Read A Wolf's Pride Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #werewolf romance

A Wolf's Pride (3 page)

BOOK: A Wolf's Pride
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She entered
the small space that was now her home, the silence pressing in on
her. After spending most of her life amidst loud, boisterous men,
it was the quiet that was the most unnerving thing about living
alone. It was deafening. The front door led directly into the
living room and it was there she headed first, turning on her
stereo system to combat the quietness of her living space. The
living room opened on to the kitchen and she put her heavy bag on
the kitchen counter, placing a ready meal into the microwave before
heading into her bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.
The microwave told her that her food was ready with a loud ping and
she took the meal and the work she had yet to look over and sat in
the living room. Her head down, she began to examine the work in
front of her, it wasn’t difficult to grade, the children were all
about eight after all but there was a lot of it. The marking took
longer than she had thought it would and by the time she was
finished, she could feel her eyes dropping in fatigue. Staggering
into her bedroom, she opened the drawer that contained her
nightwear, running her fingers over the soft silks. Although she
knew that it was very unlikely that anyone would see her in the
expensive chemises, they were her one weakness when it came to
retail. She couldn’t seem to stop herself from buying them. She
stripped and redressed quickly, quietly slipping in between the
sheets and letting sleep claim her.

It had taken
Ryan longer than he had thought it would to acquire suitable
transport for his mate. There were apparently very few car
dealerships open late at night. However, he had made a few phone
calls and a very accommodating manager had opened his doors just
for him. Money spoke volumes with humans, though for the amount he
had parted with it should have sung, danced and opened a Broadway
musical. He had never really seen the joy in having lots of money.
It didn’t buy happiness, only when you found your mate could you
truly be happy, but as he had discovered money could go a long way
to acquiring your mate when she was human.

His means of
transport acquired, he had driven to where her luscious strawberry
scent had led and parked outside. He gazed up at the apartment
block, frowning immediately.
This place
isn’t safe, who knows what sort of lunatics she has as neighbours.
Does the woman have no regard for her personal safety?
His eyes scanned the neighbourhood around him and
his frown deepened. It wasn’t the seediest place he had ever seen
on his travels but its security was laughable. There were no
security cameras anywhere near her building, no vigilant guards or
Obviously she doesn’t think about
the danger her surroundings present. It works in my favour now but
what if something had happened to her before I found her? I would
have lived my life without ever finding her. It’s not

He walked up
the short flight of stone steps that led into the building, the
lock turned easily within his grip and he scowled.
It’s a good thing I found her when I did.
His mate’s scent stopped on one of the lower
floors and his scowl turned into a growl.
It’s not safe for her to live this low to the ground, anyone
could break in through a window.
The list
of faults with his mate’s place of residence continued to grow. He
stopped outside of her door and turned the handle that led into her
apartment. The door didn’t immediately open and he smiled.
Thank the lord, there’s at least one thing
semi-secure about this place.
He exerted a
little more force on the handle, it conceded to his superior
strength and the scowl returned. He entered her home, noting the
bright colours that decorated the walls as he tossed the handle to
a far flung corner of the room. There wasn’t much in the way of
furniture, a small television, a small sofa and a small table. His
scowl concerning the lack of security turned into a sad frown at
the almost barren place she was living in.
It shouldn’t be like this, not for her. She should have
whatever she wants; live in the safest most impenetrable place

And she will
His wolf reminded him.
As soon as you convince her to come home with

Ryan conceded.
I’m doing
this just as much for her as for me.

His body
instantly led him to his mate’s side and his heart twisted as he
observed her resting peacefully against teal sheets.
She really is beautiful.
He stepped forward and stood at the side of the bed. His heart
beginning to speed up as anticipation filled him.
I have to see what she was hiding beneath her

Do it,
his wolf urged.
She’s our
mate, it’s our right.

He pulled
back the sheet, she shivered slightly in response as cold air
wisped over her skin but she didn’t wake. The sight of her exposed
body caused Ryan’s mouth to dry. The peach chemise bared her legs
and arms and made her skin seem edible. Her body was perfect, all
welcoming curves that he could easily get lost in instead of the
harsh angles that he had seen on so many women today. Soon seeing
wasn’t enough. He had to touch her, learn her body through contact.
His hands fell to her legs, gently skimming the flesh. He could
feel his body stirring with interest at the smoothness of her skin
but pushed the urges from the front of his thoughts as he continued
his exploration. He travelled up the length of her legs, noting
with excitement that they could easily wrap around his waist when
he inevitable settled beneath her thighs. His hands rested for a
moment on her flared hips, his thumbs gently caressing the silky
skin. His fingers crept to the curve of her stomach but stopped as
indecision rose within him.

Do it,
his wolf urged.

There are
limits to how far a person should go. She’s unconscious,
vulnerable, I shouldn’t even have done this much.

But you know
you enjoyed it. Finish exploring her.

His hands were
desperate to caress the soft globes of her firm breasts but he
pulled away.
I can’t. When she wakes, when
she wakes things will be different.
stated resolutely trying to pacify his wolf’s request. He pulled
the chemise back down but couldn’t resist running the backs of his
fingers against the swell of her breasts.
he groaned.
Just like I knew they would be. She’ll forgive me
this small sin in time. I’m sure of it. I didn’t do anything too
inappropriate, a passing touch that’s all.

His gaze rose
from her body to rest on her face and he smiled softly, immensely
pleased with what he saw. Now that she wasn’t hunched over a desk,
he could take in her small nose, high cheeks and full lips. His ran
his thumb lingeringly over her bottom lip and because he couldn’t
resist the temptation, he lowered his head and pressed a kiss
against her mouth. While his investigations had failed to rouse
her, his kiss dragged her into full wakefulness. Her eyes opened,
long golden lashes rising as her gaze locked with his finally
revealing the colour that had continued to elude him. He
immediately felt himself falling into the swirling violet
I’ve never seen eyes like
He smiled.
But it only makes sense, she’s my mate after all, she should
be unique.




There was a
strange man in her house, practically in her bed and he was kissing
her. The thoughts came thick and fast to Chloe as she woke, her
mind processing the information quickly. His lips against her own
were soft and the feeling he was eliciting within her body was
amazing. She felt as though her body was on fire and he was the
spark that had caused the inferno running through her veins.
Perhaps that was why it took her a moment to remember that she
didn’t know this man and she didn’t know what his intentions
He could be planning to rape you and
you’re just lying here accepting his advances?
Her voice was sharp as she scolded herself.
Get a grip!
Her hands
rose to his chest and resisting the inexplicably strong urge to run
her fingers over him, she pushed him away with all her strength. He
was unmoved by her protest, his lips still pressed firmly against
hers. Of his own volition he stood up and took a step back. It was
only then that she realised that she was uncovered and her body was
laid bare for his scrutiny. She squealed, shocked, reaching for the
disregarded sheet and pulling it towards herself.

Now that she
was sufficiently shielded from the stranger’s gaze, Chloe took the
time to peruse the body of the man who had broken into her house.
Her eyes assessing him for any weaknesses that might allow her to
overpower him should the situation arise. He was very tall, taller
than her brothers and her father. It was slightly intimidating but
she refused to let him see that. His hair was a deep shade of red,
streaked in places with strands of dark brown; it was messy, the
strands falling haphazardly around his face stopping just above his
shoulders. It seemed impossible to determine exactly how old the
stranger was but she continued her perusal nonetheless. He was
broad shouldered, with thickly muscled arms and from what she could
see from the outline of his legs, muscle covered the length of his
body. His mouth was full, sensual, promising deliciously wicked
things. A blush rose to her cheeks as she remembered the heated
feel of his mouth against her own. Their gazes finally met and she
instantly felt herself falling into his brown eyes. When she had
first seen them they seemed to look like melted chocolate but now
they seemed closer to the colour of honey. She continued to stare
at him for a few moments, entranced by his presence, before her
wits returned to her.

Who the hell
are you and what are you doing in my house?” she demanded
imperiously. Her normally gentle voice was hard but she pushed away
any misgivings she might have had. She had not invited this man in;
he had committed a crime and assaulted her person.

The sound of
her voice, even when angry, was music to his ears and Ryan did his
best to savour it. Her questions continued and he remained silent,
simply content to stare at her and take in the sight of her but as
her scent began to be permeated by fear he decided to answer her
questions. “My name is Ryan. What’s yours?”

Why should it
matter to you? I want you to leave.”

No. What’s
your name?” He walked forward, sat on the bed and placed a
restraining arm around her waist. “Tell me your name,” he

Chloe,” she
gulped, increasingly afraid of the man holding her.
What does he want?
heat from his body was blistering and she began trying to pull
away, his grip tightened, easily restraining her.

Chloe,” he
repeated, testing the sound of her name on his tongue. As he had
suspected it would, it felt perfect. “It’s a beautiful name

Now that I’ve
told you, will you leave?”

No. I’m here
for something.”

Anxious to be
free from him, she told him what she thought he wanted to hear.
“You can take whatever you want, just don’t hurt me.”

I don’t want
things,” he stated forcefully. “And I would never hurt you. I only
came here because of you, I’m here to claim you.”

Me?” she
questioned confused. “What the hell do you want with

You’re my
mate, I want you to come back with me.”

Mate? Your
people? What the hell are you talking about?”

I’m a
werewolf. You’re my mate. I want you to come with me so that I can
claim you and we can begin our life together.”

Her brows
rose mockingly. “Werewolf?” He nodded in agreement and she burst
out laughing. “Oh my god you had me really scared there for a
second. Which one of them set you up to do this? Was it my father?
One of my brothers? Which one? Jonathan? Daniel? Christian? Come on
you can tell me. When I next see those guys, I’m going to give them
the longest lecture in the history of the world. I knew they were
against me moving out, but hiring someone to break into my
apartment is a bit much don’t you think?”

Chloe, I don’t
understand. No one has set me up to this. I’m here because I
scented you and knew you were my mate. I’m here to collect

His tone was
serious and her laughter died. “Nobody sent you?”

If you want to
be pedantic then Sebastian, my twin, sent me. Well, to this city
anyway. I was on my way home when I scented you. I’ll thank him the
next time I see him. I don’t know any of the people you were
talking about.”

So you broke
into my house of your own accord?”


You broke into
my house, looked at me when I was basically undressed and kissed

He was fast
becoming confused with his females line of thought, hadn’t he
already agreed that he had done so? “Yes Chloe, I did.”

Oh,” she
replied inanely before taking a deep breath and screaming for all
she was worth.

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