Adduné - the Vampire's Game (72 page)

Read Adduné - the Vampire's Game Online

Authors: Wendy Potocki

Tags: #Fiction, #Horror

BOOK: Adduné - the Vampire's Game
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Miranda, don’t be silly. You’re my daughter. I’m not going to call you names.”


Miranda sank her face into her hand. Her mother was handling it nobly. It added even more contrast between them. She should have expected her mother to behave with class. She always did.


Oh, god, I am so sorry!”


Did you call Reginald?”


Yes, of course – as soon as it happened. He’s working on it, but the tape is not my property – yet.”


What does that mean?”


It means that since I had sex in a public place – which Reginald informs me is a crime in itself – I don’t own the tape or my image. Further, there were notices posted – written in clear English – about the cameras and … to make a long story short, he’s trying to buy the copies back so I do own them. Then they’ll become my property and I’ll have rights to them including where and how they’re shown.”


Miranda, darling, you know that I love you.”




Connie laughed softly at the foolish question, “Yes, still and always.”


But you’re disappointed. You have to be.”


Of course, I’m disappointed, but in that man you met and not you. You’re young. Everyone does foolish things and for him to do something like that is unconscionable.”


But you never did. You never engaged in that kind of behavior!”


I’m afraid I did.”




I’m telling you this in hopes you will realize that everyone makes silly choices. There was this one photographer. I thought he was quite cute and, well, he convinced me to take nude shots. He said they would stay between us and I’d be so happy to have them to remember how beautiful I was.”




And, I took them. I wasn’t totally nude, but I did have my top off. I knew it was a mistake right after I did it, but there was nothing I could do. I felt so foolish and so vulnerable.”


And what happened?”


Nothing. I told your father – when I met him, that is. He took it in stride and I suppose they’re still out there. I was traumatized for quite awhile and realized that I had learned a valuable lesson that I wouldn’t have gotten any other way. I’m not saying it was a good thing, but I am saying I never did anything like that again. So you see, I’m no one to throw stones. And I quite understand what you feel. I felt the same things. Shame. Embarrassment. Stupidity. It was quite a scandal for me, but as far as I know the photographer at least never published them. Maybe he did want them for his private collection, but placing that much trust in someone that you hardly know is never a good decision.”


Miranda’s call waiting cut-in. It was Fairfield Museum calling.


Oh, one moment, mom. I think it’s Jake.”


She put her mother on hold and took the call.


Hello, Jake! Glad you’re …”


She heard the sniffles on the other end and knew it wasn’t Jake. It was his assistant, Theresa.




Yes, sorry, Ms. Perry. I just thought you’d want to know. Mr. Monroe … Mr. Monroe died last night … in his sleep.”


Miranda was considered glib. She was never at a loss for words, but right now, she couldn’t think of anything to say. How could he have died? How? Perhaps she’d heard her wrong.




I said Mr. Monroe has died.”


There was a mournful gulp of air as Theresa had been forced to repeat the awful news again.


I, I, I don’t know what to say. That’s horrible. What was it? A virus?”


They don’t know. They ran tests. As far as I know everything came back negative. I mean, I’m not family and … I came into work today because I don’t know what else to do.”


Yes, I can imagine. Hang in there, Theresa. No one could have expected something like this.”


No, I don’t imagine they could.”


And, Theresa …”




Thank you for letting me know. It was very thoughtful and kind of you.”


You’re welcome. I knew you and Ja… Mr. Monroe were … close.”


We were. Thank you again.”


She ended the call. Her mother came back on the line. “God, mother, I just got the worst news.”


About the tape?”


No, about Jake.”


Don’t tell me …”


Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. His assistant told me he died last night.”


I’m sorry, Miranda. You have been weathering quite a storm.”


Yes, and it’s still gathering speed and fury.”


The sound of Tiffany’s doorbell caught Miranda’s attention. She continued talking. Tiffany would handle it.


I think I’m being a bit buffeted about myself,” her mother confided.


Why do you say that?”


I got a very strange call from Larchmont Cemetery.”


Where father is?”


Yes. They said his crypt had been broken into.”


What? Was his body disturbed?”


It didn’t appear so. No vandalism other than a broken lock … and his coffin. It was … unsealed.”


Maybe looking for jewelry. Goddamned ghouls!”


I feel the same way. Are you going to be alright? Have you talked to Chase? I mean about the tape”


Yes, he was a prince. And I’ll be fine. I mean, I’ll mistrust everyone for a few thousand years, but I’ll get over it. And, mom, thank you for telling me your story. It actually does makes me feel a little better.”


Then I’m glad I told you. It’s still a little embarrassing, but we Perry women are strong.”


We have to be!”


Her mother laughed heartily. “I suppose you’re right. Now you call if you need anything. And I do mean anything. Even if you need a shoulder to cry on. I shall be totally non-judgmental and not at all how I usually am.”


Mother you have always been a dream and you know it. Love you, mumsy. The next time I call you it will be with much better news. I promise!”


Miranda made smooching sounds into the phone.


Take care, my darling, irreplaceable daughter. I love you, Miranda. More than you could know.”


Miranda stared at the cell phone in her hand – tears glistening in her eyes. She was glad she called. She may not be lucky with men, but she had been with families. She had been born into the right one.


It was me.”


The deep male voice came from behind her. She swiveled in her seat and was surprised to see Stroker standing on Tiffany’s terrace. She jumped to her feet seeing Tiffany peering at her from inside the living room.


Your friend let me in.”


Well, I figured that out myself, but how did you get up here? I didn’t hear the buzzer.”


You mean, how did I get past the doorman? I waited until there was a furniture delivery. I joined the men and started ordering them around as if I knew them. They got off at the appropriate floor and I went straight up. I carry around my own set of keys. One always seems to work.”


I’ll pretend not to have heard that. And it seems an awful lot of trouble when you could have just had yourself announced. We would have let you up.”


How can I do that when you are being watched?”




Yes, watched. I didn’t want them to know you have an ally. They know too much already.”


Tiffany looked at Miranda trying to see if it were safe to leave them alone. Miranda waved at Tiffany assuring it was okay to leave. Tiffany blew her a kiss and was on her way.


Please, have a seat.”


Thank you, Mademoiselle.”


Stroker pulled out a wrought iron chair and sat his bulky fame on the colorful chair pad.


Now let’s get to the first point. What did you mean that it was you?”


The intruder. I broke into your father’s crypt. Before I left Europe.”


But why?”


Because I had to make sure that the man you had sex with – the man I’m after – did not have a hand in his death.”


You know about the tape?”


Oh, yes. That is Peter Adduné, the man I am after.”


From what I heard, his face is hidden by his hair.”


Yes, it’s true, but that identifies him – as does his body. He is a vampire, Mademoiselle.”


Miranda shook her head in disgust.


Look, he may be an asshole and a bastard, but he’s not a vampire.”


You still don’t get this, do you?”


Get what?”


That they’re attacking! They are attacking you, and a vampire does not stop attacking! Once they start, it is like a flurry! Everything is taken away and you are stripped of your life and possessions! You will lay naked before them and even then they attack for they love to vanquish the helpless! They have no compassion and are ruthless and, Mademoiselle, they are after you!”


They? I know only of Peter. Are you saying there are more?”


There must be. There always is. They are pack hunters. They are cowards. Even though they have the strength of one thousand men, they attack in groups or pairs. They are never alone even though they do much to promote that image. They rarely engage in one-on-one fair fights, and only then when assured victory. As if what they do is ever fair.”


But there is only one person, and I do mean person. Peter is alone and has been from the beginning. He’s the only one who’s approached me.”


Oh, yes, he may be the only one you know, but there are more. Mademoiselle. That tape … the seduction … it’s proof he’s gotten into your head. The attack has begun! You are in grave danger, more will come. I can assure you! It will come quickly and you must do something now!”




Find out where his coffin is and destroy it – destroy him!”


That’s ridiculous! Absurd! I would love to hang him by thumbscrews for what he did to me, but not because I believe he’s a supernatural creature.”


And do you usually engage in that sort of behavior, Mademoiselle?”


Of course not! How dare you suggest that!”


I’m not suggesting, I am reminding you of what you’re like. Why? Because if you are not like that and it is atypical of you to engage in such fornication, then why did you do it? I will tell you! It is because a vampire is irresistible! They will read your thoughts and use psychology against you! They will have you eating out of their hands and you will not even know what hit you! Mademoiselle, please protect yourself! This Peter will not stop until he has destroyed you!”


Miranda stopped and considered what Stroker had said. Peter had read her thoughts. She had questioned how he’d been able to do it, but resisted thinking it was because he was a vampire. Psychology? Yes, psychology. He may be well-versed in it. The first insult had been deliberate. Used to knock her off balance. To make her insecure and instigate the need for validation. Then the story about the stolen possessions. It made him become the victim and elicited sympathy. Put all that together and …


But why? What would he have against me? I’m not the one that stole those items from his house. I’m not the one that trespassed!”


No, your father did and he is dead!”


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