A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella) (26 page)

BOOK: A Very Christopher Christmas (A Death Dwellers MC Novella)
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Although they were pressed for time, Christopher couldn’t go another moment without showering. While he cleaned up, Digger went and purchased burgers and fries for him and Val, then, together Christopher and Digger loaded three duffel bags in the trunk. It seemed as if Digger had purchased a couple of outfits for Kendall since the bitch had stowed away and not brought clothes.

They drove for an hour before Christopher noticed the gas getting low. Instead of filling up, he found the nearest motel and got two rooms, one exclusively for Johnnie’s bitch. They needed a base while Christopher got travel arrangements together.

“I don’t want to be alone,” she cried. “You have to stay in the room with me, Outlaw.”

“Bitch, not on your fuckin’ life,” he retorted, opening the door to the first room and needing to get rid of that fucking car. It could be equipped with a goddamn tracking device. Maybe, the motherfuckers had allowed him to get away as a false sense of security.

“You have to stay with me after the way you put my life in danger. It’s your duty to protect me.”

“Kendall, that shit don’t sound right,” Digger said with disapproval as he helped Val into the room. “Asking Prez to stay with you.”

“Yeah,” Val puffed out, falling onto the bed. “Sound to me like you want dick from Outlaw.”

Christopher glared at Val, ready to finish fucking him up for even speaking those words.

“I do not!” she bit out, sidling a glance at Christopher.

He wouldn’t entertain this fucking conversation.

“There’s nothing lurid about my request,” she insisted.

As if he gave a fuck. “I ain’t got time to deal with your fuckin’ ass, Kendall. You ain’t stayin’ in here with me and I ain’t stayin’ in your goddamn room.”

“They’re grown men,” she argued. “They can protect themselves.”

“One’s a fucked-up grown-ass man,” Christopher snapped. “I ain’t stayin’ in your room.”

What the fuck was wrong with this bitch?

“I need to call Megan.” Now that he had everything under control.

Kendall doubled over and sank to the ground, her arms wrapped around her belly.

“It hurts,” she whispered, crying out. “I think I’m in labor.”

Fuck him, this shit couldn’t fucking be happening. This bitch wasn’t in fucking labor hundreds of miles from home.

“Oh my God, the baby’s coming.”

“No the fuck it ain’t!” Christopher snarled. “Stop it.”

“I can’t! She’s coming!”

“Fuck.” He backed toward the door and looked at Digger, who stood frozen as he stared at Kendall. “Call me when it’s fucking over.”

“Don’t leave me.” She drew in a sob, then groaned again. “Please, help me.”

“While I see to Val, Digger can fuckin’ help you. I fuckin’ ain’t.” Helping her meant all types of things Christopher didn’t want to imagine, let alone fucking witness.

Mainly, looking up Kendall’s pussy.

“Call a ambulance, Digger.” He turned toward the door. “Val, lemme get you to the other room. After I ditch the car, I’ll take care of you.” He’d get him put back together as best as possible, then see how soon the pilot could arrive. Back in Washington, Val could be properly seen to.

“No, wait. I think I’m crowning. You have to look.”

“The fuck I do. You can fuckin’ feel if a lil’ motherfucker ‘bout to fall outta your pussy.”

As Kendall screamed in agony, Christopher glared between Digger and Val, disgusted when Digger didn’t move to help Johnnie’s bitch. The motherfucker decided to abandon his psycho bitch duties

She made no attempt to move toward the bed. Christopher should let her sink to the fucking ground. Instead, he guided Kendall to the bed closest to them and pushed her down.

“Call a ambulance,” he ordered again. “I ain’t got my cell phone.”

“We don’t have time for an ambulance. Please!”

Fuck, why was he always put in some fucked up position with Kendall? Fate just force-fed her motherfucking ass to Christopher. That thought upper-fucking-most in his head, he stomped toward the bathroom to search for towels and a couple of other wish-list items like a fucking hand mirror.

By the time he got back into the room, her bottom half was bared and Val and Digger had left, probably for the other room. Scowling, he turned his back. “Cover the fuck up.”

“I can’t. I’m having a baby.”

“Yeah, well,
havin’ the motherfucker. I ain’t interested in bringin’ it into the world if I gotta look at your pussy. I was lookin’ for a fuckin’ mirror so you could hold in front your cunt and deliver your kid yourself. I mean look the fuck at it this way. It’s so fuckin’ big you can’t feel a fuckin’ kid droppin’ the fuck out.”

“I hate you.”

“And I can’t stand your motherfuckin’ ass.” Even, now, when she was in labor and suffering, he couldn’t give two fucks.

“There’s a very thin line between love and hate, Christopher,” Kendall called.

Christopher scowled. “First the fuck off I told your ass I ain’t Christopher to you. Now or fuckin’ ever.”

She drew in a sob. “Why? The other girls call you by your name.”

“Where the fuck you been, Kendall? Only Bitsy, Ophelia, and Megan call me by my goddamn name. Bailey and Bunny call me Outlaw. Even Roxy do.”

“But they have permission to call you Christopher if they choose to. Don’t they?”

“Yeah. They smart e-fuckin-nuff to know outside my sisters, only my girl should call me by my name.”

She sniffled. Fuck, but for the past weeks all this bitch did was cry. She couldn’t end one fucking conversation without fucking bursting into motherfucking boo-hooey tears. Fuck, but no wonder John Boy had gone the fuck off his rocker and tried to get Christopher to fuck him up. Christopher would’ve wanted an easy way the fuck out, too.

“It isn’t only me then? I can’t call you Outlaw because you don’t want any of the women to call you by your name if they aren’t Meggie or aren’t related to you?”

“It sure the fuck is only your ass,” he stormed, sick to death of this fucking conversation. “What the fuck can’t you get through your goddamn head about how fuckin’ much I fuckin’ hate you? You fuckin’ alive cuz of your kids. Rory and the baby tryna get the fuck out. You fuckin’ alive cuz of Johnnie. I’d just as soon fuckin’ kill you, Kendall. I despise the fuckin’ ground you walk on.”

“No, you don’t!” she shouted on a moan. “You never answered me when I said there’s a thin line between love and hate. You know it’s true.”

“I heard that bullshit. It just don’t fuckin’ apply in this fuckin’ case. The hate I fuckin’ feel with you is thick and air-fuckin-tight. Nothin’ fuckin’ thin ‘bout it. I hate you yesterday, today, tomorrow, and for-fuckin-ever. Case fuckin’ closed, Kendall.”

“You asshole, you can’t call me Kendall if I can’t call you Christopher.”

“No skin off my fuckin’ teeth, cunt. That fuckin’ better?” He folded his arms, needing a drink to help his fucking headache. “Make sure you fuckin’ get on the same page with Johnnie, hear me? He been after my fuckin’ ass to call you fuckin’ Kendall. I been doin’ that and your fuckin’ ass still not fuckin’ happy. Can’t win with you two motherfuckers.”

“Because you don’t try!” she yelled. “All you have to do is admit to me how much you care about me.”

“Ain’t admittin’ shit that ain’t true. I don’t give a motherfuck
‘bout you. Obviously you ain’t givin’ too much of a fuck ‘bout you either. Other-fuckin-wise you wouldn’t look for fuckin’ ways for me to continue to fuckin’ insult you.”

“That’s because you have the maturity of—”

“My boy. Yeah, I fuckin’ know you already fuckin’ said that.”

“Insults are the way some people show that they care.”

Jesus, Mary, and all that was holy. “Ken…cunt,” he corrected, “I insult you cuz, for one fuckin’ reason or another, you always thrown the fuck in my path and I gotta fuckin’ talk to you for one fuckin’ reason or another. I’d be the happiest motherfucker alive if I never had to talk to you, even to fuckin’ insult you. What the fuck ain’t you gettin’?”

“I get it!” she snarled. “I get that you’re mean and cruel and vindictive. I get that you can’t admit you think about me because it’ll upset Meggie.”

Christopher’s hands shook with the need to strangle her. She was fucking pushing it bringing Megan into this and for suggesting she took up even the smallest space in his head when he didn’t have to look at her miserable face.

“I just wanted you to like me. Everyone else does. I thought if Johnnie talked to Meggie and I talked to you, we could make some headway.”

Christopher scrubbed a hand over his face. Cautiously, he turned, careful to keep his gaze on her face. “Lemme ask you something.”

She sniffled. “What?”

“You still ain’t takin’ your medicine, yeah?”

“I don’t want to hurt my baby.”

“If I fuck you up, you ain’t only hurtin’ your baby, but your psycho ass too.”

“I’m sorry,” she wailed. “I didn’t know what to do.”

“Ain’t fuck all to do. You ain’t changin’ how I feel ‘bout you. If anything, you makin’ shit worse. Stop fuckin’ tryin’ cuz I swear you workin’ on my last fuckin’ nerve.”

She cried out again. “It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!”

“Digger!” Why the fuck wasn’t that motherfucker answering him? As loud as he shouted, he knew Digger heard him since the other room was right next door. He could be heard down the fucking street.

“Please, stay. You wouldn’t want Johnnie to leave Meggie.”

No, he wouldn’t, despite Johnnie’s and Meggie’s past history, he’d
Johnnie to be there for his girl.

“Can you prop me up with pillows?”

He sighed. “Do I gotta?”

Her lower lip trembled. “It’ll make me more comfortable.”

“That matter to me how?”

“The baby might come quicker.”

“And the ambulance might get here fuckin’ soon.”

“Oh my God! It hurts. There has to be a music channel on TV. Put on opera to make the delivery easier.”

Not on her fucking life would he hurt his ears with that shit.

Groaning, Kendall bore down, her face red, a sheen of sweat glistening on her skin.

“Do something!” she ordered.

Christopher lifted a brow. “I ain’t done this to you, so I got fuck all to do.”

Digger opened the door and stepped inside. “Is it over yet?”

“Get the fuck in here!” he yelled as Kendall screamed, “she’s coming!”

“Do I have to?” Digger asked, sounded as if he wanted to be anywhere else.

“Fuck yeah!”

Digger sighed. “S’okay, Prez, I got this. You go wait for the ambulance.”

“Thank fuck.”

Finally, a motherfucker who was on his side. Without waiting for Digger or Kendall to add fuck all, he stalked away. By the time he got back, he hoped that bitch had delivered so she’d shut the fuck up.

He might have to leave her ass in the hospital, but this trip was fucking over, even if he had to fucking risk getting a goddamn commercial flight.




Meggie barely ate and she barely slept, remembering the way Mortician had hovered over her and Cash barely let her out of his sight at yesterday’s Thanksgiving dinner.

If she knew nothing else, she knew Johnnie was lying to her about Christopher. They all were.

She’d suffered through another day of not hearing from her husband. Bunny had taken CJ, Rebel, and Rule to the club for the leftover dinner. Although Cash, Stretch, and Mortician had offered to carry her to the club, as Cash had done yesterday, she’d declined.

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