A Warrior's Perception (33 page)

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Authors: Spring Stevens

BOOK: A Warrior's Perception
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Andra frowned and refused to look at him,

I will stay for now.

Do I need to send for more guards to be placed at ye side?

Kagan's jaw twitched as Andra's hands perched on her hips.

If ye do, I will be forced to use e'ery one of my charms against 'em. And ye know eventually I will succeed in lurin' 'em to my side.

Her words were soft but Kagan caught the innuendo.

I must depart,

he stated,

but I will return as I ha’e sworn I would. There is one small thing I must ask of ye.


Andra looked up and stared into his gray eyes. She wanted to kiss him and smooth his twitching jaw.

Darten will be here in a few days. Tell him I had to attend to the arrivin' forces at the shores of eastern Scotland.


Andra knew it was a long ride and her eyes showed her panic.

He whispered softly,

Now swear ye will stay and keep my little brother at bay in my absence.

He is a magnificent man and there is nothing little about him. I will do my best,

Andra smiled and ran her hand up Kagan's arm,

He has such powerful shoulders...

Kagan growled and caught her arms,

Swear it!

Andra leaned forward,

Only if ye kiss me!

Kagan pulled her to his chest and pushed her up against the wall. His mouth captured hers and dealt the punishment she so wanted. She clung to him and whispered his name. Her chest flamed in her passion and her eyes changed from bright to cloudy.

Kagan watched in amazement as she melted to him in desire. He kissed her again until she gasped for air. He groaned as she returned each caress.

Go 'fore I refuse to let ye lea'e!

Andra was breathless and overburdened with need as she bit his lip and sucked on his tongue. She moaned as she pushed him away and softly ordered,

I swear it, now go!

He took her hands and wrapped her fingers around something metal. He couldn’t find the words he wanted to say.

Kagan turned on his heel and left. Andra watched as he turned the corner and disappeared. Her heart prayed he would be safe and begged Dagma to watch over him. Her fist was clinched and her palm ached. She looked down and opened her fist. In her hand lay a child's bracelet. She instantly recognized it and tears flooded her eyes. She knew every word that was engraved inside the band. She had lost it as a child.

How? Kagan knew. Why would he give this to me if he wants me to stay? Why now? Did he trust her to stay? Was he giving in just a little? Am I giving in? Oh, dear Fae, do I want to stay here with him?

Andra held the bracelet to her heart as Haley came to the door,

Do you love him?

She spoke the Vacrey language and her eyes sparkled with kindness.

Andra looked at Haley and sank to her knees,

Yes, with all my heart!

Her words sealed her soul and branded her destiny. She loved him and could never leave him. Her heart rejoiced and broke.

To stay was to never go home.

Chapter 17

Andra wandered the gardens daily and forged deeper into the lush beauty and welcomed the sanctuary it offered. It was the only place the guards would allow her to go unhindered. She waded through the mess of overgrown blue and red blooms and untangled her dress hem from the vines that spewed across the cobbled path.

Trickling water caught her ear as she edged around a slightly crumbling vine encrusted wall. She knew she must be near the edge of the garden because the keep's towering outer defense loomed in the near distance.

She pushed through the vines overburdened by lavender and jasmine and her hand flew to her mouth as she beheld the sight before her.

What creature forged this?

Five stone pillars topped with mounds of golden nuggets encircled a fountain. The sun scattered across the nuggets and showered the fountain in rainbows. Butterflies danced along the basin that overflowed onto the green moss surrounding its majestic presence. In the center of the breathtaking fountain, there stood a life size statue of the warrior god, Dagma.

He was magnificent in his royal garb of twisted gold manacles and snug fitting kilt. He was as tall as Darten and as wide as Kagan. His long mane curled about his mighty shoulders in defiance of his hard warrior face. His perfectly chiseled nose and lips defined his handsome face, just as Kagan's did. His left hand held a lightning bolt and his right held a great sword. Water poured from the hilt and splashed into the basin's clear pond.

Andra studied the statue realizing that the crest of McKregan lay upon his bare chest. She edged closer and looked into the water. At the feet of Dagma lay a baby, submerged in the cool sparkling water. It was a girl with long flowing hair and perfect features. She was swaddled in a blanket, but barely above her nipple lay the crest of McKregan. In her small hand, Andra could make out a dagger. It was the same as the one Kagan carried in his boot.

Andra stepped back and longed for Kagan's company. He had been gone for four new moons and she was growing lonely. Haley had been wonderful company, but her presence only made Andra long for the shores of Vacrey.

She smiled knowing Haley was probably absorbed in the orb she clutched to her heart every second of the day. Haley was no doubt intrigued by Darten and she Andra was beginning to think he was the reason Haley was sticking around. After all, she had witnessed her cousin looking upon Darten as he fought furiously beside other warriors as they protected the keep from the nomads that kept attacking.

His mighty war cry had echoed through the halls of the keep and Haley had dropped to her knees praying to Fae to protect him.

Andra's amused grin surfaced as she remembered how the maids had dropped to their knees as well and prayed to Dagma to save them from harm. But Andra knew Darten would keep the keep and everyone in it safe. It just was that simple. Darten was larger than life and held his ground. Failure wasn’t an option where he was concerned.

And so much like Kagan that she had been keeping her distance from him, finding other avenues to keep her mind occupied.

She had even gone to Traykell's library and thrown herself into the wondrous books that lined the shelves, but she had found no comfort in their tattered pages. The scribe had rarely spoken and would only smile softly at her from his desk. She had found the invitations to the gathering that would announce Kagan's betrothal and Traykell had snatched them away as if she had threatened to rip them up. She would not have harmed the papers with Kagan's name so neatly written across their whiteness.

Andra jumped as the orb in her skirts pulsed against her hip. She withdrew
shimmering brightness and stared into it as the light faded and shimmered. She was seeing Vacrey again and her heart desperately wanted to go home.

Joaquinn smiled and blew her a kiss,

Haggart tells me you are very much like your mother.

Andra stared mutely at the queen and her fingers trembled as she sat down in the wet moss. Joaquinn was a beautiful woman and her eyes beamed with intelligence. Andra absorbed her presence and slowly smiled as her aunt spoke,

How is Haley treating you? Does she constantly pester you?

Andra laughed and whispered,

Haley is wonderful and she could never pester me. We talk often and she has shared many of her experiences on Vacrey Isle with me.

I have missed you and can now see your mother in your eyes. Vacrey has missed your presence as well. Can you hear her call for you?

Andra closed her eyes and opened her heart,

Yes, I can feel her!

Andra was overcome with warm emotions and a deep urgency to go home. She felt as if Vacrey needed her in some kind of desperation. Or was it her own desperation she felt?

Follow your heart Ell'andra of Vacrey, let it guide you home.

I want to come home. I need to. My home needs me.

Her words were soft proclamations and determined perseverance.

Vacrey...no...Fae needs me. She wants me to come home when the time is right...soon.

Joaquinn's eyes misted and her heart seized with regret at her own decision twenty one years earlier,

Ell'andra, you must choose your path carefully. Regrets often tear your soul apart and threaten your sanity. Do not leave the world of mankind unless you are absolutely sure there is nothing left there that you will long for.

Joaquinn's words turned to whispers as the orb clouded and dulled. Andra's shoulders fell forward as she tried to keep the presence of Vacrey in her soul. It slowly vanished and left her as tears streamed down her face. She swore to herself that she would return home and achieve whatever it was that the isle needed of her.

Andra jumped as the muffled sound of horses galloping barged into her thoughts. Her heart twitched. Was it Kagan? Had he returned? Was he well?

She jumped to her feet and raced through the mazes back to the bailey. Her skirts caught in the vines’ claws and ripped in several places as she ran harder. Her conscious slammed the memories of his earlier wounds into her eyes as she held her breath. If he was harmed, she would kill him this time for his carelessness!

His bare rippling back was turned to her as she cleared the garden and stood at the edge of the tree line. Her heart screamed in delight as he turned with his sword in his hand. Her warrior had returned. She scanned his body for signs of wounds and finally breathed when she found none. Her legs shook as she drank in his appearance.

He was drizzled with sweat and his skin gleamed in the sunlight. His raven hair feathered down his face and graced his shoulder blades with its presence. His kilt hung loosely about his firm thighs and fit snug about his muscled waist. The manacle on his left wrist flashed in the light and gleamed brightly.

Andra watched patiently as Kagan examined weapons no doubt taken from the enemies he had fought. She took a deep breath. Men!

Kagan stepped back and watched Tom, his would be steward and trainer, secure the wooden shield to his arm. His enemy's sword dangled in his hand as Tom prepared for the onslaught. As McKregan was accustomed, he had laid claim to the fallen man's sword. It was feather light and sharp as hell. He doubted it would withstand the pressure he would punish it with and would be pleased if it broke into pieces, acknowledging his power over its steel.

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