Adduné - the Vampire's Game (53 page)

Read Adduné - the Vampire's Game Online

Authors: Wendy Potocki

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror

BOOK: Adduné - the Vampire's Game
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Rachel listened to him as she sipped the last few drops of her wine. She enjoyed the feel of him – her hands felt good. He wasn’t Peter, but then who was? Her eyelids fluttered, her black lashes swooping down, covering up the small glint of madness that was emerging in her eyes. But John wasn’t looking into her eyes. If he had, it would have given her away. It would have told him everything he needed to know – including the fact that he needed to get away.


She hadn’t answered his question. He took that to be a negative sign. Then again, if he’d been wrong, why didn’t she walk away? Or tell him she wasn’t that kind of girl? It was hard to tell what was going on inside that enigmatic head of hers.


She handed him her empty wine glass. He assumed she wanted a refill. He grabbed his glass and pushed down on the armrest certain that the evening was going to go nowhere. Her mouth twisted, her eyes livid with desire. She lifted her thin cotton tank over her head. Her breasts were bared and hanging to her waist. They were full – ripe. They were as thick at the top as they were at the bottom. Their color was the pure white of her face – her nipples dark and red. He let the glasses tumble onto the carpeting. He needed to touch them – put them in his mouth.


He walked around the back of the chair. He leaned down and lifted her breasts up towards him. They were heavy – sumptuous. He placed his head over her right shoulder as he began to lick and suckle them from above. Rachel responded by caressing the side of his face. He felt her tongue explore his ear – and wet it with her saliva.


He began licking her breasts – teasing her nipples with his tongue. He used his teeth to take hold of her right nipple. He bit down on it as he slid his hand down between her crotch. He rubbed her as he let go of the underside of her right breast. It hung suspended from the grip of his teeth. He bit harder into her tender flesh – pulling up on it. She groaned as she reached down and unfastened her pants. He groped for her waistband. He pulled on her zipper – the sound of the metal mingled with the crackling of the fire. He pulled until he felt resistance. He’d reached the bottom. He relinquished his bite on Rachel’s breast – tucking his hands into her waistband. She placed her hands on the armrest and lifted herself. He pushed the black stretchy material over her hips. There was nothing underneath. He walked around to the front – facing her. Kneeling down – he peeled the material down and over each succulent leg. He covered each in endless, ceaseless kisses.


He slipped off her shoes. His tongue slid over the soles of her feet. He moved his tongue to her toes, sucking gently on each one. Rachel squealed with delight. He was turning her on, but it was just a start. She started to slowly grind her hips into the chair cushions, her thatch of black pubic hair catching the firelight. It looked as soft and luminescent as the fur of her cat.


He placed her feet gently on the carpeted floor. It was getting uncomfortably chilly in the room, but he couldn’t stop. He needed to penetrate her. Her vaginal opening was there in front of him. It’s what he wanted – he had a hard-on to prove it. She leaned back into the faded plaid of the chair – spreading her legs wider – letting him get a good look. Her skin was flawless – nary a mark or blemish. With that white of a skin, there was always something. Some kind of mark, but not with her. She was perfection. He wanted to rub his body against it. He felt his erection press painfully against the inside of his jeans. He knew that tonight, freedom would be a two-way street.


He pulled his half unbuttoned shirt roughly over his head. He reached into his pocket taking out a condom. He held the wrapper and unfastened his jeans. They fell around his knees. He ran his hand over his erection – stiffening it more. He began to tear open the condom wrapper, but Rachel took it from him and tossed it to the side.


He didn’t engage in unprotected sex. He didn’t trust it, but desire overtook reason. If she was okay with it, it had to be alright. Besides, he was past the point of thinking clearly. He grabbed her pubic hair and pulled. Rachel opened her eyes – staring at him in wonder. He tugged her hips forward to the edge of the chair. He threw her legs over each shoulder shoving his penis roughly into her vagina – his mouth on her breasts.


He thrust into her with maximum force. She was incredibly tight and it made holding back a climax difficult, but he tried. He shoved himself into her harder, hoping she was ready to come soon. The sounds and frenetic hip thrusts told him she was.


He burst into her, his cum disappearing up his wicked goddess. He brought her legs down and waited a moment before withdrawing. When he did, he watched the thick white liquid run out of her black hole and onto his chair.


He kissed her. Tonguing her and running his hands through her long, thick hair. There was that smell again, but he didn’t care. Nothing could turn him off right now. That out of the way, he was preparing himself for the next round – it would only get better.


He placed his hands on her thighs.


Say, Rachel. You like games?”


Rachel wrinkled her face appearing puzzled.


What sort of games?”


Rough games. No one gets hurt though. You make up a word. A safe word that tells me to stop. You say that word, I stop.”


Yeah, sure. I like games.”


What’s your word?”


What’s yours?”


John laughed.


I don’t have one. I mean, what’s a girl like you going to do to me that I don’t want done?”


Rachel smiled.


Yeah, what?” She put her finger in her mouth as she thought of a word. “I know. Vampire.”


Vampire, huh? I like that. You know, you sort of look like one. I mean, if I were casting a movie you’d be perfect. You ever think of becoming an actress?”


No,” she said shaking her head.


Well, you should ‘cause, baby, you’re beautiful.”


He put his hands under her armpits and lifted her up.


Let’s go over there. By the fire. It’ll be warmer.”


He took her hand as they walked to where Velvet lay. He moved out of the way and let them stretch out by the fire.


Now what?”


Just wait.”


He turned her over on her back. He moved his head down between her legs. Rachel’s hips were moving. He tasted her juices – they spilled into his mouth. They were sweeter than any wine and only turned him on to greater heights. He was stiff with excitement. He lifted up his head and opened the lips of her vagina with his thumbs by pulling back on them. He pushed his penis into the sacred black hole and never stopped. He pressed his groin against hers – stopping while pushing up inside her. He paused in this locked position for a few moments. The inactivity and feel of his penis within her was driving her crazy. She tried to move, but he prevented it. She opened her eyes and flashed a look. He smiled and began biting and caressing her breasts tenderly. When she could stand no more, he pounded into her as hard as he could. The tip of his penis needed to touch her – as many times as was possible. It was almost as if it were feeling its way in the dark and needed constant contact so as not to get lost.


Rachel was breathing heavily. She squealed letting him know he was on the right track in pleasing her. It’s what he needed to do – and what he wanted to do. She was going to give him what he wanted and he was returning the favor ahead of time.


He was on top of her with a hand under each knee pushing them up towards her ears. He heard her breath quicken and knew she was about to orgasm. He pushed her hair back until her long, white throat was exposed. He wrapped his hands around it, pressing his thumbs into her thorax. When he felt her climax, he exerted more pressure. He was strangling her. She hadn’t been expecting it. Her body started to writhe. She was struggling feebly against asphyxiation. He liked seeing her helpless and got more turned-on. He used more force, effectively cutting off the air to her windpipe. She was choking, but he only pressed harder - thrusting himself into her vagina as hard as he could. He knew she’d have a good time. He was only heightening her pleasure. He waited for her to pass out.


Her eyes gave a last desperate look around and then closed. Her head fell back – her body giving no more resistance. He was almost ready to come now. He closed his eyes. Just a little more and …


Her hand reached up and grabbed him under his jaw. Rachel flipped him over onto his back easily, climbing on top of him. Her knees were straddling his groin, her fingernails digging into the underside of his throat.


You like to play games? Well, you’ll love this one!”


Reiser’s eyes were rounded, but his mind was whirling. It was the first-time something like this happened and he was enjoying it. He didn’t understand why she hadn’t passed out. She’d given all the indications and … she’d been pretending. Only acting. He knew this was the right girl for him.


You ready?” she said not taking her hands off his throat.


He was pinned down, but didn’t mind. It was going to be worth it. The rest of the girls he’d been with had only taken the pleasure he’d given them. They’d never returned the favor. This would be his first-time experiencing the rush of having his lights put out while climaxing. He nodded slightly. It was the only movement that she allowed.


She took one hand off his throat and stretched it towards the fireplace. She grabbed a poker, sticking it between the metal screen. Reiser watched wondering what she planned to do. He wasn’t sure he wanted any part of a red-hot poker. Maybe this was a bad idea. This girl was a superfreak, to the point of being dangerous. Playtime was over.


He grabbed the hand clamped on his throat.


Yeah, I don’t think I want to …” he said as he tried to push her hand away.


She tightened her grasp as she drew the poker out of the fire. The tip was glowing red like an ember. Reiser tried to pry her fingers off his neck. She was crazy. Stone-cold crazy … and strong. Reiser could handle himself and yet he couldn’t get her to release her hold. He had been so sure he could get her to release her hand, but it wasn’t going anywhere. This was going too far.


He reared back and punched her squarely on the jaw. He’d dropped men with less force – he was sure it would work. It had no effect. He was getting more anxious – fighting for his life. He reached up and scratched her eyes. He dug his fingernails into them and raked her eyeballs knowing he did damage. Blood oozed from the wounds dripping down to her cheeks. There was white jelly under his nails. He waited for the pressure to let up, but it didn’t. The attack didn’t seem to faze her. She merely laughed more maniacally.


The blood streaming down her face stopped. Before his eyes, the wounds withered and disappeared – as if they’d been healed. Her eyes looked normal and no longer had chunks missing.


What?” he screamed in a muffled cry.


You mean, whatever.”


She reached around behind Reiser. He felt the heat searing his skin. He now knew what she was going to do and fully fought against it. He felt the poker enter his anus. He tried to scream, but she tightened her hold. Her hand was like a vise, cutting off circulation, blood, air.


Aw, it’s a shame you didn’t pick a word. How am I supposed to tell if you really want me to stop?”


The poker slid up his ass. He screamed, from the excruciating pain as the smell of his burning flesh filled his nostrils. Rachel only opened her mouth and laughed. Reiser saw a pair of long fangs, but it was impossible. Wait! Her word had been vampire. Christ, it couldn’t be!


You look surprised? God, men are stupid.”


In the flurry of pain, excitement and terror, he felt her bite into his neck. The sensation was terrifying – sickening. He felt the blood drain from his still living body. The pain from below was still searing and unbearable, but the knowledge someone was drinking his blood was worse. His mind clouded over. He was dizzy. He opened his eyes and saw the room was closing in on him. Darkness was pouring out from all corners and surrounding him – tying him up with a special bow. He was going to die. Unless he did something, he was going to die.


His head turned to the side. Velvet was watching him – licking his lips.


The smell of death was back. This time he understood – it was coming from him. He sank under a vast wave of darkness. He felt blank with no thoughts. There was no pain – only the color black.
He didn’t know it would be like this. He hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye … Perrone had been right.


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