Aaron's Kiss Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 7) (41 page)

BOOK: Aaron's Kiss Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 7)
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“Yes, I’d like to talk with Peter Bartholomew if you please,” he explained when someone finally answered.

Duncan loved the phone. Especially the little cell phone with all its magic. He was the man servant to Aaron and Sara MacManus. He took care of the household for his master long before his mistress had joined them, and would do so for many years to come. He helped in the things that Aaron had been unable to do when he’d first had Duncan join him, and he helped the mistress now in the same capability.

“Yeah, hang on. Gotta go see what’s cookin’ with her,” the voice on the other end of the receiver told him.

Duncan had called the local college just this morning to see if they could send out someone to help with the purchase of several computers. They, in turn, suggested that he call Pete Bartholomew.

His lordship, Aaron, was trying to sort through the paperwork that had been left to him and it was, frankly, not going well. Master Colin, new master vampire in his own realm, was having as much if not more difficulty than his friend Aaron. Neither previous master had taken the time to keep computerized records. Everything had been hand written and if one was lucky enough to be able to read the notes, they were stained and wrinkled and there were no dates or real information to go on.

Calling the college had been the mistress’ idea. Sara thought that hiring someone from the university would give the student some extra cash and a little experience as well.

“Pete here.”

Duncan, deep in his mussing, was startled by the sharp tone of this voice. The voice itself had surprised him. He didn’t know why, but had thought the young man would be much older. With all the compliments he had been given about him, it was hard to imagine this voice matching the image he had in his head.

“Mr. Bartholomew, my name is Duncan and I was told by the university that you could help us purchase a good computer and all the hard…hardware that went with it. I was wondering if you’d be available to do that for us.”

“It’s just Pete. Who did you speak to at the college?”

Duncan did not blame Pete for asking for more information. There were a lot of sick humans out in the world.

“Oh, yes, a Mr. Sage. An Edward Sage of the college IT department. When I asked for the best, he suggested that I hire you.”

He had actually told Duncan that he would be stupid not to hire Pete to help out. Edward said Pete did every install job he or the college ever had. Edward went on to say that Mr. Bartholomew was dependable and honest, as well as cheap.

“Okay, sure. When is great for you? I have a job until ten in the mornings and another job that starts at six. I have stuff to do in between, but if you let me know what day is good for you, I can move stuff around.”

Duncan could hear a lot of noise in the background and wondered if he had interrupted a party.

“Tomorrow would be good for me, or today if there is time. I have a very flexible schedule, Mr. Pete, and I will be at your trash. I can either meet you somewhere or you may come here. I have been given permission from the master to see this through.”

“It’s Pete. It’s almost eleven now, so I still have time to do a soft shoe shuffle to get some free time today. How about you meet me at Homer’s Electrical? It’s on Howard Street. We won’t be shopping there, but it’s a big place and easy to find. I can be there in fifteen, how about you? And it’s disposal, not trash.”

“Oh, yes. Disposal. Fifteen? Yes, please, would you wait for just a moment if you please, sir?” Duncan had tried keeping up with her, but the terminology Pete was using was just too much for him. He turned to the mistress who had just walked in and simply handed her the phone with a brief explanation. Sometimes he thought it better just to have someone else translate for him rather than him trying to muddle through.

“Yes, Mr. Bartholomew, my name is Sara MacManus. I can be there in about twenty-five minutes. I’ll be coming along with Duncan. We are in need of several computers with printers and things, is that all right?”

“It’s Pete, just plain old Pete. Whatever you want. I’ll be standing outside the big arrow. I’ll have my bike out front of the place. Don’t go in. Homer’s an ass and will rob you blind in a heartbeat.” Then the phone went dead.


They took a little longer than what they had first thought because Shade had decided to go along with them. Then Mel wanted to have lunch afterwards so the three women and Duncan piled into the Hummer at eleven fifteen. When they pulled up in front of Homer’s, they were about twenty minutes later than planned. The place was as easy to find even from the highway. When they got out of the vehicle and looked around, there was a bike just where Pete had said it would be. Only the bike out front was a large motorcycle, not the bicycle they had assumed would be there.

“I’m so sorry we’re late. I hope we haven’t put you out any. My name is Sara MacManus this is Shade Larimore, Duncan, and Mel Keeper.” Sara put out her hand as she spoke.

Mel had liked the last name that Sara had made up for her when they had had dealings with Shade and Colin’s adopted boy, Brent, so they continued to use it when they’d had to deal with anything related to the human world.

Mel, or Queen, Melody, Mistress of Light, Keeper of Magic, as her title dictated, came to the human side of the realms often. Sara loved her to death. She was also her cousin. The two women were good friends. But there were times, like the ride over to the computer place, that Sara wanted to hit her. When Mel and Duncan got together, it was more likely than not enough to drive a person insane.

“Pete Bartholomew. No biggy. I have nothing but time today. You can follow me to the computer store.” She walked away from them without taking her hand, settled herself on the Harley, pulled on a dark helmet and waited for them.

“Well, that was just rude, don’t you think?”

Mel had learned to curb her tongue around humans now. At least this time she had waited until they were all settled in the car before saying anything, for which Sara was eternally grateful. Mel could be a tad…harsh, she supposed was a kind word.

“I don’t think we have any right to be upset with him, especially since we were the ones who made him wait. He did tell us he had to move things around and probably thought we weren’t coming after all.” Sara settled back into her seat and buckled. “Also, he’s blocking us, hard too. I wonder if it’s natural or planned. Get anything, Mel?” Sara was the strongest mentalist in the group and if she could not read the young man, then maybe Mel’s magic could.

“I didn’t even try. That boy could use a little bit of manner training as far as I’m concerned.” Sara just rolled her eyes. Like Mel had a lot of room to talk where dealing with people was concerned.

They followed the bike through medium traffic, and Sara was grateful that Pete kept slowing down in deference to Duncan’s slow driving. When they got to the store parking lot, everyone got out once again. Pete was already waiting by the bike and when they were all situated, they went inside.

“What are the primary uses for these computers? Who will be using them, and for what propose? Are you going to be surfing, browsing, keeping books, or just wanting a fancy paperweight?”

Sara smiled. She normally did not like a person who was so blunt, but she seriously didn’t think this person was being rude so much as it was his nature. But Mel didn’t understand the difference, or she just didn’t care apparently.

“You know, you’re kind of rude,” Mel said.

When Pete simply nodded at Mel and told her, “Thanks,” it was all Sara could do not to laugh out loud.

“So, what are you gonna do with them? The man I talked to said you needed to have a complete set up. Is that true?”

Most people professed to not caring about how a person felt about them but really did deep down. This young man, Sara thought, really seemed not to care at all.

“I believe we will need two for bookkeeping, for two separate households. The other references I do not understand as I do not have a great deal of experience with computers. Let us assume that we will need them to do everything. With the exception of the paperweight. I believe his lordship has one of those already.”

Duncan was not trying to be smart, or funny, but his prim and proper slant on everything was just Duncan’s way. Sara waited for a snide comment from the man, and was surprised and glad when none came forth.

“Fine, let’s have at it, shall we?”

When they entered the store, they were immediately overwhelmed by the scope of it all. Everywhere they looked was some new gadget to look and play with. It looked as if they were not getting out of there without some major purchases if the other women had anything to say about it, Sara thought.

They were greeted by a sales person named Toby and he had already been told they were coming by Pete, it seemed.

“Pete, long time, no see. Still hacking up the world one PC at a time?” he asked with a huge grin.

“Nah, just trying to secure my million is outta the hands of perverts like you. Toby, this is the group I called you about. Duncan, Ms. MacManus, Ms. Keeper, Ms. Larimore, this is Toby Stark; he owns this place. They need at least two desks, and I think two or three laps.”

“May I have a quick word with Pete for a second, please?” Sara pulled the kid over to the corner and looked up into the sunglasses that had not been removed when they came inside. “Will you take off the sunglasses? I’d like to see who I’m talking with.” When Pete complied, Sara could only stare.

“Do you need to wear them for protection or something else? Your eyes are quite handsome. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen silver eyes before.”

“Both. What did you want? And just for the record, I don’t care if you think they’re nice or not.”

Sara wanted to say more, but held her tongue, for now, at least. “I believe as you can tell, we know squat about computers, but if you think by bringing us to your friend and soaking us for a lot of money is going to work then you’re barking up the wrong bush.”

“It’s tree, not bush, and for the second time this week, I’m not a thief. Toby is a friend of mine, yes. When I can I steer business his way, I do it. When someone tells me that they want to best, he is also the man I go to. If you’d rather go elsewhere, fine with me. There isn’t a computer store around the state that doesn’t know who I am. I’m helping you shop on my own time, Mrs. MacManus. I could care less if you like me or not. If it’s a matter of you trusting me, then that’s okay too. I’m sure there is any number of people who’d be happy to help you.”

Sara started to snap back when she looked at Pete. Really looked. Pete had a smooth face, button nose, full, sensual lips, and no Adam’s apple. Sara stepped back, shocked. “Oh my God, you’re a woman! I assumed...well, we all assumed really, what with the butch clothes and bike. And what’s with your name?”

Sara immediately felt terrible. She watched as the woman’s face flamed with embarrassment as Pete looked around the store to see if anyone had heard what Sara had said. A few of the other customers glanced their direction, but not too many.

“It’s none of your business what kind of name it is, it’s mine. Now if we could get this friggin’ show on the road, I’d really be happy.” She hissed at her, turned away, and headed toward the laptops that Toby had on display. Pete had been short and snappy with her, but Sara felt as if she deserved it. She had humiliated the bo…girl, and she felt terrible for it.


No one had ever reacted that way when they realized their mistake about her gender. Pete never corrected them. It wasn’t really such a big deal and she let them assume anything they wanted about her. She did wonder what she would think if she told her that her first name was Piccadilly. Christ, what the hell had her mother been thinking?

Her birth certificate claimed she was Piccadilly Fresno Bartholomew. Her mother had said that Pete had been conceived in a Fresno hotel called the Piccadilly Inn, thus her name. Her brothers, all six of them, had equally ridiculous names. She knew also that unlike her, they loved theirs. She changed hers to “Pete,” and hadn’t ever told anyone anything different.

She hadn’t seen her mother or her brothers for nearly eight years now. Not since she had turned seventeen and left in the middle of the night without a word to any of them. She wasn’t even sure if they were still alive. They had all been living in a trailer in a dank park since she could remember, all seven of them living in a two-bedroom, worn out piece of crap. Pete had three older brothers and two younger ones when she had left home, and all of them were the scum of the earth.

They had been on welfare since she could remember, and they had gotten their phone and electricity shut off at least seven or eight times a year due to non-payment. The town’s people where they had grown up were merciless, always turning their noses up at them, making fun of their clothes. Pete had had to grow a very tough skin or she would never have made it through high school.

College was out of the question because she didn’t have the money to even apply for the grants so she could go for free. Then there were the fees to apply to the college itself. Pete was smart, very smart, actually. Had she applied herself more in high school, she would have gotten a good scholarship to any college she wanted, but being born on the wrong side of the track and the sheets, plus smart, she would not have stood a chance in the world of ivy leaguers.

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