Abandoned but Not Alone (38 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Abandoned but Not Alone
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Always watch the eyes Angel, didn

t anyone ever tell you that? I now make
it seven minutes, but don

t worry, I
got this.

Aviva had
been so preoccupied with watching Jason she hadn't registered that he had been
maneuvering her towards the wall. She did now, and she didn

t care. All she could think about was
seven minutes. Pressing her against the wall with his big body, Jason swooped
down and took her lips in a bruising kiss, thrusting his tongue into her eager
mouth. Tongues dueling they thrust greedy for the taste of each other, a back
and forth imitation of what was to come. Jason wasted no time as he bent his
legs, inserting a muscular thigh that pressed against her center; flexing his
knees up and down, ensuring each contact exerted pressure in just the right
place. She could feel the evidence of his arousal, hard, demanding, grinding
against her.

One of

s hands passed along
the exposed skin of her neck, over her shoulder, down her throat to settle over
her breast waiting his attention. He massaged it firmly, his thumb running back
and fore over her sensitive nipple. Needing more contact and with no time to
waste, Jason gathered the folds of her blouse and pulled sharply scattering
buttons that bounced across the hardwood floor. Still another barrier remained,
wasting no time he again made short work in removing this last restriction to
his goal. Without pause, he hungrily latched on to her exposed breast taking as
much of her as he could into his hot mouth sucking long and hard. Aviva gasped
at the feel of his mouth against her over heated flesh. Holding his head
against her she arched her back to give him better access to take what he
wanted, what she wanted.

hard, Aviva could feel each pull on her breast travel down her body, settling
between her legs, sending floods of moisture to her damp panties. Slightly
moving his lower body to one side, Jason

s hands traveled down her legs, gathering up her skirt on their
way back up, his hands moving towards their final goal. Another barrier,
removed. Finally, soft, smooth flesh. Running his fingertips along her opening,
Jason pressed back and up with each passing, gathering the evidence of her
arousal, her need for him as he moved on.

Parting her
legs as far as she could to give him better access Aviva grabbed onto Jason

s flexed shoulders and held on. It felt
so good, standing in his office, warmth from the sunlight beating across her
face and this huge man catering to her needs. Without warning, he stroked
forward thrusting a finger into her waiting body, Aviva

s inner muscles constricted not wanting to let his finger go.
Moving his finger his hand backwards, Jason inserted another finger and
increased the tempo of his movements. Back and forth, round and round. Raising
one leg Aviva hooked it around his thigh to give his deep thrusts better
access. She wanted to move her leg higher but he was so tall, his thigh was as
far as she could comfortably reach without his help. As if reading her mind,
using one hand, he hoisted her up as though he were lifting a feather, never
slowing down his ministrations as he settled completely between her legs. At
some point Jason had freed himself from the confines of his trousers. Aviva

t know when and she

t care. All she cared
about was the delicious feel of his hard, hot swollen flesh, its bulbous head
moving backwards and forwards against her over sensitized core, gathering up
her moisture.

With one
powerful thrust Jason buried himself deeply into Aviva

s waiting body, stretching her to her limits. Without a moment
of hesitation, he began to move inside her, using long hard strokes. Strokes
meant to drive all coherent thought from her mind. It was working; she felt the
now recognizable tingle begin in her toes, traveling up her legs, her body was
primed and ready to combust. Suddenly it did exactly that, she exploded, a
feeling of euphoria rushing through her like lava, a never ending eruption of
sensations pulsing, throbbing through her body tingling her nerve endings.
Digging her fingers into Jason

s back,
Aviva bent her head into the crease of his neck and bit down in an attempt to
stop herself from howling out her pleasure, shuddering in his strong arms as he
pulled her even tighter against his body.

As Aviva

s body convulsed around his; Jason surged
forward, hard and fast, thrusting as deeply as he could. Once, twice, three
times in rapid succession before he too felt the release he had been striving
for rush over him. Trembling, Jason clutched a still convulsing Aviva to his
chest as he threw back his head and howled out his pleasure uncaring of who
heard him. Her pleasure was his pleasure returned tenfold.

Rubbing her
back in a soothing gesture, Jason lovingly nuzzled the side of Aviva

s bent head giving her gentle kisses
meant to demonstrate how much he loved holding her in his arms their bodies
still attached.

You okay,
Angel.  I

ve still
got thirty seconds if you need anything else.

Jason said self-satisfaction evident in his voice.

slightly away from him, Aviva opened her mouth for a quick comeback to Jason

s cocky comment. Looking into his eyes
that were once again lightening to their usual shade somewhere between black
and dark green, the realization hit her. The realization of how much she loved
this stubborn hard headed man hit home. Releasing an audible gasp at the
comprehension of what she had just admitted to herself, Aviva pushed against
his body with all her might in an attempt to get away. It was too soon. She

t be feeling this way,
she needed more time, they needed more time.

Jason had
no idea of the thoughts running through Aviva

s head, what he was sure of was he didn

t like the frightened look emanating from her eyes. He knew he
had been a bit rough, he also knew he hadn

t hurt her so something else was going on, something was
frightening her. Feeling her pushing demand to be released, he tightened his
arms in refusal.



s going through that beautiful head of yours?

Racked with
doubt, Jason asked the question he felt almost certain to be untrue, but her
continued silent demand to be released, a small grain of doubt raised its head
as it always did whenever they made love. He was so much bigger than her and
took precautions to ensure he didn

t hurt her
but maybe in his haste he had done exactly that.

Did I hurt you, I

m sorry
Angel, you know that right, I

ll be more
careful in the future. You know I wouldn

t hurt you for the world

you know that, right?

finished running his big hands up and down her back as feelings of apprehension
gripped him at her continued silence.

gathered in Aviva

s eyes as
she looked at his beloved face, his expression of remorse evident. Unable to
bare his remorseful expression a moment longer, she took Jason

s face between her hands as she stroked
along the planes of his face.

You didn

t hurt me Jason. Your loving could never
hurt me. I love the way you love me.

swallowed as the worry began to leave his dark eyes. Yes he was gruff,
stubborn, unreasonable and hard at times, but never with her. With her he was
always gentle and caring, catering to her every need, ensuring she came first.
How could she help but love him.

I love you
Jason King

I love you
very, very much.

closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath as he bent his head to rest his
forehead against hers. The trembling that had racked his body only moments
before once again rippled through him, this time for a completely different

Say it again, Angel.

I Aviva Johnson, love you, Jason King,
very, very much.

I feel like I

ve waited a lifetime to hear those words leave your lips and now
that they have, I

m not
letting you take then back. I

ll never
give you cause to take them back. I love you too. I knew it from our first day
together and from here on out

it only
gets better.


s words resonated throughout Aviva and
she knew, without a shadow of doubt she would never regret loving this man.


Later that
night as Aviva and Jason held each other after another bout of tender
lovemaking; she remembered Jason had a surprise for her.

I thought you had a surprise for me

what or where is it?

down at Aviva who had adjusted her position to rest on his chest, Jason laughed
at her expectant expression.

Come on
Angel, I already gave you one surprise in the office, another not ten minutes
ago and now you want more. I think I created a monster.

That was it

sex was my surprise?

asked incredulously to Jason

s comments
followed by a scoff of disbelief.

For your information,

Miss where

s my surprise, scoffer

, I

ll have you
know we don

t have sex,
we make love and I

m very good
at it.

Yes baby, you are very good at it

I just expected something else. You can
surprise me like that whenever you want to.

Aviva placated Jason as she patted him on the chest and
snuggling closer to him in readiness for sleep. Making no attempt to stifle her
loud yawn, she closed her eyes as sleep began to pull her towards its waiting

laughed, Aviva felt the rumble of his laughter pass from his body into hers.

What did I say that was so funny?

Nothing my Angel, just don

t ever change, that

s all I ask.


now may I get some sleep or are you going to turn into one of
those men who need to
after giving it up?

with laughter, Jason slapped her on her bare ass as he flipped her onto her
back, trapping her under his much larger body.

For that last comment I should really forget all about taking
you to the Caribbean for ten days.

with excitement, Aviva wrapped her legs around Jason

s waist and wiggled to show him he had her full attention.

Which island? When are we leaving?

You like this surprise huh

do you like it better than the one I
gave you in the office?

asked taking advantage of the position she had put herself into by pressing her
into the bed with his big body.

Stop that, you insatiable freak and
answer my questions.


re sure I can

t tempt
you? They say threes a charm!

Sorry babe, the punarney club is closed
for the night. Now should you answer my questions in a timely fashion, it will
definitely be open on the morrow.

You drive a hard bargain

Baby, from what I can feel, you

re the hard one.

If you don

t want answers to your questions, keep talking.

Closing an
imaginary zipper across her lips, Aviva batted her eyelashes at Jason. 
Mimicking the opening of the zipper once more, she couldn

t resist one last comment, just to wind
him up.

Please feel free to
speak whenever you

re ready.

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