to organize the event in person rather than conference calls.

Through the window of the jet, he saw Imani step out of a taxi. She had agreed to ride with him in his jet as opposed to taking a commercial flight.

“Hi, Imani. It’s nice to see you again,” Daman said as she approached the jet entrance.

“Hello, Daman.” Imani gasped as they stepped inside.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, I’m just surprised. I didn’t know your private jet would be so large. I assumed it would be smaller, like other private jets I’ve been in.”

He laughed at the look of awe he saw in her eyes.

“As much as I would love to take full credit for this beauty, I can’t. It belongs to the company. When Barker Architecture went from two offices to ten offices in four years, two being international offices, my dad invested in a dream he’d always had for Barker Architecture. A private jet. Now with fifteen offices and four being international, I can’t imagine not having it.”

“Well, it’s gorgeous.”

“I appreciate that. Feel free to make yourself comfortable. My staff can get you anything you need to drink.”

Imani lifted her left eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. “Your staff?”

Daman grinned at her stance. He knew she wouldn’t be standing like that if she knew the effect it was having on him, seeing her breasts pressed up against her shirt.

“By staff, I mean James. He worked with my father since before I could remember and insisted that he continue working for me. He’s more like family.”

James approached Imani and introduced himself before heading to the back of the jet.

Imani leaned into Daman so that James couldn’t overhear what she was saying. “I hope you don’t work him too hard.”

James laughed loudly, getting Daman and Imani’s attention.

“I’m fine, young lady. Daman puts up with this old goat, but I know he can find better. But don’t let this eighty-one-year-old body fool you. I know how to keep up.”

The surprised look on Imani’s face made Daman laugh.

“I’m sure you can, James. You remind me a lot of my grandfather.”

James stood a little taller. “Must be a dashing fellow.”

Imani and Daman laughed. They took their seats just as the copilot was coming toward them with a worried look on his face.

“There seems to be a problem, Mr. Barker.”

“What is it? Is everything okay?”

“Yes, but we were listening to the radio, and they said that there was a massive storm that just hit the States.”

“Can we still make it to Georgia before nightfall?”

“Yes, sir. But the storm seems to have hit a small town in Florida. All communication between the town and neighboring cities has been lost. Sir, it’s pretty close to where your mother lives.”

Daman felt the air rush out of his lungs. If anything happened to his mother, he’d be devastated. “How bad was the storm?”

“From what I can gather, most of the buildings are still standing. The winds were extremely powerful, and the citizens of Florida said they haven’t seen a storm this bad in years.”

Daman glanced at Imani before turning back to the pilot. “Change of plans. Get us as close to my mom’s town as possible.”

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

James had made some calls and had a car waiting for them when the jet landed. He’d decided to wait with the jet in case someone needed to contact Daman.

Imani kept telling herself that Daman’s mother would be okay, but as they got closer to the town, she began to have doubts.

“Oh, my goodness.” She hadn’t meant for the words to escape her mouth, but it was hard to believe that a storm was capable of causing so much damage. The downtown area had a few shops that seemed to be holding up better than others. Ambulances and fire trucks filled some areas, but it was heartbreaking to see people scattered throughout the streets, frantically looking for more help. They stopped the car several times to pass out water bottles that James had stocked in the trunk.

Daman tried calling his mother several times, but the phone wouldn’t connect. “The cell towers must be down.”

It was harder to see the damage as they neared the countryside, since everything was spread so far apart.

“A lot of houses are still standing in the distance.”

Her voice was hopeful, but Daman only gave her a small smirk. He’d already lost one parent, and it was evident that his mom was his number-one priority since his father’s death. It took them two hours to get to his mother’s house, but it seemed that the town only had a little damage. Daman pulled the car up in front of a two-story house. Even in the nasty weather, Imani could tell the house was beautiful.

Daman hopped out the car so fast Imani hadn’t even realized it had come to a complete stop.

“Mom...Mom...are you here!”

Imani took off after Daman, not caring that mud and debris from the storm were ruining her clothes. His mother swung open the front door at the same time Daman made it onto the porch.

“Daman! Oh, baby, I’m so happy to see you! One minute I was listening to the news and the next, the power was out. But police officers and firemen visited the houses to tell us that our town was not greatly affected and that there was no reason to evacuate. The worst is over.”

They embraced in a big hug before Daman stepped back to examine his mother. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Your town does look fine, but I was worried after what we saw driving down here in other towns.”

“We, baby?”

Imani chose this time to step out from around the upturned lawn chair she’d been leaning against. Watching the exchange between Daman and his mother had been heartwarming.

“Hello, Mrs. Barker. My name is Imani Rayne. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Imani was reaching out to shake hands, but instead, Patricia pulled her into a tight hug. Imani hugged her back, assuming she was still flustered from the storm. However, when she glanced into the woman’s eyes, she noticed she was tearing up.

“Mrs. Barker, is everything okay?”

Mrs. Barker quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen before responding.

“I’m so happy I’m okay, that I’m overcome with emotion. I apologize for squeezing you so tightly, Imani, and might I add that Imani is a beautiful name.”

She looked into the woman’s face and felt a familiarity that she couldn’t quite explain. They only met minutes ago, but something about her was comforting. She instantly felt at ease with Mrs. Barker.

“That’s okay. I needed the hug, anyway.”

Mrs. Barker placed her hand over her chest and laughed.

“How did you and Daman meet? Are you dating?”

Imani looked at Daman for him to answer. “No, Mom. We aren’t dating. I told you about Imani over the phone. We’re hosting the gala together.”

“Oh, that’s right. You never told me her name...or how beautiful she was. Imani, are you married? I don’t see a ring.”

Imani caught Daman rolling his eyes. It was clear that Mrs. Barker was anxious for her son to settle down.

“No, ma’am. I’m not married.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, why don’t the two of you come in, and I can whip us up something to eat.”

As they walked into the house, Imani was amazed that everything was still in place.

“Daman, can you go and start the generator?”

“Sure, Mom,” Daman said and minutes later, they had power.

“Thanks, baby,” Mrs. Barker said when he returned.

Imani walked around the living room and admired the mahogany wood. There were four tables that all matched and were very similar to a set that she acquired after Gamine passed away. Knowing Daman’s eyes were on her, she turned to smile at him.

“Your table set is beautiful, Mrs. Barker. My grandmother left me a similar set. I love mahogany wood.”

“Thank you. I went to a lot of vintage stores to find them.”

Daman glanced from the tables to Imani and snapped his fingers in recognition. “I knew your table set looked familiar. It reminded me of my mom’s.”

Imani giggled at his sudden burst of acknowledgment. Neither noticed that Mrs. Barker was intently watching their interaction.

“There’s nothing going on between you two?”

Imani gulped hard and pretended to attentively study some art displayed on the wall.
Like mother, like son...straight to the point.

“Mom, drop it.”

me. You two aren’t fooling anybody. I can see it with my own eyes.” She was relentless.

“You remind me a little of my grandmother. She always got straight to the point,” Imani said. “Not that there is a point to be made in this situation.”

Mrs. Barker grinned before her eyes grew sad. “I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother, Imani.”

She looked at Mrs. Barker and wondered what Daman had told her about her Gamine’s passing. Daman gave his mom a questionable look.

“Imani said that her grandmother left her a similar table set, and I keep up with the news, son. I know who Imani is, and I know she’s a Burrstone.” She glanced at Imani. “And I must say that you are a very remarkable woman. I’m sure your family is very proud of you.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Barker.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. I hope you both are staying the night.”

Daman stole a glance in Imani’s direction. She pretended not to notice until she heard him speak.

“Imani, are you okay with that?” Daman asked.

She instantly felt two pairs of eyes on her.

“Well, Imani?” The question came from Mrs. Barker. Imani looked back and forth between the two before settling her eyes on Mrs. Barker.

“Sure, Mrs. Barker. I don’t see any reason why we can’t stay. I wish we could contact Vicky and let her know we won’t arrive until tomorrow.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Daman explained. “I sent her a quick email before we landed just in case we didn’t make it to Georgia tonight.”

Imani nodded her head in acknowledgment. She tried to tear her gaze away from him, but he was a mystery she couldn’t quite solve. He commanded her attention at the strangest times. They were strictly partners for the gala, nothing more, and she knew she would be better off if she reminded herself of that fact.

Mrs. Barker interrupted her thoughts.

“Well, since that’s taken care of, I will quickly show you your rooms. After that, Imani and I will prepare something to eat.”

They both followed Mrs. Barker upstairs. Imani willed her nerves to go away, but it didn’t work. Ever since she’d met this man, it seemed like they couldn’t go a day without their paths crossing.

“Here we are. Daman will be in this room, and Imani, you’ll be in the other.”

She gestured for each of them to check out their separate rooms. As Imani walked into her room, she noticed more antique wood. The bed set was gorgeous and looked like the vintage bed set her grandmother had left to Cyd. The similarity was uncanny, since she always thought the antiques her grandmother collected were one of a kind.

Suddenly, the air around her grew thick with awareness. She glanced toward the bathroom and saw Daman fill the entrance. She was so wrapped up in the beautiful antique furniture that she hadn’t noticed the connecting bathroom.
Someone really doesn’t want me to get a good night’s sleep

“Oh, I hope you both don’t mind the connecting rooms. These are the only guest rooms in the house.” Sensing Imani’s reservations, Mrs. Barker continued, “Imani, you’re more than welcome to sleep in my room, instead.”

She thought about the offer. She’d shared a connecting room with Daman at the hotel, so she saw no reason why they couldn’t share a bathroom now. “No, thank you, Mrs. Barker. I’m fine with this arrangement.”

Daman hadn’t said a word for the last ten minutes. Even now, he just stood there staring at her.

“Oh, good,” Mrs. Barker said as she happily clasped her hands together. “Imani, dear, come downstairs with me.”

Daman glanced in his mother’s direction as if he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. Imani pretended not to notice the situation, but it was obvious that his mother saw how long his eyes had been glued to her. Imani appreciated the interruption and hurriedly followed Mrs. Barker.

They decided to prepare skirt steaks, green beans, macaroni and a salad. Imani’s stomach was growling just thinking about eating everything. She and Mrs. Barker worked well together. She felt right at home with Daman’s mom. They didn’t do much talking while cooking, but the silence was comforting, and the occasional smile that passed between them felt natural.

“You know, my son seems quite taken by you, Imani. I’ve never seen him this way around a woman. I can tell you care for him, too.”

The statement caught Imani off guard, and she struggled to maintain her composure. “Your son and I do work well together, but we haven’t known each other long. I’m sure he seems taken by me because we’ve been together so much lately.”

She could feel Mrs. Barker’s eyes studying her while she tossed the salad.

“I may have only known you for a couple hours, but I know my son. I can tell when he’s interested in a woman. Daman isn’t easily impressed by the opposite sex, but you have definitely gotten his attention.”

“You think so?” Imani hadn’t meant for her voice to raise and sound expectant. She tried to clear up the mishap. “I meant that we both have the same view on relationships. That is, we don’t want one, need one, or have time for one. I must admit that I’m impressed with Daman, too, and I don’t impress easily, either. We make a great team, and I’m sure when the gala is over, we will keep in contact.”

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