A Warrior's Perception (39 page)

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Authors: Spring Stevens

BOOK: A Warrior's Perception
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He rocked against her, careful not to plunge too deep inside. She was tight and he was big. Her tears stopped as he skillfully ravished her untouched beauty. His restraint faltered when she arched underneath him. She met his thrust and screamed with pleasure. He felt her explode and her heat claimed his. His seed burst into her as she arched again to meet his full passion. Two hearts wrapped into the warmth of a new found love and they soared together in bliss as the sun rose from its sleep.

Chapter 19

It was late, but Andra had awoken hours ago to a horrible stomach ache. The wine from supper was gnawing at her insides and threatened to come ripping up her throat. She sat up and swallowed hard, hoping it would stay down. The room felt stuffy and confined as her head ached. She slowly stood and wrapped herself in a sheet and snuck out of the door. The guards were dozing and she tippy toed down the stairs and along the corridor that lead to the garden.

As she stepped outside, she took a long deep breath of the night air and welcomed its cooling hands. She glided across the terrace and leaned against a tall tree, sliding down its length to the cool ground. She curled up into the sheet and rested her head on her knees. Her stomach eased as she thought of Kagan.

What would Kagan do or think if he knew what Pierre had done to her? He would get sick with disgust and leave her. Wasn't that what she wanted? Andra frowned, knowing it wasn't.

She wanted to see him even now, wanted his arms around her, his kisses, his touches. A small shiver ran up her spine as she touched her lips with her fingertips. He was more of a man than she wanted to admit and she was drawn to him like bear to honey. If he knew, would he send her away? She groaned as her stomach lurched again with thoughts of Pierre running through her memories. She remembered every nightmarish second of that morning.

Her innocence was ripped away by that disgusting evil man, one day at a time. Her da had insisted she learn from him and pay close attention to
Pierre had to say. To learn what? How men are cruel and inflict pain to get their pleasure. How women are expected to be poked, prodded, and branded as if they were cattle.

Andra cried out as she recalled how viscously he had shoved his fingers inside of her. She had trusted him so many times, refusing to leave his chambers even when her skin crawled with dislike at his touches.

Her stomach twisted into knots and grumbled loudly as she remembered the biting pain in her backside when he slammed his erection inside of her. The pain was intense and ripped through her whole body. Her shoulders shivered with disgust and loathe as she remembered how he had fallen at her feet.

She had gone back to her room in a daze and had cleaned herself very carefully. There was blood everywhere and covered her from head to toe. She could not differentiate between hers and Pierre's. After her bath, she had examined herself in the tall mirror at her vanity. She was streaked with bruises and bleeding from numerous cuts and gashes. Her hips were sore and her lips were smashed.

Andra's smirk lay on her lips like bittersweet cherries, he had gotten what he deserved. He had fallen at her feet, by his sword, and she had won in the end. Andra was wretched from her thoughts by the sound of a woman's voice.

Milord, surely ye are in need of my particular......abilities,

she teased in a sweet high voice.

Donna it offend ye that I ha'e a woman lyin' in my bed at this very moment?

Kagan asked as they stopped by the door.

Andra's heart burst, he was home! Her eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared. And he had his lover with him.

Andra frowned as Llana caressed Kagan's arm. She wondered how long he had been back and noticed he wore his usual clothing, not his warrior's. He had obviously taken a bath sometime in the last few minutes; his hair was still damp and clung to his bare shoulders and face.

If she was pleasin' ye, I would'na ha'e found ye in the smithery with ye brother,

she whispered as she leaned on his arm.

Kagan laughed as he leaned on the keep's stone wall. Andra melted into the tree and held her breath. He was utterly gorgeous. His long muscled legs met his midriff in perfect proportions and his hair lay loose on his massive shoulders.

The woman placed her hand upon his smooth chest and leaned forward into his arms. He held her briefly and smiled,

Ye ha'e been good to me Llana.

Of course I ha'e love, what lady would'na be good to ye milord? And after ye made love to me, I was hooked,

she chimed sweetly,

I will always be good to ye, na matter where or when ye needs may arise.

He laughed as he pulled from her and sat on the steps lazily. Andra stared at the woman intently. She was beautiful with red hair and a narrow waist. Her lips were bright red and her slender frame was much different than Andra's.

Andra felt the jealousy rise up her throat as the woman bent to her knee and cupped his shaft. Andra closed her eyes, willing the scene to disappear. She begged them silently to go away.

She looked again to see the woman on both knees between Kagan's legs. She was pulling on his shaft and he grabbed her hair as she spoke,

Let my mouth please ye once again. It's been a very long time since I tasted ye skin.

Andra shrunk closer to the ground, refusing to listen to any more of the conversation, refusing to look, and tried to remember to breathe. She could not watch Llana touch him anymore, it was unbearable.

Andra shut her eyes and poked her fingers in her ears. Her tears forced through and dropped onto her lap. She sat curled up in that position, swearing never to open her eyes. It was no wonder why Kagan came to her, exhausted and worn down.

Damn! Damn him! How she must look inadequate compared to his beauty Llana. She battled with her heart and soul as she forced herself to open her eyes. They were still on the steps and Kagan was smiling! Andra eased around the trees and crept deeper into the garden. She did not look back and ran hard and her tears flowed as if a well had opened up and engulfed her.

Ye be a witch Llana and need to find yeself a steady man that will take care of ye,

he answered softly,

Gi'e up this life of seduction and secrecy.

Kagan removed her hands from his crotch and pulled her to her feet,

I na longer ha'e need of ye.

Llana frowned,

Do ye love her?

Kagan turned to hide his smile,

She will soon be my wife.

But do ye love her? I care na whether ye are married, I will find ye bed and keep ye sated as I always ha'e.

Kagan turned his back to her and looked up at the star filled sky,

I will be a faithful husband.

Llana scowled at his backside,

Na man is e'er faithful very long. Ye interest in her will wane and I will wait ‘til ye grow tired of pretty little Ell'andra Duncan.

Kagan frowned. How did Llana know her name? He groaned thinking they had shared a conversation or two. He turned to Llana with a lordly pull to his lips,

I na longer require services nor ha'e I e'er needed ye forked tongue to tell me what I will do.

He gravely considered having her thrown from the keep, but held himself in check.

Ye will lea'e McKregan Keep and if ye ha'e any wits 'bout ye, ye will na return. My betrothed is ....

Surely ye jest? Ye need a woman who knows how to calm ye shaft na a stuffy ol' cow who has spent more time with ye brother than ye!

Llana turned her back to Kagan and smiled viciously,

I came by and saw 'em in the gardens. He had his arms wrapped 'round her in a heated embrace. They shared whispered words of passion and he followed her up to her room.

Kagan's eyes narrowed and he grabbed her wrist,

Play ye games with someone else. What was 'tween us is na more!

Her eyes searched his dark face for any traces of need,

Kagan, I love ye.

Kagan stepped back and released her wrist,

Ye donna know the meanin' of love!

He turned to the steps and growled,

Lea'e this keep!

Llana rushed to his back and her arms circled his waist,

Ye enjoyed my touch and welcomed my lust for ye when ye lay 'tween my legs. Ye moaned and came back for more.

Kagan's laugh sent cold chills up her spine,

I was lustin' for my betrothed. Or do ye forget? I warned ye then that I did'na want ye. I ha'e tolerated ye insolent presence far too long.

I ha'e slept with kings! I ha'e more jewels than most women e'er get to see. I am a rich woman. I came here to offer ye my hand. I took pity on ye for ha'ing to marry that ...that fat cow!

Kagan's lips thinned and his jaw twitched as he stepped dangerously close to the wench,

If I e'er lay my eyes on ye again I will send a rich woman to her grave.

Llana's eyes filled with fear and she stumbled backwards,

Kagan, ...please I …

Kagan turned and walked up the steps as he pushed the wench from his mind. He had been home twenty four hours and he desperately wanted to see Andra. He needed to hear her voice, feel her touch, and smell her delicious aroma.



She was thankful that Kagan and his lover had been too busy to notice her when she edged out of the garden. She had hesitated on the steps on the other side of the keep but refused to cry. Her next battle would be to figure out how to rid herself of Kagan McKregan and to rid herself of these feelings she was having for him.

His heavy sword dangled from her hands as she paced her floor in the moonlight. Why did the moon always have to be out when he was around. He had been back two days and still he had not come to her. The announcements had been sent two weeks ago and the McKregan banners had been posted all over every town in the highlands. She was not going to be here when the young women of the wealthy were pranced about in the laird's face.

The betrothal was void, five years had passed since her hand was promised. It was time she ended this madness and release him from his oath. Andra laid the sword back on the mantle and impatiently waited for Kagan's knock.

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