Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (20 page)

BOOK: Adams, Eve - Patience is Their Virtue [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“After the divorce, the US Army refused to send Walter’s money home to me any longer. Not knowing what else to do, I followed a large group of women who talked excitedly about a new life in an uncharted land. It sounded so perfect that I snuck onto the ship with them and, well, here I am.”

Adam tilted his head as he studied her. “And you paid no mind of how you were going to live once you made your way out West?”

She shook her head and laughed through her tears. “It didn’t matter. I was free. No matter my fate, it was mine. I couldn’t wait to start my new life. I’m here now, and I’m yours. You, Adam, are my new life. You and Raven. I’m frightened out of my wits of you no longer wanting me. I wasn’t enough to hold Walter’s affections. What makes me believe I have the power to hold two men’s affections?”

Adam rose to his feet and let out a long sigh as he held her in his gaze. He approached and knelt down in front of her, took her hand in his, and brushed his lips across her knuckles. Her heart fluttered as she waited for him to pass judgment.

“My love, I’ve unfairly judged you. I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through.”

She tried to smile but failed miserably and gave up. Guilt ate at her for what she’d done. “And I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through.”

When he smiled, his gaze dancing up at her, she wanted to sing. She loved that handsome smile. Reaching down, she rested her hand on his cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm.

“His wife’s name was Mina.” Raven moved and knelt down next to Adam. He looked at his brother. “She needs to know. It’s the only way you’ll finally move on.”

Adam moved to his feet and backed away, his color draining. “No. It’s not necessary.”

Raven stood as well. “Adam, talk to her. What are you afraid of?”

He snapped his brow into a frown and turned away, his massive shoulders rising and lowering.

Patience rose and went to him. “I know the difficulties of letting go of a memory. You think by telling me about her that you are somehow betraying her memory, but you couldn’t be more wrong.” She easily turned him around and placed her hand over his heart. “Mina lives in here, Adam. Don’t fear her memory. Cherish it. Loving me doesn’t make you love her any less.”

The deep lines in his face softened as his lips slowly curled into an easy smile. “You, my wife, are truly incredible. I promise that I will never raise my hand to you. My love for you will never fade. It will never cease.”

“I second that.” Raven stood behind her.

She trembled at the feeling of having the two men she loved sandwiching her. Raven pushed up against her, urging her into Adam. Her husband reached up and cupped his hand behind her neck, pulling her lips to his and taking them. He devoured her, opening her mouth with his, using his tongue to explore the recesses.

This kiss wasn’t fast or greedy, but that didn’t make it any less intense. As Adam made sweet lip love to her, Raven touched his lips to the back of her neck and feasted. She didn’t even bother to fight to control her senses. When these two men touched her, when they loved her, she lost all sense of control.

“Raven, I believe it’s time to take our wife to my room.”

Our wife?

They led her up the stairs, beyond her room the three of them shared when they made love, and down to the last door on the left. When they arrived, Adam nodded for Raven to enter, but kept Patience out in the hall.

His hand curved around her neck, turning her so his lips brushed hers. “Tonight we take you, Patience. As our lover, as our wife.”

“Haven’t we already been doing that?” She let out a shaky breath.

He chuckled in a deep, rough tone that had her burning for him to take her into his room and introduce her to new powers of the flesh. He trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck, scraping his teeth against her tender skin. A tremble ripped through her.

“There’s sex, and then there’s making love. Tonight we make love. I’ve been holding back with you, my dear. But no more. It’s time you know me, all of me. That includes Raven. He’s just as much your husband as I am.”

The door opened behind her, and Raven popped his head out, his gaze so heated and dark that it ignited the inferno already destroying her from the inside out.

“We’re ready.” He took her from Adam and led her inside, his eyes never leaving her face. “Patience, before we move forward there are rules we all need to agree to.”

“If you tell us no,” Adam told her, “then we stop. We will not continue with anything that makes you scared to the point that it overtakes your pleasure.”

“But a little fear is good.” Raven lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck as he led her over to an enormous bed, the biggest she’d ever seen. At the head of the bed rested a large headboard with the most intricate carving of day turning to night. A hole resided in the upper left corner depicting the sun, and another hole rested on the right depicting the moon. Something told her those holes had been strategically placed.

Raven pushed her down to the bed. Adam moved beside her and undid the first button of her high-neck top. Excitement over what they had in store for her rocked through her system.

As Adam unbuttoned her top, Raven went to work on her skirts. The act was slow, torturous, as they undressed her. Once they had her naked, they stood back and studied her, ardent hunger darkening both of their gazes. She allowed them to look at her without embarrassment, without reservation. These men loved her, and she loved them.

“Beautiful,” Adam whispered. He ran his hand along the large erection struggling to be free. “See what you do to me? I’m almost blind from how hard I am for you, Patience.”

Oh, how his words affected her. Her nipples pinched to tight little peaks. Adam dropped his gaze to her breasts and licked his lips. He removed his shirt, and she stared at his broad, muscular bare chest. Raven tossed his shirt aside as well, and Patience sucked in a breath. Although Adam’s chest sported more coarse, black hair than Raven’s, they were both equally sculpted and glorious.

Raven nodded as his hands moved to his pants. He unfastened them and pulled them off, leaving him naked. His hard cock distended from his body. Her mouth watered as she stared at it. She wanted to taste him again, wanted to take the length of his rigid flesh between her lips.

He’d distracted her enough she didn’t see that Adam had undressed as well. Her husband came to her, stretching her out as he joined her on the bed. She wrapped her arms around his strong neck, loving the feel of his flesh, so hot, so male.

“In this room,” he murmured as he licked and nipped at her lips, “there is no propriety. We say what we want, how we want it, and with whatever words we want to use. Do not hold back from us when you are in here.”

Raven joined them on the bed, pressing up behind her, his erection tucked between her back slit. When he bit at her shoulder in a heated nip, a blast of desperate need exploded inside her. She wiggled back, begging for more contact.

“Talk to us, sweetheart.” Raven nuzzled her neck, licking and teasing and driving her mad with want. “Tell us what you want.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at Adam from beneath her lashes. Dare she say what she really wanted? All her life, she’d been taught to speak in polite, proper means. It always felt so foreign to her, so hard to really say what she had on her mind when she had to worry about how to say it.

“I can see our wife will need a little persuasion.” Adam pushed her to her back and then nibbled her neck, her shoulder, down her collarbone, and continued down. Patience arched her back and moaned when he covered one of her hard nipples with his burning lips.

“Tell us what you want,” Raven said again. He leaned in and settled his lips over hers, tasting her, teasing her. Licking them open, he then kissed her with fervent need, and she released a whimper into his mouth.

Adam had moved to the other breast and feasted on her flesh. She arched higher, needing more, so much more.

And then they both pulled back. She blinked back her haze and looked at them. “Why stop?”

“We’re waiting for you to tell us what you want.” Raven kissed her nose.

“More,” she admitted.

“More what?”

“Be honest with us.” Adam licked at her nipple. “Is this what you crave?”


“What about this?” Raven captured her lips in a kiss worthy of a cry. She did exactly that as he pulled back.


“Tell us,” Adam whispered as he trailed ever downward, his lips and tongue wicked as they left a searing path wherever he touched.


“Please, what? Patience, we want you to tell us. Nothing pleases us more than to have our woman tell us exactly what she wants, what she likes. Use words, baby.”

She hesitated and drew in a breath. To hell with propriety. She was desperate in her lust for them. She ached deep in the depths of her core and needed to have both of them filling her before she died from the torture.

“Touch me, Adam.”

His gaze brightened with wild hunger. “Where?”


“Here?” He placed a finger on her stomach.

She shook her head. “Lower.”

“Here?” Keeping his hand on her flesh, he moved it down painfully slowly.


His finger slipped between the slick folds of her pussy. “Here?”

She moaned in response. Just one brush of his finger, one whisper from his lips, and she’d shatter. She lifted her hips and spread her legs.

“I can smell your arousal for us,” Adam rasped and lowered his head between her legs. “Your pussy is glistening with your own sweet syrup, my love.”

He didn’t have to tell her. She felt the hot liquid coating her pussy lips from the first kiss these wicked brothers delivered.

“Taste me,” she whimpered. “Oh, please. Adam, I need you.”

“And what would you like me to do?” Raven asked.

Adam carried out his orders and stabbed his tongue between her wet folds, flicking her tormented nerves, building the sweet sensations ever higher.

“Let me taste you. Oh, Raven. I’ll scream if I don’t have something in my mouth.”

Raven adjusted and rested his glowing erection at her lips, a large, glistening drop shining on the tip. She licked at it, savoring the taste. She then sucked his flesh into her mouth just in the nick of time.

Adam attacked her pussy without mercy. A never-ending assault. The pleasure grew violently within her, threatening to destroy her. Her senses hummed as the burning intensified. She moved faster, bobbing her head, driving Raven’s cock in and out of her mouth in time with Adam’s assault on her pussy.

She was so close, her orgasm just out of reach.

Raven groaned and powered into her mouth. “Yes. That’s it. Fuck me with that sweet mouth, Patience. Jesus, yes.”

His naughty words drove her that much closer. She shouldn’t find it arousing to hear him say such foul words to her, but it was. Oh God, how it was.

Adam pushed two fingers into the slippery entrance of her pussy, and she cried out. He stretched her, scissoring his fingers inside her, lifting her all that much higher.

And then he pulled his mouth back but kept his fingers easing in and out of her. In desperation, she arched her back and lifted her hips off the bed, begging for him to finish what he’d started.

“Tell me,” he whispered and kissed her inner thigh. His breath, so hot, made her shudder. “Tell me how much you want me. Oh, my sweet Patience. Let me hear the words.”

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