Accidentally in Love (14 page)

Read Accidentally in Love Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #M/M Contemporary, #Contemporary, #Gay, #Source: Amazon

BOOK: Accidentally in Love
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“I want your mouth on me.” A flood of scarlet heat washed over him. Tom was blushing while Cal was smiling as if he’d been given a gift. “I don’t know how long I’ll last, but—”

“I’ll make it good for you,” Cal assured him and gave Tom the gentlest of pushes, moving him a foot or so until his back was against the wall by the door. The flat, cool surface gave him something solid to move on, even if it wasn’t really holding him up.

He expected Cal to swallow him whole, dazzle and destroy him in a few brief, crowded moments. Cal didn’t even touch the bobbing, beckoning cock in front of him. His first kiss was to the hollow of Tom’s hip, a warm, soft press of his lips that had Tom fighting to keep his eyes from closing. He didn’t want to miss a second of this.


Cal took his time, scattering more of those lingering kisses across Tom’s stomach and down into the crease of his thigh. Tom curled his fingers into tight fists and panted, arching forward, wordlessly begging for more.

“If you want more, tell me,” Cal said, just a trace of amusement showing.

Tom shook his head to clear it and took a deep breath. “That’s good. That’s really nice.”

,” Cal said, a throaty purr of agreement that Tom felt down to his toes because Cal had his mouth on Tom’s skin when he did it, a bare inch from the tip of Tom’s cock.

“But you know you’re teasing me,” Tom went on, striving to keep his voice light, as amused as Cal’s. “I’m good at waiting. I’ve waited years for—” Cal swirled his tongue in a tight, wet circle over the place he’d kissed and blew on it. Tom cracked, reaching out to thrust his hands through Cal’s hair to cradle his head and hold it still. “Oh God, suck me. Please. Jesus, Cal, I’m

. I’ve got you.” Cal settled his own hands on Tom’s hips to steady him, then leaned in and licked a line up the length of Tom’s cock, his tongue flat and wet. “Fuck my mouth,” he said, and whatever was left of Tom’s self-control was shattered at the sound of those words and the knowledge of what they meant.

Cal’s lips closed around the tip of Tom’s erection, and Tom, eager beyond measure, let his hips thrust forward. Watching his cock disappear into Cal’s mouth, Cal’s lips pink and stretched tight, made Tom groan. Cal made an answering groan, and the vibration of it traveled into Tom’s balls and the pit of his stomach. “God, Cal. Good.”

Pulling back, Cal licked at the head of Tom’s cock, and even that seemed so much like teasing that Tom couldn’t bear it. He used his grip on Cal’s hair to tug his head forward, and Cal obeyed, parting his lips and letting Tom into his mouth again, damp suction that felt like it was begging for Tom to give up his orgasm.


Tom panted, trying to hold off. “Cal. Cal, I can’t—” It felt
so good
, and he wanted to come so badly. Yet another part of him didn’t want this to be over. He bit the inside of his cheek and tried to think of something boring, something decidedly unsexy,
. Cal looked up at him and slid one of the hands on Tom’s hip around to his ass, caressing the skin there, and did something Tom hadn’t anticipated. He took Tom in all the way, the head of Tom’s cock bumping the back of Cal’s throat.

With a relieved cry, Tom came in strong pulses, head tilting back and his eyes closing as the sheer pleasure of it grabbed him and held on. It seemed to last for a long time; twice, he thought it was over and then Cal swallowed around him and wrung another spasm from his exhausted flesh.


Nothing that good could last forever, though, and when Tom felt a twinge of discomfort from overly sensitized skin, his cock beginning to soften, shrinking away from the slow lap of Cal’s tongue, he patted clumsily at Cal’s shoulder. Cal pulled back at once, opening his mouth to let Tom’s cock slide free, though he didn’t rush it. The loss of the welcoming warmth of Cal’s mouth and the knowledge that his first time was over tore a protesting whimper from Tom. Cal soothed him with a kiss where his first had been, in the hollow of Tom’s hip, then stood and gathered Tom to him in a hug.

Tom let himself be held, aware that he was shaking as if he’d been standing under an ice-cold shower. He bit down on his lip to keep himself from saying something stupid, but he couldn’t stop shaking.


“Come and lie down with me?” Cal said, his voice low, undemanding.

Tom nodded jerkily and let himself be led over to his bed. The comforter was pulled down, just as he’d left it when he’d gotten out of bed, and it was easy to slide back into bed and tug the comforter up.

“Do you mind if I take these jeans off?” Cal asked, his fingers plucking restlessly at the button holding his jeans closed. “You don’t have to do anything to me. I mean that. No pressure, but right now they feel like they’re two sizes too small.”

Tom swallowed. “Take everything off,” he said, his voice rasping in a dry throat. “And I want to do something to you. God, I want to do everything to you. I’m just not sure anything I do will make you feel the way I do now.”

“You can’t go wrong,” Cal said unevenly. “I’m so hard that you could touch the end of my fucking nose and I’d probably come.”

Cal skinned out of his clothes without making it into a tease, still graceful, moving fast. He bent to pull back the comforter on his side of the bed.

“Wait.” Cal froze in place. “Let me look at you? Just for a second?”

Cal straightened, a faint smile appearing as he put his hands on his hips. “Look all you want.”

There was something about Cal’s confidence that was so appealing that Tom couldn’t have looked away. He rolled onto his side and hitched himself up onto one elbow, letting his gaze move slowly across the expanse of Cal’s bare body. Long legs—not as long as Tom’s, because Cal was a couple of inches shorter. Not a lot of hair, and what there was looked soft. Flat stomach, muscled upper arms. And, erect and impossible to ignore, Cal’s cock, flushed with desire.

“What do you think?” Cal asked with more vulnerability than Tom would have guessed.

“You’re amazing. Seriously. I can’t believe you’re here…with me.”

“I can’t believe I’m this lucky,” Cal said.


Tom shook his head. “I’m the lucky one. Now get yourself over here.” Obviously, he was still high, endorphins rushing through him making him bold in new and surprising ways.

Cal joined him in the bed, leaving a little bit of space between them like he didn’t want to put pressure on Tom. As far as Tom was concerned, Cal’s thoughtfulness gained him even more points, or would have if they’d been keeping score. He did lean in and kiss Tom, though. “Pinch me?”

“Really?” Tom did, and Cal yelped.

“Okay, good. At least now I know I’m awake.” Cal stroked a hand along Tom’s side to his hip, and Tom felt his cock stir slightly. “Could we just kiss for a while? We don’t have to do anything else. Unless you want to.”

“I want to.” Tom shifted closer until Cal’s erection was pressed to him. “There, that’s better.”

Cal answered him with a kiss, liquid soft, his mouth moving against Tom unhurriedly at first until Tom ran his hand down Cal’s back to cup his ass.

Cal jerked his head back, his body taut. “Tom—”

“If you’re trying to be a gentleman, you can stop,” Tom said. It probably wasn’t physically possible for him to get hard again right away, but his cock was trying valiantly to prove him wrong. “I’m still turned on. I shouldn’t be after what you just did, and you probably can’t tell, but I’m so…” He exhaled sharply and bent his head, biting at Cal’s shoulder, his hand moving over Cal’s ass—his tight, muscular, sexy ass—in an attempt to show Cal what he couldn’t articulate. “God, Cal, do something. Kiss me again, touch me… I don’t know. I want you to come. I want to
you come. Tell me what you like, and I’ll do it.”

He felt as frustrated as if he hadn’t just climaxed. He’d come, yes, but Cal hadn’t, and until Cal did with Tom involved in some way, this wasn’t over.

“Can we just do this?” Cal rocked his hips forward, rubbing his cock against Tom. “Fuck, you feel so good. I knew it would be like this with you.” He shoved forward more aggressively and cradled the back of Tom’s skull with one hand, kissing him harder. “Yeah, like this.”

Tom wished he
get hard again, because he was pretty sure he’d never known anything that felt like having a naked, aroused Cal writhing against him. “Want to feel you come,” he muttered. “Come on, Cal. Come for me.”

Cal trembled and groaned into Tom’s mouth. Like this, on the edge, he wasn’t the confident man Tom had come to know. Instead, he was vulnerable, and Tom was aware of how easy it would be to hurt him. Somehow, that knowledge took the edge off his own need, and he was able to concentrate completely on Cal, every molecule of him focused on the sound of Cal’s breathing and the way his pulse fluttered under Tom’s fingertips.


“Please,” Cal whispered, shifting away, and Tom could hear what he was asking, reached down and closed his hand around Cal’s erection, and Cal moaned. “Tom. Love—” He moaned again, and Tom felt Cal’s cock surge and pulse in his grip, then the wet slick of fluid.

Cal pressed closer, trapping Tom’s hand between them, his palm tight on the back of Tom’s neck. Tom felt his breath quicken, as if he’d been the one climaxing with Cal. In this bed, a cock in his hand, his skin streaked and messy, felt only too familiar, yet Cal’s presence beside him changed everything.

He kissed Cal’s temple, the skin sweat-damp and warm, and tried to get even closer without moving his hand. He wanted to feel Cal against him, their bodies fitted together snugly. He couldn’t get enough of this, though he was braced for Cal to pull away, jump out of bed, leave. “So good,” he murmured, echoing Cal’s words. “God, Cal, I never thought it’d be like that.”

There was no reply for a long few moments; then Cal took Tom’s face in his hands and kissed him. “Neither did I,” he said, sounding awed. “I just… God, I want…” He shook his head and kissed Tom again.


They lay there for a while, twisted around each other, until finally Cal sighed and pulled back, looking down along the length of their bodies.

“Got us all sticky,” he said ruefully.


“It’s not like I minded,” Tom told him.

“Still. Sorry.” Cal gave him a glance that was almost shy. “We could take a shower together?”

Tom nodded. “We could. Why wouldn’t I want to do that?”

“I don’t know.” Cal shrugged. “Maybe it’d be a little too, um…personal?” He paused, then laughed. “I sound like an idiot, don’t I?”

“Nah. Come on, let’s go.” Patting Cal’s hip, Tom got up, untangling himself from the covers.

The bed was going to need changing too. For once, even the thought of extra laundry couldn’t dim Tom’s good mood.

“I’m starving,” he said when they reached the bathroom. “After this, we could maybe go out for breakfast? My treat. I’m in a pancake mood.”

Cal reached into the shower and turned on the spray. “We could. Or we could stay here mostly naked, and make up for lost time. And don’t worry about breakfast. I can’t promise they’ll be perfectly round, but I’ve been told I make a mean pancake.”

Tom scratched absently at his stomach until he realized just what was flaking off under his nails. “Are you saying I’m your love slave for the day, and you’re paying me in batter and syrup?”

“Love slaves don’t get paid, but other than that, you’re definitely on the right track,” Cal said and stepped under the spray. “Get in here before we soak the floor. My landlord’s fussy as hell about that.”

Tom took a moment to admire Cal naked and wet, the rivulets of water coursing over his chest, outlining each contour. Then he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. The small space was noisy and already filling with steam. Cal evidently liked his showers just short of scalding.

“Now this is what I’ve really been missing,” Tom said, taking advantage of the fact that they were so close and touching Cal with as much of his body as he could. “Mm. Forget pancakes. I want to stay here all day.”

“You won’t when the hot water runs out.” Cal turned him so he was under the water. “Close your eyes. I want to wash your hair.”

“There are other parts of me that need the washing more,” Tom said. Nevertheless, he obeyed. “God, it’s close to boiling. Don’t you burn your skin off?”

“No.” Cal reached around behind Tom and adjusted the temperature to something more reasonable. “Keep your eyes shut.”

“I’ve been washing my own hair since I was about ten,” Tom pointed out. He stopped complaining, though, when Cal started to massage shampoo into his scalp. It felt good, and he stayed just like that, doing nothing more than occasionally tilting his head in a helpful way.

“You’re done,” Cal said from behind him when Tom was beginning to feel waterlogged despite being too content to protest. Cal’s hands slid down Tom’s chest, pausing for a fraction of a second before caressing lower, cupping Tom’s balls gently. “Oh, wait. I missed a bit.”

“God.” The word escaped Tom before he’d known he was going to speak. “You. Are mean.”

“Oh, really? This is mean?” Cal played with him, rolling his balls back and forth until Tom’s cock started to fill. “So, I guess I should stop being mean,

Tom clamped his hand around Cal’s wrist. “No. Keep being mean.” Pretty soon the water would get cold, but in that moment, he wished Cal would keep being mean to him for the next two hours at least.

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