A Warrior's Perception (22 page)

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Authors: Spring Stevens

BOOK: A Warrior's Perception
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Kagan growled and gripped her shoulders roughly,

Ell'andra! Stop this ridiculous talk, I will'na ha'e any more of it.

Let me go and lea'e. I will'na share my body with ye as she does. Ye ha'e many lovers to satisfy yeself with. Ye donna need me.

Andra winced as his fist slammed into the tree again,

Stop it! Stop inflictin' pain on yeself!

Kagan laughed and held out his knuckles for her to inspect,

If ye kiss me, the pain will go away.

I will'na do any such thing,

she gritted as she flinched at the blood oozing down his fingers. She laid her cheek on his chest and listened to his raging heartbeat.

It is unreasonable for ye to want me. I am fat and ugly and my green eyes are unlike any of the other women in this country.

Ell'andra Duncan, ye be the bonniest woman that e'er graced the highlands with her feet. Ye make men grow weak kneed and make their tongues grow heavy with desire.

Kagan's voice was barely a whisper as she turned her face up to look at him.

His eyes were hooded and his hair fell around his shoulders in splendor. Andra smiled and brushed his hair from his face, looking into his warm gray eyes. Had he been any other man, she would love him. Her eyes widened at her simple thought and she quickly looked away from his gaze. She had to gather her wits and escape his clutches before she gave in again to his wanton body and deliciously warm mouth.

Ye be very close to breakin' ye oath and I suggest that from now on, ye hold back,

she said with determination.

Now let go of me and go home.

Kagan pulled away and turned on his heel, the grass under his foot uprooted and crushed under his weight,

As ye wish. We lea'e in the morn and be prepared for ye punishment on our arrival.

Andra frowned as he walked down the path to the cottage, tying his kilt into place. She followed slowly and huffed at his back. If he thought she was sharing that bed with him, he had lost his mind. She grinned triumphantly as she crossed the field to the abbey. She would sleep on the cold floor of the abbey before she would give in to his tempting offer.

He watched her through narrowed eyes and grinned as she entered the abbey. Defiant and beautiful. Women like her were far and few between.


Chapter 12

The light dimmed over Vacrey Isle and the odd whirling wind whispered to the goddess,

Come to me.

The glowing green light of the lake rose in vapors to the sky and glided to the soft fluffy cloud that awaited Her. She wrapped her light around the cloud as She took form. Her long braided golden hair shimmered with tiny pink butterflies as her delicate sensual face appeared through the vapor. Her white gown clung to her breasts and cascaded down her waist in white waterfalls to her feet.

Stars twinkled in Her eyes as she looked upon the approaching black thunder cloud. Her seductively sweet smile etched across her face as the dark cloud reached hers. Lightning flashed and pierced the earth in a thunderous mighty booming voice. She turned to the smoke that billowed out from the cloud and held out her hand.

Oh, stop your fussing and come join me. Our grandchildren are reluctant to our persuasions.

Her voice was sweeter than honey suckles and sent trails of butterflies dancing around her form.

It is your grandchildren that always dare to defy me!

Dagma's voice echoed loudly and sent hundreds of giant lightning streaks to the earth below and shook the heavens with rage.

Fae, Mother of Vacrey, pouted at the black smoke and held out both of her hands,

Come to me.

The smoke solidified and Dagma, Father of Earth, stepped out of the smoke onto Her cloud. His crimson essence surrounded Fae and caressed her soft glorious shoulders. The red mist lingered on her neck and lightly brushed her cheeks. He unbraided her hair and pushed through it making it fall about her body in golden ecstasy. Honey and vanilla, the spices of sweet seduction, flowed into his senses and wrapped around his eager appetite.

Just because you are leader of the pack,

Fae whispered as his wispy red fingers stroked her arms,

does not mean you can have your way with me.

I say I can have my way,

his voice was soft and rain drizzled from the sky,

And I see that it pleases you.

His ora completely surrounded Fae as she welcomed his embrace. Dagma formed as he kissed her lips in breathtaking need. Fae leaned onto his strength and overwhelming power as she responded urgently to his rising desire.

Where are the others?

His voice threatened to make her wilt before him.

They come shortly. I needed a few moments of you to myself. It has been too long without you in my arms,

she smiled as his passion burned through his steel gray eyes.

Dagma's armored body and godly mind reeled in pleasure as he picked her up and soared into the sky. His large hands roamed her body as they twisted together in the heavens and sailed to his throne above the world. Fae threw her head back as he sealed kisses upon her skin. Her form weakened and collided with his. Her green mist swirled inside of his crimson power and welcomed his pleasure with her own.

Time stood still as they exploded into the heavens. Rain poured from a cloudless sky and the earth shook with sweet surrender. The moon disappeared, giving the lovers the privacy they so desperately needed.

When Dama, JaQuay, and Haggart arrived, Dagma sat at Fae's feet on his throne. Fae stood and relinquished the throne back to him as she smiled. The others tried to appear ignorant of the situation and all three bowed as he reclaimed his throne.

Seems you three are not succeeding in your battles with fate. How does the provocation go with the youngest McKregan?

Dagma turned to Fae and winked. Her eyes lowered as she tried to hide her smile.

JaQuay stepped forward, warmth and love radiated from her presence. Her body appeared in the aged form of Ell'andra. Even Dagma caught his breath at her beauty and quickly looked away in fear that Fae was watching. He listened intently to her voice that sounded like the sweetest nightingale's song.

The two are evenly matched and will soon have their first encounter. I suspect all will go well. Queen Joaquinn is positive her daughter has been looking upon the McKregan with wanton eyes.

JaQuay's tight smile begged Dagma's attention.

And the queen?

Joaquinn's heart is full of regret and she often dreams of the man who sired her children. She no longer wants to be queen. I will gladly release her when Ell'andra comes to the throne,

JaQuay frowned as she continued,

I am not positive that Ell'andra will wish to take the throne and if she does not, your plans will come unglued at the seams.

Dagma considered her words and tried to understand JaQuay's sadness,

And what of you? Do you want her to be queen?

JaQuay answered slowly,

I want her to be happy.

Haggart in flowing white robes and matching beard stepped forward,

Joaquinn's love may not be so easily accepted by Douglas. He may not forgive her when she explains why she left. And let us not forget that he has thought her dead now twenty and one years. There is always the possibility that he will no longer trust her words.

Dagma frowned,

Has his fire for her not been rekindled after meeting Ell'andra?

Yes, it has. But men's hearts are hard and hide in anger if they are hurt. His pain was great when he thought he had lost her,

Dama glared at her father, knowing what her son was about to face,

Pain of the heart can easily kill a man and often they take their own lives to end the torture of a broken heart.

I am fully aware that Kagan has a hard path before him, but he must prove himself worthy or die to get to Valhalla,

Dagma's words hit Dama hard but he did not spare her the time to heal,

If he fails me and does not stand firm, he will not be welcomed here.

Dama retaliated and stepped to the bottom of the massive throne with defiance in her gray eyes,

He is my son! How can you allow him to fail? He has served you with every fiber of his being and has already proved himself to be a great warrior. I will not let you best him with your arrogance.

Dagma's heart swelled with pride at his daughter's conviction to her son but he forced his smile to form a frown,

You will not interfere with my plans and fate will lead him to his destiny, whatever it may be.

Dama fumed,

And what of Ell'andra? She has grown stronger than you had hoped. Against all odds she still stands firm against men and against you. She will not be persuaded to fall at his feet. She will be the death of him and I will never forgive you!

Fae stepped to Dama's side and placed her arm around her shoulders,

She already loves him and a woman's heart yearns for a man. Give her time to accept him before you convince yourself all is going wrong.

Dama looked upon Ell'andra's grandmother and softly smiled at her sweetness,

He is my son and I only want him to succeed.

Give them both a chance before you seal them with a horrible fate,

Fae whispered.

Dama and JaQuay shimmered and disappeared as Fae waved a farewell to her god, to her lover. Fae glided back down to her cloud and fluttered back to the lake on Vacrey Isle. She smiled as a single delicate strand of lightning lit up the lake with brilliant light. She laughed and her heart jumped as the lake was filled with red and gray butterflies. Their fire and ice swirled around her as they kissed her body with feather light goodbyes. The God of War and Earth was soft as butter when it came to Fae.

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