Accidental Slave (24 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #m/f bdsm

BOOK: Accidental Slave
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He let out his breath, which he hadn't realized he’d been holding. It was a small victory, but an essential one. He kept his face impassive and turned his attention to her spread pussy. She was lovely, the spread folds of her labia peeking between her fingers. It was all he could do to stop himself from lifting her off the floor and fucking her then and there.

Instead he said, “Good. Very good. I know this is hard for you. You have a strong will and some modesty issues. We’ll work on that. Modesty has no place between a Dom and his sub. I’m sure you understand that, but you have a lifetime of ingrained behavior to break down and reshape. You can let go of your cunt now, but keep your legs spread.”

He slid from the couch and knelt beside her, unable to keep from touching her. “Stay in position,” he whispered, “hands on your thighs, head down, eyes on the floor.” He kissed her cheek, which was warm from her lingering blush. Wrapping his arm around her, he reached for her smooth cunt and stroked the outer labia. She shivered and leaned against him.

“Stay still,” he admonished. “Back straight.” She obeyed. She was breathing rapidly. He reached for her pussy, this time pressing a finger inside her. She was wet, not just moist, but slick and slippery with desire. However much she protested or blushed, this was turning her on.

He drew his finger out and up, adding another as he slid in sensuous circles over her vulva.

She shuddered and twitched beneath his fingers. “That’s my cunt now,” he whispered close to her ear. “That means it’s my orgasm. You will never, ever come without my permission and without me being there. Understand?”

She nodded, her hips thrusting forward. He pulled his hand away and shook his head. “
orgasm. I’ll give it to you when you earn it. Not a second before. It might be hours or even days before you earn that privilege.”

Elizabeth’s eyes were closed, her chest heaving. Unable to resist, he slipped his hand once more into her sticky sweetness and rubbed until she was moaning and trying to impale herself on him. Though always responsive, she’d never displayed such wanton abandon.

A small blinding rush of hope burst inside him like a flame—she wanted this. Not just to please him. Her reactions now, so early in their training, said more than any words could have.

She began a steady, convulsive shudder, her labia swollen and hot beneath his fingers. Coming to himself, he pulled his hand away and moved from her.

She opened her eyes, their expression pleading. “Don’t stop,” she begged. “I’m so close.”

He hoisted himself back onto the sofa and shook his head. “I told you. You have to earn it.

Now compose yourself.” He watched as a storm of emotions hurtled over her face. Elizabeth was not used to being denied, that much was clear. Yet it was also evident she wanted to obey and was taking this seriously. He waited to see which side in her won—the greedy slut girl or the fledgling sub.

She closed her eyes and began to breathe in a deep, regular pattern. The high flush receded on her cheeks and her shoulders eased, her back straightening. When she opened her eyes, her expression was calm.

Though impressed, Cole didn’t comment directly on her level of control. “Are you ready now to hear the rules?”


“There aren’t too many, but I do expect you to follow these to the letter, or accept that you’ll be punished.” Her eyes widened, the pupils dilating and again she bit her lower bit, but remained silent.

“The first rule is to demonstrate respect at all times. I don’t personally care to be called Master. You may address me as Cole or as Sir, as it suits you. So, just now, when I asked you a question, your answer should have been, ‘Yes, Cole’, or ‘Yes, Sir.’ Got it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He nodded, pleased she’d chosen the more formal title. “Rule number two—you are never, ever to touch yourself sexually without my express permission. I catch you doing that and you’ll be soundly punished.” She thrust her chin forward in a gesture he was coming to recognize as defiance, but she made no overt protest. He let it pass.

“Rule number three—you don’t orgasm without asking my permission first. That’s to remind you your body belongs to me—I will control the level of pleasure and pain.” Her eyes widened again but she said nothing.

He continued. “The most important rule of all, as far as I’m concerned, is open communication. Any time you feel uncomfortable or scared or confused, talk to me. You don’t have to wait to speak until spoken to or any of that crap. I’m taking you at your word that you really want to explore the full potential of a D/s relationship, and that means I’m going to be taking you to places you aren’t comfortable with.

“So I expect you to speak up if you’re having a hard time, okay? That doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll stop whatever I’m doing, but I want to know where your head is at all times. And when I ask you to process the experience with me after a session, I want open, honest answers. Not what you think I want to hear, but what’s really going on inside your head.”

She looked so serious, staring solemnly at him. Should he have left things as they were—

casual spanking games and light bondage? Had he let his own selfish desire to own her convince him she wanted this as much as he did?

“Hey,” he said gently, trying inwardly to calm his own fears. “Come here.” He reached out for her and she rose gracefully and moved toward him. He pulled her down onto his lap.

She nuzzled against his neck. “It’s going to be intense, but I also want it to be fun. I want you to enjoy the experience, okay? Is it what you’re expecting so far? I am going too fast for you?”

She pulled back to look at him. “I want this, Cole. I had a lot of time to think while you were gone. I’ve been…” she seemed to be searching for the word and then she found it, “…

disconnected. Not just from the men in my life, but from myself. I don’t know how to describe it, but since I’ve been with you, since we’ve begun to experiment with D/s and erotic submission, I’ve come alive. I feel vital and excited. I want to go further. I want to find out more. Yes, I know I’m going to fuck up probably, but you have to trust me too, okay? I’m not doing this to please you. I’m doing it because I want it. I want what you offer.”

She paused and he waited, certain she was going to say she loved him, aching to hear it. “I trust you.” After a beat she grinned, adding, “Sir.”

Chapter Seventeen

Elizabeth stared around the room, her eyes darting from here to there like a hummingbird.

He hadn't taken her back to see it since the one and only time he’d showed it to her. This time she noticed the recessed lighting along the ceiling, casting a warm, soothing glow over the room.

The floor was covered in thick, soft carpet, its weave dense and fine. She noticed the leather cuffs dangling from chains hanging from the cement beam were lined with white, soft-looking wool. The restraint table and spanking horse were padded with cushioned leather. The dichotomy of making sure the subject was comfortable while being sexually tortured was not lost on her.

“Safeword.” Cole pulled her from her introspection. “You’re familiar with the term?”

“Yes. Slave Anna’s is pickle.” Elizabeth grinned, though she was nervous at the thought of needing such an escape route. Would things get so intense with Cole she’d be forced to cry out for him to stop?

Cole read her mind, as he so often seemed to. “I hope you’ll never need to use it with me, and if you do come, in time, to truly belong to me, you won’t. But for now, while we’re still learning each other’s rhythms and tolerance, your safeword is red light. I like keeping things simple. You’re only to use it if you absolutely can’t handle what’s happening. It’s a panic button, and as such, I trust you won’t use it lightly. If you do, the action will stop at once, and we’ll regroup and figure out what went wrong.

“You can say ‘yellow light’ if you feel you’re nearing the edge of what you can tolerate, and just need me to ease back a little. But remember, safewords are a last resort. You can always just talk to me—communicate. Tell me you’re having a hard time or need me to back off. I’ll be listening to you. And not just your words, but your body language, too. Okay?”

“Yes,” Elizabeth said, belatedly adding, “Sir.” Cole smiled faintly but said nothing. He advanced into the room and she followed. It was strange to be naked while he was fully clothed.

She felt vulnerable and not a little nervous, but also aroused. Her pussy still throbbed from his touch. Being told to stay still in that subservient position while he manhandled her sex had created a deep, pulling ache of desire inside her. It had taken every ounce of control not to finish the job when he took his hand away. Intellectually, she understood the lessons—self-control and obedience—but that hadn't made it any easier.

“You’ll become intimately acquainted with every device in this room by the end of these two weeks.” Cole walked toward the large cross shaped like a big X, Elizabeth following a pace behind. As they came closer she saw it was covered in soft black leather. “This is called a St.

Andrew’s Cross. Its double frame construction allows the arm, leg, waist and chest straps to be adjusted in height to suit any size person.” He pointed to the wide leather straps hanging at intervals along the cross. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself protectively.

To her relief, he moved past the cross. “This is a spanking horse. You can either lie across or along its length, depending on what I want to do to you. You’ll notice those D rings,” he pointed to large metal rings attached midway on the legs. “Those are for the wrist and ankle cuffs when I want to secure you.”

?” Elizabeth breathed, staring at what looked like a medical inversion table, only decidedly more diabolical. She hadn’t noticed this particular piece of furniture on her first visit.

“Ah.” Cole’s eyes lit up and he flashed an evil smile. “That’s my newest toy. I can’t wait to try it out. It’s called an inversion rack. The leg frames are adjustable and the whole frame can be tilted to 180 degrees.”

Imagining herself strapped onto the rack, tilted upside down, her legs forced wide apart, sent a cold finger of fear down her spine. “Oh, Cole. I couldn’t…you wouldn’t…” Her mouth was dry and she found herself backing away, toward the door.

In a moment he was beside her, taking her into his arms. “You could and you would. You will. But not yet.” He kissed the top of her head and held her close. She relaxed in his arms. “Not until you’re ready. We’ll both know when that is, I promise.”

He let her go and stepped back. “For now, we’re going to start with something you’re more used to. The spanking horse. The only difference is, instead of being draped over my lap, you’ll be bound to the horse. I’m going to cuff your ankles and wrists to give you a taste of bondage. It also helps to keep you still and accessible for me.”

Elizabeth’s ass actually tingled with anticipation. She was nervous at the thought of being bound by her wrists and ankles, but at the same time she was excited. He positioned her across the horse and moved around to face her. “Grab hold of the legs.” Something in his voice was different, less tender than a moment before.

Her heart speeding, she did as he said, hoisting herself forward so she was balanced on the horse at her midriff, her breasts hanging over the rounded edge, her hair falling into her face.

Cole slipped leather cuffs over her wrists and ankles and clipped them to the D rings along the metal legs, locking her in place.

He moved behind her. Elizabeth’s legs were spread wide. Her heart was pounding, her breath ragged, though he’d yet to touch her. She tugged experimentally at her bonds—she was well and truly helpless.

She jumped when his hand caressed her ass. “Shh,” he whispered. “You’re perfect. You’re beautiful. Relax and give yourself to me. This isn’t just about teaching you the pleasure of pain.

It’s about service. It pleases me to bind and expose you like this. It turns me on. I love the feel of your soft skin against my palm, the way your flesh moves, the sounds you make.” As he spoke, he dropped his hand between her legs, caressing and cupping her splayed pussy.

“You’re soaking wet,” he observed with a small, pleased laugh. She shuddered as his fingers slipped into her passage, drawing a moan from her lips. Unable to control herself, she pressed back against his hand, as much as she was able in her bound position.

He stroked her, moving with butterfly softness over her clit while she whimpered with need.

“You ready? I’m just going to use my hand, to start.”

“To start?” she said faintly.

“That’s right. Where we finish is up to you.”

At first his touch was light. It stung, but not too much. Her pussy still throbbed at the memory of his fingers, though his hard palm distracted her. She felt the sharp sting of his hand along her inner thighs. Perversely, her pussy ached so much she thought even a smack on the tender folds would be better than no attention at all. She arched back, sticking out her bottom, further exposing her bared sex.

Obligingly he smacked it. Elizabeth squealed. He refocused on her ass, striking her harder.

The sting at her sex seemed to melt into pure desire. She arched back again but was ignored, as Cole focused on her ass and inner thighs.

“Ow, it

He didn’t respond, except by hitting her harder. She began to jerk in her bonds, but her own position, bent over the spanking horse as she was, kept her stable. “Please, please, oh, oh, oh…”

“Please what?”

“Please…” she didn’t say what she really wanted, too shy, too confused to even admit it to herself. He continued to smack her ass, the sting shifting to fire, nearly too much to tolerate. At the same time, her sex was on fire of a different kind. She thrust it back at him, too hot to care what a lewd picture she must present.

“Please what? Say what you want, Elizabeth. Tell me. Say what you

She gasped as his fingers grazed her spread sex, teasing her, driving her wild. “Please, yes…” she whispered, unable to finish the sentence. How could she admit what she wanted? She could barely believe herself that she did want it, yet the ache in her pussy was nearly intolerable.

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