A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

BOOK: A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)
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A gemstone novel


A Wedding Affair



He was the love of her life

She inspired him

They both couldn’t fight it anymore

Those melodies that remind us all

That music is the soundtrack of our lives

put in a the cd  turn the pages…fall in love




S.L.A. Lacey has dabbled in writing nothing like what you are about to read. A background in fashion merchandising, minoring in business and has been in sales and marketing for the past twenty some years. Raised in Ohio, in a family of musicians, music was always in abundance and was all inspiring as you will see every chapter in A WEDDING AFFAIR is a song title. Putting pen to paper was interesting, but when you add the element of music it brings the whole story to life and gives the reader a better feel for the book. Fast forward to present day and now it has all become a dream come true as the story puts the reader in the driver’s seat, the first book A WEDDING AFFAIR gives you the basis of Aria and her life altering dilemma should she marry the man who comes back for her twenty years later or should she run away with her first love who comes back two weeks before her wedding? The conclusion is up to you the reader, who do you see her with, wouldn’t we all love to know how it would have worked out the other way, and well now is your chance to play judge and jury but mostly to chase after your heart.


The first book of the trilogy is



a gemstone novel,









Books by S.L.A. Lacey


A Wedding Affair

The Bollinger’s

The Chateau De Bach



This is a work of fiction names characters places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fa
ctiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, is entirely coincidental.



For my mom who has
always watched over all of us kids,

love you, we need you, and we would be nothing without you.

And for my Father who is responsible for always bringing the music

Into our lives.

We miss you Dad





Thank you God for always being the light that has shined upon us and has always seen us through.

To my family, you are the music of my life, thank you for always watching over me, we all had to grow up so fast when dad died
, but we made it through with faith, family, and music.

To Dawn
M. Martens and Sandi Lynn and everyone in the wonderful world of romance novels you inspire me daily, thank you for your encouragement, your help, and your praise, I am eternally grateful.

To Erika, who has
shown me that yes sometimes the good guys finish first, and in so many ways has been my judge and my jury in all things, I value our friendship and I will always cherish you and thank you for believing in me.

Cathe you are indeed such a rare breed, a hors
e of a different color and a blessing, your encouragement as well as your caring nature is why this is a reality for me, thank you, thank you, thank you.








Aria we are through, over

you are too involved in my life

you are no good for me

and I
am not changing my life for you!’


“Then grow up Tristan with or without me you have to soon before it’s too late”

“I don’t need you telling me how to live my life
, I need you to get back to work we have to be in New York tomorrow and then next week it’s shit or bust”

“I’m on it
, I am always ready for work don’t worry about me big shot”

We leave the conference room both going in different directions, mad
, infuriated and full of sin and redemption.

The New York trip went well Tristan and I flew down together and I came back by myself I was in no
mood to party.

I came home to a message on my answering machine at home

“Hey Aria it’s me Ian I’m in town let’s get together
Saturday night” I smile as I know the voice and he is my old friend from school who is in town always around Valentine’s day.

call him back and we agree to have dinner on Saturday night just he and I at the Caribbean place near my house Johnny Mango’s.

The rest of the work week is bad
, Tristan is ignoring my calls, the high up’s are looking for him and he is nowhere to be found.

I get through the next two days of work without him, I am ma
king excuses and I am apologizing but mostly I am a bit through with the whole mess of it.

Saturday Ian and I have dinner, he says I am a bit too bitchy and what is going on with me.

He is horrified and surprised to find the once calm sweet little Aria Macy who could barely see over the seats on the school bus was involved with a maniac.

We promised to keep in touch
, I agreed to keep in touch just to be polite, the next few weeks were hell, Tristan was gone, I was left to handle two more mergers by myself and I was a wreck, I gave my two weeks and I was gone before thanksgiving.

The new year was here and it is my year to shine, my long brown hair is now shoulder length with bouncy curls that frame my face. I lost the twenty pounds I had been harboring. I looked great I felt wonderful and I was starting fresh, going in a ne
w direction out on my own.

I wanted to be proud of myself again so I venture into one of my many loves of sewing.  I was at a bridal show at The Ritz and I met Oliver Barry, a tailor beyond comprehension who drafts pa
tterns, makes men’s suits, and we just hit if off right away, and has a huge client base here in Cleveland and I just bought a store in Tower Centre because it was near my family home that I just moved back to. Things were looking up, I had purpose, I was meeting new and exciting people and before I knew it we were Business As Usual.























ll the chapters are songs

Chapter 1…………
….…….…………..Better than Anything

Chapter 2…………
…………….Ouando, Quando, Quando

Chapter 3……………
………..….……………Kissing A fool

Chapter 4……………
………….…….……Barely Breathing

Chapter 5………
...……………….…………I remember you

Chapter 6……
….....…Guess I’ll hang my tears out to dry

Chapter 7……
..…........……………Cruising for a Bruising

Chapter 8..………
...…...………………..The more I see you

Chapter 9………
.….….……….The recipe for making love

Chapter 10………….…..………………Dindi by el debarge

Chapt11……………………..I didn’t know what time it was

Chapter 12
………..………….The Rod Stewart montage:

You go to my head

Night and day

Time after time

The nearness of you

Chapter 13…………………
…………………For all we know

14………………..………………A love that will last

Chapter 15………….
………..Promise Me You’ll Remember

Chapter 16
………………………………….Manic Monday

Chapter 17
…………………………..The eighties Montage:

I heard a rumor


Love in the first degree

Cruel summer

The Hall and Oats montage:

Private eyes

Man Eater

Rich girl

Method of Modern Love

Tears for fears montage:

Shout, Shout

Everybody wants to rule the world

Sowing in the seeds of love

Chapter 18……………………………………………...…………………….Good enough

Chapter 19
………………………………………….…………Come Rain or Come Shine

Chapter 20…………………………………
………….……..Caught a touch of your love

Chapter 21……………………………………
………….……….When I look in your eyes

Chapter 22……………………………………
………….………………….How Insensitive

Chapter 23……………………………………
……………………….Blow me one last kiss

24……………………………………………………………….A town without pity

Chapter 25……………………………………
……….…………………….Let me try again

Chapter 26………………………
……….……………………….Save the last dance for me

Chapter 27…………………………
……….………………………………….Day in Day out

Chapter 28……………………
……….…………………………………………….Tea for two

Chapter 29…………………………………
……………………Saving All My Love For you

Chapter 30…………………………………………………
…….………I concentrate on you

Chapter 31……………………………………………………
…….………..Who can I turn to

Chapter 32………………………………………………………
…..……….Teach me tonight

Chapter 33………………………
………………………………….…………...Besame mucho

Chapter 34………………………………………………………

Chapter 35………………………………………………………
...…………………Sex on Fire

Chapter 36………………………………………………………
.…..I Believe In You And Me

Chapter 37………………………………………………………
.……..It could happen to you

Chapter 38…………………………………………………………….We’ll be together again

Chapter 39……………………………………………………………….My one and only love











A gemstone novel

A  Wedding Affair



Chapter 1




June 15,

It was late in the afternoon as we were finishing up lunch at
  a wonderful restaurant jazz club and all around hang out where the mobsters of yesteryear drank beside the boys in blue well that is what Ian read me as he discovered this gem through our friendly neighborhood Google. That is me in the corner table and next to me my fiancé Ian the most wonderful, exquisite caring man in the world.  

The lobster bisque soup
here is to die for, it’s the first thing I have sat down to eat all week! I am just too excited, overwhelmed about our big day, its two weeks from this Saturday and I will become Mrs. Ian Bollinger. Needless to say I can’t wait exasperatingly excited and ready to take on the world is my demeanor these days. Not to mention that I am totally knocked for six caught off guard by this man; engaged just two weeks ago I had no idea this was totally out of the blue Ian and I have not seen one another in two years and we run into one another about a month ago and now we are engaged. Ian and I have known one another since high school so we go way back, two sixteen year olds opinionated, promising and quite head strong best friends who find one another twenty years later. I know it got the making of a movie right?

Sipping my Pin
ot Grigio I just can’t take my eyes off him, Ian Bollinger, history professor, high school friend and now fiancé, he drives an Aston-martin Vanquish, he makes the world’s best burgers and I look great in his arms.

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