A Wanted Man (21 page)

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Authors: Linda Lael Miller

BOOK: A Wanted Man
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“Yes, you will,” Rowdy countered easily. “Shall I tell you what it will be like?”

Lark’s body went achy hot.
it said.
Oh, yes.

“No!” she gasped, and then smiled a wobbly smile at a woman on the sidewalk, fearing she might have heard.

Rowdy chuckled. “I figure you’ve been with at least one man in your life,” he went on, just as if she hadn’t protested—indeed, as if she’d
him, which she had not. “But I’d bet anything you’ve never felt the things you’re going to feel when I have my way with you.”


“Stop what?”

“Stop seducing me.”

“Way too late for that. You’re almost there right now.” He waved companionably to Jolene Bell, who scowled back at him from the doorway of her saloon.

“I most certainly
am not,
” Lark argued, but she wasn’t all that certain, and Rowdy clearly knew it.

“Of course, after that first time, which will take place in a bed, like it should, I might have you just about anywhere, as long as we’re alone. Against a wall, maybe, with your drawers down around your ankles—”

“Rowdy Rhodes,” Lark said heatedly, “
stop it,
or take me home!”

“You don’t want to go home,” Rowdy told her. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint Maddie like that. She’s been snowed in awhile, just like you have, and she’s probably looking forward to the visit.” He paused as they passed out of Stone Creek, into the open countryside. The roads were deep with mud and slush, just as he’d said they would be. “And you don’t want me to stop talking about making love to you, either.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” Lark demanded, incensed.

And wickedly aroused.

“The way you keep squirming on the wagon seat, because you can’t get comfortable, for one thing. The flush rising from your neck to your hairline for another, and the little throb at the base of your throat.”

“This wagon seat is
” Lark protested, in her own defense.

“Not nearly as hard as I will be,” Rowdy said.

Lark closed her eyes against an onslaught of feelings and images, but it was no use. Autry had been old and awkward and he’d smelled funny, too. Rowdy was her former husband’s opposite in every way—he was young and virile. He was comfortable in his own skin, with a gunslinger’s dangerous grace, and he always smelled of sun-dried laundry and strong soap.

He undoubtedly knew how to please a woman.

Think about Autry,
she told herself sternly.

But she couldn’t, because Autry was miles away in Denver, and Rowdy was right beside her, so close, in fact, that their thighs were touching.

“Inside,” Rowdy went on mildly, “you’re wound up tight as a watch spring when the stem’s been turned too far. And I know just the way to make you let go. Won’t even need a bed to do it.”

Lark’s heart hammered in her throat. Her stomach jumped.

And she parted her legs ever so slightly under the skirts of her blue silk dress.

“Rowdy,” she pleaded.

“That’s more like it,” he said.

Her temper surged again. Where the devil had it been when she needed it? “That
what I meant—”

“Wasn’t it?” Rowdy teased.

She realized then that he was baiting her. Of
he was merely nettling her, and she’d played right into his hands. So to speak.

“Go to hell, Rowdy Rhodes,” she said.

“Yup,” Rowdy said solemnly. “Tighter than a watch spring.”

They traveled in silence for a while. Passed a farmhouse or two, and copses of oak and cottonwood trees, bare-limbed and seeming to strain toward the sky, as if offering a desolate prayer for spring.

They’d probably been on the road for at least forty-five minutes, with the O’Ballivan place nowhere in sight, when Rowdy suddenly stopped the wagon.

“Horses need to rest,” he explained, when Lark stiffened. “It’s hard pulling for them, with the mud and all.”

She let out her breath.

Nothing could happen here.

They were on the open road. It was broad daylight. And anyone could come riding by on a horse, or driving a wagon, at any moment.

She was completely safe.

Then Rowdy leaned into the back of the wagon and picked up one of the blankets.

“You’re cold,” he said, his eyes twinkling, when she started again.

He smoothed the blanket over her lap.

Lark tensed, closed her eyes, opened them again when he kissed her.

She wanted to resist.

She truly did.

But when he persuaded her to open her mouth for him, his lips warm and firm against hers, his tongue exploring—she couldn’t help responding.

She whimpered softly and kissed him back.

She was dazed when he stopped, sweetly alarmed when he knelt between the wagon seat and the footboard and slipped beneath the blanket.

A molten shiver went through Lark as she felt him go under her skirts and petticoats, too. What was he going to do?

Autry had never done anything like—

He ducked under her left leg, set both her feet against the front of the wagon.

Oh, mercy. He was between—

She felt the delicate fabric of her drawers give way, right in the middle.

She sucked in a shocked, exultant breath.

And then his mouth was on her.

Lark gave a strangled cry, but it wasn’t a protest, and Rowdy must have known that, because he chuckled, under the blanket and her skirts and petticoats. The sound echoed through her.

“Rowdy,” she managed to gasp, clutching the edges of the wagon seat, “someone could come—”

He chuckled again. “Someone could,” he agreed in a wicked drawl, his voice muffled by her garments and her skin. “In fact, I’d bet on it right about now.”

Lark began to breathe harder, and more quickly. “Don’t—” she whimpered.

“Don’t what, Lark?”


He feasted on her then. He tugged at her, and he teased, until she was wild with need, rocking in the wagon seat, her feet pressing hard into the footboard. Her nipples ached and perspiration broke out all over her body and she was climbing toward something, climbing and climbing—

And then the world shattered.

Lark threw back her head and shouted his name aloud.

He stayed with her, bringing her to several more releases, each one softer, and yet keener, than the one before.

She was dazed—melted—when Rowdy finally threw off the blanket, righted her petticoats and skirts, and shifted himself back onto the wagon seat. He wiped her wetness from his face with the sleeve of his trail coat, and Lark was suddenly, belatedly, mortified by what she’d allowed him to do.

She looked away.

He caught her chin in his hand and made her look back.

“That’s what you ought to feel when a man makes love to you, Lark,” he told her when she finally met his gaze. “It ought to make you moan and writhe and holler out his name when you come undone.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. She’d
felt that way with Autry, never even known it was possible. With Autry lovemaking was something to be endured. Fumbling and sometimes painful, and always done in darkness.

Rowdy Rhodes had just—he’d just put his mouth to the most intimate part of her body, on a public road, and she’d not only let him, she’d reveled in it, and she’d have done it again. And yet again.

She put a hand to her mouth, horrified by this realization. She’d always thought herself to be one kind of person, only to find out now that she was quite another. The next time she looked into a mirror, she’d see a wanton stranger gazing back at her.

She didn’t know how to
this woman she had just become.

Rowdy smiled, pulled her hand away from her mouth, and kissed her again, lightly this time. Then he brushed the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs and turned to release the brake lever and take up the reins again.

Lark sat, baffled and damp, profoundly satisfied and conversely in greater need than before, still clutching the edge of the seat.

Suppose it showed, what she’d just done with Rowdy?

Suppose Sam and Maddie guessed, somehow?

“I’m going to have to mend my bloomers,” she said.

Rowdy laughed. Shook his head. His blue eyes soothed her, even though they twinkled with mischief. “Where did
come from?” he asked.

She summoned up a little huff. “You tore them, remember?”

“I surely do. Leave them like that. It’ll save wear and tear and be easier next time.”

Lark stared at him, aghast.
“Next time?”

“Tomorrow night, maybe,” he said. “Before or after the dance.” The mischievous glint in his eyes intensified. “Or maybe on the way back to town tonight, after supper.”

Lark flushed again.

Rowdy chuckled.

“You wouldn’t,” Lark told him.

“You know I would,” Rowdy answered.

Lark lapsed into sweet misery.

Half an hour later the O’Ballivan house came into view, nestled in a wide meadow beside a winding creek that had frozen blue in the cold. In fact, there were two houses on the property, at some distance from each other but enclosed by the same rail fence.

Smoke curled invitingly from their stone chimneys.

Rowdy seemed to know which place belonged to Sam and Maddie, and when Maddie came out onto the porch to smile and wave, Lark stopped worrying and relaxed.

Maddie wore a brown silk dress, and she was beaming. “Sam,” she called, through the open doorway behind her, “they’re here!”

Rowdy stopped the wagon, tipped his hat to Maddie and jumped down to come around to Lark’s side and lift her from the seat. At the touch of his hands on either side of her waist, and for just the merest moment, she was back where he’d taken her earlier, at the height of ecstasy.

She crooned involuntarily, under her breath.

Rowdy winked at her and made sure she traveled the whole hard length of him before her feet finally struck the ground.

Sam came out of the house, and he and Rowdy unhitched the team, led the horses to the barn, so they could rest comfortably before the long trek back to Stone Creek later that night.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Maddie told Lark, squeezing her hand and then pulling her into the house.

Mrs. Porter would have been impressed. It was a beautiful place, with paintings on the walls and bright Indian rugs gracing the wooden floors. The spinet gleamed in the light of a crackling blaze on the hearth of the big stone fireplace.

Lark took a step toward the little piano before she caught herself.

Mustn’t touch the keys,
the still, small voice reminded her.
Mustn’t sing


Those things were part of her old life, gone for ever.

“I thought I’d go mad, cooped up here during that blizzard,” Maddie confided. “Sam was here, of course, but talking to him isn’t like talking to another woman.”

“Where’s Terran?” Lark asked, remembering that she was a teacher and ought to inquire about her student.

“He’s over at the major’s, with Ben,” Maddie answered, indicating that Lark should take one of the chairs near the fire. “And Sam, Jr., is already asleep.” She sighed, glanced wistfully out one of the windows.

“It gets dark so early in winter.”

Inwardly Lark started slightly. It

When had the sun gone down. How could she have failed to notice?

“Would you like a cup of tea while we wait for Sam and the marshal to come back from the barn? Supper’s almost ready, but they’re likely to stand out there and talk awhile.”

“Tea would be lovely,” Lark replied gratefully. She stood again, and was instantly aware of the ripped seam in her bloomers. She would mend them the
she got home, she told herself.

She really would.

Supper smelled heavenly—Maddie had made chicken and dumplings, one of Lark’s favorites.

The two women chattered as Maddie brewed and poured the tea.

Maddie was so obviously happy, through and through, that she glowed.

When Sam and Rowdy came in from the barn, entering by the back door, Sam introduced Rowdy to his wife. The look in Sam’s eyes as he gazed at Maddie made Lark’s heart catch painfully. Their love for each other was palpable, as real and eternal as the land the house was built upon.

Lark glanced at Rowdy, found he was watching her.

His expression was thoughtful, even a little solemn.

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