Ace's Wild (11 page)

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Authors: Erika van Eck

BOOK: Ace's Wild
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    I change into basketball shorts and get under the
covers. I know I should be thinking about what the guys just told me and maybe I would be if things didn’t feel as settled with them now. But all I can think of right at this moment is long auburn hair, deep blue eyes, and plump pink lips.

    My girl. Melody is officially my girl.

    I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 10






    My eyes pop open and my chest heaves trying to suck oxygen into my lungs. I wipe the sweat from my brow and sit up to get bearings on my surroundings. I press my knees together to help quench the burning deep within, but the only cure for that is Ace Caplin.

    He stars in my dreams regularly but the last couple of weeks it has been out of control. Then he made it official between us a few days ago, and I’m left a ticking time bomb of sexual frustration. Every time things start to escalate something or more like
interrupts us. I can’t wait until he moves into his new place.

    I get out of bed and grab my bag of shower essentials before exiting my room and walking down the hallway to the bathroom.

    It’s finally Thanksgiving and although I’ve been looking forward to today, I keep getting a bad feeling in my stomach like something is going to go wrong. I push the feeling to the side as much as I can but there’s still a red flag up in the back of my mind.

    I invited Sara, Nate, and of course Ace. I invited Andy as well but it turns out he’s finally meeting his boyfriend’s parents. I’m so happy things are working out well with them, Andy deserves it after everything he’s been through.

    After my shower I dress into a knit sweater dress and leggings. I comb my hair into a side knot and then put light makeup on. I slip on a pair of my favorite flats and walk out of my room, ready for what the day has to bring.

    Already the house is filled with the delicious smells of the holiday. The turkey is in the oven, and my mom is beginning to prep everything else. I throw on an apron and join her. We spend most of the morning getting everything ready, my mom is unusually quiet and that only makes the red flag in my mind more prominent. She doesn’t get like this often but when she does it’s because she’s keeping something from me.

    I stop in the middle of making the green bean casserole, turn toward her, and bring my hand to my hip. “Spill it.”

    She shakes her head from the thoughts that are obviously bothering her and looks up at me. She raises her mouth into a smile and immediately hides the sour expression that has been on her face most of the morning. “What are you talking about sweetie?”

    “Mom, I’m not kid. I know when something is bothering you.”

    She crosses her arms in front of her chest. “First of all, you will always be a kid to me. I’m your mother. Secondly, it’s nothing that I need to bother you with, just… work stuff.”

    I laugh and go back to working on the casserole. “I’ll leave you alone but just know that I’m onto you.” I look back at her and raise my eyebrows in an expression that tells her so. She rolls her eyes and goes back to food prepping.

    We get mostly everything ready and when it gets to be twenty minutes before company is due to arrive I go into Lucas’ gamer cave and tell him it’s time to come out. He grumbles a bit but obliges. I walk to the living room to turn on the football game for the guys. We’re not huge sports fans in this household but I made a deal with Nate that we’d put the game on for him if he comes. I’m pretty sure he would have come no matter what, Sara has a tight grip on him even though he won’t admit it.

    Over the past weeks since Ace and I have been spending more time together I’ve become great friends with Nate. Ace pretends to be annoyed by it because Nate and I tend to give him a hard time, usually by calling him by his birth name. But a few weeks ago Nate told me that Ace squeals like a little girl when people sneak up on him. After finding out that tidbit of information, I had to find out for myself so one night Nate and I set it up.

    The thing with Nate’s house is that he has a long
hallway that connects to the living room and kitchen. The hallway has zero light at night. There’s a hall light, but the light bulb is burnt out and of course it has yet to be changed. Anyways, the deal was that a Chewbacca masked Nate would hide in the hallway as soon as Ace went to the bathroom. When Ace came out Nate jumped at him and the girl squealing commenced. This all happened while I was sitting on the couch in perfect view of it all. Never in my life have I laughed so hard, it took me a good ten minutes just to calm myself.

    Ace put Nate in a headlock, and they began their own wrestling match. Which fueled my giggles even more.

    The memory brings a smile to my face as I’m flipping through channels to get to the game. As I’m setting the remote down I hear a knock at the door but my mom is already turning the knob before I turn the corner into the foyer. She opens the door and smile that was on my face only a moment before drops as my dad walks in. The breath is knocked from my lungs, and my feet are glued to the ground beneath them.

    I knew my mother was hiding something from me, I freaking knew it. I can’t believe she’d do this without telling me. I know she’s trying to give me a little push into forgiving him but I just can’t. Even more so when she blindsides me like this.

    My dad says his hellos to my mom and Lucas, who is practically jumping up and down with excitement.

    After embracing Luke in a hug, my dad looks at me and my stupid feet still won’t move. I want to avoid him, I don’t want this interaction forced upon me, but for my mom I’ll at least make an attempt at being civil. I try to smile in his direction but all I can manage is a grimace.

    Then I hear her. Emma.

    I should have known that, of course, if my dad is here that means that his
is too but I guess my mind was still processing my dad’s presence.

    The grimace that was on my face before turns into what I can only describe as a silent snarl. Hell, I may very well be snarling loudly and not realizing it. I’m so pissed off right now that I’m not sure how crazy I look at the moment. Assuming by the look on my dad’s face, I must look like I’m about to lose my shit. Maybe because I am.

    “What the
is she doing here?” I snap.

    “Melody Grace! Watch your mouth!” my mom yells at me.

    I’m not generally the type who curses, but I think the situation warrants it. It’s not a common occurrence that you’re forced to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner with your ex-best friend who now happens to be your father’s new wife. Jerry Springer here we come.

    Emma is still mostly out of view, she’s peeking around my dad with a mask of terror lacing her plain features.

    She pulls on his arm. “Let’s go Charlie, this wasn’t a good idea.”

    My mother cuts in. “That’s not necessary Emma. You guys drove all the way here for a nice Thanksgiving meal, and that’s what you’ll get.” She smiles.

    I’m baffled at my mother’s friendly demeanor with these two traitors. She’s either got a screw loose or she’s a saint. I’m beginning to lean toward the former.

    We’re still in our silent stand-off. My dad and Emma have barely gotten through the door. Emma still has a grip on his arm, and Luke is holding his other. They’re all staring at me as if I’m the bad guy, as if I’m the one who is in the wrong here.

    I wish Ace were here. He should be soon, but I’m not sure I can hold off my crazy that much longer.

    I relax my stance a bit with the comfort that my friends will be here soon. That’s the support system that I need to get through this day. I know Sara is going to be just as baffled as I am.

    They notice my shoulders relax and my hands loosen from the tight fist they made before. My dad looks down at Emma and gives her a nod saying it will be okay. Oh, barf.

    My mom mouths a silent thank you to me, and I shake my head. I’m not going to deal with her right now. I turn around and make my way to the kitchen to pretend like I’m busy so I don’t have to make small talk with

    I decide to make a plate of cheese and crackers for everyone to snack on. I hear them chattering away in the living room, but I’m so deep in my self-
pity that I don’t pay a lick of attention to what’s being said.

    Maybe I am overreacting, or maybe I’m not reacting as much as I should be. My mind is a big mess right now, and the only time I feel centered is when Ace is near. He’s become my home base, everything is as it should be when he’s near. I just have to make it a few more minutes, and I’ll be fine. I wiggle the anger induced shakes from my fingers, and I silently chant
it’s going to be okay
over and over until I feel a little less on edge.

    After arranging the crackers on the tray, I take a deep breath and make my way to the living room. As I round the corner to the living room I’m left speechless for the third time within ten minutes. Everything may look normal to a stranger’s point of view, it may look like a family enjoying small talk while sitting around the living room, but my eyes zero in on the new discovery that has whipped the words out of my mouth.

    The swollen midsection of Emma. She’s either become a beer drinker since I saw her last or she’s pregnant. By my guess it’s the latter.

    The tray of crackers falls from my hands and once again all eyes are on me. Emma nervously stands from her seat. “Melody, we’ve been trying to tell you for the last few months. We’ve called and messaged you so many times but you never pick up-“

    “Don’t.” I put my hand up. “Do not talk to me like this is okay. This is NOT okay!” I look over at my father’s shocked expression. “You can’t even take care of the children you already have. What are you thinking?” I spit out at him. My mother stands and takes a few steps toward me. I look over at her and wave my hand in my dad and Emma’s direction. “You knew about this?” Hurt laces my voice. As much as I’d like to lash out at my mother too, I know she’s silently hurting as much as I am. She hesitates for a moment before nodding her head in disappointment.

    That’s the last straw for me, I turn on my heel and storm out. I hear my mom’s shaking voice call after me but I don’t pause in my angry steps. I keep going.

    I’m halfway down the street when a car pulls up on the side of me. I don’t look up to see who it is but I immediately know when I hear the car door open and strong arms wrap around me. As soon as Ace’s scent entangles me just as tightly as his arms, I melt into a pile of tears against his chest. I don’t know what’s going on around me, and I don’t care, Ace is here now.

    I’m a dripping sobbing mess as Ace picks me up and cradles me to his chest. He gently sets me down in the car and helps buckle me. I vaguely notice that it’s Sara’s car, her and Nate are occupying the front seats while Ace buckles up next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders in a half embrace.

    “What the hell happened Mel?” Sara asks in worry. I shake my head in response and bury my face farther into Ace’s neck.

    “So…” she hesitates, “I’m guessing Thanksgiving is off?”

    “Y-yes-s-s,” I stutter through my tears. She pulls away from the curb and drives back in the direction of Nate’s house.

    Ace is consoling me the best he can. I’m overreacting, I know I am, but it hurts. I thought my dad walking out on us for my best friend was the worst, but this right now, this hole in my chest it’s crushing me. It’s a physically impossible concept; a hole, a space of nothingness being able to crush you. Let me assure you that it can happen and it’s the worst kind of pain.

     The whole car ride is a blur through my tears, but the one person keeping me grounded in this moment is right by my side whispering reassurances in my ear. I’m sure I look like a hot mess, but he doesn’t seem to care.

    As we pull up to Nate’s, I’ve calmed down slightly but my grip on Ace has become like a vice. I don’t like showing my emotions like this, especially when we’re in the beginning stages of our relationship, but I’ve seemed to finally snap under the pressure of my life.

    The entire way into the house I don’t once separate myself from Ace’s side, his scent alone is like a form of therapy. I inhale him every chance I get without seeming like an even bigger spaz. Luckily my face is pressed against him so my deep inhales aren’t too noticeable.

    We all make ourselves comfortable on the
couches that surround the coffee table but after a few minutes the silence becomes too much for Sara.

    “Can you please tell me what happened? I’m kind of starting to freak out over here.” I look over at her, and she’s on the edge of her seat with her hands gripping the couch on either side of her leg.

    I clear the emotion from my throat the best I can and summon the strength I need to say what I’m going to say. “My dad and Emma showed up. Apparently my
invited them.”

    “She what?!” Sara snaps standing from her seat.

    “That’s not the worst part. You might actually want to sit down for what I’m about to say.”

     Sara looks down at me. “What else could have happened? Did you go all ape shit on her again? You did, didn’t you?!” She smiles and begins clapping her hands from excitement.

    “Hold your horses Sara. That didn’t happen, as much as I wanted it to.”

     Ace has his arm around my shoulders and is rubbing small circles around my upper arm. It’s a small gesture, but it comforts me enough to keep going with my story.

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