Aboard the Wishing Star (17 page)

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Authors: Debra Parmley

BOOK: Aboard the Wishing Star
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Maybe it's Viv who needs advice about men.

"I may not be as experienced at dating as you are, but I know what I want and how I want to be treated. And I'm guessing deep down you do too.

"Yeah, maybe." Viv shrugged. "He won't hang with me today. He said he'd call. I hate it when they say that. I'll call you is the kiss of death. Because they don't." Viv looked dejected.

Could Viv really care for Adam as more than a simple fling?

"You can come with me, I'm getting my hair braided on Blissful Cay," Kara said.

"Ooh! Sounds like fun! I'll have mine done, too."

Islanders had offered to braid their hair on each island. Today the ship anchored just off Blissful Cay, the cruise line's private island.

"Yes, that'll be fun. I'll need a nap at some point though because I didn't get in till two." "Oh!" Viv's eyes widened. "Tell me, tell me."

"Nate and I stayed up until two and it was wonderful."

"You got laid. Finally."

"I did not get laid. We spent a wonderful evening together, but it was not like that."

It was so much more than that.
Memories of the gentle caring way he'd slowly made love to her filled her mind.
What we shared tonight was beautiful. I'm ruining it by talking about it to Viv.

Viv frowned. "Well, if you didn't get laid, you're running out of time."

"I didn't get any sleep last night, if that answers your question. And you can now stop worrying about my sex life, okay? So drop it."

I don't expect her to understand and she's just going to get jealous if I say much more. What Nate and I shared is private and I'm not going to discuss it with her.

"The tenders will be taking passengers back and forth every half hour." Kara yawned. "We have all day. So there's no hurry."

"Don't you want to get your hair braided before you see Nate again? You'll be sexy, like Bo Derek in that movie

Well, that's an idea. I'm awake now anyway.

Kara got up and they went to the café for coffee and pastries. For a while it was like old times back when they were in high school. They talked about hairstyles, movies and how the movie
had made the braiding style popular among white women.

They wore swimsuits beneath their cover-ups, carried beach bags loaded with supplies for the day, and headed for the tender station.

Kara eyed the ship's tender, a smaller boat that carried passengers to and from the shore. The ship bobbed by the side of the cruise ship, rocked by the sea. Crewmen stood by the ramp to help her in, but she still hesitated. The ship sat far from shore in deep water

"Come on, fraidy cat, you're holding up the line," Viv said.

Kara winced and stepped forward, embarrassed.




Kara and Viv boarded the boat tender.

Nate boarded and walked to where they sat. "Hello."

"Hello," they both chorused.

He turned to Kara. "I hope you slept well."

"Yes, quite well until Viv woke me up. And you?"

"Very well, thank you. I dreamed of a golden haired woman."

She blushed.

"Have fun shopping," he said. "I'll be playing volleyball if you want to find me later." He winked.


He moved to the front and stood looking out at the sea as they sailed toward shore.

Kara watched Nate standing with the wind in his hair. It was evident how much he loved the sea.

Watching him gave her pleasure and she smiled, seeing the contentment and ease with which he stood.

The tender docked, and the passengers exited. Kara and Viv headed to the hut where island women sat beading passenger's hair. They waited their turns, listening to the island women tell stories of silly things their men did while trying to woo them.

One man had brought a swordfish to her father when he asked for her hand in marriage. The second suitor had more money, and he brought several bottles of rum. She'd chosen the one with the swordfish over her father's objections.

"You want de man who can do tings," she said. "De man who can do, well, he do wit out de money. But de man wit de money dat cannot do, when dat money is gone den what he good for?"

"An' him drinkin' all dat rum all de time, too," her friend said.

Both women nodded and Kara and Viv laughed.

Viv sported a few little braids on each side of her face. It took much longer to braid Kara's long blonde hair, but she felt like an island queen when it was done. She turned her head from side to side as the beads swung.

"Very sexy," the woman said handing her a mirror.

Looking into it Kara gasped.

The hairdo brought out her cheekbones and eyes.

Viv watched in silence.

Kara smiled and gave the woman a big tip. "Thank you."

"Men don't want no skinny girl. You have de woman's hips," the woman said. "Good for makin' dem babies."

Maybe. But she'd no luck "makin' babies" with Neil. That had never bothered him as it had her.

Kara and Viv shopped, admiring the straw dolls, purses, and dark woodcarvings. They found hammocks in the shade and Kara put her bag down next to the palm tree hers was tied to.


Viv had stopped with her mouth hanging open.

Kara glanced in the direction of Viv's gaze. Adam was spreading lotion over a petite blonde's back.

"Well, he's not wasting any time." Anger radiated off her.

"Oh, no. Sorry, Viv."

Wow, she's really fallen for him. I've never seen her this disappointed before.

"See, Kara. They're all the same. Even the so-called good ones." Viv stood with her fists on her hips. She tossed her head. "Right-o. Watch this. And keep an eye on my stuff."

Viv jogged over to the men lining up for volleyball. She stripped off her swimsuit cover-up and tossed it onto the sand. A muscle-bound guy whistled at the sight of Viv in her bikini. That was Viv, back in the game. One more woman joined and they started to play.

Adam finished rubbing the blonde's back and stood. He glanced over to the volleyball game where the men all watched Viv bounce around on the sand. In her bikini top, Viv had some bounce going and she'd play it up.

Where was Nate? Kara glanced around but didn't see him.

She climbed into the hammock and lay back, closing her eyes. Viv would wake her when the game was over.




Nate spotted Kara's red bikini then carried his snorkel gear over to where she seemed to be sleeping. He had no trouble finding her since she wore the sexy red bikini again. She'd had her hair braided.

He reached out and touched one of her braids. "Looks nice, sweetheart. How's it feel?"

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Hello."

"Hello, yellow bird." He smiled.

"It feels different. But I like it. And I can leave it in for a week without having to do my hair. No more tangles."

He toyed with her braids. "You're beautiful in this or any other hairstyle."

The memory of the previous evening and his murmured use of the word as he'd made love to her caused her to flush. "Thank you."

"It's true. Bought you something." He held out a bag.

"Oh," she sat up and reached for the bag, thrilled that he'd bought her a present. "Thank you."

Inside the bag was a straw purse made by the island ladies with a yellow bird on the front.

"It made me think of you."

She gave a joyful laugh. "I love it. It's perfect. Thank you."

"My pleasure, sweetheart."

He lifted the snorkel gear. "I thought you might like to try snorkeling again."

"But I'd have to rent a set."

"No, I brought two, mine and Adam's."

"I didn't know you brought your own."

"I usually go out on my own, not on tours, unless I'm running them."

"It's probably better to have your own gear."

"It is. So, how about it?"

Kara glanced at the water, a sense of alarm coming over her again at how deep and strong the ocean was.

"We'll snorkel over there." He gestured further down the beach to a wooden platform with steps jutting out into the water. Adults and children were lined up on the platform. "I know you're still learning."

"Okay, I'll try it again."

They walked down the beach to the platform but when they got in line, she looked up at him in alarm. "I can't swim without a vest. I can't put my head under if I'm not wearing one. I'm sorry, Nate, I can't do this."

"Sweetheart, calm down." He put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll rent you one."

"Oh, I don't want you to have to do that."

"Too late." He set down the gear and took off at a jog over to the rental hut.

She stood by the gear feeling like a big baby. He'd never seen her in full-blown panic. Maybe he wouldn't be as attracted to her then. Maybe he'd want to wash his hands of her.

He was a man who went scuba diving for God's sake. What was he doing with her and not some scuba diving female?

Soon he returned with a yellow snorkel vest that looked like a bib. She glanced at it doubtfully. Last time they'd snorkeled she'd worn a full ski vest.

"This is all you need sweetheart." He grinned. "It will hold you up." He took the ski vest, put his mouth to it and began to inflate it.

Great. Nothing like floating in the ocean, wearing a balloon for floatation.

Nate walked down the steps into the water first. Then he swam nearby and waited for her as she made her way down the steps carrying her flippers and goggles.

She struggled trying to put all the gear on as frustration and fear churned her stomach.

"Here, sweetheart." He took her mask. "Take your time and try putting your flippers on first."

She slipped her feet into the flippers, but they were too big because they were men's and she had to scrunch her toes to keep them on.

"Okay, now your mask." He adjusted the strap to fit her then eased it over her braids. "Comfortable?"

She shook her head. "No."

He fiddled with the strap a moment. "There. Better?"


"Good." He smiled then put his goggles and mouthpiece on and his head down into the water.

Kara swam alongside him, but the flippers were awkward and the little snorkel vest seemed flimsy. How would she ever get her nerve up to put her head in?

After a minute, he popped his head up and took out his mouthpiece. "What's wrong, sweetheart'?"

"I..." She was embarrassed to tell him.

Nate's gaze was tender and understanding. He held out his hand. "Relax. You can do this."

She placed her hand in his. "Okay, but go slow."

"Slow as you want, sweetheart."

The strength in his hand captured her fear and held it until her own strength found a hold. They swam leaning down into the water, moving out to where the fish were plentiful.

Kara beheld the magnificent world below, her eyes wide with wonder and she glanced at Nate. He looked back into her eyes communicating in silence. His gaze flicked away as a movement caught his eye, and he squeezed her hand quickly then pointed down.

A cannon rested beneath them on the sand. Small fish wove in and out below the wheels. A bright blue fish darted out of the mouth of the cannon, then as if it had seen them watching, darted right back in. She glanced at Nate, and he winked and pointed farther out to sea.

She wasn't afraid with him there, holding her hand. She would have followed him anywhere.

She nodded and allowed him to lead her to a sunken statue of a woman. Plant life had grown up around her and the coral waved in slow motion. A large, green plant looking like green cauliflower jutted out of white rocks, and small yellow and black striped fish swam around it. Green seaweed also waved slowly, like everything else in this underwater world.

Was this what it was like to be deaf? To view everything around you like a silent movie?

Without sound, the slightest movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention.

Did the deaf see life like this? Did colors appear more vivid? Did they notice movement more quickly?

Small fish fled as if afraid of something large.

Shark? Oh God.

She couldn't breathe. Her heart raced and she felt lightheaded.

How far out to sea? Air. Oh God.

Nate was turned away, pointing at something. She squeezed his hand and popped her head out of the water, pulling off her mask and snorkel, gasping.

Nate lifted his head past the surface and removed his mouthpiece. "Kara? Sweetheart; what's wrong?"

She felt clammy and sweat had broken out on her forehead, even though they were in the water. She gasped and reached for him. "Shark."


She pointed.

He pulled on his gear and put his head under to look then popped back up again. "No sharks."

"The fish were running away." Her voice shook.

He pulled her close, wrapping one arm around her, his eyes dark with emotion. "Kara," the warmth in his voice chided her, "it was just a big fish. No sharks. Why are you so afraid? Do you honestly think I'd let anything happen to you?"

"No. But the fish ran."

Featherlike laugh lines crinkled around his eyes as he smiled. "They just startle easy. Think how we must look to them. And we are predators because we might eat them."

She gave a nervous laugh and gazed out to sea. The horizon appeared vast and flat from where they floated. "Would we even see a shark before it was too late?"

Nate pulled her close until they were almost nose-to-nose. "Do you have any idea how rare shark attacks are?"

She shook her head, now studying crinkles in the corners of his eyes. He was a man who'd age well. She liked his smile lines and she could get lost in his deep brown eyes.

"You're more likely to be killed in a car accident than any other kind yet you still drive, right?"

"Yes. Every day."

"This is no different." He watched her, silent for a moment. "Sweetheart you worry too much."

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