A Warrior's Perception (29 page)

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Authors: Spring Stevens

BOOK: A Warrior's Perception
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Take me back to my room, I've seen enough,

she ordered softly.

Was it na to ye likin’?

he asked in a rough voice.

It was beautiful for only seconds, like so many other things in life,

she replied as she turned on her heel and jerked away from him.

It is the reality of the world around us.

She darted down the disappearing path. Kagan followed, resting his hand on his sword hilt and trying not to scowl at her back. She stopped and reached out in front of her.

Stay there and I will guide ye back to the keep,

he stated as he paused in his stride. He waited for a minute before taking her hand and lazily kissed her palm.

Donna forget ye oath,

she reminded him as she jerked away.

They walked in silence to the keep. Andra's insides hurt from wanting to kiss his lips, but she would not falter. She would make him believe she wanted Darten.

Tell me 'bout Darten.

she insisted.

He is my brother, two years younger. He is the finest warrior in all Scotland. His mighty fist has'na been bested by na man or beast,

he bragged but silently admitted that he himself had only bested him once in sword play.

I know he is a powerful warrior, but what is he really like?

she urged.

Kagan's grin went unseen as he continued,

He is a cad, a devil of a man. He has used so many women that it is a disgrace. He refuses to marry the ones he deflowers and takes pride in beddin' any man's wife, lover, mother, or sister. His pursuits ha'e landed him in many a fight and he comes runnin' home when he is ready to find another lover to occupy his time.

Then he is very experienced in the art of makin' love. This could be a good thing.

Andra paused,

He will definitely know how to please a woman and teach her how to do things in that nature. If what ye say is true than any woman would surely be grateful to ha'e him in bed for just one night.

Any woman who wants a one night fantasy and nothin' more. He is a woman's whore,

Kagan gritted as they neared the keep.

He said the same of ye. Perhaps he has'na met the right woman and needs a lovin' hand to reassure his heart.

She softly spoke as she leaned into Kagan's arm.

He grew silent as they made their way into the keep and down the long corridor to the western section. Her fingers trembled as they took the steps up to their rooms. Halfway up Kagan stopped and turned to face her. He studied her face in the dim light and traced her jaw with his fingertip. She held her breath as he pulled her closer and kissed her lips. She refused to give in as he crushed her to him. He cupped her butt and probed her mouth with his tongue.

Kiss me!

he ordered under his breath.

Nay, I will'na kiss ye and ye be at the edge of breakin'...

she started as he let her go abruptly causing her to lose her balance.

Then go to ye room,

he ordered.

I will'na do na such thing,

she raged as she gliding down the steps,

Darten promised he'd take me for a walk and I will wait for him the rest of the night if that is what it takes!

Kagan watched as she stalked down the stairs. His anger was building up in the back of his throat as he followed her quietly down the staircase and through the corridor to Darten's room.

She knocked once, twice, and rather loudly the third time. The door opened and Darten stepped out as Kagan stood in the shadows.

Andra assaulted him with her words,

Ye promised ye would show me the ocre and ye broke that promise. Ye best make amends 'fore I decide to ne'er forgive ye!

Darten smiled,

I'll do anythin' ye wish to make ye happy.

His grin spread as he looked at the shadows along the wall. He knew Kagan lingered close; he could feel his presence looming over Andra's shoulder.


she coo-ed.

Darten took her hands and placed a kiss on each wrist,

Anythin' ye heart desires these hands to do.

Andra laughed,

Then go choke ye brother for tellin' me what a cad ye are.

Darten raised his eyebrow and smiled,

I hope ye donna belie'e him.

Andra pulled her hands away and frowned,

I do belie'e he tells the truth, after all, ye be much to beautiful and wickedly seducin' for any woman na to fall at ye feet beggin' for ye touch.

And would ye also fall at my feet,

he drawled,

beg for my touch?

Andra turned as she smiled,

Takes a whole lot of a man to make me swoon and I'm na sure ye be enough man to fill my fantasies.

Darten was stunned into silence and Kagan almost choked trying not to laugh at Darten's wide-eyed opened-mouthed silence. Andra had done what no other female had ever achieved.

Tomorrow ye will take me for a long ride across the valley with a nice lunch in tow to make up for tonight's transgression.

She ordered like a queen.

Darten nodded his agreement and offered to walk her to her room. She refused and swiftly turned and walked past Kagan, unaware of his hiding place.

When she had disappeared, Darten turned and opened his bedroom door,

Just remember I ha'e two days and she did come to my room. The next time she comes here, she will be beggin' to touch me.

Kagan smiled as he emerged from the shadows,

We shall see.

Chapter 15

Andra was lying in bed when Kagan came to her room late that same night. She did not move as he sat down and snuffed out the candle by her bed. She rolled over allowing him enough room to stretch out. Her fingers trembled as she reached for his back in the darkness. His skin was cool and her fingers tingled with excitement as they trailed up his spine. His muscles flexed and then relaxed as she began kneading his shoulders.

She bit her lip when he groaned in pleasure as her breasts rubbed across his back. She sagged forward, glad that she was naked, feeling his hard muscles ripple against her skin. She smiled as she closed her eyes and laid her head onto his shoulder blade. She lay there for a very long time before raising up and continuing the massage. His breath was even and deep as she stilled her hands and lay beside of him.

Kagan felt her body wilt at his side and edged up to the side of the bed,



he whispered,

I will lea'e ye if ye be tiresome.

Will ye stay? I....

She fought down the unearthly urge to throw herself into his arms and let him take anything he wanted.

Aye, I will if ye wish it,

he smiled silently hoping he was not dreaming.

Just keep ye oath,

she mumbled against the pull she felt and rolled her back to him.

Kagan lazily stretched out and the poisons effects slowly took over. His eyes closed as he listened to her uneven breathing. She was troubled and he hoped that it was his body that she was being troubled by. Even in his state of feeble potency her savory scent clung to his senses. He listened as her labored breathing eased and her body stilled in sleep's veil. His sedation allowed his arms to shelter her in covetous possession. Dreams claimed him as he settled with her wrapped tightly in his clutches.

Kagan awoke very aware of his erection and current predicament. Andra lay curled into his arm. Her arm was draped over his stomach and her leg was curled up around his knee. He groaned as her knee shifted and rubbed under his kilt against his shaft. Her breath scorched his chest and her vanilla scented hair brushed his cheek.

He pushed himself up onto his elbow letting her slide from his chest. She was a rare beauty and he gazed upon her as if she were an angel that fell from Valhalla. He gently caressed her bare shoulder and traced the smooth scar that ran down her shoulder blade. It must have hurt and taken several months to heal. He wondered what had happened as he slid his fingers down her back and across her hip.

Her hand nudged his thigh and he took it and inspected the wound in her palm. He frowned knowing he had cut her too deep. He raised it to his lips and lightly kissed her wrist. He held his breath as she nudged closer and leaned into his warmth. His arm reached under her and pulled her to his chest. Her leg snaked between his and her hand slid up his arm.

Her face tilted up towards his and she murmured under her breath,

Kiss me.

She was lost in her dreams of a fierce mighty warrior who had come to claim her heart.

Kagan took her offered lips and their tongues met. The kiss was slow and gentle and carefree. Kagan broke the kiss and looked down at her. Her eyes were still closed and he gently cupped her breast. His heart flipped as she smiled and lay her hand on his.

She squeezed his hand around her breast and rubbed his knuckles as she spoke,

Kiss me here.

She wanted him beyond any earthly logic and only knew she wanted to share herself with him completely.

Kagan bent his head and took her nipple in his lips. He sucked and licked the hardened nub until she moaned and grabbed his head. He released her and she pushed his head back down. He grinned as he sucked at her hard and bit into her flesh.

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