Abiding Ink (Inked in the Steel City #4) (17 page)

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She rolled onto her side, turning into him and placing a hand on his chest. “That was amazing.”

His cock was still hard; what they’d just done had left him too charged to soften yet. “I know.” He cradled one of her breasts, doing nothing in particular as he relished the feel of her soft flesh filling his hand.

“You know, I’m really pleased with myself for coming up with such a good New Year’s resolution.” She flashed him a smug smile, so close that her breath warmed his chest, heating the ink that scrolled beneath his collarbone.

“Just as long as it doesn’t get dropped before January’s even over like most resolutions do,” he said.

“I have a feeling I’ll be able to stick with it way beyond January. Maybe even for the next million years, if all goes according to plan.”




“Tyler?” Mallory drew up short in the hospital hallway, her sneakers squeaking against the tile. “What are you doing here?”

He stood in the center of the corridor and her breath caught in her chest – she hadn’t been prepared to encounter such sexiness at work. A patient walking the halls in a flapping gown, maybe, but not Tyler in his sexy-simple jeans and black thermal shirt, pushed up to the elbows, revealing the ink and sinew that made his forearms so stare-worthy. “Did Dr. Anthony lift his ban on you volunteering here?”

Tyler shook his head, a light gleaming in his eyes. “Nah. Not that I know of, anyway. Your shift just ended, right?”

“Right.” It was no surprise that he knew – they frequently texted or called each other around this time of day and arranged to meet up for a couple hours. He didn’t usually show up at the hospital, though. Was she in for a surprise date? The thought was a bright spot in what had, so far, been a thoroughly ordinary day.

“Well, I’m here to whisk you away.”

She grinned. “Okay. I was just about to head out to grab something quick for dinner anyway. You’re right on time.”

They made their way out of the hospital together, stepping out into the April afternoon. It was cool but not too cold, and the sun shone down bright and clear. “Hope you don’t mind if I choose the place where we eat,” he said as they approached the space where he’d parked his car beside hers. “I have something specific in mind.”

“Not at all. I was only going to stop by the café around the corner because it’d be quick and easy. My mom is going out with Theo tonight, so I wasn’t planning to cook. And I thought you had work, by the way.”

Her mother and Theo went out together at least twice a week, which meant that for the first time in years, Mallory found herself eating dinner alone sometimes. Not that she was complaining – it was good to see her mom changing, stepping out of her shell and enjoying life again. She was even taking her health more seriously. As spring unfolded, it was like the seasons were changing for her, too.

“Client cancelled the appointment I had this evening. Figured I’d take advantage of the break. Hot Ink’s been busy lately. As soon as Zoe told me that my client had cancelled, I knew how I wanted to spend the rest of the day.”

She couldn’t resist a smile. “Where are we headed?” She needed to know, since they’d be driving separately.

“You mind if I drive us both and we swing by to pick up your car later?” he asked. “I want it to be a surprise.”

“Okay. Now I’m excited.”

The faintest hint of a smile quirked his full lips, and his eyes were intense as they locked with hers. Then he was opening his car’s passenger door and holding it for her.

She slid inside, settling on the seat and buckling her seatbelt over her jacket, beneath which she wore a set of plain lavender scrubs. “I hope it’s some place casual, though – I’m dressed for work, not a date.”

“Your clothes will be just fine,” was all he said as he steered away from the hospital.

They drove until they hit a familiar street and Hot Ink came into view, its neon sign subdued by daylight. She wondered quietly as Tyler parked the car around the corner, climbed out and opened her door for her. When she stepped out, he took her hand and didn’t let go.

“Just like last time,” he said as they approached the tattoo studio. “You climb up first and I’ll catch you if you fall.”

“Last time?” She diverted her gaze from Hot Ink’s front door and to the side of the building, where the steel fire escape stood out against the brick.

“Figured we’d have dinner on the roof,” he said. “This is the nicest weather we’ve had since last year.”

“We don’t have any food,” she said as they climbed the metal steps together.

“I had dinner delivered to Hot Ink and slipped James a twenty in exchange for him carrying everything up here for me while I was gone. We’ll see if he held up his end of the bargain. If he didn’t, I’ll kick his ass and we’ll head out to find something.”

Sure enough, when they reached the roof, the patio table umbrella was open and several food containers rested beneath it.

“This is so sweet,” Mallory said, striding toward the table. “It reminds me of that night just before Christmas when we came up here. Our first kiss.” A head-to-toe shiver struck her as she remembered the delicate swirl of falling snow, the exquisite pressure of his lips pressed against hers for the first time.

“That was the idea,” he said, joining her at the tableside. “Another idea – let’s have dessert first.”

She sank into one of the chairs, an almost-giddy sense of happiness rising up inside her. “Okay.” They’d seen each other again and again over the past few months, but this was different – unexpected. Tyler’s sweet side was definitely showing. The weather really was nice, too; she wasn’t even cold as she sat on top of the building, unsheltered save for the table’s umbrella.

“Here you go.” He took a container from the table and handed it to her, popping the lid off and setting it aside.

The Styrofoam cup was small and round and filled with something vividly green. “Jell-O?” she asked, peering down into its depths. “What’s that inside it?”

“Pears,” he said. “I made it myself. Maimed the pears into little chunks, mixed them in and everything.”

“Wow. Did you cook everything else too?” Tyler making dinner – this was something new. She wasn’t sure about the pear-spangled gelatin, but if he’d made it, she’d try it.

“No, I ordered it in, like I said. As for that…” He took the cup gently from her hand. “You don’t necessarily have to eat it.” He pulled a paper plate from a bag and turned the cup upside down above it, dislodging the gelatin. “I think you should take a closer look at my culinary masterpiece, though.”

He handed her a spoon and for a few seconds she stared at it, perplexed. “Okay…”

And then it hit her. Or rather, the sun hit the Jell-O and something inside its bright green depths sparkled. She knew one thing for sure – pears didn’t sparkle.
Oh my God
. She thought the words but said nothing out loud as she raised her spoon and took a tentative scoop at the homemade dessert.

The treasure in the center of all the green continued to shine, and in a few seconds flat, she was digging like an archeologist bent on unearthing some rare, delicate prize.

“Don’t know if you remember, but that’s the exact kind of Jell-O I almost dumped all over your scrubs back when I first met you.”

“When you nearly flattened me with the cart?” she asked, finally scooping the glittering item free.


“Tyler, is this a ring?” She removed the rest of the gelatin with her hands, freeing something silver and bright. By the time she finished asking the question, there was no point – it was clearly a ring, set with a diamond that winked up at her from her palm, none the duller for having been cast in Jell-O.

“Yeah. I know you said you wanted to date whoever you’d end up with for a million years before committing, and we’ve barely been together for four months. I’m dead sure I want to spend the next million years with you though, so if you feel the same way, I think we should tie the knot at least a few millennia early.”

He got down on one knee, right there on the roof, putting himself level with the excavated Jell-O mound that sat on the table.

“I think we could have that deep and abiding love you mentioned. Actually, I think we’ve already got it. Mallory, will you marry me?”

Her heart skipped a beat or two – maybe three. The ring was faintly sticky against her palm, and for half a second, she imagined she could taste the sweetness that clung to the metal. “Well, since you made the Jell-O yourself, and even diced up the pears…” A huge grin spread across her face, and she didn’t try to hold it back. “Yes.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck before he could stand, but he didn’t let her weigh him down – he stood, lifting her and pressing his lips to hers, sealing the moment with a kiss just like their first one, minus the snow.

Ink is forever. So is love.


Thank you for reading
Abiding Ink


Stay up to date with the entire Inked in the Steel City Series by visiting the
Inked in the Steel City page
at ranaerose.com anytime.


Previous titles in the series…


Hot Ink
(Inked in the Steel City, #1)


Innocent Ink
(Inked in the Steel City, #2)


Dedicated Ink
(Inked in the Steel City, #3)


(Click title to see in Kindle Store.)


What did you think of Tyler & Mallory’s story? Please consider sharing your thoughts via a review.



Ranae Rose is the best-selling author of more than twenty adult romances and counting. She calls the US East Coast home and resides there with her family, German Shepherd dogs and overflowing bookshelves. Writing and reading are lifelong passions that consume most of her time, and she’s always working on bringing her latest love story idea to life for readers.




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