Accepting His Terms (5 page)

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Authors: Isabella Kole

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Accepting His Terms
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He laughed again. “You’re something else, you know that?”

“And don’t you forget it.”

“Wait a minute, who’s in charge here?”

“Why… I don’t know…” she teased.

“You’re trying to get me to spank you again, aren’t you?”

“Am I?” she asked.

He was up out of his lounger and had her in his arms before she could utter another word.

“I think the time has come.”

“I think so too,” she replied.

She allowed him to carry her to the bedroom, where he deposited her on his king-sized bed. As he looked down at her lying on the bed in a sexy pose wearing nothing but her bikini, he took a deep breath and said, “You’re in trouble now, you know that?”

She licked her lips as she allowed her gaze to wander over his body. Tanned, muscled, and hot, in his Speedos, not much was left to the imagination. “That’s what I’m hoping for,” she replied seductively.

She grinned up at him as he sat down and took her in his arms. As his lips found hers, he kissed her softly, grazing his tongue across her teeth. When she opened to allow him access, he plundered her mouth with his hot, wet, demanding tongue. Heat began to build between her legs and spread through her limbs as she ran her fingers through his jet-black hair. He grazed her neck, nibbled at her ear, and moved to her breast. As he licked her right nipple, a shock bolted through her body, eliciting a moan. Never had a lover taken the time to treat her to such ecstasy. Her rendezvous had mostly been a quickie in the back seat of a car or on a couch at some boy’s house. She hadn’t had a lot of experience, at least not with a man like Jarrod, never had she had a lover as hot and as demanding as Jarrod. When his tongue teased her belly, she moaned again.

He looked up at her and grinned as he asked, “Now what was I going to do?”

“I don’t remember,” she teased.

“The more I think about it, I think you really do need another spanking.”

She all but purred when he slid her bikini bottoms down over her legs and over her feet.

“Turn over,” he commanded.


“Shush… it’s okay, baby. This one’s for your pleasure,” he said as his hand brushed her ass.

She did as he asked, giving him complete control.




Jarrod rubbed and caressed her back, leaning over to kiss her neck as he moved down her back. When he reached her ass again, he swatted at it, but this was different, more sensual. Not like before - although the first one had been sexy, it had been more like a real spanking. He had meant business that night, had meant to let her know who was in charge. Today, he meant to tantalize.

He continued to smack her ass softly and inserted a finger, then two into her pussy. When she clamped down around them, he moaned. Rolling her over, his mouth was on her clit, and she was in heaven, thrashing around on the bed, calling his name.

“Don’t come,” he said.


“Not yet,” he explained, as he saw the confused look on her face.

Jarrod continued to tease her with his tongue, licking, lapping, and teasing. When he was sure she was about to explode, he stopped.

“No….” she cried out.

He laughed softly. “It’s okay, baby, I promise… you’re going to thank me later.”

He playfully smacked her ass before he thrust his rock hard cock into her hot, wet core. “Move with me, baby, come on… you know what to do.”

Moving together in a heated frenzy, she wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to drive further inside of her. He whispered her name as he thrust harder, she whimpered, moaned, and cried out as the waves rolled over her again and again in one long, thunderous rush of sensation. As his own release began, he cried out in ecstasy. As he collapsed on top of her, he murmured, “I told you so.”

“Yes, you did… so much better.”

He looked at her and grinned. “Are you admitting I was right?” He smacked her ass again when she giggled and tilted her face up to kiss him. Jarrod didn’t disappoint her when he planted a long, hard kiss on her lips.

“It’s official now, baby, no turning back. I’ve claimed what’s mine. ” He smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair, now a rumpled mess.

They lay quietly in each other’s arms, dozing after that.

“Are you hungry?” he asked a little while later.

“For you,” she replied lazily as she stretched.

“Hmm, in that case, come here. Let’s see what I can do to satisfy that insatiable hunger of yours,” he teased as he nuzzled her neck.

“What are you going to do about it?”

“This,” he said as he took a nipple in his mouth. “And this,” he added as he took the other one in his mouth and treated it to his expert teasing.

“And this,” he said as he moved to her clit.




“Wait,” she said. “Allow me.” She gently rolled him over and gazed at him, enjoying the look of surprise on his handsome face.

As she took his thick, hard cock into her hand, she grinned as she began exploring it with her hand. When she leaned over and took him into the warm cavern of her mouth, he moaned. She licked, teased, and sucked, tantalizing him as he’d done to her. She stopped and said, “Now, don’t come…”

“You little witch,” he said. “Okay, I won’t.”

She began teasing him again, licking the reddish-purple, swollen head before taking him in her mouth, moving her mouth up and down as she sucked, when he told her to stop, she did. Satisfied that she’d all but brought him to the brink, she climbed on, straddled him, and eased herself on to his cock, taking him in slowly. Watching his face, she grinned. She rode him hard and when he came, he shouted her name. She soon lost control and was screaming in delight.

“Damn, woman,” he said as she rolled off him.

“Let’s go for a swim,” she suggested as she stood up and walked into the bathroom.

“Do you ever wear out?”

She giggled as she walked back into the bedroom and put her bikini on. He was still lying in bed.

“Get up,” she said.

“How about you come here?” he asked as he pulled her across his lap. He waited, gauging her reaction to his actions. She seemed restless, as she squirmed, and he realized she needed the swim more than she needed a spanking at that point.

He rubbed her back and her ass. Pretending to swat at her ass, he said, “Do you really want to swim?”

“Well, yes, I thought I did,” she replied with a giggle.

He pushed her off his lap and said, “Okay, you win, let’s go for a swim and then order a pizza. I feel like junk food.”

“You don’t strike me as the type to eat junk food,” she said as he stood up and headed to the bathroom. She admired his backside as he walked away from her.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me yet,” he said with a wink as he closed the bathroom door.

Under her breath, she muttered, “But I’m going to love finding out.”

They spent a perfect weekend together, discovering even more about each other, loving each other, and beginning a relationship that promised to be exciting. But on Monday morning, when they returned to the office, would all that change? So far, it hadn’t, but the closer they became, she wondered if it would.

Chapter Six

Jill walked into the office, dressed conservatively, or at least compared to the way she normally dressed. She tried to act normal around the other employees as if her whole life hadn’t changed drastically. As far as she knew, no one knew about the elevator incident, or that she and Jarrod were dating, or that they were sleeping together.

“How was your weekend, Jill?” one of the secretaries asked.

“Oh, it was good. I relaxed by a friend’s pool and read, swam a little. How was yours?” she asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Went shopping, had a date, the usual.”

Jarrod walked in, smiled at the women gathered around the coffee pot, and told them good morning.

“Jill, I need to see you in my office when you get a chance.”

“Uh, sure, boss. I’ll be right in.”

“Did you get a load of that? Jarrod Baine was actually smiling. He must have had a very good weekend. Wonder who the lucky lady is,” one of the women said.

“I’d like to be the one to warm that cold heart,” another one added. “Wonder if he is as cold in bed as he is in the office?”

“To hell with his heart, I just want to warm his bed,” said another. “He’s way too hot to be a cold fish in the bedroom.”

“You guys are terrible. I’d better go see what he wants,” Jill said, trying not to appear as nervous as she felt about the other women in the office learning about her relationship with Jarrod.

“Yeah, good luck with that, Jill.”

She walked to his office and knocked on the door, before she walked in. He sat behind his desk sipping a cup of coffee. He grinned at her.

“Lock the door.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Don’t worry; I just don’t want anyone bursting in unannounced that might hear our conversation. You don’t want anyone to know about us. Or have you changed your mind about that?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, no, at least not this early on.”

“Okay, lock the door and join me.”

She locked the door, sat down, and took a sip of coffee. “Now, what’s on your mind, boss?”

“I wanted to tell you again how much I enjoyed our weekend together,” he began.

“Thank you, I enjoyed it, too,” she replied.

“I could tell,” he teased.

“Will that be all? I have a lot of work to do,” she said as she stood up.

“Is this how it’s going to be at the office? You turn cold and businesslike?”  he asked as his steel gray-blue eyes met hers.

“Jarrod, please, this is hard for me to differentiate between work and personal time. Just give me some time to get used to the whole idea. I would think you, of all people, would want to behave professionally in the office.”

“Before you, yes. Now I’m not so sure. I’d almost like to announce our engagement to the entire staff. But before you get all huffy with me, I won’t. For one, we aren’t engaged, and I know you’re not ready for anything of that magnitude. I all but forced you into a relationship with me, while we were both upset, no less. I honestly thought you’d pack up your desk and walk out of here that day, after what happened in that elevator.”

“I appreciate that. I’ve never had someone do nice things for me, the way you have. My relationships have been short-lived and unromantic. I always got the idea I wasn’t the kind of girl guys liked to do nice things for.”

“Those guys you dated before obviously were not taking the time to get to know you and must have had only one thing on their minds. You deserve to be loved, Jill, for the beautiful, smart person that you are, inside and out. And I’ll bet you’ve never had anyone spank your ass before, either, have you?” he asked with a gleam in his eye.

“Well, no, I can’t say that I have. I’ve even accepted that aspect of this crazy relationship, so I’d say we’re off to a good start. Let’s not blow it.”

“Kiss me and I’ll let you get back to work.”

“Oh, okay, but really, this is…”

He silenced her with a kiss, passionate and hot. And when he let her go, he swatted her ass and ordered her to go to work.




As Jarrod watched her walk out the door, he sighed. He knew he was in over his head. What had started out as an attraction, had grown into possession and anger at the thought of someone hurting her, and now had changed into full-blown love. He was in love with Jill Lincoln. And she could walk out of his life as quickly as she’d walked into it, if he didn’t play his cards right. He’d let her know where he stood, and he’d made love to her as she’d never been made love to before, but neither of those things guaranteed that she’d stay with him forever.

He tried to turn his attention to his work. How many hours until five o’clock? He finally was able to concentrate and before he realized it, it was time for lunch. He walked to Jill’s office to see if she wanted to join him, but she wasn’t there. Apparently, she’d already gone out. He walked to the deli across the street and ordered a sandwich. As he sat at a table by the window, he looked up and saw Jill… talking to a man… What the hell was she doing? The subject of other men hadn’t come up, maybe it should have. And who was the man? As his blood boiled, he told himself to calm down. She wouldn’t betray him. She was with him; he knew that. She’d never led him to believe she was anything but happy with their situation. But was this man a relative or a friend? Was he safe for her to be with? He watched the scene across the street, saw Jill hug the man, and walk back into the office building. The man walked away.

He made sure he was calm by the time he returned to his office. She hadn’t done anything wrong; he knew that. But the sight of her hugging another man brought out the possessive, protective side of his personality. The magnitude of his feelings for her scared him. Never had he felt this strongly about any of the women in his life. Never had the urge to love, protect, and even discipline been this strong. Hell, spanking hadn’t even been a factor with any other woman. But with Jill, she seemed to like it, seemed to need it, and he was willing to give her anything she needed.

He didn’t summon her to his office when he returned, instead, waiting until the rest of the staff had gone before he called her office.

“This is Jill,” her sweet voice answered.

“This is your boss. My office, now.”

“Hold your pants on, I’m just finishing something.”

“I said now.” He hung up.

Muttering under her breath as she put her work away, she marched into his office.

“What’s so important that I couldn’t finish what I was working on?” she demanded as she walked in.

“Lock the door.”

“This is getting old fast,” she said as she turned the lock.

“Don’t get sassy with me,” Jarrod said harshly. He had to know what was going on.

“I’m sorry, now what’s wrong?”

“I stopped by to see if you’d like to have lunch with me earlier and you were already gone.”

“Yes, I took an early lunch. I had a prior engagement.”

“Prior engagement, you say? What kind of
prior engagement
, Jill?”

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