Addicted (Club Destiny #3) (10 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Addicted (Club Destiny #3)
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he pulled away from her, fully expecting her to get naked, Sam did as he said. Within
seconds, she had her jeans and t-shirt off and on the floor beside her while he
was rapidly doing the same with his own clothes.

the desk.” He ordered her, and Sam eased up onto the wood, the laminated top
cold on her butt.

your legs, Sam.”

she did as she was instructed, wondering how in the world the power had changed
hands. Sam had fully anticipated coming in here and granting the man this one
fantasy, but he’d easily turned the tables.

Sam moaned when Logan buried his tongue between her legs. He was using his
thumbs to hold her swollen lips apart, his tongue delving into her. It was erotic,
to say the least. She leaned up so she could watch him.

never look at this desk the same again.” He told her as he licked gently back
and forth before flicking his tongue against her clit.

Right there.” Sam told him, wanting him to make her come because if he didn’t,
she was going to explode anyway, just from watching him.

sucked her clit into his mouth, his tongue tormenting her until she couldn’t hold
out. Gripping his head in her hands, she held him to her as her clit pulsed and
throbbed. And then she exploded, her orgasm a violent pulse inside of her,
making her muscles tense as she held his head between her legs.

that’s hot.” Logan said as he moved up her body, pulling her bottom to the edge
of the desk. Thank goodness he was tall because he easily lined his body up
with hers before sliding into her.

yes, it was hot. Her skin was coated in perspiration, and her breathing was
labored. The intensity of her orgasm had damn near drained her, but Logan was
working furiously to build the next one that would likely blow her mind.

Logan growled, lifting her legs until they were hanging over his arms. “You’re
pussy’s so wet. So fucking tight.”

rammed into her over and over, each thrust harder than the first. The desk was
moving beneath her, but the only thing she could focus on was the heat
reflected in his eyes.

for me.” She told him, trying to take the reins once again. “You’re going to
make me come, Logan.”

leaned over her, pressing her thighs against her body as he fucked her
relentlessly. He locked his gaze with hers. “I love you, Samantha.”

words touched her just like they always did. Sam tightened her internal
muscles, gripping him as hard as she could. “I love you too, Mr. McCoy.”

with that, they exploded together, Logan’s mouth coming down on hers so they
could inhale the groans that they wouldn’t have been able to stop.


held Sam’s hand as they walked to the car. His mind was still racing and he was
damn near hard as a rock again, wanting her. She’d blown his mind yet again,
but then again, he’d come to expect it from her.

might not realize it, but she had walked into his life and since that day he’d
been mesmerized with her. Everything about her. She’d gifted him with her love,
and because of that, he knew that he would go to the ends of the earth to make
her happy.

He asked when they reached the car.

what?” Sam asked, smiling up at him.

in the world do you plan to top that one?”

I’m sure we’ll think of something.” She told him, leaning up to kiss him.

pulled her against him, holding her close and loving every second of having her
in his arms. “I’m not sure anything will be as good as that was.”

thinking we should rent a room at the club. That might inspire some ideas.” Sam
stated when Logan opened the car door for her.

I think you’re addicted to sex.” Logan smiled, then groaned. The woman was
going to kill him. And boy what a way to go.

not sex. I’m addicted to
.” Sam grinned.


out more from Nicole Edwards









Enjoy an excerpt from TEMPTATION


Chapter One

~~  **  ~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

Destiny.” Luke didn’t bother trying to hide the gruff irritation in his voice
when he clicked the answer button on his cell phone and all but slammed it
against his ear. The damn thing had been ringing nonstop for the last two
hours, so he’d stopped bothering to look at the screen before he answered.

bro. What’s going on?” Logan, Luke’s nothing-if-not-persistent twin brother,
greeted back, seemingly immune to Luke’s umbrage.

under the radar for the last two months had taken some creative manipulation,
but Luke had pulled it off, making a full-fledged effort to work on some of his
own personal issues. Nonetheless, said personal issues were not resolved, but
he found himself right back in the thick of things once again. He shouldn’t be
surprised that his brother was calling, and he wasn’t really, he just wasn’t in
the mood to talk to him considering the ass chewing he was expecting.

a damn thing. What about you?” He barked back, walking through the main floor
of his club on the way to his office.

spent the better part of the morning with Club Destiny’s head bar manager,
going through their weekly order, and trying his damnedest to get back into the
groove. Between that and answering the phone, he hadn’t had a minute to
himself. Which in his current state was probably not a bad thing.

you could make it back.” Logan said, and Luke heard his brother’s sarcasm, as
well as his frustration, but at the moment, he didn’t give a damn.

do you want?” Luke made it to his second floor office and slammed the door
behind him.

there were only a handful of people at the club that early in the day since
they weren’t open to the general public yet. Only members were allowed in
during the morning hours, and they all knew to give him a wide berth on a good
day. Unfortunately for them, today wasn’t a good day.

with the few familiar faces he’d seen that morning, Luke’s only desire was to
be left alone. Although he’d managed to abandon his responsibilities, as well
as any of his personal relationships for the last eight weeks, Luke still
wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone, and he wasn’t keen on the idea of
talking to his brother either.

the hell’s wrong with you?” His brother never did have a problem calling him to
the carpet so to speak, and apparently, Logan wasn’t in much of a better mood
than he was.

was surprising with all that had apparently happened to Logan during the time
that Luke had been away. The man was a husband now, for Christ sake. That alone
should make his brother much more pleasant than he currently was.

a silent groan, Luke flopped down into the high back executive chair that he
managed to occupy for at least a few hours every day. Glancing around the
immaculate office, gleaming with hardwood and soft, iridescent lighting, he
tried to remember what made him find comfort in the place.

wait. He didn’t.

oversized mahogany desk, the full size, distressed leather sofa, and the
overpriced designer rug had been someone’s idea of
soothing. Instead, the result was just fucking ugly. And the confined feeling
that overcame him when he walked in didn’t help either. Without windows, the
not so small space seemed more like a broom closet than an office.

after spending thousands of dollars on some highly recommended interior
designer, Luke hadn’t felt comfortable in the space. Which explained why he
spent most of his time down in the club or caught up on the mountains of
endless paperwork from home.

his discomfort with enclosed spaces, the club as a whole offered him a sense of
peace that was absent from his personal life, thanks to his own demons that
managed to haunt him day and night like a bad case of the flu. Rational
decisions weren’t generally on Luke’s short list of things to do, so purchasing
the club ranked right up there with one of the best he could come up with in
quite some time.

he often wondered if the club actually intensified those demons.

that he still held the phone to his ear, and his brother wasn’t going to wait
patiently for long, Luke answered. “Just trying to get some shit done around
And not succeeding worth a damn

almost felt guilty for directing his annoyance at his brother, knowing the
other man had spent the last two months trying to juggle his own
responsibilities, including a full time job and apparently a new wife, along
with covering for Luke’s absence at the club. Yes, the wife part had been a surprise
because when Luke had left town, Logan and Samantha were only dating. When he
came back…
Bam! –
new sister-in-law.

some unexplained reason, just the thought of Samantha had Luke’s body going instantly
hard. Most likely that was due to the fact that he’d known Sam intimately, on
more than one occasion, thanks to the few times Logan had invited him to be the
third. The remembered feel of Sam against him, or her hot, sweet mouth on him,
had Luke almost longing for another encounter with her.
being the
key word.

his personal demons had begun making a daily visit, Luke had sworn off those
little sexcapades.

Luke liked Sam. And as far as Logan went, she was a perfect match for him.

fact that they had gotten married shouldn’t surprise him as much as it did. Or perhaps
the fact that his identical twin brother hadn’t bothered to mention that little
tidbit of information prior to Luke taking some time off was what kept throwing
him off. Either way, he tried not to think about it too much.  Especially
knowing that what they had shared before could never be again, especially after
that last night…

brushed off the thought. He didn’t have time to dwell on what couldn’t be.

glad you’re back, Luke, but we need to talk.” Though Logan’s tone was slightly
less frustrated than before, Luke easily picked up on the insistence his twin
had thrown in for good measure. Luke hated when his brother did that shit. He’d
much rather face the anger than to have to face the fact that he had let his
brother down.

talk.” Luke stated, leaning back in his chair, thinking twice about propping
his size 15 boots up on the polished wood top.

could almost predict what Logan wanted to talk about after all their twin bond
was strong, and for most of their lives, they could finish each other’s
sentences, sometimes even knew what the other was going to say before they said
anything at all. And now wasn’t much different.

drop by around lunchtime. Don’t disappear on me.” Logan stated flatly before
the line disconnected.

Luke mumbled to no one in particular. He might deserve to have Logan show up on
his doorstep and read him the riot act, but it didn’t mean he was going to be
happy about it.

hit the switch to turn on his computer screen so he could scan through his
recent emails. While he had been away, he’d managed to stay on top of things as
best he could. He couldn’t abandon his responsibilities altogether, though he’d
been so fucked up in the head that he had wanted to. Even now he had a hard
time keeping his focus. So many things had happened in the last couple of
months, Luke wasn’t sure he knew which way was up anymore.

much as he wanted to blame everything on what had happened that last night with
Logan and Samantha, Luke knew he couldn’t do that. Sam might’ve come into
Logan’s life, and in turn Luke’s, but the woman hadn’t done anything specific
that would have thrown Luke’s life off course the way it had been. No, he only
had himself to blame for that, but his own denial wouldn’t allow him to admit
that either.

Luke ground out as he pushed out of his chair, nearly sending the damn thing
over backward. He had too much shit to do to sit around pondering the reasons why
he felt so off kilter lately.

should just leave again, take another extended vacation and get away by
himself. Not that it would do him any good. After all, he’d spent the better
part of two months doing exactly that and look where it had gotten him.

a damn place.

himself to staying at the club and attempting to take care of business, Luke
grabbed an invoice off of his desk and headed back downstairs to talk to Kane
Steele, his bar manager. According to their earlier conversation, it appeared
that there were some issues with the deliveries while Luke had been away.

that or someone was fucking with him and stealing his inventory. Luke didn’t
even want to contemplate that happening; Heaven help the asshole who would be
brave enough to steal from him in the first place.

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