List of Popes and Antipopes
Antipopes are given in italics.
Dates of popes in the first two centuries are approximate; each concluding date represents the end of the papal reign rather than the pope’s death or deposition/retirement.
I. St. Peter | ||
Peter | Simon/Symeon | ?–c. 64 |
Linus | 67–76 | |
Anacletus | 76–88 | |
Clement I | 88–97 | |
Evaristus | 97–105 | |
| | |
II. Defenders of the City | ||
Alexander I | 105–115 | |
Sixtus I | 115–125 | |
Telesphorus | 125–136 | |
Hyginus | 136–140 | |
Pius I | 140–155 | |
Anicetus | 155–166 | |
Soter | 166–175 | |
Eleutherius | 175–189 | |
Victor I | 189–199 | |
Zephyrinus | 199–217 | |
Callixtus I | 217–222 | |
Hippolytus ( antipope ) | 217–235 | |
Urban I | 222–230 | |
Pontian | 230–235 | |
Anterus | 235–236 | |
Fabian | 236–250 | |
Cornelius | 251–253 | |
Novatian ( antipope ) | 251 | |
Lucius | 253–254 | |
Stephen I | 254–257 | |
Sixtus II | 257–258 | |
Dionysius | 260–268 | |
Felix I | 269–274 | |
Eutychian | 275–283 | |
Gaius (Caius) | 283–296 | |
Marcellinus | 296–304 | |
Marcellus I | 308–309 | |
Eusebius | 309–310 | |
Miltiades (Melchiades) | 311–314 | |
Sylvester I | 314–335 | |
Mark | 336 | |
Julius I | 337–352 | |
Liberius | 352–366 | |
Felix II ( antipope ) | 355–365 | |
Damasus I | 366–384 | |
Ursinus ( antipope ) | 366–367 | |
Siricius | 384–394 | |
Anastasius I | 399–401 | |
Innocent I | 401–417 | |
Zosimus | 417–418 | |
Boniface I | 418–422 | |
Eulalius ( antipope ) | 418–419 | |
Celestine I | 422–432 | |
Sixtus III | 432–440 | |
Leo I (the Great) | 440–461 | |
Hilarius (Hilary) | 461–468 | |
Simplicius | 468–483 | |
Felix III (II) | 483–492 | |
Gelasius I | 492–496 | |
Anastasius II | 496–498 | |
Symmachus | 498–514 | |
Laurentius ( antipope ) | 498–499, 501–506 | |
Hormisdas | 514–523 | |
| | |
III. Vigilius | ||
John I | 523–526 | |
Felix IV (III) | 526–530 | |
Dioscorus ( antipope ) | 530 | |
Boniface II | 530–532 | |
John II | 533–535 | |
Agapetus I | 535–536 | |
Silverius | 536–537 | |
Vigilius | 537–555 | |
Pelagius I | 556–561 | |
John III | 561–574 | |
| | |
IV. Gregory the Great | ||
Benedict I | 575–579 | |
Pelagius II | 579–590 | |
Gregory I (the Great) | 590–604 | |
Sabinian | 604–606 | |
Boniface III | 607 | |
Boniface IV | 608–615 | |
Deusdedit I (Adeodatus I) | 615–618 | |
Boniface V | 619–625 | |
Honorius I | 625–638 | |
Severinus | 640 | |
John IV | 640–642 | |
Theodore I | 642–649 | |
| | |
V. Leo III and Charlemagne | ||
Martin I | 649–653 | |
Eugenius I | 654–657 | |
Vitalian | 657–672 | |
Adeodatus II | 672–676 | |
Donus | 676–678 | |
Agatho | 678–681 | |
Leo II | 682–683 | |
Benedict II | 684–685 | |
John V | 685–686 | |
Conon | 686–687 | |
Sergius I | 687–701 | |
Theodore ( antipope ) | 687 | |
Paschal ( antipope ) | 687 | |
John VI | 701–705 | |
John VII | 705–707 | |
Sisinnius | 708 | |
Constantine | 708–715 | |
Gregory II | 715–731 | |
Gregory III | 731–741 | |
Zachary | 741–752 | |
Stephen II | 752–757 | |
Paul I | 757–767 | |
Constantine II ( antipope ) | 767–768 | |
Philip ( antipope ) | 768 | |
Stephen III | 768–772 | |
Hadrian I | 772–795 | |
Leo III | 795–816 | |
Stephen IV | 816–817 | |
Paschal I | 817–824 | |
Eugenius II | 824–827 | |
Valentine | 827 | |
Gregory IV | 827–844 | |
John ( antipope ) | 844 | |
Sergius II | 844–847 | |
Leo IV | 847–855 | |
| | |
VI. Pope Joan | ||
[ Joan | 855?–857? ] | |
Benedict III | 855–858 | |
Anastasius ( antipope ) | 855 | |
| | |
VII. Nicholas I and the Pornocracy | ||
Nicholas I (the Great) | 858–867 | |
Hadrian II | 867–872 | |
John VIII | 872–882 | |
Marinus I | 882–884 | |
Hadrian III | 884–885 | |
Stephen V | 885–891 | |
Formosus | 891–896 | |
Boniface VI | 896 | |
Stephen VI | 896–897 | |
Romanus | 897 | |
Theodore II | 897 | |
John IX | 898–900 | |
Benedict IV | 900–903 | |
Leo V | 903 | |
Christopher ( antipope ) | 903–904 | |
Sergius III | 904–911 | |
Anastasius III | 911–913 | |
Lando | 913–914 | |
John X | 914–928 | |
Leo VI | 928 | |
Stephen VII | 928–931 | |
John XI | 931–935 | |
Leo VII | 936–939 | |
Stephen VIII | 939–942 | |
Marinus II | 942–946 | |
Agapetus II | 946–955 | |
John XII | 955–964 | |
Leo VIII | 963–965 | |
| | |
VIII. Schism | ||
Benedict V | 964 | |
John XIII | 965–972 | |
Benedict VI | 973–974 | |
Boniface VII ( antipope ) | 974, 984–985 | |
Benedict VII | 974–983 | |
John XIV | Peter Canepanova | 983–984 |
John XV | John Crescentius | 985–986 |
Gregory V | Bruno of Carinthia | 996–999 |
John XVI ( antipope ) | John Philagathos | 997–998 |
Sylvester II | Gerbert of Aurillac | 999–1003 |
John XVII | John Sicco | 1003 |
John XVIII | John Fasanus | 1003–1009 |
Sergius IV | Pietro Buccaporca | 1009–1012 |
Gregory VI ( antipope ) | 1012 | |
Benedict VIII | Theophylact II of Tusculum | 1012–1024 |
John XIX | Romanus of Tusculum | 1024–1032 |
Benedict IX | Theophylact III of Tusculum | 1032–1045, 1047–1048 |
Sylvester III | John of Sabina | 1045 |
Gregory VI | John of Gratian | 1045–1046 |
Clement II | Suidger of Bamberg | 1046–1047 |
Damasus II | Poppo of Brixen | 1048 |
Leo IX | Bruno of Egisheim | 1049–1054 |
| | |
IX. Gregory VII and the Normans | ||
Victor II | Gebhard of Dollnstein-Hirschberg | 1055–1057 |
Stephen IX | Frederick of Lorraine | 1057–1058 |
Benedict X ( antipope ) | John Mincius | 1058–1059 |
Nicholas II | Gérard of Lorraine | 1058–1061 |
Alexander II | Anselm of Baggio | 1061–1073 |
Honorius II ( antipope ) | Peter Cadalus | 1061–1064 |
Gregory VII | Hildebrand | 1073–1085 |
| | |
X. Innocent and Anacletus | ||
Clement III ( antipope ) | Guibert of Ravenna | 1080, 1084–1100 |
Victor III | Desiderius of Monte Cassino | 1086–1087 |
Urban II | Odo of Châtillon | 1088–1099 |
Paschal II | Rainerius of Bieda | 1099–1118 |
Theodoric ( antipope ) | 1100–1101 | |
Albert ( Aleric ) ( antipope ) | 1101–1102 | |
Sylvester IV ( antipope ) | Maginulf | 1105–1111 |
Gelasius II | John of Gaeta | 1118–1119 |
Gregory VIII ( antipope ) | Maurice Burdanus | 1118–1121 |
Calixtus II | Guido of Burgundy | 1119–1124 |
Honorius II | Lambert Scannabecchi | 1124–1130 |
Celestine II ( antipope ) | Teobaldo | 1124 |
Innocent II | Gregorio Papareschi | 1130–1143 |
Anacletus II ( antipope ) | Pietro Pierleoni | 1130–1138 |
Victor IV ( antipope ) | Gregorio Conti | 1138 |
| | |
XI. The English Pope | ||
Celestine II | Guido di Castello | 1143–1144 |
Lucius II | Gherardo Caccianemici | 1144–1145 |
Eugenius III | Bernardo Pignatelli | 1145–1153 |
Anastasius IV | Conrad of Rome | 1153–1154 |