Accidental Sex Goddess (13 page)

BOOK: Accidental Sex Goddess
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When he pulled away, his chest rose and fell with his breath. He released her wrists but kept one hand in his and led her around to sit on the couch.

She lay down and expected him to follow.
him to follow. She wanted his weight on her, his body closer to hers.

He didn’t. Instead, he shucked her panties from her hips and sat, one of her legs behind him, one on his lap. His eyes flicked to hers—intense, hot, hungry—before returning to that private space between her legs.

He parted her with his thumb and her back arched as the volatile cocktail of pleasure and anticipation whipped through her.

“Come here,” she whispered reaching out for him.

Eyes flashing to hers, he gave her a lopsided grin. “Not yet.” His fingers traced her slick folds and his gaze returned.

He slid a finger into her—out again—slid in a second. She gasped—at his fingers moving inside her, at the look on his face as he watched.

She was no virgin. She’d been with a couple guys, made out with more than that still. Yet, somehow, the way this man
as he moved his fingers inside her was the most erotic experience she’d ever had.

She felt herself edging closer to that elusive summit. Her sex squeezed his fingers, her hips moved—wanting more, more, more.

And when he lowered her head and put his mouth against her clit, she thought she might actually—finally—come.

Her hips lifted off the couch, allowing his fingers to slide deeper. Her breath caught and she grabbed the couch pillow in her fist. Higher and higher, he pulled her.

“Oh, God.” Finally. God, she wanted this and she was—

Across the room his phone buzzed and clattered against the hardwood floor, whipping her out of the moment.

Her hips settled back into the couch, and Ben lifted his head, hot eyes finding hers. “Stay with me.”

She swallowed hard, and squeezed her eyes shut. His fingers pumped in and out of her, and it felt
but the other—that height, that precipice—was gone from her reach.

She couldn’t have this man, this sexy man who looked and touched her like she was a sexual goddess, she couldn’t have him knowing she was cold, that she froze up with men, that she couldn’t experience an orgasm like a normal woman.

He lowered his mouth and took her clit again, and the pleasure was real. It was that reach beyond pleasure that was lost to her. His movements increased in speed and she knew what he wanted, what he expected.

She squeezed the muscles of her sex around his fingers and moved her hips. The phone buzzed and clattered again and she pretended she didn’t hear it. She made all the right noises and moved her body in all the right ways. She couldn’t let this man know that she wasn’t the sexual creature he assumed her to be—so she faked it. And after, when he cupped her gently and lowered himself over her, he was smiling, as if her orgasm had been a gift.

His phone buzzed again.

“Someone’s really trying to get a hold of you,” Reese said softly.

Ben groaned and pushed himself up. “I’ll go turn it off.”

He crossed the room and snatched the phone off the floor, but as his fingers moved across the screen, he froze.

Reese sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“My ex,” Ben said, tucking the phone into his pocket. “I’m sorry about that.”

Reese crossed her arms over her chest, feeling exposed. “She’s really determined to get a hold of you. Do…do you need to call her?” She’d asked because she hadn’t known what else to say.

Ben shoved his hands in his hair and let out a long breath. “No. I’ve said everything I have to say to her. I don’t want her to ruin this.”

“How long were you with her?”

His jaw tensed. “Three years.”

His phone buzzed again. “I’ll turn it off.”

She held out her hand. “Give it to me.”

Ben handed it over, and she opened the history of texts from “Lisa.”

When she read what was there, her heart froze solid in her chest. She forced herself to inhale, and the air burned as she forced it into her lungs. “I’m so sorry.” She handed the phone back to him and watched his face go pale as he read the message that had been sent to his phone five times tonight.

This is Lisa’s mom. Lisa’s been in a terrible car accident and is in ICU at Chicago Methodist. Please come

She heard his sharp intake of breath and her heart broke for him—this man she’d just met, this stranger who’d been touching her, kissing her, in the most intimate way only moments ago. He sunk down into her couch and she knew he’d read the last message.

She’s gone.


Ben parked his truck in front of Reese’s building and turned off the ignition. She hadn’t said a word the whole way home, and it wasn’t the good, sexy silence he’d prefer from a woman he’d been feeling up minutes ago. “I’m not sorry I kissed you.”

Her knuckles were white where she gripped her purse in her lap. “We’re friends.”

The words were a punch in the gut. “That hasn’t changed,” he said softly. “I don’t take you for granted.”

“We’re friends,” she repeated.

“Yeah,” he growled, “friends who have done a hell of a lot more than kiss.”

She froze at that. They didn’t talk about that night. Ever. First, because he hated himself too much when he thought about what he’d been doing while Lisa was dying in a hospital room. Later, they were friends and it was easier to pretend that night hadn’t happened.

Slowly, she turned to look at him. “We agreed we wouldn’t ask each other for more.”

Another blow. She was going to hold him to that old promise. He didn’t ask why. Not only would his pride not allow it, he knew. He’d fucked up once, and Reese wouldn’t give him a chance to hurt her again. He exhaled slowly. “No problem.” Hell, he couldn’t blame her.




“Dad asked me to take some time off work to help with the Granger job.”

Ben set his jaw and turned slowly to his brother. Luke’s bar was crawling with college kids tonight, making the bar louder and less relaxing than how Ben preferred it. “I’ve got it under control.”

Mark lifted a shoulder. “I have the time coming anyway, and I miss working with my hands. It’s no big.”

No big.
That’s how his brother described barging into Ben’s worksite and playing boss for a week.
No big.
He gritted his teeth. “It’s your company too. Do what you want.”

Mark’s eyes turned hard and he stared at Ben. “I will.”

Luke approached them with a pitcher of beer and a try of empty pint glasses. “My dish boy wanted to thank you and Reese for the show you put on behind my bar last night.”

Ben slid quarters into the pool table and began wracking the balls. “There was no show.”

“You and Reese?” Mark studied the pool cues on the wall. “What’s going on there?”

“Nothing,” Ben said. He’d be damned if he was going to talk to
about it. Hell, he didn’t want to talk to anyone about it.

He’d been ready see if he and Reese could make something more of the chemistry between them. He was sick of sitting on his hands, sick of pretending that their time together wasn’t locked and loaded with sexual tension. He’d been ready to try and she’d been itching to end things before they began. Was she still hung up on Mark?

He scowled at his brother. “She said you asked her out.”

Luke thumped Mark’s chest. “She looks hot now, doesn’t she?”

Ben growled and Luke smirked.

Mark lifted a shoulder. “I miss having her at the station.”

“Do you even know what she
when she worked there?”

Mark leaned over the table and took the first shot, scattering the balls across the green felt. “I’m not as oblivious as you think.”

Ben shrugged. “You just suddenly seem a hell of a lot more interested in Reese than you ever were before.”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

Fuck yes.
“A problem with some asshole who only wants her because she got a makeover? Yeah, I do.”

Mark released his cue and it fell on the table with a
. “Is that what you think of me?”

Ben didn’t realize he was closing in on Mark until Luke pushed between them, a palm on each brother’s chest.

“Not here,” Luke warned, looking to Ben then Mark.

Ben’s heart hammered in his ears, and his fists clenched at his sides.

Mark shook off Luke’s hand and backed away. “You think you know me, but you’re as bad as the assholes who listen to my show.”

Ben clenched and unclenched his fists, as if the movement could release his urge to throw punches.

“Who are you mad at here, man?” Luke asked Ben, squeezing his shoulder. “Him or yourself?”

Ben shrugged off his hand. “He’s an asshole.”

The bell at the front rang and three sets of eyes landed on Reese as she ambled through the door.

The sight of her made all the anger drain out of him. He felt his shoulders relax and watched Mark’s do the same.

Jesus. Mark
about Reese. When had that happened? And how had Ben missed it?

Mark pulled his gaze away from Reese and settled it on the pool table.

Ben pressed his cue to Luke’s chest. “I’m not up for this tonight.” He didn’t wait for him to respond before he strode toward Reese.

With every step toward her, he relaxed more. Because she was here. Because even after he’d kissed her, even after she’d put up that damn wall she was so good at erecting, even after she’d walked away from him, she’d come back.

And now she was smiling at him and he didn’t give a damn what his brother wanted.

“I didn’t think I’d see you tonight.” He trapped his hands in his pockets to keep himself from tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked so soft tonight. Soft and sweet in a little pink-dotted dress that cinched under her breasts and showcased her legs.

“I’m meeting Masey.” She wrinkled her nose. “This isn’t going to be awkward, is it?”

“No, not at all,” he said in a rush. Too much of a rush. He swallowed. “We’re still friends. Though I’ll be honest. I wish Lance hadn’t given you the impression friends shouldn’t make out. But I guess I’ll be

She laughed and her shoulders relaxed. “Thanks, Ben.”

He watched her walk to a booth in the corner before making his way back to the guys.

Luke and Mark were watching him, but it was Luke who spoke. “So are you finally going after her or what?”

Ben avoided their eyes as he found his cue stick. “We’re just friends.” If that’s what Reese wanted, that’s the way it would be.

At least until he could change her mind.




Reese looked up from her computer to see ‘The Hawk’ leaning against her door jamb. His broad shoulders nearly filled up the small space, his dark, smoky eyes watching her, his hands jammed into the pockets at his denim-clad narrow hips.

Her fingers paused on her keyboard. He almost looked…vulnerable. She smiled, nearly laughing aloud at the thought.
was probably the worst word to describe Mark Hawk.

Whatever descriptive word best suited him, the effect was endearing.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was hoping to talk to you when my guard dog of a brother wasn’t around.”

She frowned. “Seriously? Why?”

He shrugged and gave a half smile that, for a moment, reminded her of Ben. “I wondered if you’d forgotten you’d promised me a date. And a kiss.”

“Oh.” She hadn’t forgotten. Not exactly, but she’d managed to finish step five without him, and mistake or not, she wasn’t the kind of girl to make out with two brothers in a single week.

“You’re cute when you work,” he said, straightening.

Not what she’d expected. Her mouth dried. “Thanks?” The word came out like a question.

He chuckled. “You’re not good at taking compliments are you?”

Reese tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “It’s never been a personal strength of mine.”

“I’m surprised. Everyone loves you. You must get compliments all the time.”

Her cheeks heated and she grasped for a safe topic. “Have you thought any thought to your costume for the bachelor auction?”

His face went blank.

“Do you even read your work emails?”

His lip twitched. “I would if they were ever any

She laughed, couldn’t help herself. “You’re consistent, Hawk. I can say that for you.”

“Consistent. Yes, that’s how every man dreams a pretty girl will see him.”

She shrugged. “There are worse qualities.”

Mark moved from the doorway and dropped into one of the chairs facing her desk. “I bet you think my brother is something better than

“Ha! Ben is—” She leaned back in her chair and put both hands in her hair, searching for the word.

“Perfect? Hardworking? All my mother ever wanted in a son?”

Reese frowned. “Wow, there was a lot of resentment there. Where’d that come from?”

Mark gave a bashful grin. “Sorry, old rivalries die hard, I guess.”

“I never would have guessed you’d feel so inferior to your brother.”

He lifted a shoulder then leaned forward on your desk. “Ben’s got it good.”

“Sure, but some would argue you do as well.”

“He’s the Midas of construction. Everything he touches is successful.”

“You have a nationally syndicated radio show.”

“His profession is universally respected. Something Mom can brag about to her friends.”

“You have a great salary. A book deal. Fans across the country.”

“Ben has you,” he said softly.

Reese flinched then forced a smile. “What do you mean by that? We’re just friends.” God, she was sick of hearing herself say those words.

He cocked his head. “He’s the reason you panicked about what happened between us. Wasn’t he? He was a mess about Lisa, but you wanted to be there when he snapped out of it.”

She swallowed hard. Mark was too astute. Too on target. “Come on,” she said. “We were drunk and frisky and we both know I’m not your type.”

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