Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure) (2 page)

BOOK: Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure)
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“I guess we need another wash” he says with a smile.


If there’s a perfect day of sex this would have to be it, I feel so completely relaxed.  We finished the bottle of Champagne whilst soaking in our beautiful bath.  With the scent of the candles the low lighting, doing more exercise than I would do in a week, and the warm relaxing bath, and my somewhat overworked vagina, I suddenly feel sleepy, we step out of the bath, wipe each other and fall into bed curled into each others body.


Meanwhile, Lex and Tash are seething leaving the Bistro after calling my phone several times. Of course with my making love, bathing and sleeping, I was completely oblivious to their anger, their many calls and the gallery opening that I was meant to be at two hours ago.


I fall into the deepest sleep, you know when you awake and are completely oblivious as to where you are and what time it is? Well that was how I felt, completely blissed in the arms of my man.

“I love you George”

“Oh no, lets not go there baby, lets not wreck something great, I love fucking you, we have fun together, it’s great”

I am a little taken aback but my loins are a great reminder of what the “great thing we have” is so I just snuggle in.  We eventually roll out of bed, I feel so womanly and sexy I don’t bother to cover up,

“Hm I like what you’re wearing, you must shop there more often” George says. 

I smile feeling very confident.  I see George looking at me.

“You really have an amazing body”


George leans down and grabs his polaroid.

“What are you doing?”

“Strike a pose baby. “

I do as a joke and George takes a photo,

“Hey what are you doing?”

“Honey you are really hot, I just want to remember you as you are”

He shows me the snap.  It is good, I’m relaxed and looking healthy.

“Lets have some fun”

George grabs his camera.

“Lets play”


George Grabs my stilettos and ties my loose hair back.

“Lets do a Helmut Newton”

So I stand tall as can be looking pensively into his lens, oozing sex. I’m loving this, it’s fun. I feel free and like my body, I like that George likes my body.

I find myself hands on the wall with my butt to the camera - very glad that I’d visited the beauty parlor recently and had that Brazilian.

Now a legs wide open shot, sitting on a stool, still wearing my stilettos,


George says

“Like Sharon Stone you have the prettiest pussy baby”

I feel my confidence flying, when I’m around this man I feel invincible.


We both sit on the couch and he shows me my frames,

“Want to do some more? You’re a natural beauty”

How can a girl refuse, and besides I like seeing my body.


He brings out some toys and partial clothes,

“What’s this?”

“Props I bought for you, just have fun” he says.

I slip on the crutchless undies and see through bra, touching my toes, lifting my leg to the chair.

He then hands me the dildo.

“Lets get some action honey.”

Hunger in George’s eyes ignite my passion.


I take off the party paraphernalia and take the dildo, with my leg up on the chair I slide it in slowly,  I’m completely familiar with these now and know the joy they can bring. George is getting harder as he takes the shots, I lie on the floor, spread my legs and tell him to take a photo of my pussy.  I’m the one in control now. I then get my fingers to slowly tantalise my clit, it grows with excitement. I suck my finger and then put it inside of me whilst the other is squeezing my nipple then I get the dildo and put it inside of me. George is taking photos as I do, frame by frame he starts to moan.


I get up and walk over to George, I take his camera from him flick the setting to video, and then slowly walk over to him.  I undo his shirt and slide it off his body, I can feel his manliness against my naked body through his jeans.  I slowly kiss down his strong torso, and undo his belt, I undo the button of his pants and guide the zipper down, ever so slowly. He’s breathing heavy, as his jeans fall to the floor.


I fall to my knees, his penis rock hard. I put my warm mouth around his hard shaft and suck and stroke, moaning he grabs my hair

“Oh God Steph I can’t wait”

“Then cum,” I say as I keep sucking him he can barely stand and then I feel the explosion in my mouth. His cum pulsing like a squirting hose, I grab his butt cheeks and hold him close to me, then I stand and kiss him.


I turn around walk back to the camera and turn it off with a smile.


“Where did you come from?”  says George now sitting on the lounge. 

I just smile.

“I could ask the same thing”

“You should be in a gallery you’re so good”

“Gallery …... Oh God!”

“What’s up baby?”

“I was meant to be at the Opening hours ago, Tash is going to kill me”

“Well you nearly killed me”  George says jokingly. 

“It’s not funny they are really going to be upset”

My smoky mood turning to ice in an instant.

“Settle down honey, they’re your friends. They’ll be happy you’ve had such a fun night”

“Somehow I doubt that”

“Well you don’t look too upset about missing the opening, did you want to go?”

“Honestly, no, I can’t stand Bjorn’s work.”

“So you’ve done what you actually wanted to do all along right, so what can be wrong with that”

Somehow it all seemed okay for a moment.

“I guess so”


We dressed and had a glass of red, feeling lazy whilst lounging on the sofa.


“I don’t get you girls” George remarked

“It seems like all you want for each other is happiness and to be a part of each others lives, but when one of you finds some fun, it is an enormous drama, are you girls jealous of each other?”

It never occurred to me that my best friends could be jealous

“No of course not, we just watch out for each other is all”


I didn’t want to talk to George about my girlfriends, it was part of my life before George and didn’t want to blend the two, I felt like I was living a split life, and it was working, well ….. it was  when I met my work deadlines and appointments I made with my friends.


I felt sober and needed to get to the gallery to try and right this wrong that would follow me for weeks on end, especially if the opening went badly.


“Well sexy, I need to let an old man rest, you look knackered and I need to get some work done tomorrow, so I shall be off.”

“Running to your friends?” George said with a tinge of frustration, he knows me so well, but at times like these I don’t feel as though I know him at all.

“I told you I’m going to go home and get some work done, babe, I have had a wonderful afternoon and evening, but a girl needs to work,” I said, giving an excuse to get out of there.

“Catch up soon then”

“That you can count on” I said as I gave George a kiss goodbye.  I don’t know why I felt the need to lie to him.  I knew that the girls and George were never going to get on like Paul did, I guess they don’t need to, in less than three weeks life will be back to normal.


Part of me liked being the one doing the leaving on my own accord from George’s house, it’s always easier to be the one that leaves, rather than being left.  I ran down the street it had started raining so I needed to grab a cab. It’s typical, when you need a cab there’s never one around.


The rain was really pelting down now, I found shelter under an awning and tried calling Tash on my mobile.  No answer.  I have a feeling she was blocking my calls.  I just knew I’d be in for it.  I kept running through the torrential rain, until I managed to flag down a cab, gave him my address and sank into the leather seats whilst trying to dry myself off a little.


There’s something great about jumping into a cab and just making small talk with a complete stranger that you pretty much know you will never meet again, finding snippets of lives that you would otherwise never had known if not for getting into that cab at that time.  I like the coincidence and easiness that is presented at that moment.


I arrived home and ran up the stairs glad to walk into my little sanctuary.  I love my apartment …. or should I say, our apartment, but mine for this month.   It is so ordered and bright, warm in winter, cool in summer, the sun streams in of a morning and of an evening the lights of the city dance on the horizon.


I freshened up slowly, and flicked on the kettle, I knew I should be racing downtown but it was pouring outside and so cozy in.  The Opening would more than likely be nearing closing time and by the time I’d get there it would be over. Besides, George did have a point, I wasn’t that keen on going in the first place.


I tried Tash again and finally she answered her phone.

“Are you okay” she said in a clipped tone.

“As a matter of fact I’m not feeling very well, I turned my phone on silent whilst having a little nap and ended up falling into a deep sleep, I’m so sorry Tash, I think I’m coming down with something” I lied.

“I knew there must have been something wrong, I told Lex you wouldn’t let me down.”

I felt bad lying to Tash, yet relieved, I just didn’t want another drama over George, sex and, well lets face it, my being a slack friend.

“I don’t know what you mean?” I lied again.

“Oh Lex thought you’d caught up with George and lost track of time whilst in his bed, crazy I know”

I felt myself getting irritated, how could she be such a bitch!  How could she know me so well!

“I knew you wouldn’t do that to me, honey, is there anything I can get for you?”

“No, I’ll be fine, just need to stay put in bed and rest, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow to hear all about your fabulous night”

“Okay sweetheart, you look after yourself - if you need anything just call”


I felt so awful, what a rotten friend I was becoming, lying, not turning up to things that I said I would, and taking advantage of kind hearted Tash.  Feeling completely rotten I fell onto my couch and switched through the channels on the TV mindlessly.  I would have felt so much better if Tash had of just called me every name under the sun and dealt with my not turning up instead of lying and having to feel rotten for, well for as long as it would take.   I’ll have to front up at some point, just not now.


The next day was beautiful outside, I decided to ignore the phone and start the day with a jog around the harbour and get some sun before the cooler weather set in.  I got into my jogging gear and ran downstairs after my coffee.  It would have been the perfect thing to do, but for the fact that I ran straight into Tash

“Oh I was just on my way up to see you, you look like you’ve made a great recovery”

“Yeah, I think it must have been something I ate”

“I hate those 24 hour bug things, they’re rotten”


I spent the next hours trying to remember what I’d said so that I could keep my lie up to my friend, even though I knew she probably could see right through me.  George’s words were running through my head, what would he know about girls, “jealous” indeed, the thought was niggling in the back of my mind when I noticed Tash was still  talking …..


“....... So if you’re feeling well enough to go jogging do you think you are well enough to come out tonight?”

“Sure, sounds great”


The day went by slowly filled with writing and meetings, I walked back into my apartment in time to freshen up and get dressed in my “girls night out” clothes, I was looking forward to being with my friends once more.


We chose a new place to head to. It was great seeing Lex and Tash, I really do love that about girlfriends nothing ever really breaks the tie between friendship not even men.  We walked into the Cedar Bar. It was quite bizarre, a black ominous door that when opened led to a staircase that went down to the most amazing dance floor and bar. It was a little hideaway that was pretty amazing, chandeliers, cedar topped bar that ran along one wall of the club and great music, leather lounges,  our spirits were lifted instantly.


The girls and I had a dance and chatted like old times, and then it happened.  I saw him.  George was in the arms of this long legged dark haired woman. I was instantly furious, they say “Hell hath no fury like that of a scorned woman” well you better had believe it!  I didn’t know what to do. 

BOOK: Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure)
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