Addicted (Club Destiny #3) (3 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Addicted (Club Destiny #3)
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yet, I don’t.” Tag offered. “Why? What’s up?”

knew this was the moment of truth, but if he was going to go through with it,
he had to spit it out. “I’m thinking about surprising my wife.”

grinned. “I like where you’re going with this.”

that, Logan and Tag came to an agreement. Eight o’clock on Saturday night, Tag
would show up at his house.

Logan just had to come up with a plan. Since he’d had months to think about it,
that wasn’t going to be all that hard.


next morning, Sam woke up early, her mind awhirl with things she needed to get
done. She was supposed to meet Ashleigh and Sierra for lunch, but before that
could happen, she needed to run to the grocery store. For the first time in
months, Logan had told her that they didn’t have any plans for the night and
Sam had decided she wanted to cook for him.

she wasn’t much of a cook, but she could hold her own. When she put her mind to
it, there wasn’t much she couldn’t at least attempt to figure out.

ran through the shower and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt before venturing out
to the store. Once there, Sam remembered exactly what she hated about the
grocery store. Especially on the weekend.

a miserably long half hour, she managed to make it through the checkout line
and back to her car with her goods. By the time she got home, she was starving
and ready for her lunch date. A quick glance at the clock confirmed that her
stomach was just going to have to rumble for at least another hour.

she busied herself by unloading the groceries and planning out her meal. Maybe
she should arrange to have dinner on the veranda. They hadn’t done that in a

outside, Sam was immediately assaulted by the memories of the times she had
spent on the back patio. Specifically the times she had spent with Logan and
Luke. Since they were distant memories, Sam wondered how the heat continued to course
so brilliantly hot at the reminder.

to think, those days would never be again. At least not with Luke involved. Not
that she wasn’t happy for the man, as well as Sierra and Cole. The three of
them were truly happy and seeing her brother-in-law absent of those storm
clouds in his eyes was definitely a sight to see.

that Logan was the easy going one, it was almost strange to see Luke so laid-back
these days. Sierra had alluded to some particularly juicy encounters between
the three of them, including the use of some of that equipment in Luke’s
upstairs game room, which explained part of his newfound happiness. Apparently
it hadn’t belonged to him as everyone originally suspected, but instead he had
taken it from one of the abandoned rooms at the club.

what Sierra said, they were enjoying the use of it from time to time. And if
the smile that lit the woman’s face was anything to go by, she was much more
open to new experiences than Sam was. She could only hope some new
opportunities would present themselves soon because despite the fact that her
husband could make her all kinds of excited, and fulfill her every need, her
experience with ménages had left her with an ache she wanted to satisfy again.

Chapter Four

~~  **  ~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

got home just in time to kiss Sam on her way out the door. She was going to meet
Sierra and Ashleigh for lunch, and in turn, Luke was stopping by the house for
a little while. Since the two of them hadn’t spent much time together, Logan
had hoped for just the opportunity.

some burgers on the grill, Logan took a long pull on his beer as he waited to
ensure they wouldn’t ignite into a fireball. Once they were cooking, he closed
the lid and turned around to see his brother coming out the back door to join

starting to worry about you.” Logan told him when he came closer.

that?” Luke asked, pulling a chair from the table and dropping into it.

how Grandpa used to say we shouldn’t make those faces because we might just get
stuck like that?”

turned his head, his forehead creased with confusion, apparently trying to
figure out what the hell Logan was talking about. He put him out of his misery.
“Well, it looks like you’ve been smiling too damn much lately and your face got

shut the hell up.” Luke laughed, something Logan noticed he was doing much more
of recently.

I take it things are still going well?”

better.” Luke answered, downing half of his beer. “How could it not?”

Logan thought. His twin had finally let down some of those walls he’d erected
in order to keep everyone at a distance and after what seemed like a damn long
time, he’d finally ended up right where he wanted to be.

Cole?” Logan asked.

has him running his ass off. He’s at some conference in Austin this weekend.”

thought about it for a second and wondered how their relationship worked out.
With three people to consider at any given time, he figured there would be some
serious jealousy going on when one of them was away. Granted, he never got that
impression from any of them, but he still couldn’t get his mind around it.

that was because he was a damn possessive man and when it came to Sam, he
wanted to know that she belonged to him and only him. Always. At least as far
as her love was concerned.

her body? Now that was an entirely different story. Only because he wanted to
watch the way her eyes smoldered when she was turned on or the way her body
ignited when another man touched her. Not that she had been with another man
besides Luke since Logan met her, but the memories were enough to make his cock
stand tall.

how’d it go with Tag?” Luke asked, pulling Logan back to the present.

I think. He’s coming over tonight, but Sam doesn’t know that yet.” Logan
watched his brother for any sign of a reaction. When it came to Sam’s
well-being, Logan wanted to ensure she would never be hurt and if Luke knew
something Logan didn’t, he hoped his brother would tell him.

I think Tag’s a smart choice.” Luke offered, settling some of Logan’s nerves.

Why is that?”

is certainly in his corner, and when he backs you up, you know it’s for a good
reason. Not to mention, Tag’s not looking for anything right now, which makes
him a prime candidate.”

Logan wasn’t looking for someone permanent, but he was looking for consistency.
He damn sure wasn’t interested in sharing his wife with multiple people. Since
Tag wasn’t in a relationship at the moment, and didn’t seem to be engaging in
any activities at the club, Logan hoped this could be a repeat adventure for
them, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath.

does Sam feel about this?” Luke asked.

was a good question, one Logan had given a ton of thought to.

haven’t out and out talked about it, but I know she’s hoping for something to
happen. I don’t know if she would ever tell me straight out that she wants to bring
another man into our relationship, but she hints from time to time.”

when they were in bed. Logan had encouraged her to share her fantasies, and it
appeared Sam was beginning to think they were his. Sure, he was excited about
the pleasure he knew this would bring his wife, but when it came down to it, if
she wasn’t willing, he wasn’t either.

that was neither here nor there. Tonight they would find out how onboard she
was with the idea.


it’s official.” Sam stated when Sierra joined her and Ashleigh at the table.
“Your glow must be permanent.”

ignited a smile on Sierra’s face that warmed Sam’s heart. It was good to see
her friend so happy.

won’t disagree with you. I have to admit, I’m having the time of my life.”
Sierra added as she perused the menu. “I’m starving. Did you order already?”

we’ve been waiting for you.” Ashleigh grinned. “Let me guess, you had to give
Cole an appropriate send off?”

laughed, and Sam watched closely.

She teased then sat up straight when the waitress approached.

three of them put in their orders and waited for the waitress to leave the table
once again.

how are you and Alex?” Sam asked Ashleigh.

Nothing exciting on that front. At least not right now.”

knew that Ashleigh and Alex were seeing each other, but for some reason, the
two of them weren’t sharing much with anyone else. Not that their relationship
was any of Sam’s business, but being that the three of them were meeting a
couple of times a week, Sam was starting to worry about her friend.

is he?” Sam inquired, glancing over at Sierra then back at Ashleigh.

at a conference in Austin. Both he and Cole left this morning. I think my
brother’s joining them on this trip as well.” Ashleigh offered, but she didn’t
look happy about the news.

long will they be gone?”

tomorrow.” Sierra said. “Alex has been gone a lot lately, I hear.”

knew he had been, she worked for the man. But she also knew it wasn’t always business
that was taking him away, but no one seemed to know what or who was taking up
so much of his time.

guess. I’m too busy to notice most of the time.” Ashleigh looked as though she
wanted to be talking about anything except for Alex, and Sam couldn’t fault her
for it. If she didn’t want to talk about it, obvious from her apparent lie, she
didn’t want to push.

tell me more about this BDSM equipment that you’ve got up in your gameroom.”
Sam asked Sierra, immediately changing the subject for Ashleigh’s sake.

blushed profusely which made Sam smile.

interesting, I can tell you that much.”

lack of detail was a little disappointing, but Sam hadn’t made it that far in
life by not asking questions. “Have you guys added any more to the collection?”

Sierra’s eyes widened. “I wouldn’t say that the couple of things we have would constitute
a collection, but no, none of us have an interest in that sort of thing.”

didn’t imagine Sierra needed much outside stimulation when she was currently
the filling in one hell of a sex sandwich. She knew from experience exactly
what it was like to have two men focused intently on her and even if she only
admitted it to herself, she felt a pang of jealousy.

they were going to dodge topics today because Ashleigh quickly changed the
subject, this time talking about her current novel in the works. That was one
thing they’d all three gotten used to in the past few weeks. Ashleigh, also
known as Ashton Leigh, seemed thrilled with the idea that she now had a couple
of people to bounce her ideas off of.

need for one of you to explain what it’s like to have a threesome.” She stunned
them both simultaneously.

like in detail?” Sierra asked, glancing to Sam as though she wanted help with
getting out of this one.


you telling me that you’ve never had a threesome?” Sam asked, knowing the
answer, but trying to get Ashleigh to talk.

what I’m saying.” She confirmed, smiling. “And don’t go acting like it’s an everyday
occurrence. I seriously doubt you had one before you met Logan.”

Sam said, but then realized she couldn’t very well go into detail because the
only person she’d experienced a ménage with was Luke. Since Sierra was at the
table, she wasn’t comfortable sharing those intimate details. Not that she would

you considering having a threesome?” Sierra asked, concern written on her face.

goodness no. Well, not in the near future anyway. I’m in the middle of planning
out my next book, and I think my readers would seriously get into the idea of a
ménage, but since I don’t have a clue what it’s like, I can’t very well write
about it.”

you telling me that you have firsthand experience on everything you’ve written
about? Because let me tell you, I’ve read your books, and some of the things
you write about are well past anything I could have ever fantasized about.” Sam
offered, leaning back when the waitress came with their food.

three of them had to wait once more while their food was placed in front of
them, and their waitress happily checked to see if they needed anything else.
As soon as the woman was out of earshot, Sam stared at Ashleigh, waiting for
her answer.

no, that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just that...”

didn’t know how Ashleigh was going to dig herself out of this one, but she was waiting
patiently, her grumbling stomach not terribly happy with her at the moment.

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