Aced (20 page)

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Authors: Ella Frank,Brooke Blaine

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Aced
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“You don’t have to be so hard on the guy,” Ace said. “He’s new at this.”

“Don’t tell me how to do my job,” Ron said, and then he lifted his ball cap, ran his fingers through his hair, and placed it firmly back on his head. His shirt today said, appropriately enough,
WARNING: This Shirt May Contain an Asshole.
“We’re already behind schedule and over budget, and we don’t have fucking time to stop every five seconds to babysit this kid.”

Ace crossed his big arms over his chest. “He doesn’t need babysitting, but you yelling at him constantly isn’t doing anything to help his nerves.”

Oh God, Ace, shut up.
I had to grind my molars together so I didn’t start yelling at him to zip his damn lips.

“So you’d rather I coddle him instead?” Ron turned to look out at the actors still standing there in the fake storm and called out, “Do any of you need me to coddle and wipe your asses? Anyone?” When no one said a word, he circled back to Ace and cocked his head to the side as if to say,
Next point?

was he trying to make things worse? Ron obviously already had it out for me, so the last thing I needed was Ace coming to my defense, especially since it seemed to make things worse.

“There’s no need to be a dick,” Ace said, and then he walked back over to where he’d been waiting to enter the scene. When he looked up, he locked eyes with me, but I couldn’t take the apology on Ron’s behalf that I saw there. My gaze dropped to the ground as I stood there shaking, and not from the cold rain beating down on my back.

How could he make me look like such an idiot? Like I was incompetent, so hey, let’s all tiptoe around the newbie.

Shaking my head in disgust, I tried to calm my racing heart, but there was no way it was settling down after that. It was a good thing I was supposed to be pissed off in this scene, because there was also no way I could’ve faked something different. And I planned to use every bit of the aggression and frustration I felt at that moment to nail the fuck out of this scene.


* * *

MY HAND WENT to the back of my neck and massaged the muscles there as I looked for where Dylan had walked off after the final shot of the day had wrapped. He’d seemed to be avoiding me all afternoon instead of catching my eye and sending me a broad smile, which usually happened when we were shooting together.

My guess was that Ron continuing to jab at him had him focusing on not fucking up, and I couldn’t blame him. We’d all been there. Hell, even now there were certain directors I wouldn’t work with because they were tyrants. Ron was usually one of the good guys, but anyone would crack under the pressure of losing thousands, even millions of dollars with delays that had come from rearranging the schedule after the tank we were using for most of the movie had cracked. So I couldn’t fault the guy for being in a shitty mood, but I also couldn’t help but be protective over the man I’d been keeping in my bed. And his.

Grinning to myself, I made my way out of the soundstage and headed across the street to my trailer. A long, hot shower followed by dry clothes sounded like the perfect way to unwind after a fourteen-hour day, and though I would’ve preferred a certain naked someone joining me, I figured he was already doing the lather and rinse on his own. We hadn’t made plans for tonight, but maybe I could entice him into dinner and then dessert in bed.

Mmm, now that sounds like the best way to end the day.

After stepping inside the trailer, I kicked off my shoes and peeled off the pants sticking to my legs like a second skin. I dropped them on the tiled floor of the kitchen, and as I unbuttoned the Navy jacket, I heard heavy footsteps on the steps to the trailer. I turned around just in time to see the door burst open and Dylan’s tall frame step inside.

He was still dripping wet, the expression on his face thunderous, and his hands were clenched into fists. As he kicked the door shut behind him, he stepped forward and said, “What the
was that today?”

My fingers stilled on the buttons of my jacket. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” Dylan said, coming toward me. “Why the hell did you go and make a scene today?”

Wait…he’s mad at
“What did I do?”

“You know exactly what you did. You embarrassed me in front of the entire cast and crew, and made me look like a fuck-up.”

“Are you talking about when I stood up for you? Is that what you’re upset about?”

“I don’t need you standing up for me. You just made things worse, and now Ron thinks I need my boyfriend defending me because I can’t fucking cut it.”

“Wow,” I said, rearing back like I’d been slapped. I took my time before I responded, unfastening the jacket and then laying it over the table before I faced him again. I kept my voice low and steady when I said, “No one knows I’m your
, so let’s just get that straight first, shall we? Second, I know good and damn well you don’t
me to do anything, but considering I saw someone getting singled out unfairly today, I thought I needed to say something. It just so happened to be you getting the shit treatment, so fuck me for trying to get him off your ass.”

“I don’t need your help. I can do this on my own damn merit, so take your good intentions and shove ’em up your ass.”

I stepped in close, my jaw clenched tight. “We haven’t quite gotten around to shoving things up my ass yet, and honestly, my intentions wouldn’t be my first choice. So why don’t you settle down and talk this out with me. I had to deal with Ron all day too, you know.”

“Yeah, but the difference is, he can’t fire the great Ace Locke, but he sure as shit can fire me in a snap of his fingers if he wanted to. So if I have to stand there and take whatever he dishes out, then I’ll do it, and I don’t need you or anyone else getting involved and trying to play Mr. Fix-it.”

“Fine,” I growled.


Then he spun on his heel to leave, and I moved quickly to step in front of the door before he could reach it.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked.

“Fucking leaving, so move.”

Shaking my head, I said, “No, see, that’s not the way it works. Get pissed at me all you want, but fight it out here and get it off your chest. Don’t go fuming when I’m not around to defend myself.”

“Get out of my way.”

“Go shower and then we can talk reasonably.”

“How about you go fuck yourself.”

I gave a humorless laugh. “Ordinarily I’d do that while thinking of you in my shower, but my cock’s feeling a little deflated at the moment.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve heard horny goat weed helps with that,” Dylan said, and then it seemed to occur to him what he’d said, and his lips twitched.

My shoulders relaxed a fraction as some of the tension drained from the room. “We both know I don’t need any help with that when you’re around.” Making my point, I reached down to where an erection was straining against my soaked boxer briefs.

Dylan’s eyes followed my hand, and then one of his eyebrows shot up. “Doesn’t look too deflated to me,” he said, meeting my gaze.

“Apparently it doesn’t seem to mind when you go apeshit. Likes it, even. Kinda hot when you’re all pissed off.”

“So you get turned on when people yell at you?”

“No one yells at me,” I said, taking a step forward and bringing our bodies closer together. “Not ever.”

“Never? Must be hard to get what you want all the time.”

“Oh it’s hard, all right.” I took his hand and placed it over my stiff cock, and when he didn’t pull away, I said, “But it’s only recently that I’ve gotten what I really want.”

“What’s that?”

“The fuck do you think it is.” My hands went to either side of his face, and I leaned in and sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. He didn’t move away, but he didn’t reciprocate either. “You,” I whispered against his lips, and kissed him softly. Dylan’s mouth remained an impenetrable fortress, but I knew I’d wear him down…eventually. And sure enough, the taut stretch of his lips softened under mine, and when they parted and my tongue dipped inside, I claimed him.

Walking him backward until his back hit the wall, I kissed away every bit of the anger and resentment he’d directed my way, and as I did, my fingers were also busy unfastening his jacket and his pants. His mouth was hungry, and his hands gripped my ass, pulling me harder against him, and when he gasped against my lips, I stepped away and smiled.

“Now,” I said, pulling my wet shirt over my head and letting it fall to the floor with a loud smack. “Get your sexy ass naked and get in my shower.


Dylan’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t just kiss me and make everything better, ya know.”

“Yes, I can. The expression is ‘kiss and make up’ for a reason. And considering you just called me your boyfriend, I’d say that’s well within my right.”

“I didn’t mean it.”

My lips quirked up. “Yes, you did.”

“Nope,” Dylan said, shaking his head. “Besides, I need you to grovel some more. Maybe on your knees, maybe letting me drive your car…”

I laughed. “I’ll think about it while you shower.”

“Such a bossy fucker. But don’t worry,” he said, reaching down to his erection. “Apparently
cock likes that.”

Leaning forward to take his mouth in a kiss, I barely brushed my lips against his before he ducked past me and walked off toward the shower.

“Grovel first, touch me later,” he called over his shoulder, and with a groan, I massaged the ache between my thighs.

Something told me groveling on my knees wouldn’t quite cut it, so as I sat down at the kitchenette, I scrolled through my cell phone until I found the number I was looking for. After pressing the call button, I held it up to my ear, and when a friendly voice greeted me, I said, “Hey, Mateo. I need a favor.”




WHEN I GOT out of the shower, I found Ace sitting at the small kitchenette with a beer on the table in front of him. He’d pulled on a pair of sweatpants and there was a towel hanging around his neck as he twirled his cell phone on the table. He was staring out the window and didn’t see me approach, but when I slid into the seat opposite him, he brought his eyes around to find mine and gave me a blinding smile.

“Did you leave me any hot water in there?” he asked.

“Hey, you said go and take a shower. You didn’t say it had to be a quick one.”

He slid the towel down one side of his neck as he moved to get out of the tight booth.

“Plus,” I continued, “I was freezing after spending all day in the rain. If I didn’t warm myself up I would’ve been in real danger of freezing my balls off.”

Ace walked over to my side, placed his palm on the table, and leaned down to kiss me. When he lifted his head, he winked and said, “We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

I slicked my tongue along my lips and shook my head. “I wouldn’t think so.”

“Mhmm,” he agreed, and then narrowed his eyes. “So, about this groveling…”


“How do you feel about dinner?”

I knew exactly what Ace was asking me, but since I was still of a mind to make him work a little, I angled my head, mulling over his words. “Well… As a rule, I feel very strongly about dinner. Usually because I’ve worked my ass off all day and am starving.”

“Okay, smartass. I meant, how would you feel about dinner with me?”

“We’ve eaten dinner together all week, so if that’s the best you’ve got—”

“Not at
house or yours,” Ace said. “I want to take you out somewhere.”

My shock must’ve been obvious, because he laughed and tapped the underside of my chin, shutting my slack jaw.

“No need to look so shocked.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m speechless, and let’s face it, that doesn’t happen often. Aren’t you worried that people will follow us?”

“Nope. Are you?”

“Uhh…” I didn’t think I was. But why was Ace all of a sudden Mr. fucking Calm?
“No. I don’t care, but I thought—”

Ace rapped his knuckles on the top of the table and said, “Good. It’s all taken care of. So maybe just change into that spare pair of jeans you had me stash here, and when I get out we can be on our way.”

I frowned at his smug face and asked, “Where are we going?”

He shook his head as he backed up the narrow corridor to where the shower was, and as he went he inched the fabric of his pants down his hips, giving me a glimpse of all I had said no to earlier. Which, I now realized, was a stupid thing to do.

“It’s a surprise. You said I had to grovel. So I’m going to show you just how good I can be at begging.”

When he pulled open the shower stall door, Ace dropped the pants to his ankles and glanced over at me, to no doubt see me drooling all over myself at the sight of him naked. Then he stepped into the shower and shut the door behind him.

Damn, the man was fine.
I hated being mad at him. And I knew he would be hard to ever stay angry at, because really, in the face of all of that, who could even remember they had a brain? Let alone how to use it. But today
been a total clusterfuck, and Ace hadn’t helped matters at all. Maybe it could be salvaged, though. Ace seemed to have an idea up his sleeve,
or no sleeve
, I thought, and I was curious about what it might be. I couldn’t imagine that in the space of a week, Ace had decided he was okay with the paparazzi following us around and snapping photos—so yeah, I was eager to know where he thought he could take me where no one would recognize him. Because as far as I was aware, that was nowhere on the planet that had access to a movie theater or DVDs.

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