Addicted To Greed (14 page)

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Authors: Catherine Putsche

BOOK: Addicted To Greed
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When Ian finally arrived it was a few minutes past seven thirty,
it felt like a lifetime of waiting, those extra two minutes feeling
like decades. Ian dressed in a dark slim fit Gucci suit, with a tint
of green undershirt; he looked so much more hansom than she
had remembered. Ian then led her to his car engaging in small
talk, both in agreement that they would go to the exclusive
Biennium Oyster Bar, as they were both avid seafood lovers.

The setting of the bar itself seemed informal, with tiles and
pictures depicting great races of the past, the mood there was so
relaxed, luxurious without been pretentious. Ella instantly felt
her nerves beginning to fade, or was it the atheistic effect of the
wine she drank earlier, she wasn’t sure but she wasn’t going to
waste her time pondering on it, while she was in the wonderfully
mysterious presence of Ian.

Ian excused himself poli
tely to go to the little boy’s room, she
couldn’t help checking out his manly walk, and especially the
way he held his broad masculine shoulders. Taking both menus
from the waiter, she began searching through the champagne
and wine lists, when Ian returned, he gave her his killer watt
smile, instead of taking the seat opposite her, he took the one
next to her, she was pleasantly surprised, he clearly hadn’t any
intimacy issues, she liked a man sure of himself. Ian didn’t even
bother to take his menu; they both shared just one agreeing on a
bottle of vintage
Dom Perignon
and sharing a starter of
hummus and aubergine with pitta bread. They both hit if off
again immediately, sometimes fighting for the next

After their first date they became pretty much inseparable and
realised after just three weeks that they’d fallen head over heels
in love with each other, within four weeks Ian had moved in
with Ella and to her surprise she fell pregnant within two months
of meeting him, much to her mothers and fathers
disappointment. Her father never approved of Ian as Ian didn’t
work for a living and lived off his moderately rich parents.
Although Ian was highly educated, he wasn’t interested in
working; a concept Ella’s father never agreed on and pointed out
each and every time they spoke. Her mother hid her disapproval
well, but Ella sensed it and then there was Destiny in complete
and utter shock, but with an overwhelming excitement on the
prospect of been an aunty.

Eight months into her pregnancy and Ian announced that he´d
been offered a job as he was keen to support her and their baby
but it was over four hundred miles away, which meant he was
only home on weekends, arguing that the money was so
spectacular he couldn’t possibly turn it down. Ella reluctantly
agreed, knowing her maternity pay from the wedding boutique
would run out in a month’s time and was far too proud to ask her
father for any financial help as she had turned out to be such a
disappointment to him and she could no longer rely on her
mother’s weekly handouts forever. It was time to show them
she could do this without them whilst Ian would become the
main provider, then they may think differently of him. She was
so desperate for her parent’s approval; she never once stopped to
ask herself why? It wasn’t like she showed her father any
disapproval on his new wife, in whom was eighteen years his
junior, she wouldn’t have dared to show any disrespect, but she
secretly hated the woman with a passion for taking their father
away from them.

Ian began settling into his new job, in the four weeks she had
left of her pregnancy, she spent most of the time cleaning and
decorating the spare room into a nursery for their new and
exciting bundle. After seventeen hours of painful excruciating
hours of labor Ella’s beautiful son Broody Pearson, came in to
the world weighing in at a massive 10lbs. Ella felt an
overwhelming sense of emotions for this tiny little person, new
into this world, love, protection, and a deep maternal bond that
would never break. Ian couldn’t be there for his son’s arrival,
and missed the life changing experience, due to his work
commitments, but Ella had her mother there as well as Destiny
and Chase for all the moral support she needed. Her mother
never once left her bedside, she was the first to hold her first
new grandchild and was completely smitten with him, it was
hard for her to let go of him and return him unless it was for his
feeds. Destiny wouldn’t keep her eyes away from him, always
in need of a hold of him; she didn’t really get much of a look-in
with Ella and their mother. Chase was over the moon that he
was a boy vowing to teach him football and karate, Chase, no
longer a boy himself just turning eighteen.

“I am going to make sure that he never has to worry if his father
isn’t around because I’m gonna to be the best uncle yet. I want
him to know I’ll always be there for him all his life!”

It wasn’t often Chase had a lot to say about anything
and their
mother, Destiny and Ella all exchanged sad glances to one
another, knowing Chase had a number of issues with his father
or to be very blunt lack of one, that he was still coming to terms

Four days passed in a whirl and Ella was taken home with little
Broody, all ready to leave the hospital, health checks had been
satisfied she was then introduced to their new midwife, who
would in turn visit them both each week. Destiny drove Ella
home, she was so excited that she would have some quality time
her little man, no more doctors and nurses poking and prodding
them with their unfriendly instruments, she was also looking
forward to seeing her big man, who would be home early the
same evening.
Upon the opening of her the apartment door, she noticed things
were missing, the television set wasn’t in its familiar haunt, no
sign of the stacked music system, that had been a gift from Ian’s
parents a few months back. Ella couldn’t help but thinking that
this must be Ian’s idea of a practical joke, or simply Ian wanting
to re-arrange the apartment on her and Broody´s return as a
surprise? If so, how thoughtful! Then her eyes stumbled upon
what seemed to be a sealed envelope addressed to her with Ian’s
handwriting on it, Destiny also noticed, they both stared at each
other with a confused expression and wide eyes. Destiny
reached out and took hold of Broody carrying him into his fab
new brightly coloured nursery sensing Ella’s need for privacy.

Ella could feel her heart thudding through her rib cage, what in
the hell was all this? With an overwhelming desire to find out
she ripped open the envelope, revealing just one page of Ian’s
neat slightly swerved handwriting:

Dear Ella,

Please forgive me, I
can’t handle the thought of been a father, I
don’t feel ready! It wasn’t my job that kept me from coming
home or to the birth, it was me, I was so desperately scared and
couldn’t face it. For a while now I have felt things have moved
at an alarming rate between us and I’ve never summed up the
courage to tell you until now. There was no job, I am so sorry, I
spent the last four weekends at home with my family, plucking
up the courage to let you know I am not ready for fatherhood
and I don’t think I’ll ever be. Jesus, I can’t even sort my own
sad miserable existence out. My parents have been very
supportive and have offered to give you a monthly allowance to
cover all the baby costs as you’re aware of my financial

Please accept my apologies, it was never my intention to hurt
you or the baby, I still have feelings for you but not enough to
carry on with this charade. I have taken my television and
stereo back as I need them.

Its better you and the baby forget about me, I have nothing to
offer you both, feel free to contact my parents regarding money.
A thousand apologies

couldn’t believe her eyes; she re-read his letter over and
over again. Destiny offered her shoulder to cry on that’s what
she did for what seemed an eternity.

Ella now looks into the same eyes of Ian in her eldest son, at the
tender age of thirteen, and quite often a lump comes to the back
of her throat, never been able to imagine what her life would be
like without him in it. It’s amazing how the years can fly by and
how you learn to deal with things, she never heard from Ian
again and never contacted his family for any money; likewise
they never contacted her to see their grandchild. It was as
though Ian and his family had forgotten about them; they ceased
to exist in the world of the Dumbridge´s.

Chase stuck to his word and never left Broody alone, Ella was
so grateful for this Chase would never know how much and
vowed to herself that if Chase was ever to have any children of
his own, she´d make sure she´d be the best aunty in the world.

Ella was suddenly brought back to the present; she placed a call
to Wallace’s office and left him a voicemail, asking him to
recommend a real estate agent. Ella knew it was time for a
change to move on, try and forget the past, move on into the
future. She couldn’t help feeling a renewed sense of herself as
the money was opening up a world she´d felt quite alienated
from until now. What the hell was she going to do with all her

Chapter 7
“Good Morning Ella, How are you dear?”

Ella immediately recognised the friendly voice of Mr Wallace
on the other end of the telephone.
“I’m great thanks Mr Wallace and yourself? Did you get my

“Yes dear, I am very well thank
s, and yes I did get your voice
mail. Why on earth you don’t call me at home is beyond me,
Margret would love to hear from you Ella!”

“I don’t like to intrude, I figure if its business, it should stay in
business hours!”
“You’re just too polite for your own good kiddo. Well I guess
your father would have approved.”
As soon as they exchanged pleasantries, it was straight down to

“I’ve some good I have
contacted a close colleague of mine here
at Wallace & Brothers, regarding real estate, with whom I have
spoken with on your behalf, explaining you’re interested in
buying a modest house for you and your children. The name of
the property consultants is Strut & Barker, very reputable firm, I
have done my research on the firm, I won’t bother you with the
history, however I have to say I am very impressed!”

! Thanks Mr Wallace.”
“Please Ella dear call me Anthony, I hate to use formalities with

“Okay I’ll try not to forget for next time!”

“I have setup a meeting for you with a chap called
Chapman for ten o clock this morning, at Strut & Brothers if it’s
convenient for you? I know its a little short notice, however it’s
the only slot he has available until next month and I know
you’re keen to find an appropriate home sooner rather than

couldn’t hide her excitement any longer and replied without
thinking, “Yeah of course I´ll attend.” Hoping she could get hold
of Mrs Walsh in time.

Wallace gave her the address, contact details and directions on
where to find them offering to also attend to discuss any legality
that maybe covered, free of charge as it would be a privilege in
honor of her late father. Ella was rather touched by his gesture
and agreed, after all she needed all the guidance of a solicitor
she knew and could trust, before she could embark on owning
her very own property.

It didn’t take much persuading for Mrs Walsh to come over to
look after Anna, much to her relief for a few hours, getting the
boys off to school was the hardest, since she told them of the
money that was left they were nagging her constantly to skip
school and go shopping with her for the day. She couldn’t help
but kick herself for been so honest to the boys and wondered if
she had done the right thing, she could hardly keep up with their
daily demands for new things and knew she would eventually
have to be firm and say no, this would be the hardest part as she
knew overly spoiling them wasn’t the best for them as she
wanted then to learn the value of money.

Mrs Walsh arrived, placing her handbag down on the table to
relieve Ella of Anna, who was just starting to dose off after her

“Good morning Ella my dear, you look radiant and bright, do
you have a date?”
“Thanks, no not a date, Mrs Walsh but a very important
appointment with a contact from Strut & brothers!”
Ella forgot she hadn’t told Mrs Walsh of her plan to move
judging by the surprised expression on Mrs Walsh’s face.
Mrs Walsh could see that Ella was in a mad rush and decided
not to pry any further as it wasn’t really any of her business.
“I will tell all when I get back, it could be a little over two hours,
at the most, hope that’s ok?”

“Not a problem, take the whole day and enjoy it, Mr Walsh is
doing some overtime, I don’t expect him home until after eight
thirty, and I am looking forward to seeing the boys after school,
thought I could treat them with one of my goulashes with
“Oh Mrs Walsh that would be great, some decent home cooked
food! It’s just what we all need after indulging in too many take
outs recently.”

Ella gave Anna a quick kiss on her cheek and praised Mrs Walsh
for being a gem and quietly made her way out not to wake Anna.

Strut & Brothers wasn’t the easiest property consultants to find,
situated in the remote outskirts of Beckwith, with large beautiful
Victorian houses, hidden away by a vast array of oak and cherry
and blossom trees. Ella was beginning to feel a little out of her
depth here driving in her ten year old little Peugeot, she couldn’t
bring herself to replace, since it was her eighteenth birthday
present from her parents all those years ago, it held far too much
sentimental value for her to consider getting rid of it just yet.
She couldn’t help laughing out loud at the irony of the situation,
here she was going to buy a multimillion house and she was still
roaming around in a beat up old banger, which was definitely on
its last legs.

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