A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) (73 page)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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Not that I feel any better about admitting that Cheswick
got to me, but I am glad that what I am feeling is not just in my head, I mean I don’t want to add crazy to my list of misdemeanors, my transgressions alone are enough to send me to hell in a hand basket and wasn’t it Father Bogart that said even Moses was a basket case….hmm


We got through the rehearsal fine, I would say, I have a knack or is it a curse for muddling through anything, I basically treat all things like meetings, there is an agenda, followed by an addendum, a time constraint and it always comes down to leaving on an even keel.

rehearsal dinner is being held at Night Town, a cute jazz club on Cedar. There are about twenty-five of us on the patio, the food here is eclectic, steak, chops, pasta, and fish of all sorts. But what is great is the atmosphere, the entertainment that comes here is a huge draw, tonight its Freddie Cole, Nat king Cole’s brother. He knows every song, every refrain, every tune you can’t stump him if you tried.

Ian has been by my side all night, it is
a comfort, considering we have our families together and they hardly know one another.  Ian seems so calm and composed, it’s a delight to see him joke with his brothers and sisters, and there are nine of them in all and my family has eight kids in all. So yeah it’s a huge family get together.
Our drinks arrived, I don’t want to drink tonight so I ordered a club soda with lime this has become my
reality check
if I would have drank this in the first place none of this crap would have happened.

The waiter com
e around and pour the wine for dinner. I don’t want to drink tonight but maybe just a glass of wine to calm my nerves and take the edge off. I am looking around as the vino is poured, the bottle is placed between Ian and I, I glance at the label and turn white as a ghost, it’s from Chateau De Bach, the label is a sketch of the fountain in front of Tristan’s house, a burnished cream label with gold and black lettering and splattered wine stains. It is safe to assume that Tristan Bach is now haunting me, I smile as I am alone in my misery.

I pass on the
wine, the thought of drinking this wine makes me feel uneasy as if I am cheating on Ian yet again.

We have a lovely time his fa
mily and mine, we share a buffet of appetizers and munchies that consist of seared scallops, shrimp and snow peas, followed by the main course there are baby lamb chops, chicken Marsala, pastas and breads at every table.

Christopher is the best man and is making a toast to us:


Ian Ian Ian

“If I told you once

I told you a hundred Times,

marry Aria, she can cook,

she can sew, she is a keeper,

and Aria I told you marry Ian

he will keep you in shoes and purses,

but all joking aside

To my dearest friends

it’s nice to see you finally found each other

To the happy couple,


To Ian and Aria

he roar of applause and the laughter was just what we needed, we clink our glasses and then Ian kisses me, then he stands and says a few words as he holds my hand.

Well Aria,

I know I
purses-sued you till I made you mine,

from your designer shoes you captured my sole

you are my perfect mate

and we make
a hell of  a pair,

To all of our family and friends

who have gathered here to

I know this has been a long time coming

but in the end we found

way back to each other”


The applause is deafening and the oohs and aahs are welcoming, my very dashing bride-groom leans down and kisses me, he is so happy, I see all this excitement in him all of a sudden and it is infectious, we joke and laugh with our guest and he pulls me to dance as Freddy Cole sings
Easy To Love
, he holds me tight and the whole room is watching us.

“Ian I love this tie on you” I touch his tie and pat his chest he smells great
, his smile is like a kid so happy and sincere.

“You look simply beautiful tonight Aria, but then again you are always a vision” he holds me tight and I feel that chill again.

I manage quite well to get through dinner in spite of Tristan’s wine in my face all night or should I say
. We say goodbye to our guest, Erika says goodnight to her husband, they are so sweet when they are together, they are like a Hallmark card. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I see him cherish her, and I see her love for him as they touch and caress, it is like they are whole when they are near each other. They are the epitome of the perfect couple, they have it all and I envy her so. She went after what she wanted and when Christopher came to get her she made him crawl, she made him beg and he did on both knees with open arms and a diamond so big Liz Taylor would even be envious. I smile, she is everything to Christopher and he is everything to her. I am so happy for them, they give me hope that I can do it too, that Ian and I can be as happy as them one day.

Ian is at my side as he has been all evening he kisses me one last time as a single girl.

“Dark eyes, tomorrow you’re mine” he is all I need to keep my head straight that is all I keep telling myself, he will be good for me.

“Tomorrow is our
big day, Aria just you and me” he kissed me sweetly and I smile back at him.

Yes you and I are going to make it legal after all these years” Ian’s face is filled with love and devotion I kiss him goodnight and he walks me to my car.

“Go straight home no bar hoppi
ng and no late night tea parties” I smile at Ian he knows us.

“Yes sir, I will see you tomorrow” one last kiss and a hug as he whispers in my ears

“You are so beautiful tonight, I want you Aria” I smile as I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear.

“I love yo
u Ian” he is so sweet.

“I love you more” he kisses me soundly

“Hey you two lets go already” Erika yells from her silver Mercedes convertible that was her wedding present from Christopher.

Ian has been staying at his parent
’s house, until the wedding, Erika is staying with me tonight so she follows me home in her convertible of course with the eighties music blaring as we play tag on the freeway all the way to my house.






We brought in my wedding dress and put it in my closet, we have Erika’s and Sabrina’s dress as well on bust forms and we are all set for tomorrow as Oliver will be in charge of hair and makeup and getting us to the church on time. We finally made it, tomorrow is the wedding, the past two weeks have been everything but easy, we made it here though, a bit tattered and torn around the edges but I’m good to go.

On the drive home I have come to a decision
, my wayward thoughts and inadequate feelings about a lot of things, I am just putting them aside, it’s too complicated to sort out and it’s too painful to deal with, it’s sad as I admit I have abandoned what plagues me because I am too weak to find a solution. I don’t know why they call them choices when they are all lousy, no one wins when you choose, and no one loses more than the winner.

Erika and I
are sitting in my back yard by the pool, it’s been one rough day and two crazy weeks for me, and this is the first time today I have a moment to just be Aria, all day I am the business owner, the bride to be, the hostess at the rehearsal dinner full of smiles and pleasantries and now, right now in the comfort of my own home, I get to be just Aria, having a drink with my best friend.

settle in with my trusty club soda with lime the anti-drink as I call it, the tranquil surroundings of my backyard are hypnotizing, from the sweet sounds of the crickets to the fireflies that twinkle like Christmas lights in the distance. I relax and enjoying a few moments of solace mesmerized by the serene calming peacefulness that I call my family home and I tell myself Ian better never bring up leaving here again or I will go crazy on him. I am pulled from my moment by Erika

“Aria sky’s the limit!” I look over at Erika and she is coming out of the house with two glasses, a bottle of sky vo
dka and cigarettes, oh shit we are in for it now, the judge in definitely calling a sidebar when the sky is flowing.

Erika we cannot get shit-faced the night before my wedding!” I look at her and she hands me a glass, she parks herself on the lounger next to me, with her drink in one hand as she lights up a cigarette in the other, she looks like one of the bad girls from the eighties rock video’s. Tall leggy blond with big boobs and a bad attitude. This is so unlike her normal calm, cool and collected persona, bet it’s nice she ventures out of her skin every once in a while.

She takes
a long drag off her cigarette and blow the smoke over our heads as she passes it to me, did I mention we don’t even smoke either one of us only when we drink.

“Aria I have to say these
past few weeks you really had me guessing girlfriend” I take a sip of sky, a hit off the cigarette and pass it back to her, we only smoke when we drink and we don’t even inhale jeez I would gag so bad from the smoke, it just taste good, a cigarette and a drink it just goes together.

“Betcha I
can still keep you guessing?” she holds her drink in midair and her face is serious. I take another sip of vodka and it is beginning to calm my nerves after a hectic day, it soothes my racing thoughts and clears my head.

“Aria you can tell me, it’s just us, it doesn’t mean that you are going to act on anything I just want you to get it all out, face your fears, your questions, that’s all, this is me, whatever you tell me I will take it to the grave you kn
ow that right?” I look at her and she is right, this is the last day I am Aria Macy, so I take a sip and here it goes.

“I have tried to bury my feeling, my thoughts
, and my desires for that man and there he was as plain as day as they placed the bottle between Ian and I, the wine that was served at our rehearsal dinner tonight was Tristan’s!”

“Oh Aria, I had no idea I didn’t see the bottle, but sweetie your failure to admit your feeling and desires are why you are in this situation”
she is now grasping for another cigarette and she doesn’t even smoke!

“Erika I want to make Ian happy, I want this marriage to work, I just have to get through this rough patch and then I will be his and he will be mine.”

“Aria listen to yourself do you honestly think that if you are married to Ian that your feelings for Tristan are going to fade away?” I put my head down and I don’t want to tell her but I do that is exactly what I think.

“It will give me the structure I need to stay away from him” now I am scared what my marriage

“Aria look at me you are going to use Ian as your warden?” she has floore
d me as I look up from my hands, go figure the judge makes my marriage seem like a death sentence.

“Is that what I am doing?”

“Aria no wonder you are so unsure, this is a lot for anyone to handle, but as I have said before all you have to do is say the word and I will shut this whole wedding down” she looks at me as she kisses the sky, sky vodka that is. She empties her glass and fills it again. I can’t finish my drink I am not going to get drunk the day before my wedding, no way I can’t.

“Erika look a good man is hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget?”

“Aria my dear sweet naïve girl is that your fiancé you are speaking of or someone else?” I am white as a ghost.

Just then a car pulls up into the
driveway the lights are blinding as they shine on the pool in front of us and I am immediately reminded of the movie Christine and how scary head lights of cars are to me since seeing that Steven King movie.

e hear the car door open and shut from along the right side of the house then the echo of footsteps as they draw near.

Erika says

It's probably Ian”

“I betch
a it’s Christopher, missing you?” as I take a sip of vodka and smile at my friend. Ok so sipping is not drinking to get drunk, I can have a few sips.

ou can’t see the bride before the wedding! It’s bad luck Groom-ie!” Erika yells into the night air, she is funny when she is drinking, not the judicial civil-service worker she normally is.

y luck can’t get any worse!” a deep voice echoes from the side of the house and I know immediately who it is without a doubt.

Tristan walks from the side of the house
and stands in front of his car.

e are laughing and giggling thinking its Ian, or Christopher, when are both floored, it’s my worst nightmare, my secret hearts-desire and the love I will take to the grave, it’s Tristan Bach did I say can this day get any worse?…jeez

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