Addicted (25 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

BOOK: Addicted
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behaviour put things in a different perspective, to put it mildly!
Suzie would have had no problem seducing the adulterous bastard!
Adultery, a wrecked marriage... Or was it wrecked? Tony didn't know
about my exploits, and he didn't know that I knew about his. As he
finished fucking me, pumping the last of his spunk deep into my
bowels, I decided to compile a dossier of his debauchery. No doubt
he'd visit the prison cell and screw me again. If I ever had the
need to confront him, he'd wonder how I knew every detail of his
adulterous behaviour. A dossier? No, I'd blackmail him; threaten to
tell his loving wife unless he paid up.

My addiction
had brought things to light about myself that I'd never have
otherwise discovered. It had also brought things to light about
Tony! What the hell had he got up to in Paris? And as for letting
him loose in Tokyo! I sensed anger welling up. Where was this path
leading me? What other horrendous revelations were lying in wait?
Was it all meant to be? God moves in mysterious ways, so they say.
Perhaps my addiction was all part of a great plan to have me
discover the real Tony, and the real me. Satan moves in mysterious

"Christ, she's
tight!" Tony gasped as he slid his cock out of my bloated arsehole.
"I'll have to call round more often!"

"Any time!"
Gary chuckled. "Here, let me have a go at her arse while you clean
up ready to fuck her wet cunt."

Another solid
knob pressing against my inflamed, sperm-dripping anus, I grimaced
as he pushed, driving his cock deep into my bowels. "This is fun,
Helen," he whispered as Tony left the room. "I'll bet you never
thought your husband would be in our little den fucking your tight

In my silence,
I closed my eyes as the second penis thrust in and out of my
inflamed rectum. They were both vile perverts, all men were vile
perverts - but I needed them. What was I? I wondered as Gary's
balls slapped my swollen vaginal lips. I was caught up in a web of
lies, deceit, filth - I was a wanton whore.

How could Tony
face me after committing his adulterous act of anal sex? What sort
of man was he, and how long had he been fucking other women? He'd
been disgusted when I'd asked him about anal intercourse. Was the
vile act something he only did with prostitutes? Perhaps he'd enjoy
fucking Lydia's arsehole while I watched. I'd tentatively question
him later.

"God, you're
good!" Gary cried as his quickened his rhythm. "Ah, ah! I'm
coming!" His spunk filling me, mingling with my husband's orgasmic
spend, he drove into me with a vengeance. "Your arse is fucking
beautiful!" he gasped. "God, look at your brown ring stretched
around my cock!" The male words of perversion battered my tormented

He finished
his thrusting, draining his swinging balls, gasping his vile
expletives to humiliate and degrade me. My body trembling as he
withdrew his spent penis, I stifled my gasps, praying that Tony
wouldn't discover my identity as he entered the room chuckling,
making lewd comments about my swollen cunt lips.

"Right, here
it comes!" he cried, forcing his erect penis deep into my vagina.
Fucking me, using and abusing me, his second orgasm came quickly. I
sensed sperm oozing from my bottom-hole, running over my taut outer
cunt lips, lubricating his cock as he fucked my cunt. When I didn't
need a fix, I was awash with the drug, my holes brimming with
spunk. And yet, when I was desperate...

"Ah!" he
gasped, his belly slapping my buttocks. "Ah, God!" Pumping his
spunk into my tightening vagina, he finally withdrew his penis,
leaving me quivering, perspiring in the darkness of the box. "Give
her one up her cunt!" Tony chuckled. "She's been well and truly
fucked and spunked!" Was this really my loving husband? Sadly,

Gary drove his
solid penis deep into my spunk-drenched cunt, ramming his knob in
and out, jolting my aching body. Quickly reaching his second
climax, he slapped my buttocks with the palm of his hand as he
drove his cock into me, battering my cervix. My sex holes brimming
with spunk, sore and inflamed, I'd had enough. All I wanted to do
was go home and sink into a hot bath, wash away the evidence of my
obscene acts.

As Gary
withdrew his huge cock, I prayed that my ordeal was over. I did
know what to do about Tony, our relationship, our marriage. I
pondered on blackmail as the men left the room. Write a blackmail
note to Tony telling him that he was seen through the window, his
adultery witnessed. I had to hurt him, punish him for his cruel and
wicked adultery.

Returning to
the cell and opening the box, Gary grinned as he gazed at me. "Two
good arse-fucks and two cunt-fucks!" he chuckled. "God, Tony really
enjoyed himself!"

"Will you
please let me go now?" I murmured.

There were no
tears, I was beyond crying. But I hadn't had my fix, I was
beginning to panic. I'd scoop the sperm out of my inflamed vagina
and lick the drug from my fingers.

"Please, Gary,
I want to go home."

"Yes, you go
home to your loving husband! He'll be waiting for you!" he laughed,
unbuckling the leather strap and helping me out of the box. "I'll
see you tomorrow."

"No, you'll
never see me again."

"I'll see you
tomorrow, slut, or I'll tell Tony all about you. OK, off you go to
your faithful husband."

Leaving Gary's
house, staggering down the lane, I prayed for Tony to be in the
bathroom, washing away the evidence of his corruption. I needed
time to clean myself up, time to think before I faced him. Panic
gripped me, my heart palpitating. Lifting my skirt and scooping
spunk from my dripping pussy hole, I sucked my fingers, at last
taking the drug. Again and again I scooped out the blend of sperm
and pussy juice, licking my sticky fingers, waiting for serenity to
bathe me.

I suddenly had
an idea as I slipped in through the front door - a wicked idea that
would leave Tony cringing. He was in the bathroom, thank God. I
went to the kitchen and wiped up the spunk running down my inner
thighs with a piece of kitchen roll, pondering on my plan. My cunt
dripping with male come, my arsehole oozing, I needed orgasm, my
candle thrusting in and out of my yearning sex hole, my fingers
massaging pleasure from my solid clitoris. Later, I decided, later
I'd masturbate - long, undisturbed masturbation.

I sat in the
lounge watching television in my innocence, my juices mingling with
spunk, oozing from my hot cunt hole as I formulated my wicked plan.
Tony eventually entered the room, his face grinning - guilty.

"Hi," he said,
leaning over and kissing the top of my head. "Where have you

In a wooden box
. "Working," I

"You weren't
here when I got back just now."

"I was in the
garden. Tony, I had a worrying phone call while you were out."

"Oh, yes?"

"Where did you

"I... I went
over to Gary's house."

I twisted my
long blonde hair round my fingers, trying to appear nervous,
distressed. "A man phoned and said that he'd seen you through the

He frowned and
rubbed his chin. "Which window?"

"At Gary's
place. He said that you were with Gary, and you were both..."

"What is it,
Helen? What did he say?"

"He said that
he'd seen you with a girl."

"What? With a

stunned, he held his hand to his mouth. I was revelling in the
game, delighting in his predicament. He'd obviously try to convince
me that there was no girl at Gary's place, but he knew he'd been
seen, and would wonder who it was, what they'd do next. I sensed

the girl was in a wooden box with her... her bum sticking out
through a hole," I said softly, forcing a tear.

"I think
someone's having you on!" he laughed nervously. "A girl in a wooden

"That's what
he said. You wouldn't get up to anything behind my back, would

"Of course
not, Helen! Good grief, I..."

"Have you ever
had anal sex, Tony?"

"Never! The
very thought..."

"He said that
you and Gary had anal sex with the girl, took it in turns

"Look, this is
bloody ridiculous! Why don't you ring Gary and ask him?"

"He'd hardly
tell me if it was true!"

"No, I suppose
not. As I said, it was someone having you on. I can't think who,
though. Probably a crank who's got nothing better to do. I'll make
some coffee, would you like some?"


Moving to the
door as Tony left the room, I listened. He rang Gary on his mobile,
as I'd thought he would. Creeping down the hall, I stood by the
kitchen door, wondering what Gary was thinking as Tony told him the
news. My cunt oozed with spunk, my inner thighs sticky with male

"Someone must
have been at the window!" Tony whispered urgently. "Christ, Helen
was told everything, the girl, the box, the arse-fucking... What do
you mean, don't worry about it? If she finds out that... what? You
met her sister? Helen hasn't got a sister. When, where? There must
be some mistake, Gary. I'd know if Helen had a sister, wouldn't I?
Yes, all right. Look, I'd better go. Yes, I'll do that. See you

Hurrying back
to the longue, I waited for Tony, my stomach somersaulting as the
game became more intense, exciting. I still didn't know what I was
doing. Telling Gary that Helen had a sister, that she used to be on
the game and she had a child... I hadn't got a clue what I was
doing! But I was enjoying every minute of it, although Tony's
adultery hurt somewhere deep inside. Did I still love him? I didn't
know, I imagined not.

"I rang Gary,"
Tony said as he brought the coffee in. "He said that he'd met your

I frowned as I
looked up at him. "My sister?" I echoed, surprised.

"Yes, I told
him that you haven't got a sister. He reckons he met her here, in
our house."

"He must be
mad!" I giggled. "He hasn't been here, let alone met my nonexistent

I felt
elation. Tony was now thinking that Gary was mad, Gary would be
thinking that he'd put the frighteners on me, and I was loving it!
As the phone rang, I grabbed the phone before Tony could get to it.
I couldn't have planned it better myself, it was Gary, coming out
with his blackmail, threatening to ring Tony and tell him about my
past unless I went over to his house the following evening.

"No, I won't
be able to make it," I replied.

"You'll make
it or I'll tell..."

"I'm sorry,
but I'm completely booked up."

"Helen, I mean
it, unless you turn up tomorrow, I'll..."

"Someone was
watching," I whispered, glancing at Tony.

playing a dangerous game, my girl! Making out that there was
someone at the window was stupid."


"Don't talk
bollocks, you stupid slag! You get yourself over here tomorrow
evening or I'll..."

"Yes, so you
said. Look, I'm terrible sorry but I'll be tied up."

"You'll be
tied up all right, you filthy bitch!"

"Yes, of
course. I might be able to fit you in next month, I'm not


"Yes, I will.
Thanks for calling, goodbye."

Replacing the
receiver, I turned to Tony and grinned. "Someone wanting a
portrait," I said nonchalantly.

"Oh, right. I
wonder why Gary said that he'd met your sister?"

"I really have
no idea. Perhaps he's been drinking."

"No, we only
had coffee."

"It sounds as
if he's trying to cause trouble. Wait a minute, I wonder whether it
was Gary who called and told me about you and the girl?"

"Gary? Why
would he do that?"

"I don't know,
Tony. Why say that he'd met my sister? I reckon he wants to cause
trouble, but I can think why, can you?"

"No, no I

Tony was
obviously deep in thought as he sat in the armchair sipping his
coffee. The game was going well, Tony now thought that Gary was
trying to drop him in it. He'd confront Gary and Gary would reveal
more about me, my sordid past. I suddenly had another idea, a
wicked idea.

"Come to think
of it, I saw Gary in the lane the other day and he said..." I broke
off, giving Tony time to worry, to sweat. "Oh, never mind." Tony
rubbed his forehead, he looked anguished.

"What? What
did he say?" he asked concernedly.

"I'd seen a
girl go into Gary's house so I asked him who she was. He said that
she'd gone to see him about a wooden box. I thought I'd misheard
him and..."

"A box? What
are you talking about?"

"I don't know,
perhaps it was a piece of furniture or something - an ottoman. It's
strange that someone rang mentioning a wooden box."


"Hang on, I'm
trying to remember what else... Oh, yes, he said that he'd be happy
to have me over for the odd evening while you're working away. It's
funny, he kept looking me up and down, scrutinising me."

"Helen, I
don't want you visiting Gary while I'm away."

"Why ever not?
He's our neighbour, he's only being friendly. He's a decent man,
Tony, he wouldn't... well, you know, try anything."


"He said
something about his special room. I think he was talking about his
study because he was on about leather..."

"Helen, you
mustn't see Gary. He lives alone, he probably... It's best not to
go to his place, not on your own, anyway."

I decided to
leave Tony to fret for a while. He'd obviously ring Gary and try to
work out what was going on. But Gary couldn't tell the truth, he'd
lie, adding to Tony's confusion. I had plans to make, stories to

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