Ace's Wild (14 page)

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Authors: Erika van Eck

BOOK: Ace's Wild
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    I know what I need to do, and I’m dreading it. I hate myself, but in the long run this is best for Melody. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I can’t be the one responsible for her unhappiness. I know either way it’s inevitable but at least if I sever things now she might not hold bitterness toward me like she might if I waste years of her life. It fucking sucks but like they say- if you love something, set it free.

    That’s what I intend to do.

    I take a deep breath and begin to say goodbye to the love of my life. “Because of my actions last night I realized something.” I look her straight into her beautiful eyes because looking anywhere else in this moment would be a smack in the face to her. “I’m still very much an addict. I may have been sober for almost a year but life tested me yesterday and I failed miserably.”

    Melody opens her mouth to respond, but I put my hand up to stop her. “That’s not all.” I pause before continuing, “I can’t be what you deserve until I know that I won’t revert to my old ways. I can’t put you through that Melody.”

   She shakes her head. “I’m here. Right here Ace. I won’t let you throw this away.” She gestures to her and then me. She scoots closer to me and brings her hand to the back of my neck pulling me into her. My willpower with her is slim to none.

    As soon as my lips touch hers my reasoning goes out the door like always. I lose myself completely as her delicate lips move over mine with so much passion I can feel it down to my bones.

    I back away from her suddenly, and she looks at me questioningly.

    “Mel,” I whisper, “We’re over.”

Chapter 13






    I’ve spent the last three days locked in my room. Pathetic, I know.

    It’s all of a sudden turned into me against the world. I no longer have Ace by my side, I’ve barely spoken to my mom, Sara is too busy with Nate, and I’d rather not get into the situation about my dad.

    I’ve concluded that there must be something wrong with me. I’m the problem not them, what else could it possibly be? Maybe I just surround myself with untrustworthy people, and it makes me seem like a raging bitch.

    You know, I’m actually okay with that. What I’m not okay with is Ace acting like I can’t handle helping him through this. I’ve handled a lot of shit in my life, I’d fight to the death for him.

    My time has been spent crying, watching chick flicks, or gorging on ice cream. Definitely cliché, but it helps, if there’s any kind of help for a crushed heart and a shattered soul.

    I haven’t bathed either. I smell as bad as I feel, but that’s debatable. Lucas has tried to come and talk to me a few times. He even brought his game system in the room, and I played from my cocoon of blankets and pillows. When we play games we don’t usually talk but it’s a comfort just having him near me. How many ten-year-olds want to hang out with their older sister? Not many.

    On the evening of the fourth day Sara comes bursting into my room. “Melody if you don’t get out of this bed so help me God I will force you out of it,” she commands, standing above me with her hands on her hips and her purple hair curled and volumized to the max. It makes me wonder how much hairspray she goes through. I’d guess half a bottle just from this hairstyle alone.

    As I’m debating her hairspray usage, she grabs my ankle and pulls. I grab for blankets, but I’m wrapped in them so tightly that I can barely move my arms. I land on the ground hard. It’s cushioned, but I’m pretty sure I’ll still have a bruise on my ass.

    “You bitch!” I screech.

    “I told you I would. Now, go take a shower you smell like ass.” She points her finger to the bathroom. “Go!”

    “Okay, okay Ms. Bossy Pants.” I unravel myself from my cocoon, grab a change of clothes, and take a much needed shower.

    When I get out I do feel marginally better. I walk into my room and Sara has opened the window, even though it’s freezing outside, and she put new sheets on my bed.

    “Why are you doing this?” I ask amused.

    “It’s what best friends are for.” She smiles. “Plus, you need to smell good for tonight.”

     I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. “Tonight? What’s tonight?”

    “The night you win your man back,” she says this as if I should have already known.

    “No, no, no. No way. Ace made it crystal clear about our break-up.”

    Sara shakes her head while walking over to me. She places her hands on my shoulders. “He’s stupid. You need to be by his side and help your man fight his demons. He has a slim chance of beating them on his own but with you by his side he’s guaranteed to win.” She turns me around and pushes me toward my dresser, “You need to change out of those holy yoga pants ASAP. My goodness Mel, you went through a break-up, you didn’t become a homeless person,” she says looking at my pants in disgust.

    “Shut up, same thing.” I tease, “You should borrow them one day, they’re the most comfortable pants ever.” She looks at me as if I offered her a flea infested blanket. “Or not… You’re missing out though.”

    “I highly doubt that.” She cringes.

    Once I dress and do my hair and makeup Sara shrugs looking me up and down. “Definitely better than before but if it were me I’d wear something a little more… daring.”

    I look down out my usual jeans and t-shirt. “I could put on a Justin Bieber shirt, that’s pretty daring. How many people do you see out in public with a Justin Bieber shirt? None that’s how many,” I joke.

    “I said daring not dangerous. That could get you killed.”

    I laugh. It feels good to be back to our bickering ways. Even before the break-up we haven’t been able to spend as much time together. I miss my Sara.

    I step forward and pull her in for a hug. “You’re the best.”

   “I know,” she kids, “Now go get your man back, he’s been miserable, and he’s messing with my sex life.”

    “I knew it! You skank!” I swat at her side.

    She jumps away laughing. “What? He won’t leave Nate’s house. I’ve been understanding because of what happened to Grams. Nate is completely torn up about it, and I’ve been trying to comfort him, but Ace just will
go away.” She huffs, “I need an orgasm like some people need coffee. It’s a necessity, and Ace is bordering my sanity. I might go ape shit on him soon.”

    I laugh at her last comment but sober up after a moment, “Have they planned anything for Grams yet? Like a memorial service or anything?”

    Sara shakes her head. “No. Apparently Grams didn’t want one. She said they’re only for hippies, whatever that means.” She laughs sadly.

    I’ve been thinking about Grams a lot these last
few days. I had been looking forward to getting to know her better, because Ace always told me the funniest stories about her. She was a fireball, and I’ll miss her even though I had only met her the one time.

    “Okay, Mel, go charm the pants off of Ace.” She pushes me toward the door. “I need to get me some peen,” Sara jokes.

    “You’re such a perv.” I laugh.

    “Hells yes I am.”






    I park in front of Ace’s house and inhale a shaky breath. The whole drive over, I was a nervous wreck. I even thought about turning around and going back home, but I decided against it. I needed to do this, and I’ll be forever grateful to Sara for giving me the push I needed.

    Sara had called Nate before I left to see where Ace was at. According to Nate he had just left for his house to take a shower after their evening run.

    Which brings me to this point. Now. Where I sit in my car in front of Ace’s house like a creeper.

    I give myself a pep talk before getting out and walking up to the front door. I ring the doorbell and patiently wait for Ace to answer. Well, maybe not so patiently.

    Finally, after two or three minutes, a half-naked
Ace answers the door. He’s wearing a pair of low cut sweats that hug his hips. My eyes trace up his sculpted stomach before they land on his surprised face.

    My nervousness kicks in and my rambling begins, “I shouldn’t have left so easily. I just wanted to make things easier on you, but from what I’m told they haven’t been…” Ace crashes his lips with mine. I wasn’t expecting it so it takes my brain a second to catch up, but once it does I wrap my arms around his neck, and I cling for dear life.

    He seems just as desperate and cemented in the moment as I am. He brings his hands to my ass and lifts me up. My legs automatically wrap around him, and I’m ready to strip down right here and now. Luckily, he begins walking us inside.

    He slams the door shut with his foot and then begins talking to me between kisses. “Please… Forgive… Me… I’m an… Idiot.”

    I smile. “You’re… Forgiven”

    We leave a trail of clothes going to his bedroom. Once he lays me on the bed he stares at me with so much love in his eyes I feel like my chest is going to burst.

    “Whenever we’re together I always think of it as losing myself in you but that’s not true at all.” He caresses my face softly with his hand. “I’ve
myself in you. Because of you, Melody Grace, I have found the man who I’m meant to be. With you by my side I can survive the hurdles life throws my way.”

    My eyes brim with tears. “And I have found myself in you Ace Caplin. I’ve found that I can forgive. I love you.”

    “I love you too babe.”






2 years later…



    This was always Ace’s story to tell, and I was just along for the ride. And it’s been one hell of a ride. He’s taught me many things since we met—first and foremost that love exists. Cheesy? Probably, but I’d be lying if I tried saying otherwise.

    Ace took my world and shook it up but in doing so he made me see everything from a brand new angle. Everything looked new again with a brightness and crispness that was never there before.

    After we reconciled he helped me work through my issues just as I helped him with his. With Ace’s strength, he stood by my side as I straightened things out with my dad and Emma. Things aren’t exactly perfect with them, but I don’t think it ever will be. But, because of them, I now have a little sister whom I love dearly and I couldn’t imagine life without. We’ve become this huge dysfunctional family, issues and all.

    Ace and I as a couple are taking things in stride. We’ve talked about getting married and raising a family together, and Ace is thrilled with both ideas.

    Which is good because I have something to tell him…









    Life. Fucking hard, incredible, wretched, hopeful life. One second I thought I was on the verge of losing everything again and the next I’m being given a second chance.

    These last two years have been blissful. I keep waiting for something to come along and ruin everything but nothing does. At least nothing major.

    I’ve been going to meetings for my addictions twice a week, and Melody comes with me to each one. In the beginning I told her that wasn’t necessary, but she wasn’t hearing it and came anyways. Now she brings the weekly baked goods, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get death threats if I don’t bring her along.

    I’m still into music. I even released a solo album that was pretty successful. I’ve also made amends with all of the guys from Spades. We talk regularly,
but they’re in new bands and touring a lot so we aren’t able to see each other very much.

    As for Zee, he pretty much up and left the spotlight after leaving Spades. I still have no idea why he came to town in the first place. Maybe it was bury the hatchet with me.

    No, probably not, but he’s left us alone since then so I’m okay to leave that part of my past behind me.

    Today, Melody says she has a surprise for me. I hate surprises, which she knows, but she won’t budge. She won’t even give me one hint. She said she’ll be home in a little while with her surprise, whatever that means. It’s not like it’s my birthday or anything.

    Melody moved in with me about a year ago. It makes sense since she was spending just about every night here anyway. Lucas is here a lot too, that kid is growing like a sprout. He’s turning into quite the ladies’ man as well, he’ll be a lady killer in no time.

    Melody finally comes in holding a small bag. I jump from the couch where I sat watching the football game.

    I walk over to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. “So, what’s the surprise?”

    “You might want to sit down for this.” Melody says nervously.

    Shit. This must be serious.

    My mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure out what it could possibly be.

    “Open this.” She smiles.

     Her smile calms my nerves as I take the bag from her hands. I take the tissue paper out and pull out a baby onesie with the words “Daddy’s little rock star” on the front.

    “Melody, please tell me this isn’t a joke,” I choke out as I’m staring at the best gift I’ve ever received.

    “No joke Ace. I’m due in July, we’re going to be parents!”

    I jump up and wrap her in my arms, “I love you Melody Grace.”

    “I love you too Jason Christopher.”







5 months later…



    Did you think I’d forget about proposing to my girl? Never. She is carrying my child after all.

    We walk up the steep hill to our spot. Mel is walking in front of me, and I have my hand on her back for the extra support. Once we’re on top we take a seat at our usual bench.

   She cuddles into my side and looks up through her gorgeous waves of hair. “What did you want to tell me?”

    “Actually I wanted to play a song for you that I wrote a while ago.”

    She quickly sits up and is smiling from ear to ear. “Well, what are you waiting for? You know how much I love when you write new songs.” Her hand automatically lands on her swollen belly, and she is caressing where our baby girl is nestled for the next few months.

    The feeling of completeness overwhelms me. There is no moment more perfect than now to do this. I lean forward and land a quick kiss on her cheek before grabbing my guitar and singing her her song.



I was lost in the shadows

Scratching to get free

You were the light that came

You brightened my world and released me


Even in my darkest hour

On my darkest day

You’ll be the one who holds my hand

You’ll be the one who stays


I’ll never do you wrong

I will always promise you this

That through all of our fears and all of our tears

I will end every night with a love-filled kiss


Even in my darkest hour

On my darkest day

You’ll be the one who holds my hand

You’ll be the one who stays


For the rest of my life

There’s nowhere I’d rather be

So you will do me the biggest honor

And marry me?



    Melody’s hands are wiping the tears from her eyes. The second I set my guitar down she jumps into my arms. “Yes! Yes, a million times yes!”

    I laugh at her excited reaction. “So… you will then?” I joke.

    She pokes me in the ribs, and then she lays a light kiss to my lips. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”



The end

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